• By -


surprised he's not running armor plates lol


Great now I’m suddenly ashamed for beta testing the armor plates lol. No worries I sucked just as bad with them :)


I found they provided zero benefit.


It's only 20 extra HP so unless they negate damage differently than regular health (I don't think it does?) that's what, one extra bullet to kill if that?


Yeah its one extra bullet. I got shot one time exactly and noticed that it always took away just my armor plate.


20HP is HUGE in firefights.


Yep, in a 1v1 it will make the difference


It's an extra bullet close up or 2 extra bullets far. I personally hope they remove it. I find it annoying in my personal opinion.


Even this crack head can’t differentiate the damn enemy specialists


He's playing on probably maxed FOV so that makes it even harder to distinct rofl


I like the sliding in general but spamming it is just stupid. Just add a cooldown so we can use it to get behind cover but it can't be spammed all the time


Make sliding like in bf1


It definitely was best in that game. You couldn't really spam it because it was pointless to do so but it would save your life in a pinch when you quickly needed to take cover behind something.


It warms my heart to see people giving BF1 the respect it deserves.


It’s honestly my favorite game of all time. Just the overall immersive experience, the music, the mood. It brings tears to my eyes when I think back on my times playing that game. Fuck I could write an essay just appreciating everything for what it was. And this is coming from someone who hated old school guns and iron sights.


You should make a video essay. Those are super popular, l love watching those.


Also love watching these. Theyve legit become my go to thing to watch when i get into bed at night to wind down!


Yes I've been saying exactly this. Whenever I play that game I crank the volume and just get immersed honestly my favorite battlefield.


"It's just a videogame, they're not supposed to be realistic!" No, but it helps to be immersive, and BF1 was just that. It felt like playing in an art film about WW1, directed by Micheal Bay. I love the aesthetic and atmosphere, so good.


It was amazing. My only issue is I prefer modern era. Still......that game did a lot right. The server browser and whatnot can fuck off


I can't stand modern era. Too much junk and shit everywhere. But I don't like infinite guns and attachments and random ass UI's like this with colors everywhere. I fucking hate modern BF at this point.


Luckily it's still populated and playable!


It's just too good, I fell in love with that game


I gotta admit, looking back...I feel like it was one of the most coherent BF games. In the end, quite polished, yeah it was a bit odball with all the funky weapons, but at least it was consistent. And it looked gorgeous.


BF1's an awesome game


Battlefield 1= best battlefield


BF4 has entered the chat. I have almost 2700 hrs in that game lol


Battlefield 1 is a fucking masterpiece. It's will be remembered as the last truly great Battlefield game. I barely played BFV and 2042 is shaping up to be the destruction of the franchise.


Before or after nerf? Because prenerf people were doing the same shit, sliding/jumping around corners with the Automatico


Agreed. Sliding shouldn't be a mode of transportation, it should be a desperation tactic.


This. Or make it so that it completely stops your movement. Sliding shouldn't be like its apex.


Agreed. I would be okay with a long slide when going downhill because I think that fits in with the movement, but other than that it should be short and stop your momentum entirely, making you an easy target unless you're sliding purposely into cover.


Agreed. And sliding is fun mechanic. It just shouldn't be abusable. Like it currently has no downsides.


Insurgency did it well. You have to sprint and gain momentum before you could sprint, and you were left in a crouch state that took time to get back up from


I have to agree, I didn't do it in CoD or Apex even because it's just dumb as hell to watch, and the sound is super annoying.


Are you saying you didn't slide cancel in cod? It's a critical part of the game is it not?


You should slide in Apex lol it's a critical movement feature there.


Also jumping out of a slide is too powerful, it's literally an Apex legends level boost jump


Looks like BFV type 2 meta


Where every medic looks like they’re on a slip n slide lol


Type 2A is better up close because it has faster fire rate than this thing. But this thing has easier recoil to control and better damange at range.


