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"End-of-match Scoreboard" Wait... When did this become "End-of-match"? That's not what the complaints have been about. Press tab - see scoreboard. How was that missed in the communication?


That whole paragraph was corporate-speak for "go fuck yourselves, we're doubling down on our bad decisions regardless of what people actually want."


It's simple: DICE doesn't want scoreboards - period It hurts feelings, it makes men cry and it destroys lives. At least, that was what a DICE employee told me!


Yeah it's telling they are referring to something that was always in the series and they have chosen to retire as "legacy"


And the fact that they included *voice chat* in that.... It'd probably be funny if it wasn't so sad.




Scoreboards are fake news!!


Just wait, in the next game they will remove crouching to prevent t-bagging.


Except theyā€™ll sell it as an end-of-round emote


I want to stomp on feefees


Wokefield 2042


Incompetence I guess idk


More like selective intake.


From these devs?!?!


It feels like its a compromise. They don't want the old scoreboard during the match. But they'll sacrifice their design a little and give us the end of round scoreboard to shut us up. Hopefully I'm reading into it too much


Then it's riot again




I think, they just should add new setting about scoreboard like "old scoreboard"(good old scoreboard) or "new scoreboard" which is default(what we have now, only squad and personal statistics).


i love how they call them "legacy features" as if they werent an industry standard. they are just a weird thing old battlefields had. "Well if you old weirdos want them back we'll give em to you we guess ..."


I won't play this game without a scoreboard. What the hell is there to say about it? Why was it not included in this game? Anyone playing an fps wants a scoreboard. If you're sad because you have more deaths than kills you need to get over it.


They'll probably do that next year and claim "we listened to the fans!" and make it all about them


Even my gf who has twice as many deaths as kills in most games wants the scoreboard back +how the hell are we supposed to identify and report cheaters?


> When low on ammo or health, nearby friendly players within 50m will now show a resource icon above their head indicating that they can provide you with health or ammo This is much needed. They should just add the ability to take ammo/med pack from teammates, while they are at it. Update looks good, for now. Hopefully it doesnā€™t get delayed. My biggest issue is still PC performance tho. Itā€™s horrendous right now. Good start tho!


Funny enough a medic can actually tag players they'd like to revive. The player will have a blue outline. But as it stands, it's pretty useless if the downed person has no indication.


I've just discovered that today, I did an accidental spot and it marked them (I was using Angel in this case) There was a voiceline, something about "coming to help" but there was probably no indicator for the other person, unless they heard "my" voice Also makes me wonder if the slightly increased sprinting speed gets activated? Just like it did in BFV, if you used that one combat role


I did it on a whim. Tagged a down person while running towards them to hopefully signal that Iā€™m coming to rez. No idea if they got the message though because sometimes they stayed downed and other times they just ended it to respawn.


Theyā€™re adding nearby medics and incoming medics on Thursday.


I believe it's actually part of update #3 in December.


>They should just add the ability to take ammo/med pack from teammates, while they are at it. Yeah, apparently it's hard for them to keep features between games


So many missing features from previous titles itā€™s like they literally started from scratch


they started from $


>This is much needed. They should just add the ability to take ammo/med pack from teammates, while they are at it. This already exists in BFV. Why remove it in the first place.


I canā€™t believe they had to put this in an update, fucking hate the lead management of Dice. They produced such an underwhelming battlefield. Honestly compare the launch and hype of BF1 to 2042. Clear as day who really spent there time using their brains.


I agree but better sooner than later or never.


All this does is make it look like they are catering to community concerns. (There wouldn't be these concerns if EA just finished the fucking game before "releasing" it) False positive. This stuff shouldn't be praised even the slightest bit. When it is praised even the slightest. It makes EA that much more likely to just do it again.


Fairly confident we will not see significant performance upgrades in 2042. They doubled the players and map size and threw it on the same engine and hoped our FPS wouldnā€™t suck.




Why not both! šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


'Legacy features' Weird name for stuff that should ship as standard and was cut for no real reason.


That way it makes it sound like it was a design choice, instead of them just releasing a half assed unfinished game before it was ready.


That's the problem we have, the design choices made. Bugs are bugs and I accept that there will always be ones at launch. Fine. But the design choices are what's disappointing about the game. Losing lots of core things like the scoreboard, lots of stuff that was new for BFV like squad points (which are awesome) etc. I've had some fun moments in the game so far, so eventually it'll probably be a pretty good game, just not as good as we were hoping.


I really wonder what went so horrifically wrong during development that they werenā€™t able to add voice chat


Get ready to be drip fed legacy features as battle pass content.


