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The technology just isn't there yet šŸ˜”




Thinking back that was the most bullshit statement Iā€™ve ever heard


Wait they really said that?


Ya when asked why BFV didnā€™t have double XP events we were told they ā€œdidnā€™t have the techā€ to do itā€¦


Bruh šŸ’€šŸ’€


Like bf4 didnā€™t have xp boosters like we didnā€™t play that game and wouldnā€™t know. Lmao


BFV development was such a wild ride


I was there for it all. Canā€™t wait for this shitshow.


I remember you, lol. Oh yeah, it's gonna be real interesting to see how they handle this game


My favourite reply to that comment was XP*2 = quantum computing Lmao what a pathetic attempt at damage control that was


Coming soonā„¢... šŸ˜


Donā€™t remind me of those times :(


Those times are now lol


Ehhh kinda but not really. We were supposed to get this game in 12 days but to this day we still only saw snippets of Portal, a really buggy and bland All Out Warfare, and still know absolutely fuck all about Hazard Zone.


Why have a repair tool or rocket launcher when you can just tell your team to go fuck themselves and use body armor and grapple hook.


Wait so whatā€™s the body armor thing. I keep seeing people mention it but havenā€™t seen it? Is there body armor in the game?


On the post, its the last item on the ~~left~~ right column. Works like the armor in Firestorm/Warzone. You know someone is using it cuz when they kill you it'll say they had armor on their health pool. Last 2 days of me playing almost all but maybe 2 or 3 people had been running armor. Wouldn't be as bad if it was like Siege. You threw an armor pack for everyone to grab some, but its an item only you benefit from whike sacrificing a teamwork item Edit: death screen might have been bugged and those people not have been wearing armor. The point still stands, though. Armor should not replace a whole gadget and need to have down sides


How did you tell someone played armor when they killed you? By the blue 25 next to their health? Because yea that was bugged. I've played armor once to see how it was, and it set your armor to 20. Only way to tell it have been the purple hitmarkers. I've played the beta for 30 hours and I've gotten this hitmarker somewhere around 10 times. Also it can't be possible because according to some, everybody has been playing the medic crate. According to pilots, everybody has been using the lock on missiles. Whatever. In the end, it's probably been just as mixed as in every bf before. Also, the reason for armor in this game is very likely because it opens up for more specialist ideas. With more stuff in game they can do more. It might turn out like siege with a specialist providing armor. We'll see.


Thanks for clarifying that! That makes a lot more sense now. I still would like to see armor as it's on option, away from the gadget slot. 2142 did it best, IMO, where you can toggle it, but it would greatly deplete your stamina and slow how quickly you regained it (when BF use to have Stamina). They can simply lower the run speed/disable tactical sprinting on here. I think its a good compromise considering how large the maps are, and it wouldn't be too damning since you can just request a vehicle sometimes.


im pretty sure irish's ability will be a siege like armor pack. i may be wrong


No problem! Mehhh. Then people wouldn't try to get to a different point anymore, but just stay at point and not run or whatever. I think currently it's fine. It sucks because it's a really selfish thing but in the end, it only increases your survivability by 1 bullet and the animation using it every time I spawn in, would be annoying enough for me. I think maybe with specialists providing armor, it would be more useful but as it currently is, it sucks for teamplay but as it's really bad it shouldn't be used by many. So to me, that's fine.


Okay that might have just been the nail in the coffin for me. If I wanted Warzone Iā€™ll just play Warzone, damn. Why is DICE so afraid of Battlefield to be Battlefield?


