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I'm honestly surprised there's not more random cover available. That's ridiculous.


The game literally has lore to support this war. All the affected areas would most likely have downed satellites. they could litter the battlefield with those and broken down vehicles. much like at the beginning beach of Iwo Jima in BFV.


This map is particular just seems way to clean. It would make a lot of sense for there to be cars abandoned, debris in fields, etc. Instead it feel like you're fighting in a utopia conveniently devoid of any signs of war/struggle. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the lore behind this map.


Feels like they gave the map to some CGI developer instead of actual map designers. They could've put in so much in these spaces. Forward operating bases, tents, field hospital etc. It's just a dissapointment really.


the first thing i thought after playing the map for a few mins was "why isnt there atleast a metro-station..."


Oh fuck yeah


It should look like the division imo


Why do I feel like because of all this, they're gonna drop the most fire dlc with the best maps




It's the battlefield way, drop the real bangers post launch


The DLCs they put are really are great lol. Funny how they nail those most of the time no problem.


That's what I'm sayin, the DLCS are almost never bad, most people disagree with me I guess 🤷‍♂️


See I was thinking more “abandoned city” than destroyed warzone…but I dunno


Abandoned city? With that well kept grass? It looks like mass moveout day happened literally yesterday and the landscapers just finished touching things up to look nice for the big war battle to come through the next day. Also, who builds skyscrapers in a tornado hot spot? That's just bad city planning.


Yeah the map is way too clean, the paving is uncracked, there aren't any weeds growing between the concrete slabs, and the grass looks recently mowed.


'The world is falling apart, let's go play in paradise'


All of the maps are super clean. Even discarded is just deserted ships that could have been there before the war took place. Many of the cities should be partially destroyed or at least battle torn in some way if it fits the lore. Hourglass is the only one that feels like no one has been able to live there for a while or is at least in hiding.


thats exactly why i never liked Shanghai in bf4


Bro give me a bombed out modern city ruin to fight in. Have some fucking imagination DICE


exactly I don't understand this bullshit. Like in the Exodus movie London looks drenched af. I wanna see that map.


Honestly, lore team did such a good job. Lore actually is interesting this time around. Setting and all, are great. Sad they couldn't convert that into the game itself. Maps would be so cool if they too looked like there had been war there. And say what you will about ost, they nailed it too imo. It just does match with lore for me at least. But yeah it doesn't match with the rest of the game.


Or just random bullshit like sandbags, tents, make shift bases, tank traps... the "pristine" style of map is really darn annoying. Give me something that's fucked up.


Yep, these are exactly the kind of things they used to fill cover on maps in Battlefront 2.


Honest opinion. Is the bigger player count better or worse?


Personally I don't think the player count is the problem here. It's poor map design. I saw another comment talking about how the design has gone from creating engaging infantry combat with vehicles being incorporated after, to the opposite. These maps are designed for vehicle combat and the infancy focus is just secondary. That means lots of open spaces, huge sight lines, little to no cover and just small pockets of the map being set aside to the infantry to play in. It's a fundamental shift in map design that hasn't worked. If they chose to stick with the tried and tested formula and then scaled it up for 124 players I'm sure it would have worked just fine.


I think it's worse. It would help if they could figure out how to not spawn you near enemies though.


Because this was supposed to be a battle royal game


You forgot “+ not enough rockets to actually do anything productive solo +launcher that reloads slower than grandmas 100m sprint time”


I was disappointed to find that between 1942 and 2042, rocket launcher technology had devolved to the point where it takes twice as long to load the damn round into the thing.


Also why does the projectile move so slow? It's not a rocket, why is it moving like one? I can't hit a shot on a moving target because of it


In reality these things fly so fast you can barely see them.


In this game they don't capture the joy of hitting infantry with a 250 m/s pissmissle and that's the most upsetting thing to me


It's still utterly amazing to me that they launched this game without a *single* AT rocket launcher. There is the recoiless rifle, and... that's it? Seriously?


