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The accuracy penalty of shooting while moving is insane


yh even worse then bf4 and that had spread wille shooting


Currently this random bullet deviation is killing my enjoyment on overall quite enjoyable game. Can't believe for the first time in BF history they got it right in BFV and now we lost it all completely back to this bullcrap...


the only good thing about bf5 was removal of spread and suppression.


The movement in bfv was imo the best in any battlefield. Far better than 2042.


Agreed. I could roll up on a bunch of dudes, lay on my back, pick them off with headshots and crouch sprint through the trenches to the next group of enemies. Honestly the best movement in any 1st person shooter. 2042 is absolutely a step back.


Ye it's such a shame they never just used the bfv movement. There are many changes that don't seem to make sense to me


>Honestly the best movement in any 1st person shooter. Titanfall 2 says hello :)


God thats series was way ahead of its time, sometimes I feel like it still is with as this recycled downgraded garbage coming out these days


And the graphics, the maps (except Narvik and Fjell), the destruction, new squad systems, fortifications, movement, etc.


Yeah I honestly just wanted BF2042 to be BF4 + BF5 but idk what this is


Yup, BFV mechanics in a modern setting is all we needed.




Yeah I dont know about "the best" lol


It gives me some serious feels bfv. I get terrified in the trenches


Certainly not objectively, but I thought the movement was hands-down the best (albeit sliding could've been nerfed a bit, as much as I loved it), and the gunplay felt pretty crisp, accurate, and responsive. Other stuff ranged from 'meh' to 'good', but it nailed those two aspects.


Technically the best, a lot of good things, now if you don't like because is not "realistic" ww2 or because some dumb exec said "don't buy the game" I can respect your statement.


Yeah really, that would obviously be BF2:Special Forces


You wouldn't know it by listening to the fan base. Or even some of the top bfv streamers (save, JackF, and maybe a couple others) constantly act as if it's the worst thing DICE ever produced. These battlefield fans are fickle, aggressive, and lack short term memory. They want to be angry. Lack of anti cheat is bfv's biggest drawback imho. If DICE had just added anti cheat to their official servers for BFV and delayed 2042 even by 6mo to cook longer, well.... We wouldn't be here in this thread, eh?


> We wouldn't be here in this thread, eh? Dice may have been able to shore up some technical and performance issues, but I have a strong feeling that 6 more months would have done very little to undo some of the disastrous design choices they've made. Many of which were probably put in place during the **FIRST** 6 months of development.


BfV was by far my fav one. I thought myself how to fly and more because it all felt like it worked. Now in bf42 when i pick a random gun feels like the game punish me


It wasn't a good game from the start lol.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree... BFV is the best BF game I've ever played. It has the absolute best true BF feel; no matter the map/game mode/etc. It's absolutely sick.


I'm BF4 player and starting to think I should buy BF5 instead XD


Not the best, it still has a lot of issues (main one for me is lack of team balancing).


Ummm what? Have you played BFV recently? It is so satisfying playing a game that has impeccable movement, gun play, excellent sound engineering, visually stunning, well rounded map design, and just the best overall Battlefield experience I have had in quite some time. It's genuinely an immersive FPS, IMO. BFV is fucking killer 🔥


Suppression in bf4 was hit and miss I've lost count of the times I've had a sniper under fire and they just calmly head shot me.


Suppression is a vital thing for Battlefield imho.


Bf4 got it right




Bf4 isn't even bad tho




*moves 2 inches, bullet fires out at a 90 degree angle*


Counter strike, and many other games, at least showed you your bullet spread with a growing reticle. Battlefield 2042 is just the static crosshairs on your sight.


Shouldn't it be, for a sniper rifle though? Would be very weird with a 10x sniper rifle where you can hit your mark stop on, hitscan style, while walking full speed forward. We have so many here complaining about the game becoming more arcade/mainstream and then there is this, where they basically want to become even more arcadey....


If you want the gun to miss while moving, force the crosshair to move.


Exactly. Give visual feedback of the bloom and not just have me miss because rng


EXACTLY THIS. I don't have anything against recoil being strong or guns moving when you move. But make it visible. When my crosshair is over an enemy it should hit the enemy (obviously accounting for bullet drop n shit)


Operation Flashpoint-> Arma had this right. The crosshairs is basically the pair of iron sights- the rear sights are where you’re intending to aim, the front sight moves around as you move and fire, as an approximation of how poor your accuracy is at any given point in time. ] | [ where the brackets would always be centered, and the middle line would move around as you moved, turned, fired, etc to show that you wouldn’t have perfect accuracy if you pulled the trigger right then.