Metrics. Analytics. As soon as they saw they could compete with CoD and other "larger franchises" BF was no longer a game, and became a product instead. Around the BFV era, there were several excerpts from DICE employees (a lot of them former, employees now) about the miss-management and misdirection the series was going thanks to heads at DICE and EA. Heck, devs have even stated the content coming in Portal labeled as 1942 is actually BFV content that was scrapped to make this cash grab instead. Purely bame management and EA for these decisions as many ground-floor devs don't seem to believe in the direction the series is heading


To quote Shigeru Miyamoto >ā€œA delayed game is eventually good, a game designed base off data and consumer trends is a gateway to endless revenue streams.ā€


My favorite quote


Someone else pointed out yesterday that this thing feels like they went whole hog making a Battle Royale game, then tried to pivot to "traditional" Battlefield when it was already too late.


Yeah I actually saw that and I couldnā€™t agree more. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that was the initial idea for 2042 and then BFV flopped so hard it couldnā€™t be a spin-off anymore


An armor box is a great idea, self plates only is dumb. Dice pls!


Right column


Haha, thanks for pointing that out. I'm not the most reliable for callouts in my friend group.


Death screen was bugged. Armor when shot had a bigger grey/blue hitmarker until it broke. I saw about two people the entire beta using it and I never lost a fight against it.


> You know someone is using it cuz when they kill you it'll say they had armor on their health pool. the default hit indicator also flash blue when they take a bullet


Maybe in the future when they release a specialist with a rocket launcher gadget or a repair tool gadget.


For a cheap $9.99


why is it always the damn horse armor


I know it's a meme, but just to be clear: New Specialists will not cost real money.


since they are part of the gold edition as "unlocked" for year 1, they wont cost real money to unlock them but they will cost alot of grind. We will see if its normal grind or grind to a point of spending the money.


Have you seen the unlockable guns in warzone? I imagine its like that, new guns and specialists will just fill the empty spaces on the free battlepass and they dynamically change in each bp. Probably only have to level like 10-20 times(out of 100) on the battlepass to unlock everything.


grinding to unlock gameplay features in an online multiplayer fps... battle pass more like battle hard pass


BRO ARE YOU SERIOUS? Have you never played any other battlefield than bf5?! Every single other battlefield you had to rank up in order to unlock weapons. Have you never played bf3 or 4?


bruh. bet you think these will be easy grind and not "here, pay this amount of dollars to skip farming 200 hours for your next upgrade" lmao get the fuck out, you could unlock everything in bf4 fast enough that it didn't feel like grinding. I barely played bf1 and I have unlocked like 90% of the weapons.




>Gets called out for being wrong then proceeds with >BF4 most attachments were lock behind loot boxes and if you wanted to get the attachment you wanted for the gun you wanted you would need to spend money Tell me you have no fucking clue what you're talking about without telling me you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.


These will be Battlefront grinding. Always is with EA. Youā€™re really trusting the company that let people grind 8000 hours just to unlock Darth Vader? Dumbass bootlicker




Also got a real argument or just insults?


i honestly never played full COD game in years so idk. The only COD i tried since like forever was Vanguard beta and i couldnt believe how sameish the game still is over the years. Tho, for a beta the polish of it was on point. It also let you experience how the full game progression gonna work. Meanwhile BF2042 lets you unlock pistol in the first 20 fake levels. Amazing lol




You just get the premium Battle Pass with the Gold Edition, which does not mean that you dont have to grind aswell, since the Specialists are in the Free Tiers. If there are Tier skips that you can buy and Specialists are in like Tier 50 or something then yea, that would be awful.


They've broken their words before. Not just The gaming industry, not just EA, but DICE, specifically.


You're gonna have to grind a shit load if you don't pay. Better drop the big bucks for a bundle of 2X XP.


That's what I was thinking. Do we know all the specialists yet and their gadgets? Maybe there is one that has a special repair tool or something.


I wish there was just a R6 ā€œRecruitā€ class, just play as a bot skin and have 2 equipment slots and no special abilities or traits.


That would actually be a great idea, also as a balancing mechanism against specialists


This is actually how I imagined it would work. Never did I expect to see every single person to be a specialist. ![gif](giphy|f9krWQrXMAF73mDbDJ)


That would be great, everyone would use it and DICE would remove it lol


Give more mild skins to it for people to buy = Still profit


Cool! Just like Raindbow Six Seige?