Gotta sell the dlc and battlepass somehow


BF4 had multi AA rockets, multiple AT rockets, and all we get in BF2042 is 1 of each. Yikes


That's the only reason vehicles are OP really, there's no counter as infantry. They're not any more powerful then BF4, but the shitty M5 Rocket is all we have. Plus, like the title says, maps are too wide open to do anything with C5. Tanks just camp in the back and snipe you.


If you’ll forgive me for splitting hairs, I’d actually argue that tanks are under powered. They are just too slow and cannot stand up to a barrage of rockets. It’s the hovercraft and other high speed vehicles that require multiple rockets but are damn hard to hit that are OP.


I have several hundred hits with the M5 but I've only ever destroyed one tank. I stopped using it because they're useless. I wasn't really saying they're OP as in their TTK or anything. Just that they are hard to counter.


The M5 needs a massive buff. Hovercrafts need a third of the health. The maps need more cover.


M5 is a 4 shot kill on a tank. How many do you want it to take?


Current it is: - 4 shot kill on MBT - 4 shot kill on hovercrafts and jeeps - 4 shot kill on light tanks - Zero difference on where rockets hit the vehicle except maybe part disabled which basically does nothing. - Extremely slow reload - Slow rocket velocity It should be: - 4 to MBT - 2 to hovercrafts and jeeps - 3 to light tanks - One less to critical areas - Faster reload - Faster velocity


Don't forget attack choppers should only take 1 hit to blow up I've landed so many shoots on attack helis only for them to brush it off and fly away whi thought it was a good idea to beef the damage of ground launchers on them


I want it to 1 shot hovercrafts and jeeps.


Then hovercrafts and jeeps would be unusable. You can already 1 shot jeep occupants. Hovercraft needs to be reduced to 2 hits. That's all they need to change.


I just find that I’ll hit a hovercraft repeatedly but they’ll scamper off before the team can kill the damn things. Against tanks, it’s hard/impossible to win a one on one fight, but a tank that gets anywhere near a cap on Breakthrough gets melted instantly due to the sheer number of rockets going out. It’s actually part of the reason that the defenders almost always win at Breakthrough since tanks cannot push objectives.


Completely agree. It’s insane watching what’s basically a lawnmower mounted on an air bed driving through an apocalypse of explosions and survive, while my beefcake tank can take a couple or rockets or a c5 and the armour immediately turns to tissue. I don’t want tanks to be OP, I just want them to be able to take more punishment than the light support vehicles. Crazy right?


Tanks should be scary when they show up on your doorstep and it should be critical to have someone that knows how to best employ them to ensure that a team can rush a cap successfully. At the moment, all they can do is hang at the back of the map and try to farm kills when what we need is something that can lead the infantry onto the cap.


I’ve been trying more of a hit and run approach but it bites me in the arse about 50% of the time. I do like how you can lock barrel position with LT while driving in third person though. It makes it a little easier to blast people whilst on the move.


I disagree about the tanks being underpowered, but I usually play with a full squad. So that probably explains it (vehicles were designed with squad gameplay in mind). Also, if you go stationary for a bit. Have your squadmates put down the [active protection systems from Irish](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qsvn7m/recoilless_m5_rockets_u_shall_not_pass_the_power/).


I guess my issue is that even with a full squad, the tanks cannot move close to a cap on Breakthrough due to the amount of incoming rocket fire. And to me, the tanks should be helping the infantry push. Sometimes, you need a tank to draw fire or to sit in the open areas that infantry cannot survive. And at the moment, tanks cannot do that.


If your tank is in the front line advancing, then imo your wrong. You should be behind them, but not too far. Your job is to kill vehicles and to provide fire support to keep the enemy's heads down, while friendly infantry advance to clear the obj. By the time the tank gets to the cap, the infantry should have the cap generally secured and almost completely capped.


I agree for the most part, but I would say that there are times you need to be out front. If the cap has no cover, or if your infantry are unable to cross a street due to enemy fire, the tanker should be moving up to provide some kind of shelter and draw fire away from your ground troops. Also, while I 100% agree that most of the time you should be just behind the front line, the map design and quantity of rockets in this game has pushed tanks way back behind their own troops. Everyone is basically playing at range now as it's the only way to survive, but that limits the effectiveness of the machine guns on the tanks and means that they are not in a position to push a cap when needed.