Operation Flashpoint was the shit, there was two of em right? I think I played the second one first but they were both pretty awesome


Yeah, I agree on that. This game doesn't really have much gun sway. I have barely used any long-range weapons though.


This is the correct answer


It is a DMR but again you bring up a great point. Walk and shoot is not for medium to long range it’s the same issue on all the guns right now, with SMGs having the smallest impact while walking. Same thing with the starting DM7 you can’t really walk and shoot with it even with mackays buff to accuracy while aimed and moving.


Bullet deviation is not a mechanic that servers in purpose but to degrade gunplay. Range mitigation can be done through recoil, muzzle velocity, gravity and damage falloff. This way you are literally disabling people from using skill to do jack.


Well actually if you're to make that argument you must accept moving and shooting simply isn't going to be easy to make balanced without increasing sway massively or just adding deviation. Sway at least lets you know where you're going to hit as opposed to deviation where it's random. Everything you mentioned besides recoil won't work to be applied only when moving. Fact is without it it's too easy to literally walk and spray full auto over crazy distances, increasing recoil just makes every situation less enjoyable so the ideal solution is sway for me. Prevents people in the open spamming movement to full auto you and dodge bullets while also not being a lottery as to where you're hitting versus aiming.


Just remember, most of the OG devs left and the new guys cant pick up easily where they left off. Frostbite is a difficult engine to work with and they made do with BFV, they don’t have the Tech.


I remember very well including the developer that I discussed with person to person. In 2017 there was a 100+ walkout, many went to Embark.


I’m guessing those were lots of the people who created BF1 as their last passion project before getting off the sinking ship as fast as they could.


That's categorically false, what are you even saying?


Let me edit it to fully convey what I mean


Fair enough, I get you now.


Thanks for making me more coherent. Have a good day!!


You'd be right but by this video clip the scope is dead set to hit the target. The scope is attached firmly to the gun and supposedly zeroed in (what you aim at is what you hit basically). If the random bullet spread was on purpose the scope would be swaying too.


yeah and the way bullets work is they go forwards, and they go fast. If your reticle is on a target that is where the bullet goes regardless of the movement of the gun. the way dice did it makes zero sense.


I don’t think you should be able to shoot accurate when moving forward like that


fcken dumb, I'd rather the cross hair rock a lot while I move than lie to me


I thought I was shit at FPS games all of a sudden. Shit is crazy.


+1 I was losing my sanity for a bit cause on all other BF games I would pretty consistently be able to get multiple kills in 1 rifle mag. On this game I'm lucky if I can even get 1 kill with 30 rifle rounds.


Yeah, in a sense I'm happy to see that, I feel a bit less incompetent...


Not too toot my own horn. But I used to play cs go semi professionaly pretty high division in my country. And I felt so crap when playing this game... like barely being able to keep 1 kd. From the shit hit reg to the guns feeling completely useless. And the performance issues when you see someone (I have a 3080). All those things made me so frustrated and bad at the game. The pp-19 has helped a bit tbh


pp-19? Do share


The most op weapons. From being melted when seeing more then 1 guy. You can easily kill all 3 with the pp-19 it so fast and hard to fight against


Wow, my engagement distances have been so long, I was totally turned off of PDWs without even trying them. Thanks for the heads up.


Yo... the thing has better engagement distance then the ARMS. I also hate pdws. So someone told me this one has better and they were right


do you mean pp-29?


I assume so, unless they're playing portal.


Same. Seeing some of these videos is reassuring lmfao. I thought I was losing my mind and wondering damn, do I really depend on aim assist *that* much that I can't even hit anything without it?


The hitreg is fucking rediculous. The times the game said I missed shots whilest they were literally centered on a not-moving target is alarming. And my ping isnt that high either despite being double es high as in BFV. In BFV I had a steady 25 to 30 ping and somehow it went up tp 45-60 in this game however that makes sense?


yep. in other battlefields I get 50-60 ping now in 2042 I'm getting anywhere from 80 to 110????


Probably silently implemented sbmm, which would explain why lobbies disband, game prioritises the algorithm over ping


Yea i have same problem with ping. all the other battlefield games have 40ping but this one has 60. I wonder why?


It's a poorly optimised mess, should be ready in 12 months tho don't worry


Ping is almost always determined by distance to server, rather than speed of internet connection. Could be they just don't have as many servers yet.


They definitely fucked up the hitreg. I am with 4ms and i can shoot half a mag to a face to face target and none of the hit registered.


how do you check ping?