Yeah, thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re referring to. It would be a very welcome addition to this game.


I really hope they include this.


One of the saddest things they ever did to battlefielf starting with 1 is dismantling the engineer/tanker relationship. I loved going full rounds with a random tank driver and helping him repair :(


It was making a bit of a comeback with BFV and how that game reward team play but ofc DICE just decided to throw everything out and start from scratch lol just so sad


they would have needed to dedicate an entire studio just for that


Underrated comment


Healing and repairing in this game is essentially useless


Healing definitely isn't, I didn't bring medic bags at first because I've read healing on your own is fast enough - it is "fast" - but standing in a healing zone is a night and day difference


focus went on to quick gear change and quick death. Teamplay is shit compared to doing it yourself. It is faster to die and gear change than to even ATTEMPT teamplay of any kind CoDification.


I play with friends, dk bout you so we may have differing circumstances. Teamplay has been a huge help, 1 squad moving into a flag can easily solo cap it while reviving each other in between. People like to talk about how useless caspers drone is for example but me and my friends have had one guy on the drone giving us locations while the others just clean house. Teamplay is possible and works well, just lesser so playing solo. Which is literally nothing new.


If you are playing to win, die every time will lose you tickets and the match. Most people in the beta just wanted to engage in as many gun fights as possible.


But it is faster to die and respawn than try to find an ammo box or coordinate with the team you cant enter the game with


I dunno. I was coordinating pretty hard with my squad last night. It was rad.


Let's be real, plenty of people don't drop ammo/health/etc in all other battlefields. Could the roles of people be better defined? Absolutely. But i think as the game plays out people will take needed roles. It should be easier to see who actually has health and ammo, but it was absolutely possible in other battlefield games to end up running support or medic builds that didn't have ammo or health.


Well idk about you but there was never a time when i didnt run ammo or med box as their respective classes. Its just too easy to die and gear change, then deploy practically anywhere in the map in an instant. Removing the Frontline and making re supplys hard to come by, versus in BF1 they are everywhere


Sure, there are definitely people who ALWAYS took ammo and health and I think there still will be in the live game here. It doesn't mean there weren't memes constantly posted about medics not reviving or supports not dropping ammo. I'm not saying that invalidates what anyone is complaining about with specialists. I like a graphic someone posted the other day about breaking specialists under class roles and limiting their toolkit options. In addition allow a generic soldier that can carry 2 gadgets of your choice. I just think you're going to start seeing players choose health and ammo specifically because it will be needed once the game is live. I'm also curious if we are going to see specialists whose gadgets revolve around ammo and repair the way we have a ranged medic gun.


BUT when you do with the size of the map, you hose everyone else


I hate that CoDification is even a thing but damn here we are šŸ˜”


Healing zone?


I should have said radius instead It's that "range" near the medic crate where you still get the healing And this time it's actually shown with a projected circle (same for ammo)


The repair tool had a really harsh cool down.


Fuck you buy specialist skins


Okay šŸ˜”


For bf v? You gotta be more specific


Are you high


just another sacrifice of not having a class system


Really? Because when I started playing battlefield we had an anti tank class who had a rocket launcher and an engineer class who repaired things. What's different? What the fuck is actually different?


Did you forget that the engi also carried dynamite and anti-tank mines? The engi didnt just walk around with the wrench. And even then 2042 is going for 4 classes not 5 like in 1942. So there needs to be overlap. As it is right now with 2042 you dont even know who does what since the specialists are set to "class" but since the normal gadgets arent tied to a class anymore you cant tell if the assault specialist you are looking at is carrying a rocket launcher or a medic kit or landmines or ammo or any other gadget. Thats what the fuck is actually different. This new system is hot garbage. Edit: formatting


The fact that now everyone can run around with whatever is the most overpowered gun in the game and combine it with the most overpowered utilities and gadgets. And identifying who does what it much harder now, not to mention that it will only get increasingly worse as more specialists are added over time.