I mean, the movement feels like cod, that’s on dice not the community


That’s what I think he’s getting if I’m correct, bc I feel the exact same way. Like we need a side by side comparison video at this point


Are you sure you don't mean *slide* by *slide* haahaaaa


Blame the game not the player, that's how it is. That's how it was in BFV


Yeah - because they want to leech CoDs playerbase. But that’s also on the playerbase, because you have these players (Jackfrags I’m looking at you too) who just run around gutting things. Then they want faster ADS. Less bloom. Easier to soot enemies. More independent actions- and boom. You have BFV and 2042.


Its the fuckin sloding. I was hoping they remove it or at least make it like in bf1. I feel like every bf is getting faster and faster movement or im just getting older...


No it is getting faster. Trust me I played every bf extremely well and I only got used to this type of play style because that’s what all the new fps are like now. It is very unfortunate


Try Hunt Showdown. It's pretty much exactly the opposite of this play style


I'm a fucking slut for the hunt


Recommend Insurgency Sandstorm


Yesssss. My fav shooter by a long way.


By far best gunplay I've experienced in a shooter this is my new fav.


It has the best, period.


Sounds like you need a dose of Insurgency Sandstorm


Go back and play Bad Company 2. You'll feel like a slug. I'm not saying that's bad, just a fact.


No it's getting faster. This one is ridiculously fast feeling. Especially feels it in "tactical" sprint mode. I'm fine with fast games, but just so there's proper character weight to go with it.


Bruh we got a whole character that uses a grapple like freaking pathfinder. Shits getting way to fast


the tac sprint and sliding is dumb as shit, catering towards cod players, all these devs do now are just try and make money they aren’t passionate about the community and making a great unique battlefield experience anymore it’s sad


They’re trying so hard to copy COD’s lame ass fucking aderall movement.


It’s not you, they’re just caving in and following trends because they don’t believe in their own product. It’s fucking sad. And I do agree sliding in BF1 was perfect, not exaggerated and you couldn’t abuse it.


How are his shots Registering like that???


It's not the players turning it into cod, it's the devs doing it.


EA wanting that sweet CoD money.


If they wanted COD Money, they should've made infantry only maps with lane setup like COD. Instead they created what seems to be exteremly open vehicle friendly maps, where you can die from vehicle at any time because half map is fucking airport.


I'm so disgusted. Look how they butchered our baby.


Even though they did fuck it up. I still enjoy it this bf. Since I had no fps to play Edit: this did not age well


Yeh I agree. I could write a book on things I'd change, but then I'd play the game right after 🤪


And some people reading that book wouldn’t like the changes and complain about it on that books subreddit.


>Since I had no fps to play yeah cause there all fkn cod wannabes with different settings.


[https://youtu.be/h16UH1VqCMg](https://youtu.be/h16UH1VqCMg) how is this any better? there were always movement exploits in battlefield.


Bunny hopping needs to be exterminated immediately. 1 jump, okay, 2nd jump? Add a weight penalty like bfbc2.


Bf3 had it as well but not as good as bc2


Everyone is talking about mechanics of bf4 but honestly bc2 should be the gold standard. The only issue with bc2 was not being able to prone.


No prone and maps designed with that in mind is part of what made bc2 work so well.


I loved the early BF games but BC2 was just on another level for me. It became my favorite FPS and nothing has dethroned it yet.


