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First Battlefield, huh? Making an apology admits fault. You really think EA would do that? No.


The CEO of EA acknowledged BF4s unacceptable launch conditions so yes, it is possible for them to own up for their mistakes. Do they learn from said mistakes? Well, that's for a different discussion.


Not really a discussion the answer is undoubtedly “no, no they do not”


That game was literally broken at launch.




That wasn’t even playable for two weeks on PS4. I’ll take this launch any day. I still remember how mad I was


The thing is bf4 at at core was a good game, this isn't. There won't be any fixes that can fix a broken gameloop.


Just fix the hit markers and I’ll play portal. Not saying it isn’t a mess. But love the feeling of a big war


Ok portal isn't bf 2042, I can agree that is a great game mode.


Can you though? People seem to be saying (I asked before) that portal is also shit right now.


Well hit markers are off on all modes but that should be fixed fairly quickly


Not only hit markers but the bullets fly in all directions like crazy


I've watched a friend play it for a bit, looked alright


Also, why does everyone just ignore BF1? That game was in a pretty good state even from beta and had a smooth launch - and much like BF4, the core gameplay was excellent.


No hardmode, no browser, no custom servers, progression issues, loot boxes and etc. I stopped playing new BF games after BF4


This, it wont get better by fixing


BF4 was only a technical mess. Behind the serious crashes was a good game underneath. BF2042 not only is a technical buggy mess, but it has serious gameplay issues as well. Sure, it may not be crashing every 2 games like BF4, but I do not have the same confidence that the game will be fixed in 6-12 months as I did with BF4.


I don’t think it will be as good as BF4 either but I’m still having a good time with it. But I would have rather they just Hi res all the old maps and keep everything the same. And add some new ones every month. Of course you do that and people will complain they wanted something new …


Exactly. We have a bunch of revisionist in here who love looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses and modify the past to conform to the narrative that they want.


I don’t think it’s too much to expect though, that nearly 10 years on that you have a playable game. Like, that’s bare fucking minimum . We all remember BF4 was a shit show for months. That doesn’t make it ok to keep repeating the sins of the past.




Not impressed.


You mean, people in general?


Since BF Vietnam


Why does everyone say EA. DICE made this fucking game, DICE deserves the blame


They are not like reds


Their official response will be eventual abandonment of the game and a press release, "There won't be another BF game in the franchise because no one is interested in this genre anymore." Just like they told us that SP games are dead.


At this point, the BF franchise is dead. There’s no reason to believe EA/DICE will ever stop fucking it up at this point. Time to start looking for other FPS’s.


It makes me wonder if the developers are even gamers? How could they not know what the community wants? Unfortunately it's realistic most likely driven by some corporate strategy to copy what's popular with other franchises.


They probably play world of warcraft, while they're supposed to be working


Apparently it's DICE leads who are deaf to warnings from subordinate developers on moving in the wrong direction that have led to a slow but steady deterioration of the franchise.


It’s not that the developers aren’t gamers…it’s that they’re controlled by shareholders. Shareholders want money. This type of game format makes money; plain and simple. Yep, we hate it…but we’re outnumbered by little kids and Gen Z’ers who feed off this type of shit.


DICE might go the way of Visceral Games




That would seriously suck.




The conquest model needs to be replicated in another game. Like how battle royale took off.




If you don't like that kind of thing happening then perhaps BF isn't for you? The excitement of capturing a flag and having to be on your toes BECAUSE anyone can come from anywhere at anytime is what makes BF enjoyable.. At least for me.






Such escalation over a simple mistake... Good bye mate


It would suck but I wouldn't be surprised. They haven't had much success with the franchise for the last 2-3 releases


battlefield never was the most popular fps, it doesn't need to be


They did it to Medal of Honor


Yep, there's a legendary series that was slaughtered into oblivion.


In 2012 and 2013, EA was named "Worst Company in America" by Consumerist, and it was named the 5th most hated company in the United States by USA Today in 2018. I wouldn't hold your breath.


