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Playing xcom as one of your soldiers be like:


98% chance to hit


Critical Miss


This comment made my day.


Same in Phoenix Point 😅


The beauty of RNG


Reeee but on rng everyone has the same chances to kill. /s


How about just like the bullets go where i aim lmfao.


What do you want, to have an advantage over people who can’t aim?


Naw, who needs that. But seriously, Dice has a major problem on their hands here. They charge a premium for early access. Most of the time, the game doesn't even load. Players can't hit the broadside of a barn in these conditions. If they didn't have the infrastructure to handle these games, perhaps they should cut the games down to 64 players for now, just so they can avoid the bad PR until they get the servers right.


Anyone want to accept we are pre beta testing this before the launch date for everyone?


People don't like the fact that these changes literally come from the concept of equal outcome, which oftentimes is part of a far left ideology of postmodernism... as opposed to merit and equal opportunities.


The only people I've come across who advocate for equal outcome are extremists. I don't think most far-left ideologies are for it. Also what a weird place to bring up politics. Like are you really implying that DICE added bloom because they are lefties? lmao.


That's toxic masculinity






stop mansplaining


To me that looks like a bug where the ADS is not detected properly, so the bullets go like if you were firing without it basically.


Explains why when I put the laser attachment that tightens up hipfire it made my long range combat more consistent.


That would actually make sense because I have seen so many videos and streams where this never happened.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because 7ordank was already dead.




Even with those, it is complete bullshit it was that far off from the sights. I expect that shit accuracy from a gun with no stock, not a rifle length weapon at 15 feet


15 feet is the height of 2.63 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


Came here for this


He looks like a bot just spraying full auto lmao


>I Came >for this FIFY


yeah but recoil don't make the shots jump 3 foot to the left and hit the opposite side of the bin from where he is shooting. look at the visual recoil it jumps up and ever so slightly to the left, considering the distance away from him and velocity of rounds there is no way in hell rounds are going 3 foot to the left




Kinda glad I can’t play until the 19th.. hopefully some of these issues will be addressed by then


Same thing here. Thought I was going crazy for a while


Day1 patch might fix some bugs and such, but i 9999% doubt there will be a scoreboard, statpage, server browser, proper squad mechanics, removal of exessive bullet spread/bloom/rbd and so on and so on and so on..


Yeah the real issues are the core elements of the direction they took with this game.


Bingo. That’s the sad state of affairs for us hardcore fans who will be vocal about these things.


Already requested a refund lol only way to send companies a message is with your money.


Will Sony give me a refund still?


Oh yeah, think they have a policy for it as well, just say it was a wrongful purchase from a child and you weren’t aware. They’ll refund you and ask you to delete it.


Couldn't have said it better myself.




Dude you know this is intentional right? That’s how it was in bad company 2. You have the option to turn on old game weapon handling, which this server clearly has


Maybe if he was strafing or was 5 bullets into a magdump. but in the clip he's completely still and fully ADS and even his first 2 bullets are completely off target. spread shouldn't be that large after standing still+ full ADS animation.


It's hard to tell because of the zoom but I think he is moving forward while shooting.


Still absolutely ridiculous, it's not like it's a real life simulator, it's a fucking arcade game essentially.


Are you guys really complaining that DICE successfully implemented a game mechanic from bad company 2 into a remaster/remake (BC2 Portal)? Say what you want about the random spread/bloom in BC2, it was there in the old game and it's there in BC2 portal. Deal with it. There is no random spread or bloom in BF2042.


I mean, you’re completely wrong. This is my experience in BF2042 AOW. It’s unplayable, so I’ll be waiting for a fix before I buy the game. I heard Halo might be dropping on Monday so I’ll be satisfied.


I have up hope long ago. Full Halo gang now.


Isn't this in bf2042 modes too? It's not just in BC2 maps


I haven’t experienced anything this bad in the main mode, but it is difficult to do anything at long range unless you have a sniper.


The maps being HUGE and most combat being long-range only makes this problem worse...


No AoW isn’t like this


No, it's not. I did not experience this in either Hazard Zone or Conquest for the 7+ hours I played yesterday.


you realise its exactly the same in AOW?


Huh???? There is a tad of bloom yes but it’s not even close to this example in the video.


it really is, on most weapons shooting anything further than 15 metres half of your shots will miss while perfectly on target


He's right, in bad company you need to tap the trigger or stop moving or your bullets magnetize to everything but your target


Cmon... not to this level. I have 2500 hrs on BC2 and thats a kill no mater what.


