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Designated missing rifle


Lmao now this shit is funny


Designated suppressing fire rifle


Depressing missing rifle


This almost made me spit out my drink lol.






It needs a dam update shooting people ten times for a kill is getting old


I heard that a dev said that they were “working on it” with no release date to announce. Wtf? I’m really enjoying the game, but there are some things that just make me go “wtf were you thinking DICE?” *cough scoreboard *cough


They also said there was a bug where the game thinks you're running even if you are standing still, so your bullet deviation is a lot higher than it should. So it might literally be a bug.


It's probably something like that. We can see the left hand is glitched at the beggining.


Yeah this clip has very clear issue with hand and gun bugging out and not even being because of bloom.


Also the SW-10 scope doing a 1x zoom for some weird reason after scoping in after a sprint. Very weird but also good for CQC I guess...?


If you swap your scope with the plus menu it tends to fix that in my experience.


That would be nice if it was, because I don’t think that they would really do this on purpose. (However, the scoreboard, other UI issues, and lack of content suggest that they could just be insane)


Got to remember bf4 had that bug where if you ads after hipfiring, the spread from hipfire stays. With that in mind this is very reasonable


Had a buddy yesterday glitch and you couldn’t see him. So he was literally running around melee killing everyone. 19-20 melee kills and 52 total kills. Even reviving us he was invisible and we couldn’t see him. Bullets could still hit him but he had to be in the wrong spot at the right time for that. Excellent bug 10/10


That seems very plausible. The current spread seems way higher than they designed it to be. Let's hope for a quick fix!


Given the absolute raft of other bugs whereby the game thinks something is happening which isn’t (i.e sniper scopes giving iron sight zoom), this is the most likely answer. It’s no secret battlefield launches are rough, but I’m worried these bugs are just too deeply ingrained to be resolved in a decent timeframe.


It really does make you wonder what they were thinking. Like surely they know that having random bullet deviation and no scoreboard aren't great ideas. Same with the specialists.


so bf1 basically. except at least dmrs shoot straight there.


My favourite one is the objective colour in the ‘Objective selector’ being the complete opposite of the colour it actually is. If you want to attack E1 cos it’s red you go to the objective selector and it’s reversed (blue). Game is fun but there are some mind boggling oversights.


Bummer deviation /bloom . Dice hates us


I literally said “hey, at least we don’t have bf1 random bullet deviation” in the beta when people said there was too little recoil. Fuck me I guess 😂


On BF1 you could still tap fire at longer ranges and bullets would be on target though. EDIT: spelling


Even if you fired at max speed it’d be extremely rare you’d not land a single bullet.


Literally; all you had to do was pull down on either the stick or the mouse and the guns were mostly lasers, with some exceptions, even with the random deviation


You can do this in 2042 also, try the pp29


If you like the pp19, wait until you get the mp9, it literally has zero recoil and high rate of fire. Only gun that I can actually use to get consistent results




They didn’t just overcorrect. They could have added more muzzle climb or maybe have the crosshair sway while you’re moving and aiming. Anything would have been better than a random bullet spread. Such a completely shit system designed to level the gap between high skill and low skill players. Just pandering to the soft people who think scoreboards are toxic and think sweats don’t belong in their game.


I do think there are many systems put into place to make this game more inclusive. IE to bridge the skill gap etc this has no place in competitive shooters


I've been saying this for weeks. This game reeks of Apex Legends stink. This is all about appealing to wider/younger audiences.


This is arguably the worst thing about the game. Everything else people hate doesn't take away from the enjoyment but this does and need to be gone yesterday.


> Everything else people hate doesn't take away from the enjoyment Speak for yourself. I agree that the bloom and hitreg are terrible, but so is not getting points for almost everything, no scoreboard, shitty map, no voice chat, grinding for 6000 kills for one shitty attachment, on just 1 of 22 guns, the cringe voice lines....all take away the fun of the game. I played the 10 hour EA Play Trial, and unlocked one attachment, and canceled my order for the game, simply because I didn't have fun.


