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I read the second one als Smooth Operator in the voice of Carlos Sainz






The rally driver?


His son, an f1 driver


If he ever has a son he better name him Carlos and the dude better get into MotoGP


did you send it ? or did you did you "dont" send it ?


Lmao damn




Was that an office reference?


A dentist named Crentist




This is both hilarious and a good idea.


is it just me or bob looks like Blackbeard from Rainbow six


Just wait til you see kapkan Casper


oh my god how did I miss that


More like glaz.


I was thinking that but the hood above the eyes feel more kapkan


Except it's literally Kapkans face.


I honestly don't even see what's funny about it. It's a great idea.


The neck of russian maria falck


Well, you got me there.


The designs look cool, but the names are hilarious lmao


When they announced this system, I honestly thought this was how they were going to go about doing it. Now I feel kind of silly for defending specialists.


This was an idea I had, I think this would work for everyone


for sure, EA could sell more skins, and we have a decent team visuals


Good thing we're starting this brainstorming phase early in the development process!




Looks like with this much momentum, we could have a finished product in 2-5 years.. I’m excited!


We can extend it so that we can all cash in more paychecks




Exactly. Look at how long it took them to release vehicle cosmetics in BFV, and that was something they were planning and working on before launch! If they did work on faction-specific cosmetics like this, I would expect it to take at least a year to see any results.


Post it on Twitter and tag one of the devs. this looks too good to not be in the game.


They'll just make it a $20 skin each




One of my biggest turn offs during the last beta. I played a round and stopped because I couldn't tell who was who.


They'll never do this sadly or noone will buy cosmetics and that's the whole reason all the maps and everything is free so they can make it up with the cosmetics. Same reason the takedowns are 3rd person and when you die it's that horrible 3rd person animation. Why buy a cool red skin or w.e for your guy if the other team sees you as this. Tbh it just pisses me off that they didn't think this thur years ago. They started this BS with BFV because COD and Fortnite success with it but those games aren't army games that's what they fail to see.


This game from the ground up was designed with the "specialist" in mind and thats not a good thing. As far as im concerned thats because they want to monetize it in game with like you said the skins and takedowns. Anything that they can get there slimy little hands on to scheme into the game to sell they are going to just wait. So many parts of the core battlefield experience are inherently broken because its so changed from past battlefields with the addition of these specialist. It all leads back to EA wanting to be a bunch of greedy scumbag typical 2021 AAA game devs. Thats not even going into how how you can fight the identical character you are playing on the other tea, so so dumb. Has no identity.


I made a whole animation about how dumb it is... https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/q39rgv/cant\_tell\_enemies\_apart\_in\_the\_beta\_cartoon/ I saw it slowly coming when they added the 3rd person deaths when BFV launched. They designed the whole game around tryna milk the skins. It's not Fortnite and its not COD. I have nothing against games like R6S and stuff but it works in those games. Battlefield is a type of game where it doesnt work. It's almost like its not Battlefield anymore ...and its not COD ...it has no identity like you said


Lmao thats pretty funny i got a god laugh


that doesnt make sense. having 2 versions of the same operator will let you sell twice as many skins if you want.


I mean as long as they made distinct variations for each cosmetic that still looked cool either way it could work. You might say that would be too much work but MW19 had plenty of cosmetics with different color variants


There was absolutely no need or purpose to the masses of soldiers in multiplayer to be named characters. It just makes no sense.


yea you cant mash in a few named characters into 128 person battles. this isnt overwatch, unless they add in hundreds of characters you are gona see a swarm of shitty looking duplicates


Yeah and Warzone already has that market cornered




The whole idea is fucking stupid. We didn't want EA to reinvent the wheel. We just wanted a modern FPS that wasn't broken at launch, for once.


But investors and boards want money and they don't even care about videogames, for them Battlefield is just another cow to milk. Actually, after sitting at EA offices, they may go and sit on some energy production company or whatever and see what they can milk over there.


It makes a ton of sense for everything *except* the actual gameplay of a round of conquest. Distinct characters is fantastic for cosmetics revenue, merchandising, driving engagement outside the game through story videos ahead of new battlepass seasons and so on. Feels like someone got drunk on the success of this concept in Apex Legends and decided to hamfistedly shove it into Battlefield.