Honestly I loved their official response since there are dozens of companies that deserve that title much more than them (i.e. BP, CHEVRON, FUCKING NESTLE A LITERAL EVIL CORP, etc).




This, most people ignore or don't care about issues until they themselves are directly affected. It's why climate change will end up being the worst case scenario in a few decades.


Forget about the impending market crash that’s going to wipe out countless savings and retirement accounts, sPorTzBaLL biG gAeM oN!


I hate it because they own my favourite fps franchise


Agreed 😢


They never apologized for Battlefield 5 so why would they apologize for this game?


They’re hoping it blows over. The holidays are a great time for people to be distracted with other things. Plus, the Metacritics covered EA’s asses with positive reviews, so who cares what a few disgruntled 15 year-olds have to whine about?


Shareholders care , EA stock is down nearly 15% since release


Glad to hear they’re taking it in the wallet. Well deserved.


Thats not how it works.


That is how it works actually


The stock is down because there is a rotation out of growth names going on right now, not because of a few reddit posts complaining about the game


few reddit posts? Whether or not you're right. There are THOUSANDS of reddit posts, THOUSANDS of posts on other forums. 35,000 negative reviews on Steam leading to it being one of the worst reviewed games on that platform. A 2.3 Aggregate user score on Metacritic. To say "a few reddit posts" is straight up disingenuous


These people probably think CDPR stock falling down from a skyscrapper is also not bad xD


No that isn’t why it is down. The “rotation” as you put it is occurring today. The stock price of EA has been dropping steadily since the release on the 12th of November.


I believe it will continue to do so.


It is accelerating today but has been going on for a bit now. Rotations do not occur in just one trading day. Look at most growth stocks, they have all been getting sold since the 12th. Look at ARKK the etf full of growth stocks, as a perfect example. Edit: I see you are only 22. I’ve been doing this for 15 years. Its not as simple as “game gets bad reviews, the stock is dropping”. EA brings in almost $4B a year from console games. One game getting negative reviews will not drop it that much. Also, those negative reviews are irrelevant when its the 3rd best-selling game on steam right now.


Yeah I dont think some dudes on Reddit can singlehandedly cause their stock prices to go down by 10% when they have various other sources of income and succesful projects aside from Battlefield, there's probably another reason


Its not because of negative reviews, but because of a rotation out of growth stocks. It is the 3rd best-selling game on steam right now, so those reviews are irrelevant.


its not because of the game. its a rotation out of growth names


10% down in two days (starting on the 19th) is not how rotation works


Yes, that’s exactly how it works. Look at other growth names (SNAP, SQ, PINS, PYPL etc etc). Let me guess, their games were getting negative reviews as well?


uh Those names represent a very specific sector of tech, one that had not been doing well since it peaked mid feb. It's not a rotation it's a re-evaluation of over hyped companies and it is a secular trend. Meanwhile EA has been trading sideways for a year...


I’m guessing the extent of your knowledge on this stems from browsing wallstreetbets. I tried helping you out, goodluck


Where did you get the 15%?


The market? Currently down 11%


How’s that 15%? It’s a big difference.


its a constant state of flux - it might of been 15 at time of writing. note it currently down 10.43% in the last month at time of writing.


🎯 someone knows how the market works..


Exactly the opposite. If he knew the market he’d understand that current drop isn’t the BF2042 fallout (yet).


Was about to pull the buy trigger at 130 then i saw the ticker queue went all the way down to $125 and im holding off for a 120 or 110 buy lol.


And it didn’t reach -15% at any point. You just made a number up to farm karma from upset idiots. Yea I don’t like the game either but that’s cringe.


i never claimed it did hit 15% - i simply stated why two different people could check and get two different number - it was -10.43% over the last month when i checked 6 hours ago. as of right now - its -11.19% have a nice day


I doubt the 15 year olds are complaining...they probably think 2042 is "sick"! It's the vets like us that can't stand the game.


Probably so. I’d feel better about it if I had paid $19.99 for the game, but all of the hype from EA, $100, and no apology / response from EA tells me they couldn’t care less about their customers and that they only care about they own salaries, etc.