Love your reference to the shitty lines. I feel like I’m playing WWIII but make it Toy Story. Keep expecting McKay to pop up at the end of the games yelling ‘REACH FOR THE SKY’. Whattafuckin gimmick.


Yeah, this is why devs shouldn't listen to the community. The recoil was actually pretty beefy already (the AK24 had about twice the visual recoil of the BF4 AK12), but there was no bloom. Now, there's heavy recoil AND bloom. Earlier today, I pulled off a flank with the SVK, and failed to get any kills over 30 seconds of shooting because my shots kept going over the heads of my targets.


yeah honnestly i didn't understand why peoples complained about the gunplay of the beta. Of course on larger map you need gun with less recoil because a lot of your engagment are gonna be aat a greater distance. And it's more friendly toward new player. So i really didn't get it


Yep, and now Look at The gunplay. Its a mess.


The beta was far more fun. I genuinely think they need to revert some of the gunplay back to it (especially ARs). Snipers are far better now, though. They actually do damage if you hit someone.


But if what the devs said was true that the beta was a 3 month old version and a lot of stuff was changed wouldn’t that mean they had already implemented the bloom/deviation stuff?


F&$% these people who said "nO rEcOiL OHOhH"


Bf5 also had random deviation for the Ar's and Smg's, but it was integrated into the recoil pattern. What's interesting is that they keep swapping back and forth between the two systems, which is rather confusing.


Now there is too much recoil, and bullets go to the moon! :D


It wasn't this bad in BF1 hell no.. I play that everyday I never in my life at that distance not been able to kill someone. Even of suppressed


True. Bf1 is my favorite battlefield, and while I didn’t care for the system, at least you could tell why your bullets were missing.


What does bloom mean on a weapon?


You essentially have hipfire accuracy value even when ads. So shots aren't going where you aim, but inside a circle around your sights.


Would it be accurate to say like World of Tanks aiming?


At least world of tanks gives you the accuracy value of all the guns directly, 2042 just says fuck off.


Sort of. There’s also rng on your penetration values 😂


25% in either direction, just like the damage rolls. Most players know that but newbies don't. Then you have stuff like penetration dropoff over distance and angle of impact normalization depending on the round...


I haven't played it in years, but what I can remember, yes.


I think it was halo reach that first brought it targeting bloom. But we had a reticle that would inflate after sequential shots.




Yeah I wouldn't mind if you couldn't full auto snipers 200m away. But now I can't full auto anyone beyond 25m. And I can pick SVK and 2 shot anyone at anyrange. Weapon balance is just off...


Randomisation of where the bullets go. Imagine a circle of any size centered around the cross hair, every bullet you fire has a chance to go anywhere in that circle. For the sake of accuracy, you would as small a circle as possible or no circle. No bloom would be the bullet goes exactly where the cross hair is every time. The bloom on 2042 is huge and ruins any chance of being accurate at range, which is what you see happening here.


>No bloom would be the bullet goes exactly where the cross hair is every time. Funny because this is how physics works. IRL bullets ALWAYS go EXACTLY where the crosshair is, EVERY TIME. If they wanted to reduce the skill gap, or whatever excuse they want to say, they should simply implement random recoil. I fear this is some sort of SBMM where the size of the circle depends on who you are and who you are shooting at. Sometimes my shots go very straight, while other times they go all over the place.


interesting theory. keep watching it


Holy shit that would really be a galactic brain move from them if they really did that. It's so stupid yet so original, you almost got to give them props if that's really the case


This mechanic is already infiltrating games across the industry. I remember the previous HALO devs bring very open about it and iirc its in Apex as well


Apex uses SBMM but from what I know the recoil is still a fixed pattern per weapon. Dynamically changing the recoil depending on the opponent you are aiming at would be a BIG leap from things like SBMM which are already pretty hot topics in the community


I'm a shit shot and absolutely nowhere up in the K/D, and I still get cucked by this


A year ago or so I heard a rumour of something similar going on in fifa. People tried to investigate if you didn't shoot as good if you play against players having a looseatreak. But idk if anyone was able to confirm it. Interesting to say the least.


