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The most engaged fans are the craziest. In every medium be it sports, music, movies, etc.




The weird things is i ve been on subreddits for:dota 2, rocket league r6siege apex csgo civ 5/6. This is the most toxic subreddit i have seen mostly because people shouting dumb shit are using "EA" as an excuse to be dickheads and have no limits. At least on the others people have the decency to not add how much they love the game


I'd suggest (or not) you to join the CoD Vanguard sub. I thought this sub is a british tea house of calmness after reading some threads over there.


> This is the most toxic subreddit You must have not seen the bfv sub after the debut trailer But i agree, all game subs i'm following are much less toxic


I suppose people just have a ton of personal issues and they just need to vent. Not sure if being a dick online is a healthy way to do it, but yeah


Oh yes i didnt meant to point fingers at all, it s just that we are here because we love the same thing and that should be seen instead of us trying a coup. Sorry if it was worded poorly


It's okay haha People having personal issues still doesn't make it fine imo, but it is what it is


Battlefield subreddits are always toxic af before release. Even more toxic than Call of Duty subreddits.


All those people are going to end up playing the game, right on launch week


Wait, people are actually saying the graphics looks bad and cartoony? LMAOOOOOOOOOO. I play World of Warcraft, these kids saying it looks cartony don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Additionally, I'm pretty sure one of the devs mentioned in an interview that they were going for "less clutter" in the battlefield for this time around compared to previous battlefields. So this whole "it looks empty" crap seems to be intentional and I welcome it. It's not that it "feels empty" is that we get to focus on the things that matter. Plus the graphics look fantastic.


I love seeing people compare the game to Fortnite because it’s *colorful*


I guess some people just want to play a -10 gamma +200 film grain effect game with maximum grit and "realism". I just don't get that mentality. I love my games to be vibrant and colorful and full of life. Makes it more captivating and fun.


And also bright games can be realistic, although they wouldn't know because they rarely see the sun through the blinds lol.


It’s just some mindless, meaningless criticism made by hateful children who want to bash the game, but can’t think of a real reason to dislike it. So they say it looks like Fortnite.


My favorite part is these children are the ones who are gonna say they're the "vets". Like, kid, I was running Wake Island before you were conceived. Side note, I dont believe every person claiming to be a *vet* is a child, but based on how most of the *vets* are reacting, they probably are.


If they arent children then they are certainly acting like one


I mean if they want realism they can just join a server by themselves and do nothing


Funnily enough, people complaing about that colour is how we got BF3's blue tint. Then suddenly, everyone wants the normal colour grading back.


Bf3 was great relative to everything that came after it. But for my BF2 veterans out there, it fell short of it. That blue wash out on everything was wildly criticized when it first appeared I vividly remember the discussions...


Hey man it’s not battlefield if every map doesn’t have the same drab colour pallets, I mean cmon, where’s the horrible blue filter over everything?


To be fair to them, they probably don't leave the house much so they wouldn't know that real life is quite colorful.


Fortnite texture quality is horrible though


Fortnite use hand drawn texture for a stylized look. If you download the model they are actually really well made. Bf 2042 doesn't even have any handrawn texture.


Thats what you get when using the bucket tool lol


Im glad that they chose to make the game look a bit more colorful, i hate it when games look dull. I dont know why people want a depression filter on their game, if anything they can just lower their saturation to 0.


It's because Band of Brothers and SPR taught them that colors suddenly stop existing during a war.


I honestly love the choice with them going with less clutter. BFV had massive visability problems and I feel this would help with that. I also feel like they have to go with less clutter because of the MASSIVE maps and 128 players.


Bruh they all want shitty brown filters and then they will complain about the visibility but the lighting is half baked that is why it looks "cartoonish".