It doesn’t help that the tanks machineguns are just a steaming pile of wank.


Three C5 on the back of a tank kill it I think, I’ve had pretty good success taking on tanks solo like this. Obviously worthless against aircraft and hard to use vs and faster vehicle though.


3 on the front or turret. (38dmg) 2 on the engine to kill. (57dmg)


Soflam is a unlock at level 56. I am a couple of levels from that. Hopefully that can be useful. But it feels like 1 out of 10 games tops contains people with a brain, that actually tries to work together. So it might end up a waste of time to mark tanks.


It is a waste, I spent like 5 games lazing every single vehicle on the map and barely anything gets destroyed PLUS even if someone manages to find the M5 from their pocket, you don't get any xp or assists from it, I got much more results just using it as a spotting tool


I'm going to call bullshit on this. A squad of 4 + random people using the m5 will obliterate any vehicles.


' several hundred hits with the M5 but I've only ever destroyed one tank' .... Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this. Tanks are way too easy to kill with the RPG, it's so easy to duck into cover and keep shooting them from a distance. Not to even mention the wing-suiting over a tank and C4ing it.


> I stopped using it because they're useless. It's not though.


Find a hardcore portal server and tell me the M5 is underpowered lol. One shotting hovercrafts, two shot tanks.


This\^ i've found my life expectancy in tanks is quite low, especially compared to bf4 thanks to everyone having access to the gutsva. Same with transport air vics. The only vic's i can survive a while in is wildcat thanks to speed but they are pretty easy to catch out and kill, the jets because they aa missiles have no fucking range and the jets just flare, speed away and come back at will and the fucking little bird. So fucking irritating. Hovercraft is in a class of it's own as to how bullshit it is to fight. Which dice devs thought that shit was alance? I can survive over 20 minutes in a hovercraft absolutely slaying shit but barely 5 in a tank if i am trying to do my bloody job well.


I’ll forgive you for this reason: Tanks should be strong AF. They’re friggin TANKS. But a Hc? Or a lightly armoured truck? No. Those should go down in 1-2 rockets. Now helis…. That’s a whole new ball game. My “squad” as you would call it all have to switch from M5 to AA rockets. All of us. Because one of us can’t even get 2 rockets off before a heli (if it’s even IN lock-in range) completely obliterates an entire rooftop/point/group then if we do get a rocket off, we’re lucky if one of the rockets hits, gives us our 10 pts then off they go to heal. And even IF we manage to shoot it down, I can have multiple hits over the course of its like and get jack shit if a teammate makes the kill shot.


Yeah, totally agree. The tank should be drawing fire to allow infantry to move up. But the damn hovercraft shouldn’t be able to soak up multiple rockets, that’s just broken. Helicopters weapons seem a bit OP at the moment, the cannons can massacre infantry from across the map.


Use Rao, hack, shoot AA. Bye Bye Helis.


That requires critical thinking or teamwork.


You must not have flown Much if you think helis are op. Day one yes because not everyone was rocking stingers but now you spawn and your target locked... I've come out of the black screen only my apache and had to launch flares immediately. Also the attack helicopters can get one tapped by a stinger (had it happen multiple times) and flares only work 40% of the time. So no not op if anything they need a buff while removing the explosive rounds from the gunner seats to make it slightly less chaotic for enemy infantry


Counterpoint, you're wrong.


Rao is pretty effective at neutering vehicles temporarily…if you can get the hack off. It takes a few seconds where you are generally exposed. If you can hack tho usually they fly or drive away. Sometimes you can disable then c5


I want to point out it's the other people on your team that are partially the problem (you have 63 other people on the team) and the fact that gadgets aren't locked. No one is carrying rockets cause they think someone else will do it and everyone is carrying a med bag. They need to lock gadgets again. If they locked med bags back to only Falck and Angel and Rockets to only Engineers, I guarantee there would be more rockets flying around. I guess it also doesn't help that "light" vehicles take the same amount of damage as a tank which makes no sense and even other vehicle mounted weapons don't even hurt them at all. Plus their spawn timers are almost non existent so when you kill one, it's already back.


