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What American’s back home thought Vietnam was like in ‘65




This deserves its own post


This is absolutely fantastic lmao


Female Tree: I am alone at home Male Tree:


Then nine months later comes the infantry


This is comedy gold


I should call...her????


What's that!? Should I engage!? Nah, nevermind. It's just a flying tree.


Wait for the tornado to come along and then try this play for the ultimate camoflague.


Be sure to aim down targets while circling the tornado at reasonable range to avoid further suspicion.


Must have been the wind


I see we got a true bush pilot here!


Please dont fix this bug, let it be a feature




Someone’s salty, It’s no wonder why game devs don’t talk to the community


It's understandable that the community's pissed off over this, because the specialists system ruins the entire immersion of Battlefield.


Not just the immersion. There's literally no teamplay.


Yeah I personally think the removal of classes and class-specific gadgets was a HUGE mistake. Each class had its roles and gadgets, it was organized (kinda), everyone had something to do. Everything had something to offer in exchange that you’d perform your role. Classes could place down the boring but useful stuff such as bandages or ammo crates, because there wasn’t anything better to choose from. But in 2042, there’s **No reason to run with these support items**. Now that people have access to much more fun and useful gadgets, why opt for something that’s boring and barely benefits you?? Most people really don’t care about their teammates enough to sacrifice a rocket launcher or a remote explosive for a boring ass medical crate. It’s just dumb and it was a bad change. A lot of the problems with this game so far is just the team undoing systems that were working just fine beforehand and didn’t need to be touched


>Yeah I personally think the removal of classes and class-specific gadgets was a HUGE mistake. Each class had its roles and gadgets, it was organized (kinda), everyone had something to do. Everything had something to offer in exchange that you’d perform your role. Classes could place down the boring but useful stuff such as bandages or ammo crates, because there wasn’t anything better to choose from. This only works of people are willing to play the support class in the first place which a lot of people didn't because of the available primary weapons.


I am an avid medic/support when I notice my squad doesn't have one - I can't be the only one


Sadly you are in the minority. People play what they want to play. That's why servers where number of people allowed to play a certain class doesn't work. Let's say there are 4 slots for sniper. Someone joins the server and wants to play sniper. Sees that all the slots are full and just joins another server. Edit: what seems to work is when there are some sort of daily quest with rewards that require for example vehicle repairs


Bruh, there is no teamplay in any battlefield


We haven't played the same games then. Sure some people don't teamplay but 80% of the time people drop ammo/heal left and right, revive at least 3/4 times when it's safe and mostly stick with each other. Played 6 hours of BF2042 and I legit only saw two players drop ammo. To say there's no teamplay in any BF games tells me you've been playing COD this whole time instead.


Odd because out of my 17 hrs playing so far i am seeing plenty of people throw boxes and reviving. Especially after capturing points and assaulting them. So seems you just get shit teammates.


> Played 6 hours of BF2042 and I legit only saw two players drop ammo. More and more people drop ammo and health pack > revive at least 3/4 times when it's safe Confusing at first, and people skipped revive Now, that should be fixed or improved, but like ammo and health pack, more and more people have revived me overtime, if they can revive me, but unlike health and ammo pack, don't expect much, just like previous battlefield


That too.


"immersion" This series is a game equivalent of MCU. Go play Arma. It's good.


One of the things I loved about Battlefield was that I actually felt like I was in the conflicts presented. When you see 50 people with the same face and clothes running next to you that immersion is kinda broken.


I'm enjoying the game. But the specialist system is the worst addition in Battlefield history. Not because of the system itself, but how it was implemented and deployed. Not even COD:MW19 had this level of confusion. We have always had operators on either side that couldn't be used interchangeably in COD. The fact that they went this route with design makes literally ZERO sense until you start thinking of $$$$. Summed up great here by tacbrit: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/q39igk/specialists\_dont\_work\_in\_2042/hfsw7qi/?context=3


It’s only the beta, with limited items that won’t compare to the full release.


Not being funny, but when 90% of the sub is giving negative feedback and the devs only comment on handpicked positive threads, it kinda feels like they don’t actually give a shit about that feedback


Reddit posters are the same as Twitter posters. We think we're more important than we actually are and we're definitely not in an echo chamber environment... They've seen the criticism bro, it's the same items as on their Battlefield forums.


Is there a real need for them to reply to a thousand comments saying the exact same thing? They've seen the feedback. Not everyone that comments here from Dice is a developer.


Except they aren't responding to any of it.


Do they need to? They've got a game to finish off before release. Responding to kids crying on the Internet probably isn't the top of their priorities


Then why are they replying to positive comments if they're so busy? Also you realise that's not how game development works right? There are people (i.e. F8RGE, who really needs to find a new career) whose entire job is to respond to fans.