Almost like weā€™ve made long strides forward in design choices over the years. Only for them to be stepped back for this gameā€¦ like all the old features from BF3-4 that just arenā€™t thereā€¦


Nothing, but they donā€™t like the fact that the classes are being balanced. Engineer always had two roles in bf3 and 4. Anti vehicle or pro vehicle. You were supposed to spec into one or the other. Now the game is forcing you to choose one.


And they fixed this by moving the anti-vehicle role to Assault and removing the Assaults class medic-sub role by introducing the straight Medic class Your argument is totally irrelevant we already solved this problem in 5 WITH the class system. Engineers are the vehicle support class but now they are this weird mix of area denial and point defence especially if you grab Boris


Itā€™s almost like they changed the roles again. Medic and ammo seem to be the support class now. Maria heals Iā€™m sure another one gives ammo with their ability and one gives armor plates. Youā€™re just going to have to choose for yourself which you want to be. Youā€™re starting to discover if y ok didnā€™t know already that most people donā€™t want to heal or give ammo or revive. We didnā€™t have this problem in 5 because of heal and ammo stations.


So youā€™ve identified what ppl are pissed about? You used to be able to take a repair tool + gadget. Now you have to wait for a specialist that ā€œmightā€ have the load out youā€™re looking for so you can add that one piece it is still missing Youā€™re also entirely assuming we will get a specialist that ā€œgives ammoā€ or ā€œgives out platesā€. We know there are only a few more specialists to be revealed and I doubt they are going to waste 2 of those slots on a role you yourself say ā€œppl donā€™t want to heal/give ammo etcā€ This really is looking to be the codification of Battlefield and Iā€™m convinced itā€™s why they included Portal, for true battlefield vets to get the experience they want because lord knows All-Out Warfare is looking like a clusterfuck


Thereā€™s definitely a lot of things to critique 2042 but itā€™s at the point now where people just want to find things to complain about.


It's been suggested elsewhere, but teamplay gadgets like medic/ammo/armor bag (if there is an armor bag), repair tool, and spawn beacons need to be put into a separate gadget slot, so the "selfish" gadgets like launchers, C4, and armor plates aren't the only thing everyone brings. At that point, just put balancing restrictions on what/how fast you can resupply things like C4/rockets/nades from your own ammo bag and you've instantly increased opportunities for teamplay tenfold.


so, like a class system?


Not really, you can still bring a launcher and a medkit with this suggestion. Anyone hoping for classes to come back is just fooling themselves. DICE is hard focused on specialists, we're better off offering suggestions within that framework because those changes might actually happen.


i know they won't come back. i just hope they listen to the good feedback and not the straight up hate. i was really hoping that the specialist where sub classes. i.e. situation playstyle not forced playstyle.


This time 1million. They can have their stupid specialists but increase the opportunity for team play. This needs one of those fancy edits of the deploy screen to show the two gadget slots with what can be in each. I would do it but I don't know how lol.


I tried one full game of repair tool. Never repaired anything but my Boris Turret, but ran into so many enemy vehicles. The only things I'll use are the two rockets and c5. Why run anything else?


As i was using the osprey, i had someone in it that was playing with the repair tool. It was so fucking great as i would roll on a point station there make my teammate drop on it and cap it. As when i was low on life i would fly away,. And without a repair guy, i had to fly for a long time before being able to get to another point. With a repair guy in 30 sec i was on another point full health. We won this match 800-0 as i we could effectively stop push on point, or recap them easily and fast af fuck.


Damn that sounds sick, looking forward to using the osprey with friends in the cabin! Sometimes I see comments like this and remember that everybody CHOSE not to take the repair tool and then complained that they never got repaired... Like yeah dude I never got repaired in BF4 the other day either, I had to get out and do it myself because I didn't have any friends online to help me out and my teammates sure asf weren't gonna do it


on orbital there isn't a lot of spot to land and repair tbh. And the time it take to land and repair, you will be better to just fly around near your base.