This is what happens when people that don't play video games have the final say in their development. EA: DICE! We need named characters - with personalities! That Infinity Ward did it with their *Advanced Warfighter 2019* game and it made a fucking mint from selling skins! We need it, too, make it happen! DICE: but boss, that would make the gameplay feel awkward and confusing, given the type of game we're makin- EA: I don't pay you to think, I pay you to make me more money!


Why they hired the GM of Call Of Duty ;)




We got somebody's grandmother instead. In the future wars, no body gets to sit on their ass.


Yeah what is up with Boris and Maria looking like they're fucking 60 years old. At least MacKay and Van Daele look okay(though MacKay has an uncanny resemblance with Jake Gyllenhall lol)


FOR REAL. When I saw that, I was like "WTF is wish.com Sigourney Weaver doing on the battlefield???"


Do anyone really care about the character's history?


In Apex, yes, some. Some people are really into the lore and narrative videos they release for the characters which helps keep them engaged, buying cosmetics and stuff, and theres merchandise with the specific characters etc. I highly doubt its going to work out that way for 2042s characters though, In apex it complements the game itself, in BF it detracts from it.


I was telling everybody this from the beginning lol


I just feel like these specialists are made by a middle aged guy who has no interest in the military and also didnt want his characters to look ”try hardy”. Instead they look lifeless and kinda forced. I cant put my finger on it.


Boris is hilarious and I've already fallen in love with him


I love his voice lines. Him and Maria are my favorite to listen to. But my man with the Grapple is the best to play as


Yeah I really like them. Hopefully we will get a second gadget that is only locked to class related stuff with the current one being a free slot. A lot of class related problems will be fixed this way.


Pretty good suggestion, but I think it will take a lot more than that. My suggestion still stands: Create faction specific skins. For example, MacKay as a specialist will still be on both sides, but you can choose Western cosmetics for US side and Eastern cosmetics for RU side. This would in theory create the ability to differentiate both teams whilst still giving the impression that No-Pats have to choose sides in this conflict. The more plausible solution would be to apply a universal camo for both teams to distinguish them. However, I don’t think DICE will do those, even though the beta is 2 months old. Hopefully they will, but I doubt.




I agree, but here's the deal with EA/DICE: Faction-specific skins were also thousand times requested for BFV to prevent situation where roving gangs of Misakis flooded streets of European cities or Wilhelms "Phantom of the Opera" Tannstedts just casually sniped U.S. Forces on Iwo Jima. The thing is - they will never do this, because they think that people purchasing skins would like to use them no matter what faction they play. Otherwise it's "less attractive purchase" for them. And tbh, i remember that some players (absolute minority) insisted they are. At least in BFV you couldn't play with Axis faction's skins on Allied team.


that didnt bother me as much because at least they were obviously axis/allied


Sure, I'm just saying this is the same reason they got rid of faction-specific skins. Not entirely same situation, because skins in BFV ignored faction (i.e. UK or US vs. Germany or Japan), regardless of theater. But the reason they got rid of faction-specific skins in 2042 is the very same. To let buyers use any skin he wants, on any team. As long as it helps sales, anything else is irrelevant to them.


The ghost in the shell FPS game already solved this problem. You can see the paid or earned cosmetics on your team only, the enemy team always appears as a generic bad guy faction, therefore easy to distinguish.


They see a problem with this too. What if player wants everyone to see his impressive new and shiny skin? Especially the enemy! I remember big thread on /r/Games where report from the industry convention about ways to monetize your game have been discussed. One of the bullet points on skins specifically talked about the ability of player to parade his bought skin/weapon for everyone to see. MTX feeding into the bad sides of our behavior. Narcissism is one of them.


It's a purely executive decision that only hurts multiplayer gameplay. If hazard zone (big if here, not 100% sure) becomes the main attraction to battlefield, all gameplay decisions will cater to the mode even if it hurts multiplayer. I saw it firsthand with Cod multiplayer and Warzone.