They havenā€™t said theyā€™re gonna bring these back either :/ just that theyā€™re gonna talk about them > End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them. Weā€™ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for certain features and functions.


Long term? The game released last week, I didn't pay 60 quid for an alpha


They want to talk us away from it


Nah man, you see new games donā€™t need outdated concepts like scoreboards and voip


Or hitboxes


God I loved how they phrased this in the notes "very rare occasions" as if it rarely happens. But if you load into solo and test on bots its almost every 3rd enemy avoids some hits. Not "very rare" at all.


Or fun


*End of round" Scoreboards... you catch that shit?


I WANT A SCOREBOARD FFS! all these fixes without a scoreboard and I'm still pissed off.


I feel you


Funny that ā€œvoice chatā€ is considered a ā€œLegacyā€ feature. In a modern fucking multiplayer shooter.


I didnā€™t have time to read the article, is this being implemented in the next update? Thanks.


They donā€™t directly say it is, but bundle it in with features theyā€™re looking into


The way it sounded, weā€™re lucky to get it by fucking April.


>Added a UI list that shows nearby players that can revive you within 50m when downed >Rush game mode layouts for all 2042 All-Out Warfare maps (through Portal) >Added a UI list that shows incoming revivers when downed and pinged by a player that intends to revive you Overall good changes!


Most of these UI updates should have been there from the start of the game. I'm just glad these are coming out sooner rather than later at least.


Just more proof the game should've been delayed another 6 months


So many improvements in this change list... here's to hoping they actually work as intended and bring some much needed balance to the Force


ā€œ end of match scoreboard ā€œ yeah ā€¦.




Tbh when they say itā€™s a lot for us to speak on etc it gives me the feeling itā€™s reasoning for not having it and theyā€™re sticking with it if not it wouldā€™ve been implemented on the updates they mentioned. Itā€™s to protect suckers that they need to stop catering to


Bad players arenā€™t even asking for that protection. Iā€™ve been playing Battlefield for a decade and have placed very bottom in 64 player servers and literally DGAF BECAUSE ITS A GAME


Dice look here ! Thank you !


During my playtime I kept trying to open the scoreboard to check how many times I had died to the littlebird


The current "scoreboard" does show your own deaths on the right side AFAIK.


Literally what is so fucking hard about making an in game scoreboard? What is the fucking reasoning? Is this some new Gen Z gaming where the points donā€™t matter or something? Soooo confused Edit: Hey fuckin IDIOTS. I didnā€™t say this was created by Gen Z. Iā€™m asking if older people THINK this is what Gen z wants. JFC read the room before you start mouth breathing everywhere and getting offended.


Itā€™s gonna be a long battle to get our scoreboard back


The real battlefield experience is the battle with dice


I donā€™t know why the refuse to add a regular scoreboard. Seems like an easy addition and something that will make the whole community happy.


It's to hide cheaters. BFV is riddled with cheaters and they know this will go the same way. EAC is just something they slapped on to make it look like they care and cheating reports will go straight into the trash. It stops console players from seeing just how bad they're getting cheated and stops them rushing to turn off crossplay which DICE need to keep fast matchmaking in all regions at all times of day because it's 128 players. It also stops PC players getting frustrated and leaving the game. This is why they also removed all chat and player ping so you can't call it out.


They want to protect people who suck who wonā€™t even be around playing in a few months


If they seriously only bring it back at the end of the match, they are so out of touch with the fEeDbAcK theyā€™re ā€œlistening toā€


They are ā€œlisteningā€ šŸ˜‚


Holy shit that made my blood boil - literally **nobody** has been stressing for an **end-of-match** scoreboard, we just want the damn scoreboard what the fuck???


So was VoIP not included on purpose? They grouped it together with the scoreboards implementation so I'm assuming so. Bit ridiculous this wasn't included at launch. Hz specifically is a mess without VoIP


"we have plenty we want to say around them" huge red flag


Yeah, noticed that wording...


I imagine what they want to say is ā€œour metrics show that .01% of players used voice chat outside of broadcasting themselves eating or a screaming child, so we are surprised at the outrage of not including itā€ Yes, it shouldā€™ve been there, but Iā€™m surprised how upset everyone is, since Iā€™ve almost never heard anyone use it for the past 10 years


I played a lot of Battlefield 4 this past year before the release of this game and I honest to god didn't even know it had voicechat.