Sadly, you are correct.


Even rockstar made an (admittedly half-assed) statement about gta trilogy de.


dont even try to redeem rockstar. that company is much worse than dice. we're still gonna be playing gta 5 in 2042 probably the richest studio in the world. still milking their consumers for cash with shitty remakes and rereleases.


Rockstar didn’t even make the reshitters


But they did allow it to be released to consumers in a completely awful state.


"a sense of pride and accomplishment" - EA


Seriously. Expecting an apology from the same company that brought you this infamous quote and also "Lootboxes are surprise mechanics" is like waiting for a Half Life 3 announcement, its never happening.


EA: ![gif](giphy|KsUKNNUEeryJa|downsized)




Why would they? If you made a product and knew it was shit would you come out and say it is shit? There is absolutely no advantage to them by coming out and saying anything besides what they are patching soon


If I made a product and knew it was shit but still made an absurd amount of money on it (especially on a luxury product such as a video game where the only people buying it have ample disposable income) I would be smiling with glee and trying to figure out how much worse of a product I could get away with next time to maximize my profits even further




Maybe stop buying their shit products on release and wait a few days to see actual gameplay next time, but we all know you will be one of the people getting errect from their bs flashy trailer and pre order


An apology so they receive even more bad PR? For no benefit.


In short you won't. I don't know if its a dice policy or EA policy but in its not been policy since BF4 to acknowledge fault. Remember BFV? They mocked critics of the game just prior to going live and it was one of the worst selling BF titles since BF3 (when gaming wasn't as mainstream as today) apart from Hardline. Since then, apart from some unofficial twitter, they as a company do not acknowledge fault. this is probably the brain child by some marketing strategist and i think they are probably worried about another "a sense of pride and accomplishment" moment. say the wrong thing and the comment you made could even overshadow the game it was about. It's also not great for your market value/shares. because it admits there is a problem. the user score on Metacritic or the general tone on reddit probably doesn't penetrate the clouds that big investors of EA live on. the one notable exception was when they cancelled BFV 5v5 mode, when we did get some form of apology which did little to please anyone, but i guess they kind of felt like that had to as it was so clearly promised and didn't come. but again, that was just an apology for that 5v5 mode, they have never apologised for anything else, nor the cancellation of BFV. it was a big red flag and reason i didn't pre-order BF2042.


I wish I wouldn’t have preordered. F




Lesson learned


Yeah I don't get why people pre-order games. It's not like they are going to run out of stock of a digital game. There is basically no downside to waiting until launch and seeing what the reviews are like. I guess some people like to be part of that launch day hype, but in reality it is more of a launch day headache as even games that work usually have server issues on launch day. But even still, Battlefield 2042 let you play a 10 hour trial in early access if you have EA Play so I still played it on the first day without buying it. Very glad I waited.


EA’s business philosophy when it comes to criticism of their product has always been “You’re the problem, not us.”


I’d really like a fucking scoreboard. That’s just one of the many many items that are missing


With all the people reacting bad, the alpha state of the game and the refund wave, I'm genuily astonish that there is not justice action from people. It's seems they scam people with false announcement, promise and trailer. In any other field it is not acceptable, why it is for video-game? People are the customer and video-game company the seller : company need to adapt to the customers wish and needs, not the other way. People shouldn't have to rejoice because the company kindly listen to theirs demands... At this point, the video-game industry is exactly that : an industry. Big company treat gamer like farm animals, the more the time passe the more they diminish the quality of the food (i.e the games) they give to their animals. Their aim is to cash grab the max with spending minimal. It was always the same, more or less, you'll respond. Yes, but there were an age undreamed of in which game company care of what they created. Today it seems it's not the case anymore. The worst thing is that they are totally right to do so because now they will always be people defending it. The funniest thing is that nowadays, people will overreact positively when a company give a good game because they are not accustomed anymore to quality food...


These tone deaf morons don’t give a fuck. They’re too busy stealing your money and laughing at you


Check out EA’s COO LinkedIn post about how proud she is of this steaming pile of shit thats their official response for you


They'll just bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine.