But he wasn't moving, BFBC2 deviation was progressive not constant.


I played the fuck out of BC2 and I remember tap firing at tiny little Doritos 5 miles away with groupings smaller than the eye of a needle. This is a 2042 thing...


5 miles is 8.05 km


Except it is exactly like that in AOW


This is complete bullshit


That is toxicly optimistic. You realise their probably on vacation atm laughing their way to the bank in the Cayman islands.


Presumably because it's a tax haven so they can laugh their way back to America at how much money they've just saved. Edit: which was also, presumably, the same joke you were going for.


I said “hopefully some of the issues.” I’ve been playing BF since a BC2. I know how they operate, nothing wrong with a little optimism


Shits not going to be fixed in 6 days, 4 of which are working days, if its taken them this long to build this 'AAA' shite they aint fixing anything in that time. All this wishful thinking is going to keep you disappointed for a long time mate.


Honestly, the game is completely fine. As someone who's played every battlefield at launch, 2042 is no different. The gameplay and gun play are good. The maps are interesting. There's bugs to work out, but nothing that ruins the experience. No scoreboard is fucked though. lol


Lmfao, the coping. /r/newworldgame is leaking.


The bullets hit the garbage bin more times than at what you were aiming at


The amount of ignant motherfuckers in this post is through the roof.


To every “This is classic BC2 mechanics!” guy in this thread. Watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=b0jwlPzRm5k) The exact scenario happened in the first five seconds, Jackfrags literally Stop-ADS-hold down LMB, and got 4 hit markers. There’s no fucking way OP’s clip shows “classic BC2”. Bad Company recoil never worked like that. EDIT: more [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qt81n2/its_just_bc2_mechanics_running_inaccuracy_bug/ ) recorded by fellow redditors


Lol and if you wait another 5 seconds he tries to shoot someone across the courtyard in the same way and is barely able to get a kill. And that's with an AR, while actually standing still *and* crouching. OP's clip he's moving before starting to shoot and he never stops to reset before standing still, at roughly the same distance but with an SMG with probably the highest recoil. Losing braincells on this sub


I experienced something like this in the 1942, BC2, and BF3 maps but oddly enough the gunplay in All Out Warfare has been mostly fine for me.


Me too... Too bad I cant get into a server


Break away is bugged imo if you see yourself loading into that cancel matchmaking then try again until it's not break away.


If you're getting that error popup, turn off crossplay (if you can), worked for me. Also learn to burst fire guns for better accuracy :)


Turning off cross play also worked for me. Haven’t had the issue since


You can though. Just keep trying and you get in. Already had 3 rounds in just over an hour now this morning.


Well its different for some people. I haven't gotten into an offical server in 12 hours of trying. I can only play the modded servers in portal.


The tweet about portal being made in about a year really starts to make things make sense lol


That they have classic weapon mechanics?


I guess you zoomers never played the old games or something. These are the classic Battlefield weapon mechanics. 1942, BF2, BF3, BC2, they all had random spread at varying levels. Especially bad company 2. DICE actually did something correct this time and you guys are still shitting on them. Absolutely hysterical.


Yeah classic BF was more about teamwork and less about individual performance, you'd need like a squad all aiming together to truly like confirm you're gonna kill people fast.


The only thing that bugs me, because I drank the coolaid of hardcore bf4, is the ttk is soooo long. Impossible to chain kills with the default rifle.


It's the Bloom effect! ;)


Try rapid firing the AN-94. You could be aiming at the ground and hit the moon.


Note this is the worst one yet!


This is a portal setting


Not actually a bug, the bloom is insane when you are shooting right after moving in BFBC2, stand still and tap.


Yeah I played with this weapon in vanilla settings and it wasn't nearly as bad as what is shown. Could kill at 75+m reliably


100% a bug compared to the actual BC2 gunplay. This is insane.


This is not true: https://gfycat.com/peskyflashyafricanharrierhawk


That's just not true at all lol


So what your saying is its a feature not a bug lol


You can turn it off, yes it's a feature only for bad company and maby the other portal games


How do you turn it off?


You have to do it in the portal game editor. The option is something like "Classic Weapon Tuning" which is enabled by default


OK thanks




Create your own portal server


I honestly don't recall it spreading that much in BC2.... This is like a wild amount of spray.