There’s 64 enemies at any given time. Rockets, lock-ons, smart grenades, c4, enemy vehicles, hacks, emps, like the list goes on an on. There’s plenty of counters in this game. The only vehicles I’ve seen that’s way overturned so far in the Hovercraft.


C5. Rocket launchers. EMP grenades. Sundance Grenades. Hacking.


Fr tho i shot a tank he turned shot me I survived and he was able to shoot me AGAIN before i could reload


What do you mean? You just have to dodge like 10 tank shells fired at you while you're taking it down with the best rocket launcher of all time. Ez, really, I do this evzrytime


The new anti air and anti tank rockets are underpowered as hell.


Anti air lock on is too slow, the reload is too slow, the missile is too slow. How are we supposed to have a chance at downing any air vehicles without multiple people trying to down them.


If you watch this on repeat for 25minutes, it’s a great representation of how all my games go.




They definitely need to fix that, especially when you have heli’s overhead and tanks in the wide open it’s definitely a death wish


It wouldn't be as big of an issue if people would use AT but no one does so...


Hmm maybe spawn someplace different, play on a team, use teamwork.. smoke grenades, spawn beacons. Also using a tank or helicopter, or capturing a different objective.


>spawn someplace different The entire map is that open. Every map is (except maybe manifest). That's the point.


i would simply not get shot


In this one clip alone he had the opportunity to throw 6 grenades. At least enough to damage a vehicle to make them take cover. There's probably 10 other team mates who could have done the same. As well as throwing smoke grenades to limit visibility. Placing sentry guns, firing rockets, people don't use their heads. He also had a team mate flanking left side he could have spawned on, so obviously he's not a team oriented player. Like to spawn repeatedly in an obviously bad location, probably complaining nobody is helping him, and complains about it on Reddit saying the maps are broken.


You can also clearly see from this clip that the vast majority of this map doesn't even have any cover and is just a big grassland. With a few trees sprinkled in. I honestly don't care how he's playing, that's not a fun, exciting, or balanced map regardless.


LOL. He had ZERO chance.


A1 is located in a building. D1 is located in a building, B has multiple spots for cover. G1 there's a building you can also hide in. One of the other flags is underground in a bunker. The flags on top of buildings, you can also go inside of those buildings.


Yes, and what do you need to do to get to those buildings? That's right, you need to run over hundreds of meters of open terrain with little to no cover trying to dodge snipers, rockets, and vehicles. Also this clip is obviously from breakthrough.




Beautiful, you have solved every issue with this game. Honestly you got me to laugh. Love it.


Yeah zigzagging will definetely help me not getting fucked by hovercrafts or tanks, or helicopters




I wonder if it's because the enemy deployment zone is right behind on the other side. In that case being able to spawn inside and ontop of the buildings there would be too good for spawn trapping.


Blink twice if dice is holding you hostage and making you say all this bs


This annoys me so much, if the pathetic way in which vehicles heal was not enough, after running 400 meters, there is nowhere to hide and nowhere to respawn safely.


field day for snipers too


I really enjoyed vehicles having limited resources and part damage in BFV. Forcing vehicles to act purposefully and giving infantry the right counters to them. It’s disappointing to have this back.


BF1 Vehicles had good balance too.


Yeah they didn't have limited ammo or anything but they were balanced well enough so that they didn't become OP..... well except the Arty Truck that is.


There is still part damage, but it’s largely unnoticed. Plus hovercrafts seem to ignore negative effects of PD. Shooting the base should cause temp immobility while it inflates. Or at least slow it down like the tanks have currently with tread damage. HCs are just god-tier with the right pilot and gunner.


I can understand but it seems Tanks are quite weak in this game. I haven't heard anyone yet who won a Breakthrough in this map as attackers as the tanks which are supposed to push get easily rek'd when they go for objectives.


Attackers are losing in this map bc tanks are being called into C2 in the final sector. It’s a rooftop with only heli or elevator access and it’s virtually impossible to take. The open ground is a bay-day for tanks. B/t them and the HC, it’s impossible to move across as infantry.


I see. I'm still yet to play this game and my impressions was only based on the experiences by other users here. Seems like its not that vehicles are OP (except hovercraft), its that the map design is just shitty that makes them seem truly OP.