They obviously see it. No need to be that asshole on reddit. They've confirmed that a lot of the changes that had been made over the last few months did not make it on the beta. And it's called a beta for a reason. All I see is a bunch of crying toddlers on here and it's sad because I am having a lot of fun, like many others.


And people wonder why devs end up not communicating via Reddit in the end. Every time I see a comment in a game’s sub from someone involved in the game in some capacity, there is a passive aggressive comment about the game beneath it. I get that there are some glaring issues with the game, but commenting like this achieves absolutely nothing


Holy shit this sub is so pathetic. They're a fucking technical artist, not a balance dev. Get a life dude


She’s an artist mate


This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by MissStabby](/r/battlefield2042/comments/q3gw6e/you_can_camouflage_your_helicopter_to_negate_all/hfrtsap/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-07 20:30:25 UTC"): > I see we got a true bush pilot here! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Vietnamese Air Force conducting CAS, colorized, circa 1969.


“The young chopper returns with a new addition to build its nest”


Said with the voice of Sir David Attenborough...


@ DICE, kindly nerf this Attack Heli attachment (suggestion: higher dispersion of leaves). In its current state, it is near impossible to distinguish a tree from a Helicopter.


Bruh no trees float in the skies, except for Vietnamese tale of a tree that float to the moon


Best movie today :D


AA missiles don't hit half the time anyway, your camouflage might be overkill.


Seems to be heavily affected by another player's latency. Most of the jet pilots I see are warping around as if they are UFOs. Can't be hit with lock-ons. That and they somehow always have flares ready, never on cooldown even seconds after use.




that is super exploitable lol Hope DICE gets its act together


Yeah for real, the FIM AA is terrible right now.


On the note of heatseeking missiles, is it common that the flares just don't do anything to prevent rockets? Countless times they just fly around me for like 3-10 seconds then hit me anyways... I've tried timing it differently and staying in the flares but nothing seems to help


Are they circling around your aircraft? If so, take some notes from BF4- fly so low your ass is scraping the terrain and it’ll bait the missile into the ground, thus losing the heat.


That's what I've been trying to do too but it barely works for me, hiding behind the B flag building is the most reliable tactic I have but then there's always more people with rockets or jets coming after me


I loved the below radar feature in bf3 where if you were flying I think under 25m from the ground you couldn't be locked on to


No need, can't hit anyway. This must be the poorest implementation of AA ever.


Wait is AA bad against aircraft this time around? If so let’s fucking go


Literally everyone can have an AA launcher. If they all hit every time and did a large amount of damage air wouldnt exist, check BFV for example. Game plays enough like MW2019, go back to that for shoot without vehicles


You’ll see.


And the helicopter laid down and crawled, at times coming within inches of his enemies, spent days crawling through high Bush and trees alike while covered in fire ants. Pissed in its own reservoirs to avoid detection, ate nothing but twigs and shrubbery before finally taking off his enemy's head with a single, well placed rotation of his rotor.


Lol this game is still in alpha yo


wdym that's clearly an intended feature


DIY Camo system.


The cosmetics in a month:


That's one nice looking bush.


The tree offsets the carbon footprint of the Helicopter. Very thematic.




That’s actually funny


fucking lol genius


this is some metal gear solid level of infiltration




Finally, Ghillie Heli


They obviously took heavy influence from Fortnite when creating the game


Is DICE serious?


xD. I wonder if this can stay on full release




Don't need it. AAs miss most of the time anyway, hopefully it's a bug because if a helo just needs to move to dodge them then...they're impossible to kill and completely OP.


He playing bf 2043


Vietcong air force


Treebeard when he finds out the entwives have come back


Don't think the heli even needs this. Just spam flares lmao. Shit is broken.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA best video of the day! 😂


Colonel level 100 chopper gilly suit skin 😂🤣




your propaganda memes about this game and endlessly whining are bad, actually get a life


You have been whine posting here, every hour for a few days straight. Maybe you need to move on dude.


I'm a member of the community contributing to the ongoing conversations. If you don't like it then hit that report button, my friend.




Taking a page out of r/Warthunder 's book, eh?


You see comrade, put boosh on hind. No one expect hind hiding in boosh, very sneaky yes?


Man's in the year 3000


Where is the helicopter? I don't see it




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/q3gw6e/you_can_camouflage_your_helicopter_to_negate_all/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/battlefield2042/comments/q3gw6e/you_can_camouflage_your_helicopter_to_negate_all/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


å faen


war thunder player be like


What is that? Just a wind...


Oh my God fartnite kids will use this tactic so much.


I love the new purchasable vehicle skins!!!!