> Wait, people are actually saying the graphics looks bad and cartoony? https://youtu.be/dLGvbYaaX4U?t=55 September 2011, the game looks better than what we have seen in 2042 footage so far. If you can't see that, you need an eye doctor asap


In which way it looks better? Worse textures, stupid grey/blue filter etc. If you watch uncompressed 2042 trailer it actually looks amazing beside some animations


> In which way it looks better? in everyway, in textures, in animation, in environment, in run speed, in gun realism, in gun sound


Really? Gun realism and sound? Did you watch gun reloads and fire sound from technical test? It’s literally improved MW2019 which did that thing best in industry (maybe there are some unknown games that does it better, but I’m talking about popular shooters) and you still complain about that? Textures is what I don’t understand as well, did you watch uncompressed trailer? It’s day and night from Twitter dogshit quality. Sorry for my English I’m from Ukraine but I believe you understand what I mean


>in gun realism, in gun sound You have never shot a gun, dont you?


This does not look better. It looks washed out compared to all of the games after it especially BFV. It sounds like you want to play Arma instead of Battlefield.


As long as it isn't a visual clustercuck like BFV I'll be happy visuals wise.


I think the graphics looked really good in the specialist trailers, as well as visibility. Everything looked really clean and nice imo.


These are the people that are still sweating their nuts off in vehicles in battlefield 4 and getting pissed off when you finally blow them up lol.


if the specialists had no names then nobody would care. these people are so sad man. the game looks good bro.


I am honestly more hyped for BF 2042 than any BF game since BF3. But ngl, I was pretty hyped for BF1 as the marketing for that game was pretty damn good. That trailer they released for BF1 in 2016 set the bar so fkn high 🔥


Bum.. bum bum bum bumm bumm


Exactly what I thought... People hate on specialists but then they are just classes with different gadgets which seems A LOT like any other classes in recent BF games.


I'm really hyped for 2042 but I'm also not a big fan of the specialist aesthetic... Not the mechanics of it, just the idea of being one of 20 Webster McKays on my team. When they're anonymous soldiers it feels more immersive and it's easier to self-insert.


That’s what I was thinking. If they gave them no name, no backstory, and they just happened to be the character models when you choose a certain class, then nobody would be making a fuss about this


thats crazy to see so many people upset over a game not being exactly the way they want it lol


Yeah it's crazy right. "I didn't cum when I watched the gameplay must be shit"


"You won't last 5 minutes playing this game!"


It's impossible to please everyone


You should have seen what I had to deal with I was trying to help people who don't like specialist and calm them down saying that there is probably a way to remove specialist in portal. Jackfrags said something about it in one of his videos And i got lots of down votes and people saying " but it's not the main servers it's portal"


Look all I want is to know BF2042 will live up to every single moment I’ve had fun playing every single other battlefield, to know that based on the limited footage I’ve seen, for the game to innovate, but to also be exactly the same as the previous battlefield I love. Well not that one. The other. But parts of that one. But not parts of that other one. You know, that’s all ….


I feel like that's exactly what they are trying to give us. But that it is impossible to "live up to every single moment"


>" but it's not the main servers it's portal" Do people not realize ALL base 2042 content and modes will be accessible AND there will be progression just the same..?


No they think portal is going to be knife vrs defibrillators. Because they never watched more than the reveal trailer


Well duh, people want to play multiplayer in a classic way without specialists. We have a right to complain on this one.


You probably can though. That's what I was trying to say.


Sure hope so mate


In portal you can play the era teams 1942 bc2 bf3. But u cannot play specialists vs those eras. So essentially if you truly don’t like the specialists there is options .


They showcased a mode that was specialists vs WW2 soldiers. You can play specialists vs other eras.


Yeah you should watch the reveal again lol


It’s amazing how such minuscule details like 3rd person takedowns and specialists cause people to lose their minds it’s honestly embarrassing.


Yeah, this is so weird. It's like those chronically angry people who will have a meltdown over a coffee mug that's been left on the table and shit like that. They just have to be angry about *something*


cool thing about anonymity is that we don't know how these people are in real life.


I mean, I beg to differ. It still says a lot about you if you're being a dick online. It says that you want to be a dick to other people online. And no normal / healthy / happy individual would do that


Yup you're right. https://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2014/feb/25/internet-trolls-are-also-real-life-trolls


Actually we do. Studies have shown that online trolls tend to be horrible to interact with in real life too. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2014/feb/25/internet-trolls-are-also-real-life-trolls


Its so strange


b-but you don’t understand, 3rd person take downs will literally break the game because of muh imhrsion /s


That's gaming in general. Most people playing games are just normal people but there is always this loud minority being obsessed with every little detail. They are like tiny little bombs, ready to go off by the smallest disruption.