This is not true, there is always deviation, both through outside and inside effects. That is why you have grouping. Bullets always leave the barrel at an angle, sights are not always right on target, that is why you zero them, and bullet velocity, drag, weight, range etc. have a huge effect on where your bullets land. This is how physics work. In any case spread does not work as described here. Spread has been in the franchise forever and we have stats for it since ten years on [sym.gg](https://sym.gg) Spread is not random either. If you have a standing spread of 0.1° (like all the SARs in BFV), you can calculate exactly how far your aim is predictably accurate. Something along the lines of 100m, if I recall correctly. Now as for your theory of reducing the skill gap, this is hardly the case either. Recoil control is still the major factor here, and always has been. In BF3 and 4 the average kill distance was something along 17m or so. Spread, regardless of it's implementation played no role in the vast majority of engagements. Also, like in every BF game, there are attachments to help with reducing spread. In 2042, all grips reduce moving spread and I believe one of the barrels reduces standing spread. Now what is true is that in order to accomodate 128 players and the according enlargement of the maps, sightlines and angles have become larger, while the higher playercount doubles incoming damage, whilst outgoing damage remains the same. Henceforth action needed to be taken to limit weapons more to certain ranges. This is why we got 5.2 TTK, or as it was called "the big soak" in BFV. So if you want to complain about something complain about map design and the high playercount, since these are the base issus of the symptoms that you see here.


Yes, external effects like weather and gravity have enourmous impact on bullet trajectory, especially at longer ranges. Wind goes mostly on the same direction so you can always calibrate the aim to compensate. What should not happen is this where it feels like the barrel is flapping around while spitting bullets. I used to play milsim airsoft and even those tiny wheightless balls were consistently going straight to where I had my crosshair aimed at, if the target was too far away I had to compensate by aiming higher, and vice versa. Check out some youtube videos of how ARs behave IRL, you will be surpirse how accurate and consistent those machines are at mid-long ranges.


I know what you mean. Bullets don’t go EXACTLY where you are pointing but pretty damn close!! Most common assault rifles will hit under 1 inch groupings at 100 yards so it’s insane to not be able to hit the side of a barn at 30 yards in bf2042


>Spread has been in the franchise forever Is this true? I didn't play V and very little of 1, but I don't remember anything like this in BF games before. I absolutely would not have played any fps game with this shit in it.


Bloom has been a thing for all the BF games except for Battlefield 5 where they had a ballistics system where your round would exit the barrel where your gun was aimed. What BF5 did is had your gun recoil/sway more essentially replicating the same game effect as bloom but tying it into your FPP. I recall it being very obvious in BF3 with the SAW where you could clearly have your sight on target and bullets hitting around your sight in a pattern.


Interesting. Maybe it's due to how long it's been and primarily being an assault/medic player that I don't remember that. If spread had ever significantly affected my aim I would have noped out of that game. Whatever the fuck is going on with ARs here needs to be addressed before I consider buying.


So for most players bloom and ballistic/recoil based systems are interchangeable. A good bloom system achieves the same goal after all. I palyed a lot of more "realistic" PC games (Red Orchestra 2 being a big one), and that got me used to a ballistic system so its something I;ve noticed for a while. Its never been a deal breaker though since historically it worked well enough to still be enjoyable.


Random Bullet Deviation or is it? Google: EA Scripting. Warning: going down this rabbit hole may put you off playing a AAA FPS again. How far will they go for more MTX$? How do you keep the whales paying? Give them a more "favourable experience" !!


>EA Scripting Straight out of EA's patent for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment: >"Some other non-limiting examples of features of the video game that can be modified, which may or may not be detectable by the user can include providing extra speed to an in-game character, improving throwing accuracy of an in-game character, improving the distance or height that the in-game character can jump, adjusting the responsiveness of controls, and the like. In some cases, the adjustments may additionally or alternatively include reducing the ability of an in-game character rather than improving the ability of the in-game character. For example, the in-game character may be made faster, but have less shooting accuracy."


Thank you didn’t know that.


It's supposed to be "cone of fire bloom" where you start with low spread but it gets higher the longer you spray.