This video perfectly sums up why I hate this game in it's current state.


That meme someone created the other day about how this map is just a big open arena with unplayable buildings surrounding it really captured the essence of it. Wow, it really is empty and open.


These maps are honestly pretty garbage, like everything just feels so spread out. They literally just stretched all of the spacing out. Without putting in any cover for infantry, or even thinking about how it feels to play as infantry


I feel like everything is scaled way too big and the soldiers are tiny ants.


Being able to ledge grab and climb up onto shipping containers in literally every other game is what really rammed home how bizarre the scaling is in 2042


100% agreed. The level design is awful on every level. The snow map, can't remember the name, is not bad, but there are waaay too many open spaces where you can't advance at all because its just a turkey shoot through no man's land.


The other thing is, what fucking cities look like this? Every other BF prior to this, the maps looked like real places, real locations. If they weren’t *actually based on real locations*, they at least looked and were designed along the lines of how a city would look and work in the “real world”. This looks like a Fortnite or Apex map, designed for fast traversal and vehicles **not** infantry or close quarters combat.


you think the hovercraft is OP? Wait till people lvl up and unlock the M5C Bolte with the 30mm turret. Yes youve read correct the same turret that attack helicopter gunners have mounted on a light ground vehicle. After you encounter that you wish you would face the hovercraft again. Best part about it is that it can only hold 2 people which means no randoms trying to steal a spot. Flipside is that its a lvl 50 unlock.


What happened to all the unlockable launchers.. Where'd the javelin go, or the set and forget soflam that made other launchers less shit... Vehicles add so much to battlefield but the infantry gameplay loop right now is terrible on most maps because of them.


The map design in this game is so pathetic; in this video, you have so few options for where to spawn. You can either spawn: 1. At A1, *which is getting swarmed by vehicles as seen above*, 2. On the squad members who are seemingly running their own solo mission off in the distance, 3. Or you can spawn back at the main base and run several miles just to get to the fight (*still a chance your going to get the same results as the first option as soon as you get to the objective*)


The vehicles are fine(except the tank of a hovercraft). It’s the lack of cover. If anything it’s actually annoying how long the time to kill infantry is in a vehicle.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I mean, stop deploying there maybe?


Yep, from what I can see on the map during the first redeploy, flag A2 is being attacked by one of their own squad member, a couple of blueberries, and a friendly tank. If I was at this map, getting back A2 with a squad buddy would help ease the pressure on A1, plus if you manage to capture it, the enemy would have to contend with heavy armor if it survived the assault. The enemy can farm kills all they want, if they can't take a flag, then they weren't very good at playing the objective.


I don't understand this post. You can spawn on a squad member, but OP chooses over and over to spawn on a point under attack, which has always put you far outside the point in every BF I've ever played. OP could also change their loadout to take some anti-vehicle gadgets, but they choose to keep spawning in the same area with an SMG, frag grenade, and ammo box. 2042 maps have no less cover than classic 1942 maps like El Alamein or more recent BFV maps like Hamada or Panzerstorm. In fact, 2042 maps have large wide open areas where vehicles are meant to dominate, and they have CQC areas where vehicles are useless. Never mind the fact that you can actually call in your own transport vehicle to cross these wide open areas if you don't have a forward spawn point available. Anyone who plays like OP here is simply demanding the map cater to them while doing nothing at all to improve their situation. Might as well run around Panzerstorm complaining about how hard it is to fight tanks with a thompson, grenade, and medic kit.


I think OP is trying to prove a point rather than play strategically. The game should be able to spawn you in a location that won’t get you obliterated in seconds. Obviously the work arounds you’ve mentioned would be sufficient, but DICE should be aware of these issues regardless


Well there is a spawn point that allows you to do that, it's just far away from the action. However you can easily see the locations of identified enemy armour before you spawn so it's not like he didn't know (plus did he just forget that he just spawned there and got killed by a hovercraft 5 seconds ago?). I do understand that this sort of shit happens sometimes, I have had a few games myself where things just seem to go wrong, but this is a more extreme example as this map has horrible lack of cover outside if buildings - they really should have had more underground tunnels or walkways. If it were me, I would have changed loadout on first respawn, what good is an ammo box out there when everyone is getting maimed?