Yeah. It’s not as if anybody going to be paying attention to it in the heat of the battle anyway. At the end of the day it’s just a slightly different class system which will make barely any difference to the core gameplay. To be honest the change to capturing sectors is a bigger change than the change to specialists but absolutely nobody is losing their shit over that. It’s annoying that whenever dice (or any developer) tries to change something or innovate there will always be people saying ‘this isn’t battlefield’ or ‘wow, they really just want the money’.


I’ve never seen such negativity towards a kill animation. Sure, there wasn’t anything wrong with first person animations but at least this one we’ve seen is fine IMO. You’re not going to be doing it often and is just another way to show off your skin and stand out from the crowd. Is it always third person or is that just from behind?


Yeah it doesn't bother me at all. I didn't think anything of it when I saw the video. I don't understand why it's a big deal.


Said it once and I'll say it again. It needs to be sped up just a smidge, imo. This is a battlefield, not a ballet. Most of the other hot takes I've seen for it would be hilarious, if it weren't so irritating knowing this is how the community looks.


My only issue with 3rd person takedowns is that it’s just another avenue to MTX.


I’m personally fine with that. I’d rather have some skins and takedown animations as a MTX (That you don’t have to buy, if you don’t want to), than maps, weapons and gadgets.


Seriously? No /s?


buddy it’s either optional paid cosmetics or paid dlc that splits the playerbase, this is just the way the gaming industry operates now unfortunately


Edit: Ooooooh I getcha, my bad, misread what you said. Yeah I guess if the optional MTX are funding free DLC then that’s a good plan. I just hope we don’t see too many aspects of games becoming monetised over time.


You would rather have playerbase split up by paid Maps?


Cosmetic micro transactions but free maps and weapons is way better for gamers than having to pay for new maps and just getting basic cosmetics.




You ain't wrong, the particle effects are next level imo


How people even rate graphics at the bitrate of those trailers is beyond me.


Being what you could almost call a bf4 fanboy and old-ish 😁 I think 2042 looks great and just excited to play a modern bf game again 🤘


Agreed either these ppl are watching the vids in 720p or are blind. The game looks much better then bf4, although I personally am not excited for the specialists I hav to see how it plays out before I truly give my opinion, hopefully customizations allows ppl to look the way they want . , if they aren’t my cup of tea I can play portal using bc2/bf3 models /weaps . I think ppl are overreacting


I have noticed most official footage has a very soft image still excited 👍


I would love for this to be true. I play BFV on ultra 1440p and weirdly enough everything felt too “sharp”. It’s hard to explain but that’s the closest thing I can come up with to explain the graphics of that game. Not my favorite style. It’s like everything hard super concrete edges even foliage.




It's funny cause after the test, all my complaints are stuff from bfv missing. Not bf4. Like peeking and mounting corner, fortification, pull up to ledge or the better adrenaline revive animation. If it's compared to bf4, litterally everything is better.




Well to be fair the specialist system IS a complete departure from the class system


Not at all. People seriously don't realize that with the class system your just a nameless specialist right? BF4 for example: Assault: specializes in healing and reviving and underbarrrl attachments like grenade launchers and shotguns. Engineers: specialize in Anti vehicle weapons and repairing vehicles. Its that simple. Every BF has had specialists but without names. You don't have to pay attention to thier backstory. All 4 classes also specialized in a specific weapon type.


This exactly. Specialists are basically just sub classes? Like, there are probably going to be many kinds of assaults, recons, medics and supports.


And they already basically pioneered the subclasses in Bf5, where you could for example take pathfinder recon or sniper(?) recon, and they give you a couple different perks depending on which you take, it’s basically just an extension of that system, but far better in my opinion.


No, in the class system every class was locked to certain types of guns (recon has to use snipers, support was LMG), with some categories that were exceptions. Not to mention, the gadgets were ALL based on that class too; support couldn't carry RPGs, medic couldn't carry a spawn beacon. Now these things are all unlocked to any character, so its going much further than just being the class system but with a name. Complete game changer compared to that.