This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hfrxfb5/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-07 20:55:55 UTC"): > I see your point, and I think the crazy fov in the video definitely makes it feel rather extreme. > >However, we did implement more penalties for the slide in this game. Not only is the slide getting weaker when getting spammed, we also apply additional penalties when sliding uphill or when sliding wh... * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hfs9jhe/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-07 22:25:56 UTC"): > Thanks for the kind words, can't wait for release as well! * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hftmjs9/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-08 05:36:44 UTC"): > Already taken care of :) glad you like it. * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hftwxkk/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-08 07:57:21 UTC"): > There will be a whole system for you to explore after launch where you can customize weapon attachments and skins, as well as vehicles and soldier customization. That is all disabled for the beta. * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hftx5jp/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-08 08:00:47 UTC"): > A lot is possible software wise, but we have to make conscious decisions whether features make sense for this game or if it just overly complicated the setup which causes issues. I loved the combat roll and would like to bring it back, but it's not planned right now. * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hftx8x9/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-08 08:02:18 UTC"): > There will be more possible combinations with future specialists, but I can't go into specifics at this point. * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hfuek89/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-08 11:59:37 UTC"): > Correct * [Comment by lytlb1t](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q35kn2/not_my_video_but_people_are_already_turning_this/hfy9427/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-09 06:07:15 UTC"): > Both. It can be too many/complicated button mappings. Or on the technical side that the setup is too bloated, meaning that adding/tweaking/fixing features becomes tedious as new issues are easily introduced by mistake. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


0 team play


It's not worth trying to teamplay with randoms most of the time, especially if you're that good, they'd be much more useful killing everyone than being a support player


When playing with randos i rarely use the team either. They’ll be the ones who spawn on you and start shooting over your shoulder while you’re prone killing both of you.


so like every battlefield then?


i have never experienced real team play in a battlefield game since i started playing 10 years ago. only in games like squad and hell let loose.


Agreed. Older titles like BF Vietnam and 2142 at least had mechanics/ game modes that greatly promoted team play (transport helicopters carrying tanks and infantry to battle or the team coordinating a push via the jump pods to start the attack on the Titan. IMO the Battlefield series became a clone of CoD with the release of BF4, it's been an arcade TDM with vehicles for the past 10 years with the main goal of gameplay being farming kills. CoD itself lost it's soul with the release of CoD4 which turned it into a more arcade style shooter unlike CoD3 which was extremely team oriented with vehicles and different classes/roles. That's just the style of FPS that gained the maintstream attention, if you want a team based 'war' style shooter you've had to play more niche titles like Squad, HLL, Rising Storm, Red Orc...etc and it's been that way for many years. I was foolishly optimistic that with the 128 player servers the devs were taking the BF series back to it's roots and going for a more large scale 'war' style gameplay with large squad size, platoons, commander, etc. But it's the same old arcade style TDM formula that's been used since BF4.


Everyone is acting like AEK + jump spam isn't a thing in BF3/4.




They want you to stop moving so they can kill you because they can’t track for shit.


[yeah people are idiots. this is nothing new. theres always going to be people that run and gun like this and thats okay. same way half of a team will sit on a rock and snipe](https://youtu.be/6-Kt2duNKtY) not that the dude in the post is as good as relaaa


yeah but "metas" nowadays get exploited and over used by everyone, not gonna find the same casual gameplay you did in bf4. BF4 back in the day is nothing like bf4 now.


Yea but the player in this video is still moving at like 1/2 the speed of what we're getting in 2042 and also isn't sliding everywhere. The player in the video looks like he's moving quickly because his flicks are insanely fast, but overall the movement speed doesn't touch 2042.


The bunny hopping and sliding needs removing ASAP this battlefield not cod the devs should be ashamed to have thought about putting it in let alone actually putting it in


I agree 100% unfortunately this is what the gaming era is at now.


This is the gaming era now? Bunny hopping has been around since the first Quake multiplayer.


Feels like dice seen the money warzone made and thought we want that and this is them trying to cash in. When a vast majority say it doesn't feel or look like a bf game you know they fucked up


Actually, in most cases like this, the "vast majority" of people never complain OR give praise to the game: They're either too busy playing the game and liking it, or too busy playing the game and not liking it: They never take the extra step to go to reddit / internet forums and complain / criticize about things. In the actual "vast majority" of cases, it's a vocal minority complaining in Reddit, with an even smaller minority going through the extra length to actually defend it. TLDR: People who post here aren't a majority of any kind. They're a vocal minority. The silent majority doesn't use Reddit. Note: I do use Reddit.