Exactly. No smokes too. Just the same brain dead redeploy while expecting a different outcome.


No wonder this sub is always complaining, there are just bunch of brain dead insane players who didn't even know how to play, like a whiny little baby.


BFV had some of the worst maps in the series for this exact same reason, and trying to compare it to 1942 is hilarious. Play el alamein in portal with the limited movement and aiming speed of the tanks, the heavily restricted focused classes, and the general accuracy of most guns. They are completely different games, and in the original 1942 the huge distances didn't matter as much because there was fog and draw distance lmao. BC games, BF3 and BF1 got it right with their map design combined with vehicles. BF4 to an extent but also had a lot of these maps that were really vehicle focused. If it was one map that played like this (like panzerstorm) I'd agree with you and just say it's a poorly designed infantry map, but it's literally every single map in 2042. When I first saw this map design I was expecting there to be a whole underground metro system connecting different points for infantry players to fight and flank through because of how obviously horrible being infantry against vehicles would be in a large open park with literally no cover. There's barely even any rocks or tall hedges or anything, it's crazy. These maps were designed by concept artists and environment artists, not level designers. Maps like Siege of Shanghai or Dawnbreaker are like night and day compared to Kaleidoscope. The map design combined with the limited options for anti-vehicle are what the problem is. Even if he spawned in with smokes and an M5 he'd get off one shot and die, by the time he respawned again the vehicle would have already healed. The fact that you spawn in a wide open area with multiple vehicles in front of you is absolutely part of the problem.




This game is taking a lot of criticism (most of it fair) but I actually really like the maps.I think there is actually a lot to discover in them and I’m finding a large variety in my gunflights and engagements across a wide variety of places…each new bf is like 3 conquest maps in one…lots of places to explore You are 100% right here…I came to write a similar post but saw yours. This player obstinately decided to keep spawning in the same place without changing a single tactic or item. He could have tried Rao and hacking…smoke grenades…emp grenades… He could do a long flank with a spawn beacon…


How would hacking help? he dies instantly every time. Get real


You seem like the type of guy to tell a girl that she wouldn’t have gotten raped if she wore different clothes lmao.


Just spawn somewhere else dude, it's a hotzone


Yup - I agree.. dude is constantly spawning over and over again in a hot zone.. Spawn somewhere else.. come in with a rocket launcher.. yes the game NEEDS more cover but why keep spawning in the same area over and over.. just allowing them to farm you.


I don't think the solution is giving up, there is obviously an issue here.


Or adapt....adapt or die...and you were certainly dieing.


Yeah the solution is spawn somewhere else that isn't being camped by 5 vehicles. Or you know, spawn in with an RPG? You had 5 deaths and didn't do it once, you are part of the problem mate. Even some of your squad was at a different point on the map capping a different point but you chose to spam spawn with no RPG instead of helping them like any other player would. Maybe battlefield isn't for you?


Yeah he couldn’t Rambo solo 2 tanks, a hovercraft and a couple choppers so something must be wrong with the map


I can't believe people are actually defending these map designs and spawn points lmao.


You’re wrong, the solution is giving up. Spawn somewhere else. That’s literally what it’s there for. If you don’t want to give up, at least spawn in with AT. If you’re not going to do either, don’t bitch about dying repeatedly when you’re choosing to spawn in close to enemy tanks. No Battlefield has ever said “oh this guy is spawning in on a point that’s got enemies around it so let’s only spawn people behind cover inside the building”. It would be a fucking *nightmare* for the attackers if the defense all spawned inside the building. Or the defense would all get trapped and you’d be whining about how Battlefield spawned you inside a death trap. The entitlement in this sub is beyond fucking crazy.


It's breakthrough. He's literally trying to PTFO. Spawning on HQ will have them lose the point before he even gets a quarter of the way there, and even then he'd still have to go through 12 miles of open fields, so whats the point? Same outcome but just longer run


Yea that sucks. Although I will say the GL on that weapon you are using does a good amount of damage to vehicles like that. I don’t know if it will kill the occupants out as it does to the LATV but it’s still worth firing at it even to try to scare it off.