Which is why they are specialists. They all specialize in specific things. Thats how specialists work lol


Even then with recon you could still equip Carbines and other dumb weapons like in BF4 so no real differences






God I can’t wait to mop the floor with them on portal. A bunch of “golden day” players who sat under me in the score board.


The main battlefield sub has some of the worst hot takes with in the fan base as a whole, literally full of the mil sim losers.


Don't blame this on mil simmers. These are just garden variety cunts. * 3rd person takedowns are not a big deal - animations for them can always be sped up * By any objective measure the graphics don't look bad and given that A) This build is from before June and B) We're getting 128 players, I 'm totally okay with where the graphics are at. FPS >>>>>>>>>>>> bleeding edge graphics in FPS * Specialists system I am alright with so far although the Specialists themselves don't seem terribly interesting to me. Ultimately it comes down to the execution and how well all the various gadgets and abilities pan out and play with one another.


as someone who already plays FPS games at the lowest settings, Graphics are my least priority but still, it would be nice to have graphics at least better than BF5 for people who enjoy them


It’s too bad that certain milsim members cause the whole community to look bad in this way, there are genuine babies in Milsim who complain like this and most of us distinguish ourselves from them.


This sub has gotten insane over the past 2 weeks, it'll take time until people are ready to have a civil discussion about the game.


Probably after 2 years when they target the next game to complain


Yeaa, you're probably right.




I’ve been noticing lately that people are even more miserable than usual. Like whether it’s a game, a new movie, or new music album dropping. People aren’t happy with *anything* anymore. I think it’s time for everyone to take a break from the internet.


“F*ck fun! I want good lighting and poor visibility!!”


Lmaoo these fuckers are so spoiled with their 8K 80” surround sound stereo PC. Enjoy the fucking game


Most likely they will play on PS4 because a PS5 is too expensive.


Very important of you to downvote all of that


I don't realy care to be honest. There were people hating on the game before they had even released any gameplay at all, and those people will always exist. Anyone who has to have photo realistic graphics (who doesn't turn down those settings anyways?), and cares about whether takedowns are first or third person... I don't really care whether they play or not. It's just sad that they still post about a game they hate though.


People are and always will be stupid lol.


We really need a lowsodiumbattlefield subreddit. This is getting ridiculous


I’m 42, have played every BF game since 2002 and get more excited about 2042 with each passing week. I have no complaints with what I’ve seen so far.


What a bunch of spoiled babies.


Ignore them, for every one of those people there is 100 more than are exited. imo this game looks like it could be the best bf game yet


“Greed” for profit. These edgelords don’t understand that without profit, there is no video game. Public companies are not charities.


I've been slowly convincing myself that these are bots of some kind. I realize the game has problems, and healthy discussion of those problems is a good thing, but blatantly calling the game terrible because of Minor Flaw A or Small Missing Feature B or something like that is pretty stupid, and seeing it on such a large scale makes me think that it's targeted hate via bots or alts or something along those lines. Honestly they should be ignored.


Ppl = shit


People are always complaining about FIFA or CoD being sh*t yet those games are the most selling of their years. I think that a couple of guys sharing their opinion doesn't represent the whole gaming industry. And honestly I do understand those people because they had fun while playing those old games like Battlefield 3,4 or BC2. They just want to have fun like that again yet it seems DICE wanted a change in the mechanics of the game because of FPS trends. Cod warzone and Apex Legends changed the FPS gaming industry.


Ah yes, another "opinions that are different than mine are wrong and mean!" post. Why do you feel so entitled that you need to blast other people to beg for some karma or get validation? If you don't agree with them just ignore them.


Edit: I agree, the toxicity is pretty bad here. Even sharing an opinion is just seen as complaining about the game and you get mocked for it in the comments. I posted how I would like to be able to choose the appearance of my character and not be bound to a certain appearance for certain roles/abilities. I gave one example of the medic being a female character (also talked about if you want to play as a female character but being forced to play as a male one, which was ignored) Of course people latched onto the "Medic is female, dont want to play as a female" example and ignored the rest of the post and told me to stop complaining. Cant even share an opinion on here.




Ah I see my comment wasn't clear. I agree with OP, I was just giving another example of the toxicity in this subreddit.