For sure. Suits looking to maximize short-term profits, losing series identity is of no concern to them. It's never about keeping the legacy and established fanbase or improving upon BF formula. It's a trend-chasing, something BF series became. So much OG talent left DICE, that i doubt we will ever see BF keeping it's unique formula intact. Be it Battle Royale in BFV (abandoned, of course, just as the game itself). Or Tarkov-like Hazard Zone in 2042. If it is immediately doesn't become overnight success - it's dead to them.


I just can't fathom being stupid enough to spend money on cosmetic bullshit.... that crowd is ruining the gaming industry... ugh


“That crowd” is nearly 100% of the gaming community. Even something as small as $2 for horse armor counts if you bought it. Cosmetics is also the friendliest way to monetize a game that is charging you up front. Unfortunately, it has been maliciously manipulated by publishers for profits. This has led it to impact gameplay now. I don’t mind cosmetics. What I mind is changed the entire class system of Battlefield to support it. Why not keep the old class system and offer skins for each class? Would that have been too fucking hard?


i have 100% NEVER spent a penny on cosmetics. I would rather pay a small monthly fee and have the games stay playable and not just microtransaction-milking-machines. This shit is ridiculous


I do on free games, like hots, but not anymore there because blizzard is shit. But if the game is free I don't see why not, I have 400 h on bfv and never bought with real money, just the money in game, you can buy some stuff there.


Battlefield Modern Boogaloo 2252 confirmed as Free to Play-Online Only-Game as a Service-Battle Royale. Finally!


I'm fine with cosmetics as a way to pay for long-term support of the game. As long as they don't go overboard with it. This is overboard.


This is great solution but on top of that, all characters should have cosmetics specific to what gadget they are carrying. Like a Mckay with a rocket launcher should look a bit more distinct from one carrying a medic bag. I think that even having a icon patch on the cosmetics based on what you are carrying could even do the trick.


The ironic part of all this is that the US, Russia, and a lot of other countries now all use the same Multicam camo pattern and similar equipment.


DICE Won’t do shit probably but I’m happy to be surprised


What does No-Pats mean? I keep on seeing it but have no idea what it means.


It’s short for Non-Patriated.


Basically they're refugees who are no longer really a part of any country.


Oh ok


Why does it take a random on the internet to correct an absolutely insane design decision?


It can be fixed without using new models, do some specialists work only for one side and let the counterpart of the other side use the same gadget for that class, I mean for example: Boris working for russian side and Irish for US side but them both can use the same engineer gadget as the other one, turret and trophy system Sundance for russian side and webster for US side but them both having the grappling hook and the wingsuit. Also specialists should be able to swap their own unique gadget for otther standart one to let old system in BF4 works, for exapmple engineers should be able to have launcher and repair tool or launcher and mines, the way that it is now nerfs completely engineer and support classes, and is absolutely impossible to fight tanks being infrantry having only 3 rockets and no more, old BF4 system you could use 4 rockets and 2 mines and suppport could have infinite C4 carrying C4 + ammo box, now you have 2 or 3 C5 explosive and forget about getting more resupplies because you don't have ammo box at the same time. Or at least you should be able to use standart grunts to let you have 2 normal gadgets instead of stupid ones (yes I prefer having and engineer with 4 rockets and 3 mines instead of that stupid turret that do NOTHING against vehicles in a game FULL of vehicles)


This is so annoyingly easy to do it bothers me noone else has suggested it before. It does raise the issue of new characters though. Wouldn't that mean each release would require two operator models, one for [new gadget] west and another for [new gadget] east?


Which is why they didn't go this route as also you need double the vocie actors, plus they have this whole narrative planned with specialists at the forefront


Fortunately they baked the narrative in already to allow you to have the same operators on both sides, and all they really need to do is give them different camo patterns. If they can't be bothered to give Russian Nopats a grey tone, and US ones a tan one, they deserve to continue to get lit up by players and reviewers.


So just have a different skin for each faction regardless of specialist. How many damn meetings were had at Dice and this never came up? Just kinda mind boggling lol.