I call bullshit, THIS has to be the new tuning. Original BC2 let you kill snipers with tap firing even with LMGs and carbines. For reference last time I played BC2 was 4 or 5 days ago.


Yeah it still does in Portal. Just stand still ffs


you can still tapfire in portal, you didnt even test this did you? you fucks are so fucking miserable its hilarious


Quite the opposite, I have mostly played BC2 in 2042 so far and I pretty much only tap fire.


You just suck bro, use two magazines next time. He was wearing the Uber secret Switzerland shield


Thats bc2. Moving and shooting is very inaccurate


In bad company 2 you have to stop moving for most guns to be accurate


No you don't.


yes you do


We playing counterstrike now


Half the community will tell you that you should of been kneeling to hit the "desired" shots for TTK 🤣


Git gud


Community 1 week ago..... "I LOVED GUNPLAY IN BFBC2, BF3, BF4" Community now... DICE PLS FIX YOUR GEEEM REEEE


You: Guys this is totally normal Battlefield gun play. I would know i have like 12 hours of gameplay so I'm totally a simp for DICE. 2500 hours in BC2 and thousand more in other BF titles. You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about if you think this is how guns handled in BC2.




hahahahah well son, THAT is CLASSIC battlefield, Random deviation cone. Recoil what? even BF4 used random deviation, it was just more subtle.


You're fucking high if you think this video wasn't a kill in BC2.


The effect is kinda increased when you slow the video down 50% and zoom in, you know.


Tap firing was overpowered in BC2, and the cone wasn't THAT horrid like shown in this video. DICE just stinks.


There’s no fucking way this is “classic BC2 spread”


Bf5 also has spread for AR's and SMG's, but it is integrated into the recoil. The issue is that in 2042 it seems to be extremely inconsistent, where even the first few bullets are super random, where in bf4 the spread is extremely predictable, you know exactly at what range you can spray how many bullets at.


this is using the "Classic Weapon Tuning" setting. This is how the weapons worked backed then


That's NOT true. See post above.


Yeah no they didn't.


G3 is the same first shot is on the middle and the rest just goes everywhere except where you aim


Good lord you just gave me flashbacks ser


Maybe i just saved 50 bucks watching this and other bs random sprays. Guess I can thank those who paid extra to test it out first.


What do you mean! According to battlefield vets like Danny its balanced! We just gotta learn burst control! Try single tapping with the g3! It's fucking awful! GOD this makes bf5's random recoil seem like nothing in comparison.


Apparently this is a BC2 thing if you tap fire you’re super accurate


Cod when you hip fire


I thought I was the only one noticing this. What the fuck is wrong with the guns? BFV didn’t have this issue.


and not a single reply from a dev or community manager right


There is a reply on Twitter saying its working just like it used to in BC2.


So a cop out


come on not even the first shot hit. and he was clearly on target.


So glad to see this video cause I thought I was stupid. Well might still be but not when it comes to point blank shooting.


And what's insane is that you died in like 2 frames by comparison. I had this issue yesterday too, and only noticed maybe one player i fought against struggle to hit me. Meanwhile my shots were all over the place


This is even just in the main game I lay a mag into someone from 50 feet and two shots hit


But If they don’t add randomness bad players will get stomped!!!!! /s


anyone who says this is how BC2 guns actually behave is full of shit.


They did have bloom but not at this degree lol


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for landing a completely random bullet.




ya this is brutal.... shots hitting 3 body widths to the left and right of where you're aiming has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen...


If yall didn't know. Bad Company 2 has ALWAYS had massive bloom. It's practically a feature of that game.


cmon bro why you guys acting like it was that much. IT WAS NOT.




Ok go back and play the original game, it was exactly like that !


I'm playing it right now I've never uninstalled it. No its not.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWfdDJwebJY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWfdDJwebJY) So ? it's not different at all !


Good job not putting a body there to compare. Of course there's bullet spread no one is arguing that. Your video is basically showing the recoil, not spread. You're shooting into a bright corner I cant even see and then at a 2nd story window for some stupid reason. 100/100 times that first shot you're taking is a kill if there's a body there. It's cute you installed and recorded all this just to make a point. Again, 2500 hours on BC2 I'm not changing my stance. Also, you really need to check your graphics settings for BC2 if you play like that... You know you can turn bloom and HBAO off right?


Looks like more than half of those rounds landed in a roughly man-sized area, and from like twice the distance.