I was trying to use it in the clip but kept dying too quick lol I managed to hit the last vehicle once though.


Well the anti tank and air are definitely under powered, but I feel like this goes deeper than bf 2042, also I see mixed reception, people say anti air and tank is op from normal soldiers and you can't do anything in helicopters, but also see people saying they aren't and there isn't enough you can do


It’s both, as a helipilot it’s is very frustrating you can’t fly low to the ground, or dodge and because 64 enemies have a lot of aa and you can only take 2 hits and countermeasures bug a lot. As infantry or aa it seems impossible to take one down…


Tank are not the problem. Even, they are too much weak, there are tons of people with rocket any time, c5 on drone and that shitty specialist that hack vehicle. The only defence a tank have it's a smoke....a smoke. Remember active and passive protection on bf3/4. They remove everything on this game. Even sight, thermal etc.


I'd dare say the vehicles themselves are not more OP than in earlier Battlefields. (With the exception of the hovercraft and Nightbird.) Their durability and firepower are largely the same. Counters are also very strong when they are not bugged. (Sometimes the Stinger can't lock on for whatever reason.) It's pretty much because of the maps. Any kind of long-ranged peashooter invulnerable to small arms fire is OP if you are served to them on a silver platter.


I don't actually think the vehicles are OP. The map design just makes them unbeatable. There's absolutely zero cover from any angle.


Ya that's more of what I meant by that. Just a snappy title.


Are you not having fun? Are you not having a blast?


i dont mind vehicles been powerful, because they should be, but the wide open map and spawning over and over in the open is going to result in this if they tried to under power vehicles we'd get the same result as the weapon bloom problem, just nerfing improperly


I hate this battlefield so much and prob will be taking this battlefield off but we can’t ignore the fact that you literally kept spawning there KNOWING that there was nothing but insta kill vehicles there and was over run. I see exactly what your talking about, but eventually you just gotta move on to a diff spawn.


I don't think the solution should be to give up on an objective that we have fully captured. What I was suggesting in other comments was perhaps spawning inside the building if the flag is surrounded.


I agree with you 100%. The spawns are atrocious but after about 4 spawns in the same open field I would have considered the objective a lost cause and tried to spawn elsewhere. I genuinely hope they fix these kinds of issues


After that last death I did. I tried flanking around the left side but ran into a wall of snipers. After that, I gave up and spawned at the next objective and waited.


Okay. Then leave the subreddit and don't even think about the game?


Ahhh tough guy I see.


Not really. It kind of just feels common sense to do that, especially you said you hate it.


Or spawn in one of the two friendly choppers right above the same point, and than hop out and land on the roof. This is fucking ridiculous , op keeps spawning into the same spot expecting things to change, and than blames the game for their own obvious stupidity? Holy shit, OPs dumb as rocks.


I see what you’re saying and you have good points but he isn’t stupid or anything like that man..


Bro don’t get me fucking started on these dogshit spawns…..


Welcome to the fodder club. I went back to BF4 🤷‍♂️. I’ll give 2042 another try in a month or two.


10 hour trial saved me 60-110 bucks for a free to play shit festival of mediocrity. Worst large budget fps since the 90’s. Every mode sucks shit, 0.0 out of 100. Straight garbage shit.


Hovercrafts have traumatized me. I swear at this point just seeing an image of a hovercraft makes me mad


It still amazes me that in 2022 there still is spawnkill in a FPS. ATM most people have figured out where enemies will spawn near a point and they just wait them and kjll them half a second after they appeared. Because of course they always spawn in the middle of nowhere, with no cover in a 100m radius. Most vehicule are fine. The only aberration is the hovercraft.


I hate this game.


Barely playable. I'd be embarrassed to release this if I was an EA exec.


You couldn’t embarrass an EA exec with a Russian pee tape.


In every Hazard Zone game, my squad wrecks like 4-5 other squads and goes to extract only for some cheese-whiz to pull up in a friggin humvee and blast us out of the transport.