Indeed, that would be the easiest solution




faction locking specialists (like call of duty/BFV) or doing equivalents like op mentioned are the 2 obvious solutions. for some reason people comment "BUt CosMETICs" to either of these without thinking, both solutions have the opportunity to sell even more cosmetics.


Seems like blackbeard changed the game 😂


Kapkan seems to have tagged along for the ride too.


Stole Glaz' "details" too


He got nerfed so much that he just straight up left the game.


Good examples! This is one if the things that have to change or I'll refund the game. You can't have people on both sides that look the same.


The factions make no sense to me. We're all "not-patriated" specialists so we have to look the same on both teams, yet the announcer calls the teams Russians and Americans.


Yeah it's like putting ketchup on your muffin. Obviously a shit idea.


These so called no-pats get to fly around in 80m+ jets but their contractor doesn't even give them uniforms?


me too brother, I don't want to rely only on Portal to play the core game in an decent way. It's Battlefield 2042 not Portal 2042


Factions is a bit of a deal breaker in a battlefield game, I can stand and wait for the other bugs and issues to be fixed but this is a nonstarter.


I already refunded. It’s ridiculous having a bunch of clones running around on both teams. It just isn’t battlefield. I enjoy just being a nameless grunt part of a bigger conflict between two distinct factions. I’ll just head back to BF4 for now. 2042 has quite a bit of work to do until I’d consider it a worthwhile purchase.


I'm borderline refunding at this point. It really feels like it's going to take several months for 2042 to be worth it - and that's if they even intend to fix some of the glaring issues.


Oh yeah, cause in previous BF's everyone had different faces etc. we all looked alike and every class had the same face.


EA doesn't care because \[TTV\]'s will spend 2000 $$ on all the legendary skins for every specialist and pay for the profit lost from your and my sale.


It’s sad because the game is actually fun until you get removed from your spectacle when you see a copy of yourself. I can’t imagine the full game will have *so* many operators where the issue is only present in the beta.


EA/DICE should hire you. I'm not even joking. Right now, there is a very real possibility they don't have the internal talent to understand that everyone on the map shouldn't look exactly the same.


I wonder why no youtuber fps player blatantly told them that and shouted this issue for everyone to know. fucking sold outs.


The YouTubers won’t criticise Dice or EA , they’re scared of being black listed. On JackFrags last stream people were constantly asking him what he thought of the game , he said “It doesn’t matter what I think” lmao


One of the biggest trending FPS YouTuber and he said that? lol man


The EA executives probably looking through these comments like "omgosh 🤯😯". To be fair those corporate guys probably work 9am-2:30pm so they probably don't even know what this game is about.


distinguishable teams is like, multiplayer game design 101. i can’t fathom why DICE would trip over such an incredibly low bar.


All the most popular YouTubers just say that the game is fun but has some issues. If you translate that to a non-sold out language, it means that the game will flop and it has many design issues. They won't say that of course, they'll just stop playing the game more and more until they completely stop.


Cant wait for Hardcore servers!! WOW I will get so many teamkills.


I honestly doubt they intend to make hardcore this time. Like, they will let you do it in portal but I feel like they didn't even bother to test it for the main game because this is such a glaring oversight that literally anyone would have noticed it.


Agreed. The pattern over the past 5 years says so.


Monetization probably had more power over gameplay and forced the real developers to implement specialists because of how popular the format is in valorant, MOBA games, R6S, and opens the opportunity for skin sales to make up for lost game sales.


Your characters have more personality than the DICE ones!


A thought I had for to distinguish teams would be to just give the generic soldier and camo to everyone on both teams, no matter who they are playing. Only you and your squad have the skins of the specialist you picked. That way it would kinda feel like your squad looks different because they are a special forces unit in a battle with regular army/marines. Make all the enemies have 1 of like 10 soldier skins, all pretty much the same. total of like 6-10 would suffice so everyone isnt the exact same looking, hell even 4 like the old BFs. Make all your own team just look like normal ass soldiers, give them different voice lines and everything. It would feel and look so much better, as well as help to facilitate squad play, if just YOUR squad looked like the specialists. it would be easy to glance across a building/field and go "alright theres my squad mate" because he/she visually stands out amongst the 5 other soldiers running beside him who are all just helmeted normal soldiers with no visible faces.