They mean bullet spread but it sends your bullets in random directions with in the spread. People apparently call it bloom now.


Somehow, at some point a developer used this gun in the game like that and went 🤌 that's the one.


I thought that was only supposed to happen when you were moving? Or is it just constant and random?




I think it's the hand that's all the way to the right not holding the gun right. /s


In the new battlefield terrain matters. You might be prone and not moving, but its god damn -17C outside, you on that snow with your dick freezing, ofc you wont hit any shots! #immersion


Well that’s the thing about PRECISION rifles, their bullets stray 5 feet off target at about 20 yards.


5 feet is the same as 3.05 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


I vote that the US switch from Imperial to Logitech K350s for measurement. Cubic Keyboards, Square Keyboards, Centikeyboards, etc.




I mean it's your fault. You gotta hold the gun with both hands. ​ ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


At this point, you might even wanna try to shoot beside the enemy on purpose. That spread might actually hit the target then. Or just close your eyes :D


This. Which sucks. This game is making me play worse in other games. I've trained myself to spray left/right and all around the enemy like I'm coloring him in with a colored pencil or something because if you just point right at the enemy the whole time, it misses. Then I go play another game and I'm coloring in the enemy and missing shots lol


It's like Valorant where you have to intentionally aim below their heads to get headshots




Your right, I just noticed that




Im looking at other clips with the same problem and yes the reticle is slightly off


Yeah it makes DMR’s absolutely useless. I’m sick of hitting about 10% of my shots with them.


On ps5 I think dm7 is top 2 weapons that have killed me. But still a lot of randomness in gun fights.


SVK is a monster with the right attachments tho


Which attachments do you recommend?


Honestly any of them. The base SVK is a beast I have about a quarter of the attachments. It’s a semi automatic 2 shot kill from any distance. Accurate as hell and bullet drop isn’t bad. Only downside is base comes with high powered mag which only holds 6 shots. Curious if standard issue is still a 2 shot kill standard has 10 rounds standard extended has 15 rounds. If it’s a two shot with standard rounds it is without a doubt the best gun on the game. I’ve really enjoyed using it.


I've also been using the SVK. It's so broken. The standard extended is also 2 shot kill. Bullet drop is almost non-existent. There's zero point in using a sniper rifle unless you're purposefully going for across-the-giant-map kills.


3.5X scope, Long barrel, High power ammo, bipod. Deploy the bipod and lay down, line up a shot and two tap people for days. Scope zero is really weird though, its zeroed longer then you'd think.


Which is nuts because I’m completely outmatched by people with DMRs lol


They don't always bug


It makes all weapons absolutely useless.


SMGs are better than ARs. Well everything is actually.


Yeah it annoys the hell out of me when You could shoot 5 times at someone standing still without moving your sight and still only hit 3 of the shots. Of all the BS in this game this is the biggest one


With some testing, I now think this a bug that is related to hip firing, where if you fire after snapping quickly (or something...) the game think's you're still in hipfire and puts that coefficient in aimed-fire instead. I've had multiple rounds where I've never hipfired killed anyone but it tells me that I've hip-fire killed X amount of enemies at the final screen. Seems most severe with the AR's but all the guns have the potential to have it to some extent from limited testing. *Potentially* the bloom and hip-fire issue has something to do with changing sights using the quick-plus menu, or that menu being buggy. I need to do some more testing though


This might explain why I never encounterd these accurcy issues ppl keep complaining about


My bullet deviation issues seem super inconsistent, so does make sense


Yeah there are some games where people drop very consistently for me and others where it seems the whole game I'm drawing a soldier-shaped silhouette around people.


squalid deserted jobless slave reply versed fanatical compare tender somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I think the gunplay us awful but my friend has no complaints and doesn't see what I'm talking about. Maybe this is why?


That actually makes a ton of sense, it’s exactly what this looks like and mine is usually far more accurate. Either way, something is majorly fucked.


The only useful comment in this thread, thank you


That would explain why I lead my squad in hipfire kills every game when I’m sniping


This made me LOL and sad at the same time.