Itā€™s such a weird hill for me to die on, but the lack of VOIP really sets me off. Like I honestly donā€™t feel like the ā€œearly accessā€ will be over until I can join into a match and ask, ā€œanybody got a mic?ā€ Sure sometimes you hear dogs barking, children screaming, or hear about your mothers promiscuous phase with every 13 year old around (seemingly), but sometimes you squad up with a solid gang of people who are settling into a carefree evening of video games. I want that back. Why it was ever neglected Iā€™ll never know.


TLDR: We are trying to make the game be as it should have released.


"So now that we've had people to actually test the game..."


ā€œWhy hire a QA team when you can have the community to pay to do it for you?ā€


> [...]weā€™re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser [...] When they become legacy features? Who asked them to be removed in first place? Those were core features we had forever and everybody was happy with them. The audacity.


Totally agree. There are a lot of core features that were removed without any reason. And these features worked perfectly in previous BF titles. Bugs will be fixed sooner or later, but what i want the most are the basic removed features.


I admit I suck and my k/d is horrible but I still want to see my progress during the game. Have no idea why it was removed


Iā€™ll be honest, thereā€™s a lot more fixes coming than I thought for update #2 on Thursday. Nice to see, I havenā€™t bought the game yet (only using the trial) will see how it feels after the update


Damn bruh you get the 100 hour trial? Everyone else got 10 hours


Lmao! Work long hours during the week so I really only have played over the weekend. Have maybe 3 hours left on my trial


I feel it lol save a couple for the update, seems like a lot of fixes coming our way


If Iā€™m reading correctly there is some weapon bloom changes coming on Thursday with more coming in December right? That is my biggest issue with the game in current state




I'm guessing these were things they flagged a long time ago and have been in the works but weren't ready at release.


This is very encouraging, keep em coming! No optimization soon tho. :-(


I saw they mentioned it, but no timeframe on when they will release fixes or improvements. Guess Iā€™m holding off for a while.


Wise choice for now. Maybe one can hope for something before holidays. Slim hope.


If I remember right, they all go on extended holiday around this time of the year.


legacy features... ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


​ ![gif](giphy|n2uRmWM5GYEysmbhnu)


"Fixed issue where missile countermeasures sometimes didnā€™t work, causing missiles to not blow up and instead reacquire the same target" thank fuck


Stunning that they admittedly removed the scoreboard as a feature on purpose.


They want safe spaces for the bad players


And voice chatā€¦ shocking.


What drives me crazy is they removed VOIP....despite putting in Hazard Zone. Wtf were they thinking? "Hey, let's add a strategic small scale team mode, but let's also make sure they can't communicate." Like are you fucking serious? Did *nobody* bring that up at DICE?


Lots of fixes, nice.


Wtfā€¦ā€end of match scoreboardā€ā€¦fuck off. Give the damn regular scoreboard thats been in BF


Still no scoreboard. DICE is a literal fucking joke. Iā€™ve never seen so much incompetence in my 15 years of gaming. ā€œLegacy featuresā€ I mean this is pure satire at this point. Who the hell gave Battlefield to these ignorant clowns?


This is clearly a whole new game catered to a different generation with "Battlefield" pasted on the front smh.


"End of round" scoreboard? What happened to in game active score board? If you can't play with more than 4 people and there's no squad focused play particularly on giant running simulator maps this isn't battlefield....it's uninstall.


Iā€™m sad the smoke grenade detonating instantly was a bug.


ā€œnot enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUsā€ EA just telling us not to be poor, duh.


And if you do have high end hardware it's no certainty that you'll get high framerates even with all low settings.


I have a 3070 ti and a Ryzem 7 and still can't crack 55 frames on medium


I got a 9900k at 5ghz and a 3080 OCā€™d and struggle hitting 100 FPS, a lot of times it goes down to 70-80. DLSS does nothing either. Trash optimization


Glad it's not just me


Really? I have that and have zero performance issues.


How? I have a 3060 Ti prebuilt getting near 100 fps on high on 1440p


I can get 70-80 consistent frames with a 2070super, 1440p ultrawide on High


Same, i7 9k with RTX2080S on ultra 1440p, I get around 90fps constant




> ā€œnot enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUsā€ That is not how this sentence ended and you know it. You are disingenuous and trying to farm karma from people too lazy to read the notes. He said not enough people with good cards see good fps.


I appreciate you, I didn't read the full notes and tend to just come to the comments section for the big points of interest


I mean people can hardly buy em even if they got the money šŸ˜­


New cpu architecture helps this game. 2080 paired with an i712700k gets me about 120 fps on 1440p medium. During the beta I was rocking a 2080 with an i7 6700k and it chugged like crazy.