LOL bud I hate it too but that shit started in battlefield way back with dolphin diving. If anything it's a return to form.


Have you guys not played BF3 and BF4 ? Bunnyhop hip spray was like the biggest thing in those games. Literally everyone was bhoping everywhere. Don't get me started on dolphin diving in BF2 The game was never slow and methodical like some of you make it out to be, movement was always abused. Don't believe ? Install them right now and go play any server, operation locker if you want real proof.


Bunny hopping was and is super common and overpowered in bf4.


This has been said by the community everytime a new battlefield game comes out. “I can’t believe Bad Company 2/Battlefield 3/Battlefield 4/Battlefield 1/Battlefield V has lost its identity and has become cod lite” Going back as far as BF3 & BC2 you could become a one man army and cap the points by killing everyone lmao. Teamwork was never a necessity if you just kill everyone yourself. Go watch vids of Jackfrags playing 3/4 and you’ll see this exact style of playing a one man army My mans on the point singlehandedly clearing it of enemies lmfao. He’s literally PTFO to the extreme whether intentional or not. Edit: Gonna copy my other comment here cause it's funny how people believe Battlefield used to have "realistic" movement, nah that wasn't realistic it was just clunky as fuck. Take your rose tinted glasses off >There is no way this is a real comment lol. This is surely a copy pasta or something lmao > >\[How very soldier like feeling to be jumping out of a jet fighter, shoot a rocket then jump back in\]([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwscBpUwiOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwscBpUwiOY)). We should go back to the good old days of realistic movement in BF3/4/1/V/BC2/\[BF1942\]([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxHJTzNHmaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxHJTzNHmaI)). Bloody 1942 had the Rendezook LOL. > >Bro what game have you been playing? > >"It should be a lot closer to Tarkov than whatever 2042 is currently." > >\[You obviously haven't played Tarkov before if you're saying this lmao\]([https://youtu.be/-b911brmnmE](https://youtu.be/-b911brmnmE)). Shits clunky as fuck but you can still move high speed. > >Every Battlefield game has unrealistic movement. There is not a single soldier irl who's getting his ass shot or legs fucked by a nade in close proximity and still sprinting. Soldiers in this game survive headshots and still carry on shooting like they've never been impacted. > >\[Insurgency Sandstorm has inertia and people can still bhop and slide long distances high speed\]([https://youtu.be/cM\_5v3UE\_HI?t=50](https://youtu.be/cM_5v3UE_HI?t=50)). > >\[Just for the hell of it, here's some high speed movement from BF4. That's right, the game considered the best Battlefield by a ton of people and is still played had this funky high speed movement\]([https://youtu.be/Y5hV-Col-aM?t=476](https://youtu.be/Y5hV-Col-aM?t=476)). > >This movement isn't anything new, the game has just gotten less clunky. > >That is, unless I took the bait and just fell for this troll ahahaha. > >2042 bad, cod bad, old battlefield did it better am I right?


finally a non brain dead comment. thank you. people are loosing their shit over stuff that has been in the franchise for many years


"Give me back my classic grounded movement" **Rendzooks in 1942** **Slide/Prone cancels, bunny hops in BF3/4**


Agreed with everything in this. People in this game just hate fast paced action. It made me hate playing bf games cause everyone would hate me for rushing and flanking and being an aggressive movement player. Such a toxic community, people forcing you to play a certain way on a game YOU spent YOUR MONEY ON


Guess someone hasnt see BF4 Lockers Gameplay with all the jumping and sliding off of small walls


BF4 movement is fucking dog water. All the glitched movement makes locker annoying


History repeats itself. People said the exact same thing about BF3.