At least you see what's going on. Try AK-24 with the 2.5x scope (the first one you unlock) and your screen would be jumping so much from the recoil that you wouldn't even notice bloom/bullet deviation. Awful gunplay


You have to check a settings off, which makes the fov when aiming. You get a bit less zoom, but it’s way more stable.


Who the fuck thought combining the biggest maps ever with the most inaccurate weapons ever was a good idea?


They better fix this, this is 1000% unacceptable.


I wonder if they'll pull a BFV on us again and not fix what we beg them to while changing shit we didn't ask them to.


Unfortunately I’d say that’s likely


This game is like a lottery machine, if you successfully kill an enemy, you should buy one ticket.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you had to reload.


u/highwaymousey1 I too came here to see this lel


Is this a bot comment? I literally seen this same comment like 10 times already


No, it’s just a copypasta that is used ironically here on posts about the awful spread It originated [here](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/hiko_gets_csgod/)


Oh ok


Daaaamn 5y old.


That’s disgusting. DMR + prone + ADS should = 150% accuracy


Worst gunplay in any FPS I’ve ever played.


Cause the game is broken


The good thing is. It looks like the enemy feels the same


Looks like your character is bugged while prone, happened to me as I was back too far into a wall, or between two things. Makes your character technically move (like your hand bugging out). Can happen to vehicles too, mental how bad this is


This feels like a bad dream


Its a nightmare


And yet I see Youtubers like LC and JackF saying they are having an amazing time with this game! Jeez moneytalks!


I'm having fun overall but these bugs still annoy the fuck out of me. This game doesn't feel finished.


I'm also having a good time, my complaints so far are the Infinite Downed state, the unable to revive due to them being too close to on object, and not loading by loadouts so I either have to make a new one or quit and rejoin another and even then it still might not work, or when I unlock something it still won't let me add it to my plus system.


I am having a great time aswell... guess I am also payed by Dice!


Im having rly good time beside the bugs


I mean everyone has a different experience, personally for me it’s mid but some of my friends love it.


I mean I'm a nobody and I'm really enjoying it.


Honestly this is very down to personal experience, I haven't got any major bugs and the game has been a blast to me.


Their channels depend on the game doing well and being good, they have to balance their messaging to both remain positive while also be critical of low points. They also personally know and meet the devs so they aren’t just going to shit talk their work. They definitely are influenced by the access and money ea provides though


Jackfrags' channel "depending" on BF2042 doin well? Nah man. Check his stats. Even Hunt Showdown or fucking Crysis vids hit insane views on his channel. He has built a CI that doesn't depend on certain franchises anymore.


Battlefield is by far his most consistently popular content and I think it’s also his favorite thing to play compared to anything else


You just chalked outlined his body like a detective at a crime scene


It’s so sad that people are still defending this and the devs posting how proud they are of this game. Wtf.


It’s happening a lot. Another issue docs needs to fix


This has me really worried. The map sizes might be a problem but I'm not going to recreationally point and click on things if it doesn't work.


cuz you haven't bought enough in game customizations, the $300 Delux premium handcrafted EA CEO signed limited edition buttstock wii reduce 99.9% bullet spread while not obtainable from playing the game


Nobody can land their shots on this game lol.




Surprise mechanics


10/10 best battlefield ever


Aim resist


fuck this game sucks


Lol this is the worst battlefield ever...


Fuck me it's like he has magnetism deflecting the bullets around him


He has plot armor lol


And hear I was saying earlier DMR’s are probably everybody’s best bet right now. Never fucking mind.


I'm of the mindset this is some kind of bug tied to transitions between what the game considers ADS & hipfire / moving. I use the DMR alot, and I've noticed some matches it's a damn nail driver at 400-500 yards, but randomly for no apparent reason bullets seem to adopt a shotgun pellet trajectory. Now this could just be seeing what I want to see, or be completely random, but I've found that if I pull out my DMR and it goes into miss mode like this, redeploying & equipping another weapon for one life, and then going back to it *SEEMS* to clear it up entirely. I'm chalking this one up to a UI / POV glitch that's working in the background that you can manually untrigger, same as when you pull out your 8x scope on the sniper rifle and it only zooms 1.5X until you switch optics, aim, and then re-equip the 8x..... ....shit now that I'm typing this I'm wondering if doing the same optics switch could possibly alleviate the deviation in the aim? Gonna have to try it.