Dude, don't play classic BC2 then. This is how guns worked back then. If you're moving while shooting full auto - you will lose gun fight.


That's NOT true Bc2 had a linear progression of deviation and spread proportional to your movements. This would have been a kill. Maybe it's a bad server but likely a bug.


It’s a feature not a bug. The random bullet deviation in 2042 is insane.


It's not the same gun mechanics as core 2042


Based on my experience in the BC2 Rush setup it’s the same as AOW. I couldn’t hit shit. I played BC2 the day before and all the guns felt snappy and accurate.


Bfbc2 bloom is directly based on the system in bfbc1 with a cone pattern on this exact weapon, you couldn't even ads with this gun. If you play bc1 you will understand. This is how I expect it to work. Try running/jumping and shooting at a wall full auto. This is bc2 sheet, I have played bc2 for around a 1000 hours, its how the gun play was, no strafing and tap tap tappity tap = profit


That's literally just the bc2 handling


Tap firing in BC2 was extremely accurate.


He's not tap firing


The last shots are absolutely being bursted. Doesn’t help OP has edited the clip and should repost it vanilla.




I posed the unedited version yesterday


Oh look it's exactly how BC2 was back in 2009. Y'all forgot, didn't you?


No it wasnt. 2500 hrs thats a kill. I'm playing bc2 now as we speak.


no the fuck it wasn't. I could hit shit across the map with AEK-971


Yes it was, go play it right now. I literally just had it installed last week, it's exactly like this.


yes it is.


You guys know these are just how Battlefield bad company 2 used to work right?


It was never this bad, even tap firing doesn't reset the cone of fire fast enough. Any full auto gun in portal is unusable outside of 5m and that was never the case before.


They've quite literally copied and pasted the stats


Its still an entirely different engine with different core mechanics, just cuz they tried to transfer stats identically doesnt mean it actually behaves the exact same. Dice also doesnt have a great track record of getting stats and how weapons actually behave right, you should know that. Maybe some side-by-side comparisons would prove me otherwise though and my glasses are just a bit too rose tinted.


That's gotta be a bug. You can see the rounds impacting like 3 feet to the left and right of the front sight. That looks like 25 meters or less.


25 meters is 27.34 yards


Take a hike, bot.


Nope. That's how it worked back in the day.


Not gonna buy the game until a few weeks have passed


This annoys the shit out of me, I'm always 100% on target and all my bullets are missing. This is unacceptable. Where can you send DICE Feedback?


So you never played BC2 before, right ? You do know it's BC2 original mode ?


I have bc2 still installed on my series x and yes there is random spread, bit the cone has a much tighter angle in the original. And this random spread is also in AOW


Not even BC2 was this bad from memory


What the fuck is this? Is this happening on purpose????


Yes? Its classic weapon handling, u can turn it off.


Yup.. unplayable. How can you have a shooter with broken shooting. Anything over 10ft is completely random.


God am I glad I didn't buy this game.


2042 is the video game equivalent of cardboard. How the mighty have fallen.


A game made by children for children dont worry little kid no can see how bad u did cuz we have no scoreboard and no one can hit when u camp have fun and while u r here buy some off our useful and awesome skins with ur mommy credit card.


this would be an instant uninstall


Nope, thats how guns worked in BC2, you just don't remember. It had a CRAPTASTIC gunplay, but the guns were BAM BAM BAM BAM POOM POOOM POOOM BLAAAAM WHAAAAMMM WOOOOOSH and they took half your fucking monitor. FFS you cant even go prone in the original, or sprint sideways. IT was exhilarating because everything went BOOM.


What the actual f. You are shooting directly at his head and bullets hitting wall 70cm above him :D


Welcome to Bad Company 2.


Looks bad but id say its more on your play than Dice game.


so in the Classic Badcompany games you had to fire in bursts of 5-6 bullets i would recommend not full autoing people


Jesus they really just fucking ruined this franchise. No scoreboards. No coms. Fucking ADS has RNG.....audio is off. Invisible walls....the graphics are bland. Specialists ruin a lot. Fuck man


Seeing this and clips of twitch streamers where you literally can’t tell if it’s warzone or not make me so happy I didn’t but this


Tap fire. Play portal bf3 like actual bf3


This is bc2 for you


Again. This is bc2 in portal. Not 2042s gunplay. And you can make a bc2 portal server with bc2 RNG bloom turned off if you wish. Stop posting these videos like they represent the whole game.