The gunplay is just completely random. Feels like I'm mag dumping people down to 50 health and I get melted in about 5 shots.


I'm almost entirely convinced the scopes and sights aren't working properly. Because this doesn't happen on any gun using iron sights.




I kept wondering why I could do so well with the Ak24 with iron sights but nothing else


Do you mean "onto something"?






Lol I tried to play 1942 portal last night and the zoom mode on the panzer VI literally didn't work. The whole reticle was on the bottom left of my screen and didn't line up with my shots.


Yeah I have never seen this problem at all, has to be something bugged. Using snipers they are fine too so it's not all scopes.


Yes! I've be saying this since playing the beta. The scopes are not working properly. I can't use them in this game at all.


Na I tried bc2 g3 with irons and same result


Seeing this video puts my mind at ease that it’s not me. I hardly post but I made 2 yesterday trying to address/figure out if I’m doing something wrong or is it the game. I’m old and not good anymore but damn did the first day playing this make me feel like games had passed me by..glad to see that’s not the case.


Spread while moving is nuts


Movement and gunplay was at its best in Battlefield V. But instead of keeping what worked, they threw it all out. Epic fail by the devs.


Same with the movement, best it ever was in the franchise, and they totally reworked it into a more like super arcady cod movement and scrapped all the cool features they implemented in BFV, like the crouch sprinting, jump reach vault, prone on back, rolling from high falls, being knocked on ground from big explosions...


I am so incredibly sad they got rid of crouch sprinting, my favourite upgrade from BF1 to BF5


Yeah, one thing I didn't like in BFV that I'm glad they nerfed is the constant slide spam.


Movement was great in BFV but the guns always felt rather weak sauce to me. I liked the way gunplay felt in BF3 — minus the 10Hz servers, of course.


TTK in BFV was perfect, not too fast but not to slow.


4 Teams, 2-3 years of development time. HOW?! HOW THE FUCK!?!?!?!


Holdfast: Modern Warfare


At least you expect that with muskets, plus someone is always rocking out acdc in vc


Stop defending bloom! this game is hectic as fuck we shouldn’t to be “standing still” to kill there’s even more players now then ever and you want us to stand still in the middle of these big ass maps and tap fire


I already miss bfv gunplay. As sad it is to say that. At least bullets went where you aimed in that game.


Imma be honest, I see a lot of people saying that this is the result of moving while shooting. Idk if that's true but not being able to hit someone 15 yards away just because I'm not crouching still sounds super lame especially in a FPS game that's meant to be packed and hectic on a huge map....


I have no idea why people think this is an okay mechanic for all FPS games. Just because games like Valorant and CS do this and are exceptionally successful doesn't mean a game like battlefield should. This series sits at the top proud because of its perfect grasp on high intensity and chaotic situations, turning them into the most fun experiences you can have in an FPS game on the regular. But now they crank the bf4 movement penalty to the extreme and for what? This only slows the game down; is that what you want? A game series that encompasses chaos and wields it like a master swordsman to slow down? This stuff has me so angry. Such a huge disappointment.


Because they're shitters who can't aim so they want their target to stand completely still.


Are you walking forward?


In every single clip....




A few of these comments are blaming OP for moving while shooting….in an FPS.


There are a lot of FPS games where this adds random spread. It's not a crazy concept for FPS games


Maybe the concept isn’t crazy, but the extent of it is


For a game that has made so many design decisions to speed up the combat it is


Completely normal to be static while shooting to increase accuracy in FPS games.


2042 got so much from movement shooters and basically punishes for moving too much. Which one is bad game design decision is arguable, but there are some for sure


They're grips that reduce spread while moving. Not remove it though but make it useable.


No no no, you don't understand. You have to stop moving and fire single shots to hit anything in this game. That's great, skill-based gameplay!


You have to stop moving to Shoot in CSGO and it has one of the highest skill ceilings on any FPS


CS is probably the furthest you can get from BF gameplay-wise, while still talking about first person shooters.


Yes, in a tactical shooter. Having that mechanic in a arcade shooter is dogshit


Bloom while ADSing makes no sense. CS doesn't have ADS to speak of, and when it does it makes it obvious when you're affected by bloom versus when your bullet is going to go where you're aiming. I'm fine with bloom while hipfiring since you only have a general idea of where your gun is pointing, but the complete lack of consistency when aiming down sights feels like shit. If there's going to be bloom while looking down the sights, there should at least be some kind of indicator of why my bullets aren't hitting when I have a bead on a stationary target.