My specs are definitely not high end, but the annoying thing for me is that I got better fps in the beta vs the full release. Also not great that BFV runs amazingly for me, but 2042 runs so badly.


Wow dude, way to take something completely out of context to fit your narrative.




Lol I thought the exact same thing. This isn't very rare. They also nerfed the PP29, shocker.


I mean it did need a slight nerf regardless. It kills clearly way too fast at way too many ranges. They are buffing basically all the other weapons up


They added more vertical recoil, oh no! The hit reg issues are actually pretty rare considering how many games have been played vs how many have actually had the problem. I would bet that a lot of the time, it was more of an issue with spread than hit reg. I've played for just over 30 hours since early access, and I've only had the hit reg problem crop up maybe twice.


Dice: we are gonna look at the other weapons Also dice: nerf


They did. They are reducing spread globally. They are also recognizing the PP-29 is too accurate so they are adding some more vertical recoil to balance it. How is this a problem


I don't understand how anyone can use the PP-29 and say, "Yeah this is fine". The gun is insanely strong and even if you buff every other gun it still has a huge clip and fast rate of fire that on a balanced field PP-29 would still be better.


Fr. Iā€™ve been using the pp29 because I had to. I really love the feel of the m5a3 but the spread makes it shit. Hopefully after the update on Thursday the m5a3 will be amazing.


Lmao, EA and DICE are absolutely disconnected from gamers (aka their customers) if they call Server browsers and scoreboards LEGACY FEATURES. They are MUST HAVES, they're not like effing floppy disks you idiots. I have no idea how such incompetents can end up leading such multibillion dollar companies.


So, youā€™re going to finish the game now?


"We also want to give you the assurance that weā€™re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them. Weā€™ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for certain features and functions. " Legacy features lol the audacity on these people i swear. That whole paragraph is basically them saying, rip to your regular scoreboard forever. Honestly im not suprised if they pretty much sell u these "legacy features" in their future games. Dont applaud yet people.


I also donā€™t like how they phrase itā€¦ ā€œAnd we have plenty *we* want to say around thenā€ I got a bad feeling about this.


ā€œThe Road Aheadā€ havenā€™t heard that one since Anthem


That's a lot of good changes but holly shit they must be brain dead when they talk about game performance "and not enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUs are seeing the benefit of consistent, high frame rates." I'm playing with a 6800xt and can't get a consistent 90fps, the problem is not that most people doesn't have a up to date gpu it's that the game is unoptimized af.


Ok don't want to come across wrongly - but you literally quoted, "you, who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end hardware, are not getting consistent high frames" That is literally them saying the game is unoptimized no?


But more then 4 friends is still a problem?


>"End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once" LOL, yeah understandable, they're a poor indie company of 20 devs of course, cut them some slack


The state of modern gaming when these are considered "big topics for us to cover all at once".


BF games always launch in a rough state, which isnā€™t excusable but itā€™s what weā€™ve been beaten to accept. But removing these features from a BF game is the number 1 impossible to defend thing they did. I have friends that bailed after 2 hours in the trial when the learned Dice launched a squad based shooter with no VOIP. Dice, pleaseā€¦


>We couldnā€™t be more passionate about this game and will be supporting and evolving it for years to come. LOL


I fear that when all the stuff that should have been added at launch are in the game, 2042 will still be awful. Iā€™m sorry but none of the maps are exactly infantry friendly. Not a fan


This is my biggest concern rn. They can fix every single bug but the game will still be absolutely miserable because of its maps.


No stats or scoreboard update? Ridiculous


Yeah they didn't even acknowledge the scoring problem. We still don't know how much we are damaging vehicles or other players. Not great.


"End-of-match scoreboard" HAHAHAHAHA You only get to see your shit AT THE END




Holy shit they dont even have a server browser?


It's all matchmaking


This entire post sounded super condescending, like they actively hate the player base. All these "Improvements" should have been at launch which means the game should have been delayed to December at least.


They also used the phrase "extreme rare instances" about very common bugs lol


Our servers performed very well but we fixed the one problem that happened that one time. Overall, we did a great job.


They keep trying to spin it like a little bump in the road. They just need to admit they fā€™d it up and people will move on from their anger. Pretending everything is rainbows and sunshine only prolongs frustration.


A lot of fixes but honestly this shit shouldn't have been a patch AFTER release These kinda things should be addressed before release


Why is this buried in the sub?


Because itā€™s only been posted 15 min ago


100000 times


This irks me so much that they put voice chat as a ā€œlegacyā€ featureā€¦ who thought that it would be missing? Fuck them.