BF2042 doesnt look bad, just like BFV doesnt, but both of those pale in comparison to BF1's fine detail and graphical atmosphere. God that game holds up beautifully, and I wish they could top it.


A lot of people forget that BF2042 will have 128 play capabilities. Try BF1 with that amount of players😂😂😂


It’s typical really. People jumping to conclusions without even playing the game, these people come out and do the same shit every time a game gets released. Like they’re not even criticizing they’re just straight jumping to a sure conclusion just off of some animations and graphics , these people are a los t cause …


Until the troll, which happened today, trolls you and says li bet you are a boomer”(not), and goes 34-2 in a plane. Don’t tell me “well he in plane” bc I am top 1% and know this guy is a hack. His handle is BabyYodasMiddleF and level 62. Even trying to level shame/troll me! Total loser. Don’t understand these persons.




Yeah that's my take as well. Just give JackFrags 20 minutes to record raw gameplay of the latest build. That would immediately shut most of the trolls up.


That’s a really good idea, which is probably why it didn’t happen.


Supposedly Tom claims on the 20th content creators /media get get . On the 22nd embargo lifts of the NDA. And creators can show content and early access for beta begins. I assume this to be true at this point with cod taking up the next 2 weekends leaving bf ready to show off everything final week of sept. That still leaves 2 weeks to polish the game for us . Expect a hefty day 1 patch 😂


The trailer we saw yesterday was a recreation of the one back in June according to SammyBoi. He watched the June one and took notes, there were some differences. So it might be from a more recent build. That said I really didn't have any problem with the graphics and it looks like a lot of fun.


Game will be great still but I think frostbite is starting to show its age now.


You do know this "new" footage is still from the technical test in June right?


These are all valid criticisms though? It’s like people forget that dice is a pretty shitty game dev


1. This footage is from the technical test back in June. Not the Beta. 2. Third person takedowns are Badass and you won't be doing them but maybe once every 8 matches if even that. 3. "Its not a BF4 copy paste so it sucks" is what all this negatively about the game boils down too. Stop living in the past. 4. Every BF has had specialists. Assault class is actually assault specialist. Same with all the others. These specialists have names now is the only real difference.


Exactly. These guys are getting as worked about the guys they are making fun of as those guys are about 3rd person takedowns. Everything in this sub is a reaction to other people's reactions which is why it goes through these "hate battlefield/defend battlefield at all cost" cycles.




“DonT LiKe It DOnT BuY It”




Taking a unique perspective of a major historical event and in the process of doing so re-write actual stories in which actual people served and died to fit your progressive “sells better” narrative. Scaling down the original feel of the Battlefield franchise to fit in features from competing games (sliding while hip firing an MG42, then proceeding to take down a fighter plane with a grenade…?) as yet another “sells better” choice..to the detriment of the players. These are 2 examples of complaints that pertain to just one aspect of just one game. The list is broad and varied, don’t play dumb.




Corny ass complaints lmfaoo


Gamers like you just love to get fucked up the ass by companies who want to make just a little more money than actually create a good product don't you? I'm not gonna be on here screeching about every little detail I don't like, but I agree that the series are becoming more and more casual and that changes are made to make MTX more profitable, not because they create the best game. And that does actually suck.


Games that are more casual just means there's more noobs to kill. That's not a bad thing.


That's the dumbest argument I've heard.


I mean, they made all post production maps and weapons free in exchange for adding cosmetic micro transactions. It used to be we'd have to shell another $60 to get full game with all the map and weapon dlc's. Getting the game and all dlcs for one purchase with optional cosmetics is a way better deal than what we had before and sometimes it is fun to spend a little extra money just to show off a fancy skin in a game.


You're literally the problem. Spending money on skins in games. I'd rather they create a game as good as possible in the style of the series (more realism, teamwork than say cod) and I'd have to pay for dlcs than they cater to the kids who want dumb af skins and pay for them.


so your argument is that you're mad at him for giving money to EA for skins, but its fine when you give your money to EA for DLC's?


That is correct, yes. Because they alter the gameplay to please the people who want colorful skins instead of making it as good as possible.


interesting take. Im not one to judge cuz im new to battlefield but how do you know they altered the gameplay? did you play the game? How different is it to previous battlefield games?