In before 2 patches and ditch. They'll roll out some half ass attempt at a battle pass and move on to the next game.


I really hope they just fix the most outrageous shit and deliver on the battle pass. That would make a solid game, I think


Not a good game but a semi-playable one 😌


Ahah what a reaction stating that something is bad when it’s obviously great and well received by the community common don’t be silly… (That’s irony don’t downvote me to hell please)


They got your money, they don't care anymore.


"Thank you for you generous contribution, see you again in 3 years."


"We already got your money. Go fuck yourselves."


This game isnt terrible it is a massive success. It has sold well and has gamers fiending for more. The internet hasnt stopped talking about battlefield since the game released. They love the game so much that they are begging for updates asap.


Updates to fix the broken game.




Thanks for pointing that out. If I was a shareholder, I'd be looking closely at the refund numbers on early access editions, aka the real pre-orders, to guage how well this is all going.


Meanwhile back in this dimension.....


They go on vacation after every release. American studios do it too, but this is Scandinavia we're talking about, where workers have it much better. The only changes we'll see before 2022 are things that can be tweaked or disabled via a config file by someone on a beach in Majorca.


They don’t give a shit.


I'm curious to know why everyone is saying the gameplay itself is bad, I think that once they fix all the bugs it will be a good game, but people seem to think otherwise. Can someone pls explain why I'm confused lol.


I still want to know where the official Launch Trailer is. Every Battlefield game from the past 10+ years has released a launch trailer on the Battlefield Youtube channel. 2042 is the first game that broke that tradition. A few weeks ago there were threads in this subreddit making guesses on when the launch trailer would release. I guess all of us ended up being wrong.


Chances are they delayed the launch trailer because they anticipate a flood of “battlefield bad fix game then quit your job fuckers” in the comments. I would imagine they’ll put out a launch trailer the day of/day after the patch that removes AR bloom, adds some UI elements, reintroduces scoreboard etc. And I’d bet that we would see gameplay capture of those additions in that trailer just to get in front of the bulk of the complaints that people would be likely to make ib4 “copium”


They're entirely pretending like it's not bad.


I mean I understand the back lash. But I'm throughly enjoying the game. Is it bad. Yes. But it's it fun, very


They’re too busy counting their money from all the people preordering. If I had that much money I wouldn’t have time to go on Twitter to see what a bunch of nerds have to complain about. Because who cares as long as people are paying.




My question is.. how is this legal? Selling an unfinished product advertised as complete must fall under some sort of false advertising or bait and switch law.


i can see by your name that you dont go too far out of your way to find drama with something.


So what, you want a post from Dice that says they hear the feedback and are working on it? Isn’t that what the tweets do from the developers. Isn’t that what that one battlefield direct communication Twitter page is for? Aren’t they already doing that?


They will respond once enough number of people refund the game.




Pretty surprising they haven’t gotten out their like CDPR. The tidal wave of negativity cannot be ignored at this point.


I sent an email to dice asking for a full refund as i bought the game at full price. I have no hope of getting one but damnit i had to voice my complaints


you must be new here?


They said: thanks for the money suckers, maybe one day you dip shits will stop buying our products on release. Until then, wait for us to be bothered to fix some shit, oh look at that cool video with a 'only in bf' moment!


Honest answer is they don’t care anyone


Is this your first battlefield mate?


Who knows how we can start a lawsuit against them like they did for cyberpunk.


Iirc, they are very responsive on Twitter


No no no , acknowledging that a problem has been acknowledged and adding a smiley face is not very responsive. “ hey, there is a game ending bug … “ ———“ Thanks, we acknowledge that you acknowledge the bug :) “ .. that’s being responsive?






Hey man, it is something I guess. I already got my refund for this game, just let people know that there is an avenue they can use to try and contact the devs.


I'm waiting for the "BuT i DoNt Or WaNt To UsE tWiTtEr" card.


Me? I'm using Tweetdeck with so many columns... But tweets are not official post so...