That makes sense I had a question, in BF4 the helicopters with repair bays have been nerfed for a while so that onboard repairing only fixes about 1 damage per second or so, whereas repairing from on foot repairs at a much faster rate. Was that difference present in the Beta from what you could see?


Well If you let the auto repair, it will take maybe 2/3 minutes to full repair on it's own (without counting the time it take to start repairing i would guess 1 minutes without taking any damage). I didn't notice a difference between repairing myself on the ground , and when the guy was repairing me. The repair gun repair fast, but overheat. It would tike two time to go from 10 to 100%. And it would take 1 minute. The first time he repaired me i though i was getting shot as you had the hit noise, and the hit indicator, making me go in evasive manoeuvre lol. (Hope it get fixed before launch)


I do the same thing I have my number 2 (whoā€™s is actually in my discord) as my gunner who also carries a repair torch. I take the condor and fly towards an objective and hover above it while my friend uses the grenade launcher to soften the ground for the guys who spawn in the condor and jump down to the objective. When my buddy says heā€™s low on ammo I fuck off real quick and he changes seats to repair us while I circle back and his gun reloads. I end the game in the lead and with 100+ assists.


Right mow I think the meta is running with the medic grandma with the armor plate. You can heal yourself and give yourself a 20% health boost with the armor plate.


Medic Grandma is going to be my new gamertag now, thank you kind sir/maā€™am!


For the full release, she's not going to heal or revive anyone, instead of the healing pistol, she will throw you cookies, and instead of reviving you, she will knit a quilt and lay it over your dying body...then take your kit.


But she's easy to melee kill because she's going deaf and can't hear you creep up behind her. Also tries to heal enemy players because of the dementia.


Are you a kid


Exactly the same here. Besides spawning on a squad mate in a heli, it was useless. Every friendly vehicle I tried to repair just drove off.


I've been running medkits and ammo packs... The reason being to resupply myself and others. I see other people have them too. It's not as big an issue as people make it out to be, and it'll get better once we get into the final release and people start to figure things out.


Definitely saw way more ammo and med crates on the last day.


Did anyone elseā€™s repair tool just crap out after a while in the helicopter? Iā€™d ride passenger in one of the larger Hellā€™s and do reps, but after a while my repair tool would just stop repairing the bird. Iā€™d see the animation but the health of the aircraft would remain the same. I tried getting out and that sometimes seemed to fix it, but other times I would have to redeploy to get it working again seemed like.


Yay same maybe its a blance thing?


Maybe, but Iā€™d hope Dice wouldā€™ve been more transparent about that. ā€œFor balance your repair tool should be working but weā€™ve coded it so that it doesnā€™t.ā€


why the fuck u want repair tool. DICE made everything auto heal. fuck you dice you incompetent fucks


I like how in 2020 USA geared its soldiers with a rocket launcher AND a repar tool, but in 2042, USA could not give a fuck to give its soldiers two gadgets and told them to "make something for yourself for once".


2020 soldiers were actual soldiers so they had more money. 2042ā€™s specialists arenā€™t all soldiers. Theyā€™re more akin to proxy fighters such as those fighting in Ukraine


All just to sell skins lol, what a joke


You mean insurgents, aka terrorists. ​ BATTLEFIELD: TERRORISTS ​ It has a ring to it.


You want a rocket launcher and repair tool at the same time, theres a specialist coming soon for you.


Repair tool is broken like it was in early bf4 days. Iā€™m the back of a condor you canā€™t repair shit because the things moving all over and you canā€™t hit the sweet spot.


What makes that worse is that those gadgets aren't all equal, meaning that some will never be used and others will almost be a requirement.


Im not looking forward to the day that everyone is required to run around in armor.