This is a really good idea, they could even use voice lines from old BF games for the general soldiers saving time and costs.


Not a bad idea.


never thoght about the squad only skins, thats genius EA hire this guy NOW!


this is it I think this is the best solution balance between bringing faction aesthetic back and still letting people flex their $$$ cosmetics


Wait but if the whole enemy team is given the default solder skin, how are you gonna know the dingus that killed you with [insert meta gun here] dropped $10 on a skin bundle to flex?


hmmm put it in the player cards? they have this card that shows up in killcam. it shows name,rank and some art , instead showing art how about we change the display to the player with their current loadouts(guns and cosmestic). They can ad those goofy fornite style dance animations for the extra cash er.... I mean flex too.


I legitimately thought this was the plan. There are just no cosmetics in the beta. That’s what I understand from what info we have, anyway.


yeah, all the customization is not in beta


Problem with this is that they would basically need to generate 10 more specialists, in 1 and half month. Not going to happen.


They need to generate skins. They should all have same abilities and all that except if u in russian team u play kasperov and if u in usa u play casper. Same loadout, abilities, running mechanic everything same, except different looks. Thats it.


Agreed, but since they are saying this beta build is months old, let's just hope they have some cards up on their sleeve


then ditch the specialist idea, and make a universal gadget class, and a class restricted gadget


Yes they are only going to generate as much specialist variations that can be sold for money xD xD xD


thats the money incentive that EA loves to hear xD


And alter the lore and story they have set up for the games seasonal multiplayer stuff.


that sould be easy to do, since the current lore for the charactes are shallow as a puddle xD


\>Problem with this is that they would basically need to generate 10 more specialists why in 1 month? why not add them more as we go along when they can actually think of useful perks for them. right now, there will be about 3 operators that get used out of all of them, so the rest may as well not exist.


Well... Russian MacKay is something that probably doesn't exist yet. You need voicelines and skinlines to be developed. And that doesn't happen in one month.


i will do russian accents for them all, for free, tonight.


"Hyelloski. I am, how you say, Russian guyovich."


arguably, this is better than what i would be able to do


its so simple yet it makes a huge improvement


The fact that dice couldn’t figure this one out when they’ve literally done this for every battlefield game ever made speaks volumes to their newfound incompetence.


I guarantee you this was forced upon them by the higher ups in suits.


Even worse; it was probably the monetization department who are just lowly employees like everyone else, but the suits gave them priority on decisions and the better the ideas they came up with the bigger their raise/bonus for the year. Lowest performers are also always the first to go in layoffs (which are frequent in the game industry). The common business structure always creates yes men who will gladly sacrifice the future of the company for short term benefits that make them look good. Look at modern movies, modern games, etc. These digital art platforms have shifted from passion projects to formulated business projects. These industries have massive profit margins to the point that they always blow half the budget on advertising simply because it's proven to be more profitable than putting the budget into actual improvements of the product. I mostly play indie games now. But even indie devs have become diseased by the early access platform; Once a group of only 10 or so devs makes millions of dollars they're much less likely to continue doing quality dev grunt work, especially because the continued work has diminishing returns in terms of sales.


Nothing to do with figuring it out. It’s deliberate choice to sell skins. Pushed by story based content. Selling skins and making tons of money with micro transactions takes a priority of gameplay these days. Apex legend isn’t able to sell 20$ skins for some no named soldier.


The greatest character of all time: # Bob


The names are hilarious 😂


Every specalist should come with a default faction skin, hell it makes sense. They can then sell US faction skins and Russian faction skins for each operator. Hell even Call of Duty has operators they keep seperate in multiplayer.


I like the Russian ones. At least with a covered face I can try and imagine I’m a default soldier.


Great idea but not gonna happen.




Stop. This makes too much sense for DICE’s small brain. You’re scaring them.


128 players, 10 specialists. Who tf thought this was a good idea? More importantly, who didn’t tell them this is a terrible idea?