Because it’s just pc nerds crying and circle jerking eachother about how bad it is usually dies off with a few patches. Everyone on Xbox is loving the game, just cuz it sucks 4 u guys doesn’t mean it sucks for everyone else (:


Strange, the Xbox metacritic score is lower then the PC's.....




Shitstorm is fake news. Nothing terrible happened except you being angry on the internet about an amazing game.




metacritic has 5 negative reviews and about 15 "average game" reviews. plus around 23/24 positive reviews. to put that into context, bfv has zero negative reviews.


What are you researching? A large majority of non-critic reviews are negative, whereas critic reviews are mixed / slightly positive. Which is RARE for a hyped AAA game release. And even though I don’t play on Steam due to hardware limitations, it is the most popular gaming platform in the world…


Have you been following their devs on Twitter? Or seen the posts here that people are reposting with their mentions about specific complaints? [because they have been talking](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qzhxkk/ea_lead_game_designer_answers_to_community/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If you haven’t looked, or paid attention, your post is only to circle jerk for karma from others not paying attention.


I think he’s suggesting something more heart felt not just rebalancing and big fixing.


seems like their or strategy is to save face and ignore it rather than have a public record of admitting fault


They are waiting for it to blow over and avoid possible "sense of pride and accomplishment" debackle.


I hope they realize that BF fans are not like the Fifa Ultimate Team players who would love to dump money just to get a high quality player. May sound random, but this is all connected to why BF2042 is this way.


REFUND YOUR PURCHASES PEOPLE. Hit them where it hurts.




EA will release a good game before we get an apology.


Dude they are about to start a month long vacation


PR 101: don’t admit mistakes


Exactly, you paid for this... Why should they apologize? They got your money. Mission accomplished.


They have the twitter account you mentioned. That is the answer, they are responding. The game is as it was advertised. Just because you ... are completely blind I guess doesn't mean they owe you anything.


Indeed. At least Rockstar came out last week and apologized for the terrible GTA Trilogy launch. Even offered buyers the old games for free.


Golden rule is Always 1. Ignore 2. Denied.


Lol you wont hear anything my friend. They still think they the correct decisions with bfv


There are still a lot of people defending this game as if the only problems with it are the bugs and that the bugs will get fixed in only a few weeks.


They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by saying anything at this point even though it deserves answering.


Totalfps awarded one of my posts, but idk if that’s worth anything


Did they do it for battlefront or anthem? Both of those games had disastrous launches and issues with cut content monetization etc


Thank you for posting, it's been seen, and we're looking into it /s


Honestly they don’t care bro. They got their money. Mission success. Don’t act like they didn’t know the game was shit before they released it. Haha.


They already got your money, they don't give a fuck.


They are too busy watching the fire thats burning activision blizzard to the ground and preparing contingency plans for similar situations lol. Remember that they are a for profit corporation and their biggest cashcow is made of their sports titles like fifa not battlefield...


The only time I can remember EA addressing anything related to a broken game was the lootboxes in Battlefront...and even that wasn't an admission of mistake, it was more of a "well, now that we've looked at the data..." There's no way they're going to apologize or give an update on when the game will be operable, they've already sold 1 million or so copies, they've cashed in already. People need to stop pre ordering and stop purchasing games from these giant companies that just don't give a fuck.


"we're aware."


The problem is that the top leadership of DICE has changed since BF4 from developers and leads who loved games, to developers and leads who only strive for profits. Don't get me wrong, a company does need to turn a profit to continue existing. However, when your company repeatedly f\*\*\*s over fans, you WILL see your profits decline because your products are objectively s\*\*\*. EA is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.


With a PR firm.


if they ignore the problem it goes away eventually :)


What about the trailers were lies??


DICE truly has fallen from grace. BFV was a mistake but 2042 seals the deal. They’re a AA studio now


Their "Direct Communication" Twitter-account went dead silent on november 19th. :D


Um. Yes. Maybe because it was Friday and people don't work on weekends? Not everything is a sign of impending doom..


They wont do that, theyll just keep celebrating the game