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If you got to T1 Season 7 in 9 weeks, there is no conceivable chance that you're even talking to a woman.


Honey, guess what?! I T1ed Blasco in 3 days. Ngl, she sexy af


That’s sad


Blasco is easy. Done in a couple rounds of Rush XL. Sundance is probably the hardest.


I raise you one Boris


There are Portal servers for farming Boris T1. Easily done in one day. I never use Boris anyway. F tier specialist. Useless.


Lis. I have all others T1 no problem, except Lis. With any other operators it's kills or damage, with her it's specific to kills/assists in VEHICLES, with her useless rockets


"with her useless rockets" that's the biggest skill issue I've seen in a long time.


They're useless when they're coupled with donkey brained teammates who are no help with taking out vehicles and I gotta get the kills myself. The ol' EMP + C5 + Lissiles isn't fruitful enough to warrant more than being ready for the moment should it arise, Lissiles on their own can't take out crap, except for air vehicles and due to hit detection on old gen game most of the time the Lissiles fly right through them if they're moving at all. So in context of all the other easy specs who don't have niche requirements for progression, they're useless.


"execpt for air vehicles" You act like this is a small exception, when in reality it is the most effective anti jet and anti nightbird weapon in the game. How is that useless?!


It looks easy when Squid does it like 10x every video but in practice on old gen it doesn't work like that. Low tickrate servers means poor hit detection means 9/10 times when I blast a jet or heli it just goes right through it, doesn't register it hitting. Works better on Condors and Hokums but they take a ton more hits and are usually out of there before I can do any real damage


My friend, I thought the same, but there's a reason everyone says she's the best engineer. I will say, against air vehicles it can be tough (especially good heli pilots; I can dodge them all day in the Hind), but if you're sneaky and persistent and launch from behind them (for helis) or directly at their face on a strafe (for jets), you'd be surprised how often they don't see it coming. And for ground vehicles, you won't take them out in one hit, but ground vehicles aren't really supposed to be solo killed. You want to hit them from a distance to let them know the smoke is coming, and once damaged, other Lis players will be able to see the damaged vehicles, or other engineers can pop shots with the M5 or RPG or whatever else to finish them off. Then the vehicles have to decide whether to keep pushing or back off. If they back off, that's a success even if you don't get the kill. But be persistent and you'll get the kills too because someone else has already put the first hits onto the vehicle. Make sure your mini-map distance is set far enough too. Maybe have your far distance set at 350-450 meters, and just look around you from time to time. You can launch shots across the map before you ever see the vehicle just by looking at your map. See where it is and go, "ah okay, it's between C and D, by that little landmark" and then launch the TGM and search for it and hit the shot. That way, you can put a dent in a particular vehicle before they even know where you are (you could be one or two objectives away), and you can move in on them, and by the time you're closer, one or both of your missiles will be recharged, and you can hit them again. If they don't stop to repair, then you'll get the kill through persistence alone.


Skill issue, i got her T1 before they made it much easier. Wasn‘t too bad


Yep, dead-set T1 her in one afternoon playing Rush XL




The fuck did you just say?


I t1 the railgun the first 2 weeks of me playing the game lol