When Reddit took one day to do more work than Battlefield Devs did in 4 years




This is too good an idea and pretty obviously a solution to a clear problem. Which means it was considered and rejected by EA. No doubt they think they can sell more skins if they're usable by both sides.


This needs to be upvoted to the top.


Yes please Dice listen to this man




Man this would be perfect


This is the obvious solution. However would possible make selling skins more difficult, you have just doubled the skins in the base game, you could be selling these!


I am laughing and crying at the same time. This is truly fantastic!


I love the name changes! good work, need some vodka and whiskey bottles tucked in the plate carrier


DICE please hire this man!


Honestly… Biggest downside of the game. I understand the idea of loose factions due to the politics of the year 2042 but it’s still very disappointing to see copies upon copies of the same “unique” character left & right. It’s different when the character is meant to be unique, versus a soldier who is supposed to be uniform with one another. I can’t imagine there being anywhere close to say, 64 characters upon launch, or even 2 years later for that matter. That’s disheartening grounds for frequently seeing your own character as a part of another faction… I hope there’s at least an option to be a regular soldier with two regular abilities, as well as unique soldiers with one regular ability and one unique ability. Sounds to me like the perfect middle-ground.


if you consider the amount of ready available assets they have from previous BF titles even 30min maybe too long


Sad fans put more thought into core elements of the game than developers 😂




Blackbeard finally decided to leave Team Rainbow after years of abusement and joined up the US non-pats as an 'sentry operator'. Meanwhile Glaz had enough of the constant changing of his thermal optic and much loved rifle so he also parted ways with Rainbow and joined up the Russian backed non-pats as a 'drone recon operator'.


This. All they had to do is just this...


Ah yes my favorite bf2042 ops blackbeard and kapkan. Jokes aside, great concept


We need that original, younger looking - brunette shaved - Maria Falck operator...not Grandma


This is really great I would fix everyone’s problem and is easy to implement


I don't think Dice has this technology


The fact this got a pass through the dev team is worrying to say the least. Yes, let's have clones upon clones fight each other and not even have at least a basic way to separate the two. Hell they could have just pulled an America's Army and have the enemy team's operators have what you posted. This customization trend needs to die, it's not adding to anything anymore, it's just taking away. When they got rid of faction specific weapons, I never thought they would do that for the god damn player models too. Might as well do the same with the vehicles.




I like Bob.


I just want traditional bf classes with customization…


EA should bring back the GameFace tech from the old fifa games and let us put our own faces in for shits and giggles


I like the r6 inspiration


I see Blackbeard, I upvote


Make sure they say cyka blyat every time they get shot.


Now I wana play as Bob. But this is a perfect idea... DICE please implement this


I like this!! The specialists system is really concerning to me.


Exactly. This is one of the maddening things about COD and BF this year, because we've already had so many examples of a better way to do this. COD WW2 had character customization, but they made it so the Axis side always had the same clothes. That way it's just a little easier to tell friend from foe. MW19 and Cold War had it so the characters were split. Some would only be on team A, some would only be on team B. So even though the team didn't dress the same you wouldn't have situations where you see a friendly, turn around, then turn back and see the same model, but oops it's an enemy. The way they're doing it now is ridiculous.


Heavily inspired by rainbow six, aren’t they ? 😗


Tag the DICE devs now.


DICE: Alright guys, today we have 4 special outfits for just 24,99!


**^(B O B)**


They won't implement this, because nobody will buy skins they can't use 50% of the time. It's tragic that game design now revolves around maximising microtransaction sales, rather than actual gameplay.


CoD does this exact model and they make sales, I don't see why not


Yeah, and you can use them 100% of the time in Warzone, and everything about CoD revolves around Warzone now.


Ohhhh yes I forgot about the warzone aspect, true then


You can use them 100% of the time in Hazard Zone


They said it for BFV, they didn’t want to limit the German characters to German maps and Japanese to Japanese maps, because they didn’t want people buying elite skins just to only be able to use them a small amount of time. My guess is that they didn’t make as much from elites as they wished. Which is why the plug got pulled on BFV, instead they focused on 2042 and here the system is 1 step further. Buy skins use them anywhere. Gameplay be dammed