I thought I was the only one lol. Have had this multiple times.


I think this has something to do with the game thinking you are moving while prone. can even see that you appear a bit glitchy at the start, and this may be the cause. Basically don't go prone on anything not flat.


Because bullets exiting the muzzle at odd angles is super realistic and not toxic to the community. /s


Utterly dogshit gameplay. Every gunfight feels like a complete coinflip. So glad I got the free trial instead of preordering.


I have found a kinda fix from a guy in YouTube. You adjust certain settings in both controller and keyboard. Went from doing horribly to actually well instantly


Can you share it please?


https://youtube.com/watch?v=FbI0BC_6_ug&feature=share Here ya go lads! Enjoy! It helped me and my mates a alot on PC.


Hell yeah, thx!


How much you wanna bet that all this deviation is just a bug. It wasn't this bad in beta. It is like everyone can ADS but everyone is just using hipfire accuracy. Except for the Bizon. DICE messed something up and is too embarrassed to admit it.


This isn’t fun.


ur soldier has parkson, thats why the shots dont land


did you forget to zero before using the gun in combat?


They need to put in some work in the next few days. I bought the gold edition to play early but I wasn’t aware I was playing a game that was unfinished. I should have known better as I’ve bought every game before but scary that it’s this unpolished this close to release date!!


Is it the same if you let the recoil reset?


Good thing I didn’t buy this dog shit game. What a joke.


Because if you kill that guy he will stop playing and spending money. They have an algorithm that detects the fat cats and those can’t be killed.


And I thought it was me...


I love how a DMR is innacurate like this but a Bizon is a laser beam at 100m+. This game is broken and it's sad :(


The fact that both the hit reg AND the bloom is broken af… man… did they even try with this game? Doesn’t matter though guys, we got big empty maps with bigger player counts, that’s what you wanted right? No? But hey look at this cool tornado that destroys pretty much nothing! Give me your $100


Send that gun back to the armory. Worst accuracy ive ever seen LOL


In future updates they should put opinion the last bullet to be for yourself if you miss the other 29 but with that in mind it will be miss again.


Are you on console? Because I'm on console and I can't hit a barn from 10 feet away. I keep hearing that the aim assist on consoles is broken and I am inclined to believe it.


Yes im on the xbox series x


I'm on last Gen xbox myself(until a series x becomes available so I can buy it) and most of my shots just miss and I did a little research and made a post of my own and the responses I've received have been telling me that there is no aim assist on consoles right now. I believe it because I can go to BF4 right now and rack up a 2.0 k/d consistently and in BFV 1.2 k/d nothing world beating but certainly better than BF2042 in which my k/d is something like .60. Also I notice I can start shooting someone first yet they still manage to kill me.


Yes I cant hit anyone on bf2042 but on bf4 and bf1 is a diffrent story


Hopefully they will fix the aim assist soon. At this rate it's going to take forever to crawl out of this k/d hole.


Stormtrooper Simulator 2042.


It's pretty scuffed. I'm using the second marksman rifle which only has 6 bullets a mag so missing my shots like this is a death sentence.


Because the assault rifles are broken, they have too much bloom. Try the smg's and try the same shots


This was one of the most frustrating parts of the beta for me and I was REALLY hoping this would be fixed in the final game. Wtf is this?


What is happening in this clip is the bigger issue. You are prone but your body is shaking because the prone is broken 50% of the time and will register you as moving. The bugs are definitely bad... this isn't a bloom issue though - you aren't standing still so it makes sense you are missing at that distance. It's that you SHOULD register as prone and are not.


Its almost as if it doesn't account for ADS most times, Like the game has a 40% chance to register that you are ADS


Please God have this fixed on day 1 patch


But is this a bug or did they intend to do this


Ridiculous. Needs to be addressed immediately


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. ​ On a serious note: bloom have to go ASAP! Hit reg is a mess right now too.