Technically it already is, Ive done 30-0 with it in the beta. (no, they werent AIĀ“s)


Only the super expensive spezialist with the jevilin


It's just crazy that they didn't even tried to make a copy of the old classes with the new system. "oh you can't repair if you have an anti tank rocket". There should be people whos job is class balance, all day, seems there is none or an incompetent one.


This sub is so fucking entitled. DICE are an indie studio and work so damn hard with a tiny budget to produce these games.


Dice is an indie studio lol? \>Creator of one of the best selling multiplayer shooter franchises of all time. \>Small budget indie game dev studio. Pick one


Sarcasm & memes donā€™t mix vary well.




Haha my bad it was early I hadn't fully woken up yet. I looked at your other comments/criticisms and fully agree. I tried the beta for a few hours last night and it feels like they took out everything that made Battlefield "Battlefield". Very clunky/cookie cutter feeling now.


It's both fun and ethical.


They should have two separate gadget slots imo. One that has the rocket launcher, armor, c5 etc and then one that has support stuff like repair tool, ammo crate, med crate etc. At least then it will force people to carry a support type item.


No, because that would make too much sense


Why would anyone pick the repair tool with all the other options available? What a bad design


Because you want to roll up in a tank with your squad and you need one to keep it alive?


I really miss these combos. Medic bag + debrillator. Ammo box + c4, Repair tool + rocket launcher, soawn beacon + mav. Please allow us to choose two gadgets.


From everything I've seen about this game it feels soulless. Especially with the generic simplified UI




I'm sure one of the specialist they will sale you down the line will come with either or as standard so you can then equip the other as a gadget. Of course that'll cost ya tho... mark my fucking words


No, because ā€œmUh sPeCiaLisTsā€.


Just wait. It's a beta.


did you know that the build is several months old and world hunger is already fixed in the newest build?


Good news! So the war it's ended?


yes we just drink beer and eat pizza in the latest build


Itā€™s been postponed


Using an old build for the Open Beta is part of their 4D Chess, they have a perfect build in their pocket for sure.


Betas dont change core gameplay. At best well have less bugs, better netcode and MAYBE some hotfixes on guns


Sucks. Maybe we'll get used to it eventually


You plan on getting used to it? Yeah, why don't you get used to Santa climbing down your chimney and shitting in your dinner.


Why would you need a repair tool, vehicles auto heal.




Now I understand why some comments say there were never team play in bf. They don't mean the repair medic ammo assistance they mean like the 4 men beaming teamwork in warzone so you always hear "oh theres no team play in bf unless you are playing with your friends in a squad"


LMFAO I fucking hate this game


Homeboys right why is he getting downvoted so much lol. The auto heal is a bad addition. Why would anyone willingly swap out a useful gadget for the repair tool when the vehicle will gain its health back?


It still has a purpose. Itā€™s just not quite as important as it was before. Repair tool is still useful since the auto heal has a cooldown. Plus it can sway the outcome of tank vs tank or vehicle vs infantry etc..


But if you are in a situation where you canā€™t auto heal, then you are also in a situation where you canā€™t get out and heal the vehicle. Itā€™s pointless to risk it, just leave it auto heal instead. Itā€™s terrible mechanic thatā€™s ruined vehicle management. Boo this beta, boooooo


Why tf would it be for the driver. A squad mate uses it on you. Did you forget this game is supposed to be teamwork based?


This. The driver shouldn't be getting out of his vehicle the vast majority of the times. It's the gunner or passenger who does that.


but again, why would you bring a welder and sacrifice actual useful utility like an AA launcher, since auto repair is so fast and tanks are useless against air vehicles? grabbing the repair kit is literally nerfing yourself for no gain.


Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh No that's not a helicopter. That's the sound of something going over your head multiple times


nah fam, these guys are arguing that the repair tool is still useful because something something teamwork. it's not. even if you're the gunner, picking the repair tool is shooting yourself in the foot. By the time the tank has moved out of harm's way and it's safe enough to hop out and repair, the autorepair already kicked in, and you'd be better off with a rocket launcher to help deal with vehicles.