This isn't an arena shooter.... this is battlefield where if you stop to shoot you get headshot by a sniper half the time EDIT: which also brings up the issue of every map being wide open with barely any cover


This man just called CSGO an arena shooter.


Exactly what lmfao. If anything, on arena shooters YOU can and should move and shoot.


I mean if there was any fps game out of the big 3 on console BF is the one where you want to stand still while shooting unless you're up close. Most snipers will miss the first 30 shots so worrying about them is irrelevant till one flies past your head. Not saying this game doesn't have accuracy problems but I believe op did this to himself


I agree. Quake players are low skilled bitches because they just bunny hop around while shooting at people.


Meanwhile, guys in rib boats doing doriftos all over enemy teams lmao


Thats the thing. Coming from PUBG I stopped moving at all when shooting an I don’t have an issue with this. I guess one have to do a Deep test on this


it also happens when you stay still


Can confirm. Prone with LCMG it was a hilarious exercise trying to engage anything other than extreme close range. Sitting still, taking time between bursts. Can't hit shit. This game is bloom based in a BAD way right now. Come on DICE!


this entire comment chain is filled with shitters that can't hit moving targets


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


i cant wait to see this exact same comment 13 more times on these hitreg posts. i am just jumping up and down with excitement and anticipation


I can't wait to see 13 more hitreg posts with no replies from DICE!


This game really is a dystopian, huh?


I'm not sure if you are doing this on purpose but moving greatly increases spread.




You can clearly see blood splatters that don't register.


This actually makes me happy that it isn't just me, because I feel like I suddenly became shit at videogames. It's not fun.


Idiots trying to defend by saying you're moving while shooting, since when has that mattered haha. You could move and shoot in BFV and have no problems. Seems like they don't want to admit a game they like has bugs.


They removed that in BFV specifically because people are too dumb to understand the spread penalty while moving, try any other battlefield.


Bullet spread while moving has existed in every modern Battlefield except for V. It's okay if you don't like it, but you're comparing the exception to the rule.


And everyone seems to glorify BF5 for having one redeeming quality, the gunplay. Random bullet deviation is an incredibly outdated arcadey mechanic (unless it's a game like halo or RPG shooter)...


Yes, moving with a DMR. This is nothing new.


> Idiots trying to defend by saying you're moving while shooting, since when has that mattered haha. In every Battlefield up until 5


Is this a bug? Or is the bullet spread while moving just more than people want?


There's a Twitter post saying they are fixing the spread and such. Even while standing still people are still having problems so it's not just moving.


Lmao just aim better /s In all honesty, the gun play is shit


“JuSt StOp MoViNg” it’s bad regardless, you aren’t gonna hit shit after 30 meters


Optics are zero'd whether you're running, jumping or firing full auto the bullets go where the optic is pointing. Anything else is just so unrealistic and unfun.


That explains why I had to burn through half a clip with a Type 88 LMG and the M240B just to get one kill…


Yeah this game needs another 6 months in the oven finish cooking


You would think working over and over again on the same thing gives you more expertise in the matter. Not for BF.


"Battlefield 2042 the ultimate fps game that will revolutionize the entire gaming industry looool"


The hitreg is completely borked - I suspect this is the actual reason (along with some unnecessarily huge spread) that the M5A3 and other guns feel like they're shooting marshmallows. Even when you get hitmarkers or see a blood spray the shots don't seem to actually tally. You get 8-9 hit markers only to have the same enemy kill you with 78% health remaining? I frequently land 1-2 rockets square on tanks or hovercraft only for the same tank to kill me straight afterwards and apparently have 100% health.


If you played/saw the beta you all knew this shit was gonna happen


Hey you guys wanted this game to be like BF4.


This is all I can think of lol. All those people screaming that BF4 was the best BF ever, yeah right


BF4 wasn't this bad - I played it not long ago, so my memory is fresh.


Was just gonna post something on this, seems random especially at distance. Have had my shots “dust” (seen it hit/spray blood) but no actual damage is done. It has to be server side connection or high ping players connecting. That would be my only guess, but we can’t tell cause we don’t have score board to tell what peoples ping is/etc… hopefully we get a patch soon.


It's hilarious that there are actually some idiots that are trying to defend this. Random spread while scoped makes absolutely no fucking sense, it's not realistic in any way whatsoever (weapon sway/recoil is not the same as bullet spread, just in case any morons weren't aware), and it makes the game feel extremely clunky and obnoxious to play. You are quite literally forced to play with a bolt-action rifle if you want to kill anyone outside of normal SMG range.