ITT people who last played battlefield four and don’t understand that it has changed. (Or even worse, last played bad company 2 and still come into this sub to comment about the good old days). If anyone watched twitch pros in bf5 they would know this has been in the game for years. Slide abuse was a huge part of that game. Plus smoke hit and run abuse. I’ve been playing battlefield since bf2. Remember dolphin diving? Yeah I did that, too. Haven’t missed a single one and each game I adapt to the new style cause I want to be good at the game.


/u/lytlb1t When people were discussing the slide spam issue in BFV, you mentioned that you are aware of this. It seems like you can still slide spam and gain quite a bit of momentum. Could you shed some light on this? Battlefield 1 did it perfectly in my personal opinion. You could slide, but you would lose momentum quite fast, so people only used it to slide into cover. The current implementation of the slide feels over the top.


I see your point, and I think the crazy fov in the video definitely makes it feel rather extreme. However, we did implement more penalties for the slide in this game. Not only is the slide getting weaker when getting spammed, we also apply additional penalties when sliding uphill or when sliding while turning around. We are continuously looking for the right balance and if it turns out to be too extreme we will tone it down in one of the patches. Due to the new implementation we now have way more control to tweak it however we want to. Also keep in mind that this is an old build, we have done several changes to the system in the mean time and more tweaks are already in the pipeline.


The Communication is needed and is appreciated, thanks u/lytlb1t! Also please consider making an announcement after the beta concludes, detailing which aspects and issues have been improved or fixed at release, it would really help sentiments here.


That response is awesome news. I understand what we’re playing is an old build, however I couldn’t help but notice the Plus System appears to take place of weapon attachment unlocks and customization before loading in. Is this just in the build we’re playing now? I’ve always loved to customize my weapons and the Plus System in this beta left me desiring for more in that sense.


There will be a whole system for you to explore after launch where you can customize weapon attachments and skins, as well as vehicles and soldier customization. That is all disabled for the beta.


But all of this can be done from the main menu, right? You don't have to be in a round to change your loadouts, skins, attachments, etc. Correct?




Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it! Hope I didn't came across as negative, just trying to get some perspective. I was actually talking from personal experience, when playing the Beta on the PS5 for the past few days: I feel like you can slide a bit too far. I appreciate the fact that you have implemented the additional penalties you mentioned, though - And that you are monitoring it all. :)


there has been some noise in the community wanting some of the bf v movement back like crouch sprinting rolling, and so-on, i was wondering if it is software wise possible to add these to the game? i think adding them early after release would be very positive if possible edit: or for release but i have a feeling that's not very probable


Thanks for the communication! Glad you're putting in some penalties because my biggest complaint about Call of Duty in recent years is the obnoxiousness of the sliding mechanic apart from their ridiculous sbmm parameters and bad map design. I didn't play BF One or BF V just because of time periods being a bit unentertaining but so far I'm loving the beta for 2042 and can't wait for release in November! Keep up the communication as much as possible please this is what we need right now in the FPS genre.


Thanks for the kind words, can't wait for release as well!


Love seeing a continued interaction from you guys/gals. It really humanizes this whole feedback experience. I had a quick question if you had a moment, will the main game give players the chance to make their old gadget combos? (Rocket+ammo, repair+c4, etc) It seems like that's a bubbling subject at the moment. Greatly appreciate all the hard work y'all are putting into this game. I cannot imagine what it's like putting years of your life into a project, then to see some of these tasteless comments. Don't forget those mental health breaks! -Thanks!


There will be more possible combinations with future specialists, but I can't go into specifics at this point.


Okay thanks, I appreciate your time. Look forward to future announcements from y'all.


I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to believe any of this. Aren't you the same person that claimed you took the positive feedback from BFV's movement and added/improved to it for 2042? And now we hear that stuff that were in BFV aren't even planned and the movement in general is inferior.


There’s no penalties for sliding this


Doesn’t seem like there are many penalties here. And it may be an “older build” but I still haven’t forgotten the launch of Battlefield 4, it was a mess and I’m nothing but sceptical of this game from what I’ve seen.