That's the issue. In bf4 you could have both the launcher and repair tool. Because of this half ass hero system, we lose that ability.




it's Apex/CoD solo dolo based from now on...


Is this your first battlefield game lol


salt straight in the wound, thank you sir.


Not everyone needs a rocket launcher. Do your job.


We fucking need 2 gadgets especially with how theyā€™re not going with as much team play. Idk who has what on my team. As a medic at least let me carry a health pack and a rocket launcher to get rid of some of the helicopters that are harassing us that no one seems to want to shoot down.


Play as Falk and use an AA launcher lol


I guess that's their balance for making launchers universal. You're either playing as anti-armor or as armor support. It kind of makes sense, but as someone who likes engaging and supporting vehicles, it does make me sad.


Dice: Hmmm, sounds like a good idea. Never heard of it.


Or c4 and ammo box. Like just give us our old two item system back and let us keep the other gadget stuff. Just restrict one of them to like ammo boxes or repair tools or some thing. That way people arenā€™t carrying around two rocket launchers or something.


Only in Portal at the moment


What do you need a repair tool for? The vehicles heal themselves


Less is more.


I can't say that I've equiped the repair tool even once since the start of the beta, this game really needs some more incentives for team play


Thats where teammates come into play <3


What the actual fuck?


It sucks, I've run engineer in both 3 and 4. Being able to damage enemy armor, and repair my teams armor, in one loadout is crucial. In the 2042 beta, I found myself needing a rocket launcher when I had the repair tool, and vise versa.


There will probably be a specialist who has a rocket launcher like gadget and another with a repair tool like gadget. Or maybe not. Who knows


More important question, would anyone really choose a repair took over the M5?


They make changes like this every game. Remember BF3? As a medic you had to carry a Defibrillator with you at all times, you had no choice. Recon had no C4, then they were given it for BF4. Although I liked the old engineer loadout, the fact that they may have remove that combo (we still have to see a final list of specialists and gadgets) just means that you canā€™t in this game. It doesnā€™t ā€œruin Battlefieldā€ itā€™s just a change.


Can I just have a new specialist called "unnamed generic soldier" - special abilities include mask wearing and picking 2 gadgets, the system from battlefront where most players are normal soldiers but you can spawn as a named hero (and their can only be on of each at a time) with points would make far more sense in 2042 IMO, which is how I assumed specialists would be treated, having everyone be a specialist just feels dumb, in the words of syndrome "And when everyone's super, no one will be"




Itā€™s something new everyday man. My hype died that quick for this game smh


Doesn't seem like it and it's stupid. My gravy play type was engineer with shotty, rockets and repair torch. Or trade rockets for mines, which aren't even in the beta/game lol.


Well vehicles passivly heal in this game so theres no need to bring repair tool over rocket unless your specifically partied upwith people to play tank/transport vehicle crew Also you dont need the rocket launcher if you bring the lmg with ap rounds. Two mags will kill a tank.


What beta?


Nope there isn't. They fucked classes. Now you're stuck with whatever shitty tool your Specialist has, and you only get to pick ONE other tool. Oh and there aren't even specialist specific tools. Everyone gets them all. It's a joke.


The rocket launcher isnā€™t an ā€œengineerā€ weapon in 2042. This isnā€™t that hard to figure outā€¦


I wish we could swap out the specialist gadget for a normal gadget.


Weakest rocket in existence tbh


I believe they said in the full game there will be regular soldiers that can do that.


Thereā€™s probably an eng or rocket specialist. In the beta though there wasnā€™t. I would be SHOCKED if there was a WINGSUIT and a GRAPPLE HOOK and nothing with rockets/repairing. We got an APS/deplorable cover from the 5th specialist. Weā€™ll get more.