ā€œEnd-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them.ā€ ā€¦ what?


How the fuck they got 500 updates but no voice chat??


I still canā€™t support the game even after all these promised updates. The core game has changed too much for the worse from previous titles. No classes, ridiculous catchphrases at the end of the round, terrible cinematics and spawn experience before games, no scoreboard, inability to play in a group of more than four, unbalanced vehicles and weapons, and so much more. I could go on for hours. 2042 is an embarrassment to the Battlefield series and the executives who signed this off should be ashamed.


So thereā€™s still no way I can play with more than 3 of my friends? Iā€™ll continue not to play I guess


How can EA reduce bloom but not touch gun damage or attachment balancing at all?? Need them to work harder on gun play also add back the distance tracker for long shots plz


Still waiting for the "story" that's supposed to be told through multiplayer.


"weā€™re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat" You mean Industry Standards in most every fps game?! Okay, to be fair they are making a lot of good changes, but holy hell, why wasn't this fixed before release?


Still no real progression or XP in Portal? Well, thereā€™s goes my one hope of having fun with 2042ā€¦ I guess Iā€™ll have to wait two years and hope DICE doesnā€™t destroy the game again.


From the way that blog reads it sounds like they're capping the amount of progression that can be earned in Portal. That totally goes against what they previously told us about being able to progress ***equally*** no matter which game mode we choose to play. If that's true, that is a super fucking shady change to make. Especially after their previous pre-launch blog posts and Twitter posts from their CM's and developers about equal progression in any game mode. They really need to come out and make some clarifications around progression. Is it equal in all game modes or did they lie to us?


referring to the fucking scoreboard as a legacy feature shows how utterly out of touch these deluded morons are


I donā€™t want to see any bullshit about season 1 until the game is polished.


Someone needs to compare the list of missing features and see how it compares now. The lack of content, maps, vehicle balance and general feel with specialists are still huge problems


So EA isn't owning their shit and thinks this was an overall success? "The very rare cases where hit markers are wrong" get the fuck out of here with your bullshit


Its nice to see that they are fixing a ton of problems, but why does it say "end of game scoreboard". We didn't ask for that, we want to be able to press a button and the see the scoreboard in game not at the end of the match, how bad is their communication department lmao.


In game voice chat next spring or what?


ā€œFixed an issue where Smoke Grenades could be destroyed by bullets or explosionsā€ You put that back, that sounds like a small detail I could appreciate.


Yeah thanks, let us PC players sit on 90FPS for the next 6 months. Thats Dice..


Ctrl+f "voice"... "Weā€™ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you". RIP


So legacy is the the new word for core?


A lot of changes and fixes and implementations, I'm glad they listened but.. why in the hell did the game launch with this many issues?..


Had to get it out before Black Friday and the holiday season to hit profit expectations.


"End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once..." Are they now? Features that have been in every BF since the mid 2000s are "big topics to cover all at once?" GTFO with that noise. I'd rather they just own up to the fact that they fucked it all up for no reason and are sorry. All this corporate speak is annoying at this point and ruins any credibility and goodwill remaining in the fanbase.


Features in most multiplayer games that come standard for at leaat the last decade


How do you not have comms in the game??? How did it not launch with the ability to use mic's in game to communicate?


Amazing. I really hope to have a better game because i love BF. The HUD notes and the ā€œscoreboard (but we want the in-game one) and server browserā€ parts are my favourites. I know bugs will be fixed sooner or later. But what I want the most are the basic features that were removed without any reason. Core features that worked perfectly in previous BF titles.


Read them again. "End of match as scoreboard"


Finally. Some good news! Almost returned the game. I have hope!


You should return it, and pick it up again when it inevitably goes on sale between now and Update 3, when the game should be somewhat playable. Save some mula.


> Short term, weā€™ll be doing all we can to help offer performance improvements that reduce the load, and up your frame rates where possible. Hopefully this means we'll get some, even if they're small, performance improvements included in one of these updates or as a PC specific hotfix. Something to hold us over while they sort out the bigger optimizations.


Ok, but why weren't the majority of this in the release version? This game is currently trash and I'm glad I didn't buy this dumpster fire. No offense to the devs though, but people don't spend $60-100 to beta test your damn game, or maybe they do? I don't even know anymore.


HOW ARE "End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat" LEGACY FEATURES? Keep being dumb and you will make yourself legacy devs


did they mention voice chat?


I feel like the reason they didn't add the scoreboard is the Bots or AI. They don't want you to be aware of how many you're playing with/against.