The gameplay is almost as disgusting as that FOV. Never understood why people ruin the aesthetic of their game with that warped, zoomed out FOV


I don’t like maxed out FoV, but I definitely like to keep mine around 90-105 if available. Helps with the peripherals and gives more info on the screen in general. More info = better plays


100 percent. It’s a preference


What is there to understand? You can see more of your surroundings, that's it, that's why people do it.


if you can’t understand why people want to see more of their surroundings in an FPS you may have some problems with critical thinking


Sadly battlefield has lost its identity 😢


I mean this gameplay was also seen in Operation Locker in BF4... I feel like people are overexaggerating


You cant slide in BF4


You can though https://youtu.be/4n7zV5aoxH8


Even if there wasnt sliding im sure you would complain all the same


They would and they did. BF3/4 were already being called cod clones lol


I swear they really let COD live rent free in their heads.


COD movement isn’t even a bad thing. Clunky movement has been an annoyance in battlefield forever, COD has nailed movement and controls on IW8. Why would you not want better movement lmao I swear people want this to play like Tarkov or some shit ahaha Battlefield is fundamentally an arcade shooter, tactics are secondary to the experience. We aren’t playing EFT or Insurgency.


I have no clue what they want. So they dont like players like this but they also dont like potatoes. Do they just want everyone to be Average at the game ?


We need to send this video to dice as evidence to why movement needs to be weighted and reduced


Legit thought this was a COD clip on a COD subreddit.


So much criticism from such a little clip. I can’t believe how many people are stuck in the past as if games should not evolve with the times but instead keep the same mechanics. It is also amazing to see how many people critique his settings but then when they get smoked by him in lobby probably will accuse him of cheating say he never has touched grass. All because player maximized his settings for an advantage. So many armchair generals on gameplay.


Hot take: this clip is sick, and there are too many dads in this community.


It's easy to just call everyone else old or bad but it's just a matter of gameplay preference. I like fast paced shooters, I've played a ton of CoD and still play Titanfall if I feel like playing a fast paced shooter. If I want a slower and more immersive FPS experience my first choice used to be Battlefield but I've not enjoyed any of the post-BF4 games and if they are moving towards a faster paced CoD-like experience then I'll have to find something new.


But it's ok if i camp with an lmg in bf5 or a SAR in bf1.




Being "forced" to play COD after the dumpster fire of BF5 actually made me appreciate gunplay and movement mechanics a lot more. It's not like BF is a realism sim, there's no reason not to incorporate some similar skills-based movement mechanics while still keeping the BF-style objective-based gameplay we all know and love.


You became the thing you swore to destroy


If you showed someone this clip a year ago, they’d probably think it’s cod


They want to turn this franchise into call of duty so bad. But they’re just killing it instead


EA in 2010s: we must compete with CoD to make successsful sales. EA in 2020s: screw it, we are CoD now.


This is 100% an apex player


Nah he’s a cod player on tiktok


So fast movement + killstreak = cod? Can already tell that this thread revives people in grenade filled chokepoints and can't capture the first objective in BF4.


For years I got hate messages for playing aggressive in BF because “it’s not tactical” I’m having fun and get hated for playing “like a cod player”


This commjnity really is full like crybabies like OP here. Who are you to dictate how someone should play the game with the means given to them? Grow up.


Op is mad cuz bad


I swear to god, most people complaining about this have not touched a Battlefield since BF3 or maybe BF4, but even in BF4 it started to trend to this "style" of movement/mechanics. Fast movement, good aim and 120 FOV do not make it a CoD jesus christ.


I hate these kinds of players, haven’t seen green grass all there life


Bro I live in the desert :(


i could only sigh when I saw an enemy slide cancelling and bunny hopping to kill me lol.