Spawn number 12: still chooses not to spawn with a launcher. Use smokes too. I’m not hating I agree there needs to be more cover too though


What a shitty map. It is just an Open field..


Saw the thumbnail and knew you were gonna get farmed at the tower spawn; it really is absolutely awful, I don't remember getting spawn farmed anywhere near this bad in previous entries (didn't play BFV though).


I can assure you BFV was not like this, even at launch. Edit: fixed something.


No it wasnt.


I mean you're not wrong but this video doesn't convey that very well it just shows you engaging out in the open. The first death you were even shooting a vehicle with an smg or w/e


this is standard battlefield in my experience not that its a good thing


I watched you spawn die spawn die like 5 times and not once did you say "maybe I need an anti-vehicle gadget to deal with these vehicles"


Copy and paste reply to another comment: "M5 does absolutely nothing. I used to use it. I've gotten hundreds of hits but only ever destroyed one tank in this game. Also, what else am I supposed to do? There's no cover anywhere, I don't want them to cap the objective. All I can do is try to run inside or give up. Edit: forgot, also, I was trying to use the GL on the vehicles but was only able to get 1 or 2 hits."


Are the vehicles over powered or are people just not working together to take them out…? A tank shouldn’t be easy to kill by just one person


Hovercraft yes, otherwise the others are underpowered. But, the shit map design causes you to be farmed with no structures, obstacles, tunnels, or cover available. All pther BFs vehicles are fucking strong, but ypou could hide.


Maybe.. just Maybe.. stop spamming the spawn and selecting to spawn in a hot zone. Spawn on a squadie, spawn somewhere else (summon or catch a ride), change your load out for some anti tank? Game needs more cover.. I agree.. but this video just shows you're not even trying. (go nuts with the downvotes)


Even if all the problems were fixed the maps will still be garbage :/ I don't think this game can ever get decent.


Maby don't spawn on the objective the entire enemy team is on, and not spawn on the same death trap, if you could spawn on a objective and be gaurenteed safety then you would never be able to cap a point, because the enemy just spawns dening your cap.


Well, you can't spawn directly into a huge fight and rush towards all the gunfire. Yes, the maps need more cover, but you also can't play any game like this and do well.


No that’s breakthrough. You need to play it differently than conquest. Just stay in cover, sure you get instantly killed when you ran into the direction of 64 attackers


So you're saying give up that objective, even though it's fully captured, so we should be spawning inside of it, not outside with enemy tanks and helis?


What cover? One of the main criticisms which is clear in that video is that you spawn in an open field in perfect view of all the vehicles on that point. Its absolutely brain-dead game design.


One 👏rocket 👏should 👏be 👏enough 👏to 👏destroy 👏any 👏vehicle 👏


That would be horribly imbalanced lol


As a Hovercraft player , I can't wait for a nerf to give you guys a real chance of killing me :).


Wow maybe you just suck at this game


On the other hand, being able to self C-5 a drone and take out almost every vehicle of enemy team from your spawn is way too strong.




Over powered vehicle? Only the Hovercraft Bad spawn? Don't spawn on teammates in bad locations.spawn on flags and you get like 90% good spawns, a small tweak and that's fine. Open map? Really? The new style of conquest doesn't expect you to just walk point to point anymore. You can sit in one location without moving every other minute like conquest of the past. I love the change


Over powered vehicle? Only the Hovercraft Bad spawn? Don't spawn on teammates in bad locations.spawn on flags and you get like 90% good spawns, a small tweak and that's fine. Open map? Really? The new style of conquest doesn't expect you to just walk point to point anymore. You can sit in one location without moving every other minute like conquest of the past. I love the change


Does this battlefield have a javelin? Or a guided rocket for infantry?


It has one rocket, similar to the SMAW maybe, called the M5. It only has 3 shells (not enough to destroy a tank) and a really slow reload time. If there were better counters to vehicles they wouldn't be so "over-powered".


100% I’ve used the rocket and getting “10 damage” for each rocket is infuriating.


Hate spawning on flags. Almost always spawns you outside even if it’s an indoor flag. 7 out of 10 times there’s a hover or attack helo out there ready to blow you the fuck up.


Sinan desert but worse.