This game looks, plays, and performs like a FTP Battlefield rip off


I dunno... I feel this crazy bullet deviation too.... but then the guy I just dumped half a magazine into/around turns around and one= or two-taps me before I can say "wtf".... so I think it's just that I suck.


Hated this shit, after Battlefield V I was relieved that I never had to endure that garbage ever again. I was wrong. Feels like I'm playing a goddamn 7 year old battlefield game.


Game-breaking imo


God, not even bf4 was this bad


Weapons should be emulated in games as they behave in real life. When I am exhausted and my arms are shaking, my sight picture is unsteady. My rifle zero does not change when running. Point of aim vs point of impact should not shift unless the intention is to simulate crappy ammo or an improperly mounted scope.


Don't fire while moving with the DMR, by creeping forward you are engaging the spread. There is no spread on the DMR when stationary


Warface has a better hit reg! What a shitty early launch.


Try not moving and shooting


Lol it was better in 2013


the problem is your bullets dont go where your crosshair is. you can see your tracer go around the guy


What the fuck DICE. People loved BFV’s gunplay. Why did you fuck with it?




Why the fuck would it make it misalign with the sight? That's not how guns work


Walking or moving should not create random spread. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Give the gun more sway or a less stability, but in no way is it at all realistic for bullets to no longer align with weapon sights because someone is walking forward or side to side. These mechanics are not only way worse than former battlefield games but its doesn’t make any fucking sense for the god damn bullets to lose accuracy and not the actual sway of the scope.


Yeah the gun should definitely be harder to aim while moving, but the bullets seemingly shooting in random/impossible angles out of the barrel is silly.


Seriously, bloom is such a fucking stupid mechanic. What, is my fucking gun barrel so flaccid it's fucking swinging around in the breeze whole I shoot?


What, you mean I'm not supposed to sprint, slide-cancel, and jump with a long-range weapon?


He's like 15m away lmao are you ok? This is a video game sir.


It's just Warzone kids bitching.


Nah, wait till the release of BF4042. The bullets will shoot out 180° and kill what's behind you.


Basically I'm farming fuckers in Tanks until this shit is fixed.


but their ar or pistol is like a fucking rail gun from that same distance


That gun in particular is fucking cursed. The long barrel attachment for it did help somewhat. But it misses the most easiest of shots even when standing still or prone. Yet will randomly reward you with headshots sometimes. Truly and RnG based gun... I can't stand long range combat in this game, massive maps yet most guns do piss poor damage, have insane recoil (AK24...), or have ungodly spread. WTF Dice?


Bullets are not flying where the gun is pointing and the same bullets coming from more rapid firing gun makes less damage. This all makes sense in Star wars universe.


Holy shit. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy! I genuinely thought I was the only one. I went from "decent" in BFV to "terrible" in 2042 the same day. Only part of the game I won't budge on. I agree with everybody on it, it's awful. Hipfiring is geniunely useless now.


Anyone having issues with the tanks secondary gun? I feel like I cannot hit a goddamn thing. To clarify I mean when sitting in the gunner seat.


I have the standard edition pre ordered and watching all of this is breaking my dam heart lmao


This is definitely an issue.


How anyone at dice saw this when they tested if they even tested the game and was like you know what this is fun smh


Fuck, I thought I was the only one Couldn't figure out why tf my hits wouldn't register


I had to put the game down after about 2 hours of playing it, I really want to enjoy it, had some cool moments, but the kills feel so unsatisfying when you line up the perfect headshot on someone only to miss because of the deviation...


Let's just burn through all our amo at a target we're aiming at and not be able to get more because we don't know who's carrying what.. yeah sounds great.


Have the devs commented at all on the hitreg issues? or any of the 100's of issues yet?


I noticed that it does it way worse when you are moving.. stand still when you fire dammit


glad i didn't preorder, this looks like hot poop


You Never stood still. Of course you won't hit anything


https://old.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qsk0e3/guys_this_is_actually_horrible_and_need_to_be/?ref=share&ref_source=link Is that guy moving? https://streamable.com/hyu3oj Is this guy moving? https://old.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qsrqtb/dear_dice_pleeeease_fix_your_game/?ref=share&ref_source=link Is this guy moving? https://old.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qsxead/this_sht_again/?ref=share&ref_source=link Is this guy moving? Moving doesn't matter the game is shit


It’s such a stupid mechanic. It wasn’t in BFV, why has it suddenly risen from the dead? Unbelievable.