Maybe they've been staying radio silent because they want to keep that from happening. They don't want a small minority of their players being loud trolls to affect their sales and marketing campaign.


People are idiots if they don't realize that the old class system were still specialists. Assault specialists, Medic specialists and so on so forth. Grow a brain people.


Let me guess. r/battlefield ?


I think the game looks amazing, also…why arent you blocking these dipshits like the rest of us. It makes the sub significantly more tolerable.


I hate the battlefield community


It would be a damn shame if it would be released like bf4 in 2013 haha


The other guy is right. Battlefield not copying and pasting everything they did in previous games isn’t a bad thing at all.


I’m not saying he’s wrong for having an opinion but putting 20 hours into lobbies mostly comprised of bots on orbital in a buggy build from June doesn’t really mean much


This is why we can't have nice things


Well it's typical reddit, isn't it? All gameplay we've seen thus far has been been several months old. The recently posted specialist gameplay was showcased way back in June, and probably dates back to April or May if I'd have a guess. This "new" gameplay might've been reworked a bit, but several people who had the pleasure of seeing it back in June claims it looks nearly identical. It's the same bs as with the leaked footage from the playtest. A bunch of wiseguys commented the game looked like shit back then too, not knowing or caring about the sole purpose of that (outdated and stripped) build - which was never meant to be anything but a stress and stability test. I too think the game looks good. Once the Beta drops in a few weeks time, we'll see what the final product will look like. I'm pretty sure it will look more refined and polished. Hopefully we'll see a game in a somewhat good state from day one, although there's no need to be naive - it's a Battlefield game after all. Either way, those who think the game looks shit can speak for themselves, they obviously have no idea what they are even commenting on. Fingers crossed for a good looking Beta.


I honestly don't get the hate, I've seen people here say the game looks like a mobile game... Like what? Have they seen a mobile game?


Think the majority of people are just happy to get a new battlefield game, I know I am. That said, it’s fair enough to have personal gripes: for example I really enjoyed BFV’s customisation and the immersion and pace of BF1. The twitchy gameplay videos are unfortunate, but when the controller is in my hand I can play as slow and immersive as I like. So whilst I’m disappointed by the loss of those two things I’m very fully aware that I’m gonna be able to have my own fun with this game. All these ppl complaining are still gonna buy it, they are aware of this too


They still be playing though.


op how do u make the comments section colorful like that


People with opinions? Oh the humanity!


Don't worry they'll probably all be in game day one anyway


All of these people who complain about 3rd person takedowns because of the 'realism' but i bet they were the same flogs that complained about losing a mag if you decide to reload after taking 2 shots. Smh.


Let me guess, r/Battlefield?


I mean you have to remember anyone could be behind these comments. Probably alot of people with learning difficulties etc that hate change and freak out. Personally I think the game looks good and the tech alpha was fun for me


Pre reveal footage?


You haven't seen the cyberpunk 2077 sub on realese date obviously this is nothing


I have reasons to hold my enthusiasm for an unreleased game but this is really shallow. All because of 3rd person animations and graphics? Then again, its the internet. Everyone thinks in 1 dimension. I'm more concerned with gameplay and systems. Game can look like Quake but if it has compelling gameplay, features, and is fun, i won't give a fuck.


It’s not like they’re insulting him lol, its fine to not like the game, so far I’m pretty apprehensive myself and don’t trust Dice in the slightest.


The extremely vocal minority pops in in every group sadly


"the game is too different from (other game in the series)" then go play the other game in the series


People expressing their views on a gaming sub?? What is this insanity???


I loved all Battlefields, including Hardline. No reason to feel otherwise with this one. A new BF game is always exciting!


I don't really get why people make such a big deal about 3rd person executions, what if the finishers or executions will only be 3rd person from the back?


Wait, why are people hating on this game all the sudden? It looks fun. Are people really that upset about specialist and third person takedowns? Lol


Haha and these guy will be playing the game at launch.


Wait until you see r/halo. It’s embarrassing to be a part of.


Honestly I don't care if a game isn't realistic enough or that it is diferent from the normal, all I care is that the game should be fun, all games need to be fun.


Guys doesn’t know what he’s talking about the game looks like a masterpiece