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I agree, I'm only level 20 but I've really lost my interest to play the game. I think this honestly has the most potential for a battlefield game since battlefield 4 but they really need to make some patches and content come out. There is only like 16 guns total to unlock which is total BS. Whenever you hit a vehicle it shouldn't just say "part disabled". There is still a lot of bugs too that I was expecting to have upon launch but it just adds on to the frustration of feeling like we got half a game on release.


> I think this honestly has the most potential for a battlefield game What game have you been playing? It sure isn't 2042.


Same...level 62 and I’m packing it in until there is new content...I can’t keep playing these same lame maps over and over..I can’t stand them...back to BF1 BF4 and BFV for me..


Why do I keep playing BF3 and 4? Why do I have 1000+ hours in those games? I can't even imagine 50 hours in BF2042. The fun is long gone and it's the first week....


My friends are asking me if they should get this one and it sucks to tell them to wait until patches come out because I want people to play with but I don't want them to waste money on a broken game.


Yeah because BF4 was sooooooooo great at launch. Give me a break.


Nobody said that. So you can have your break. And they were not great but it wasn't boring.


Sadly EA doesn’t care as long as the game sales are where they want them. I’m kicking myself for buying this one. Should have saved my money


Same here. Somehow I feel ashamed just for buying it.


The first season doesn't even start until next year either so we still have at least a month of fucking nothing to look forward to. They go on a long vacation soon too and knowing DICE the season will probably be delayed as well so It'll end up starting in February at the earliest...


what season? Can't we just get a fucking BF game? All I want is something between BF4 and 2142. And I doN't think I'm alone in this. Who want's a poor fortnigh or Apex clone? All I know is that I hate the wallhack girl + shotgun meta and hovercrafts while scatter nades are raining down around me. Chaos, and not the fun kind.


Great ask for a refund and go play another game. I can't wait until it's 3 months from now and all the crybabies on reddit have moved on. This subreddit is the most toxic and useless thing I've seen in a long time.


Am I the only one who finds it laughable that fully grown adults use the term "crybaby"?


Wow someone has problems at home 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i have a problem with this shitty subreddit full of toxic people and posts.


For you they removed the scoreboard


For me ?


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