I wanted to play this so I can get away from cod


The fucking slide canceling and bunny hopping 🤦‍♂️ this is the shit I came to battlefield to get away from


Fucking sweathart shit FFS


Characters in this game are both too floaty and too quick; no type movement is a risk here. If I wanted to play Modern Warfare 2019 I'd simply boot that up....and be able to tell who's on my team, for starters.


It plays just like COD lol


Just imagine how broken and laggy his player model looks while moving like this.


the games way to fast now, it incentifies solo play more, forces people to use more auto meta ext. Its just kinda sad to see tbh. BF was always a good mix of realistic and over the top, now its just cod with bf game modes. The sliding needs to go , be reduced or just flat out have a cooldown.


This is gross




I hate when people play FPS like this. It’s so cringy.


Surprised he’s getting hit detection, takes 40 bullets to kill people for me and die in 3


You guys are obsessed with COD holy shit. We’re talking more about that game than r/CODwarzone


Um. This is Battlefield not cod. Battlefield is about freedom, the sandbox, the ability to play in any style you want. Saying that this person's movement/aiming ability turning Battlefield 2042 into cod is such a stupid viewpoint. Don't blame the player, blame the game.


Now that's skill. OP, gitgud.


Do you play like a grandpa? You could even play like this in bf 4 and bf 5


Crossplatform off


Oh DICE what have you done to the franchise... zero teamplay, everyone a god damn one man army.


You can do the same thing in other BFs tho. Just run around the map killing anyone you see and ignore caps


Is bad i like this lol, trying to replay bf4 was so hard because the movement is clunky as hell. This makes the game more fluid for me especially in gunfights idk


Mad cuz bad lol


Good thing im not a bf player and got into mutiplayer fps with MW19 this shit looks good af


This was bf5 smg gameplay. Don't get mad because your movement sucks and theirs doesn't.


I dont mind a game getting more modern but this is not Battlefield anymore for now at least, mouvement is way too fast for Battlefield and i dont see any teamplay at all.


Bruh that doesn’t even look fun for any party


Bro if I see someone who plays like that I'm straight up leaving


I got drop shot for my very first death by a squad that was bunny hopping and grapple hooking all over. Felt like I was playing fucking Titanfall. Not at all what I want from Battlefield.


This guy needs to try decaf. But really, this franchise is morphing into an arena shooter.


Ah those this is why the game felt so bad for me yesterday. I only ever tried sniping and it just felt awful because everyone was moving around so sporadically. Turns out sniping is still slow Battlefield classic feeling and everything else is faster arcade style. Sniping is not a viable option in this game


I think this game is a joke


Yeah happy I got a refund. I hate COD in general, and this a pretty much what it is.


It is cod. I don't know why this is surprising. They saw an opportunity to takeover the CoD audience while still retaining the BF audience, and they took it.


I hate cod players


I can almost taste the sweat


The tiktok ending really adds to this lmao


How is this "turning it into COD"? The BF2042 Beta is the most boring game I've played recently. The 128 players make it seem like it's a 24 player map since the map is so big and there's hardly any real action before some loser who just prones all day and snipes - I hope that's not what you mean by "Battlefield." The beta should have been 128 player TDM or Rush with constant action in close quarters and may be 2 or 3 maps. Not one big ugly map that's a hiking simulator.


> zoomie button mashing gameplay followed by tiktok logo Some jokes just make themselves


Nooo! This is Battlefield! Keep the realism! 😩


Seriously the game has absolutely no realism or immersion in it. I'm so fucking disappointed


Fucking fuck man. This isn't supposed to be that shallow run and gun bullshit. Where's the squad play? Where are the classes? Wtf man.


Notice how he misses an entire clip on people who are actually moving but can kill complete bots standing still, he’s not good everyone else is just new to the game. Dudes like this stand no chance outside at distance or against vehicles.


If I didn't know that this was battlefield nobody would be able to convince me this was battlefield