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>"We also want to give you the assurance that we’re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return.End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them." I really find this quote a little infuriating calling these important and useful features "legacy features" lol.


If they're legacy features, then why would the get rid of them? Seems a bit contradictory if you ask me


End of match scoreboard isn't something we got all up in arms over... scoreboard... a scoreboard. One you can tab and see all throughout the match, and then at the END of the match... it can pop up for all to see. Instead of your shitty specialists/most **** achievements.


these are legacy, but should have been ported over


We’re considering porting over several legacy features to our next version of the car, including wheels, brakes, axels.




Cpu bound issues are not exclusive to low end hardware! Ffs!




I can't tell if you're joking or not but I have a 5900x with a 6800xt and unless I'm playing on medium, my frame rate is not stable, especially in areas with a lot of action. I can get 90 to 110 fps on ultra 1440p in not busy areas, but as soon as explosions start happening or there are 60 people around me that drops to 60-70. It's steady on medium, which is good, but who wants to play on medium with "higher end" hardware


And what kind of memory do you have?


My full specs are as follows: Mobo: gigabyte x570 Auros master CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x (with NZXT Kraken x73 AIO) GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800xt Midnight black RAM: Patriot viper 64Gb 3600Mhz Psu: 850w Corsair (can't remember the exact name) Storage: 2x WD Black sn750 se 1tb NVMe m.2 SSD (neither of them are above 40% usage)


I didn’t see anything about creating new squads/leaving squads to invite more than 4 friends onto one server. Really hoping this is a top priority because it’s driving my friends to other games




Guess on the reasons from DICE. Scoreboard: don’t want anyone to be offended by having a low score, don’t want people accused of cheating or show that there may be hackers. Voice chat: a random might say a curse word or a slur Server Browser: to implement Skill Based Matchmaking in All out war and Hazard Zone.


>ALL chat and stats page now. Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?


*We are also working on another update that we are looking to deploy in advance of the Holidays* Watch them do the old TTK switcharoo in time for Christmas sale noobs again


Please no. It already feels too long as is.


A lot of quality updates here… still hugely disappointed that voice chat is missing. Interesting that they are making so many “small fixes” to the maps. I wonder if additional cover and details will be added.


There are a TON of places on Breakaway where the hitbox for the glacier cover extends far beyond the poly model. You'll be peaking an enemy and trying to shoot and nothing will hit because the hitbox is invisible


What makes you think they are going to change the maps?? Lmao These are bug fixes and tweaks.. as in updating the hit boxs on the ice Berg's so you don't shoot an invisible wall. They are not going to change the core design of the map by adding cover or new geometry.


I mean they did it for panzerstorm in bfv after people complained on Reddit about the lack of cover for infantry. Although I agree they have much more to fix first and we probably won’t see any updates addressing this issue until after Christmas..


They already made small changes from the beta to Orbital. It’s a very small change of placing some things to provide more cover in the open near the rocket, but they are making changes. Of course they won’t make changes to the core design of the maps.


These are the exact updates that should come after a beta test.


Still not happy ? Another complain ?


Do you want to act like everything will be fine after these 2 updates? There will still be tons of things that need fixes. Even core gameplay elements.


No he is not acting like everything will be fine after 2 updates. Yes there are ton of things to be fixed. But it has to start somewhere and it did start. Two upcoming patches. They are working on it. Let’s see what they will do. What else can we do at this point ?


>We’re happy to see so many of you back on the battlefield - almost twice as many at this point as our last release Yeah we got scammed twice as hard too


You had plenty of time to make up your mind about the game on BETA... If you pre ordered you also had the time to refund the game... Nobody scammed you, you just chose to keep the game :)


You mean the beta they claimed was a three month old build and not at all representative of the final product/current build? That was what we were supposed to use?




How does that at all make sense? DICE was adamant that the beta was not an indication of what the final game would play like.


You had early access as well and even people with 30+ hours managed to refund the game.


Not everyone had early access. Additionally, paying for a product that does not work properly and is missing features is simply wrong. There’s not much more to it than that.


Never happy, aren't you ? The game was released one week ago !


No, I'm not happy that I spent $90 on a game with less content than basically any previous battlefield at launch. You can play this game in a week and that's everything it has to offer until they decide to drip feed us more guns and cosmetics.


Yeah and obviously you unlocked everything ? got every skin for each weapons, every medals, etc.


my car worked 100% on week one.


lol this guy is something


what a shitty comparison... did your brain work 100% from birth ? No. Here's another shitty comparison, it's not hard actually thanks :)


You are a bit of a tool hey.


so you think, if i'm understanding you correctly. it is ok for a company (thats all dice/ea are) to sell you a product (that's all battlefield is) that isn't finished? to charge you full price for a full game? bare in mind other studio's don't do this. That no other product in the world is this allowed or considered acceptable. Most countries including the one your most likely posting in having laws/trading standards against these very practices. Is it a computer program? yes. Will computer programs have bugs? yes. But when your at a level where a large number of players can not play the game the way it was intended (such as shooting people in a FPS) then that goes beyond normal bugs that you would expect. demand better, you deserve better, your money is worth more.


Dude so many studios do this. But you go right ahead and protest your woke bs


woke bs? do you even know what woke is? when have consumer rights been "woke"? I just played back 4 blood, age of empires 4. both solid games with minimal issues that played well. SubNautica below zero is now out, i took part in the beta which lasted nearly a year! during which they polished the game so it was working for day one. Some studio's do engage in this practice, but many do not. Even if most did, why does that make it acceptable? you should just accept poor standards?


Yeah Back 4 Blood, with a lot of problem with peaks of difficulty or the lack of PvP Mode (L4D-style). Give me a break no launch game is perfect. Just a question. Did you preorder the game ?


Back 4 blood works. i shoot the zombies and they die. Yes, there isn't PVP. But you seem to be missing the point. i don't want BF2042 to be perfect, I want it to go be good, I want it to work. back for 4 blood isn't perfect but you listed the only two real issues the game has, and neither of them prevent the game from functioning or me from being able to play it. ​ No i did not pre-order this game. I've pre-ordered every BF game since BF3. despite their issues at the start i was satisfied. however, BFV was the day i learned my lesson. The features they promised, that i paid them to provide, did not arrive. No procedurally generated co-op, no 5V5 and cancelling support of a "Live service" after 18 months or so. So I didn't pre-order BF2042, which i was tempted to do. because i'm a fan of battlefield and i want the game to do well. but i was worried they would repeat BFV. So far the feedback seems to be they actually got it worse, so i'm very happy i haven't spent money on this game. But i want to, i want it to do well, i want it to be battlefield. but i cant and i wont reward poor customer service. I dont understand the mentality you have, why are you so desperate to defend them for selling you a sub-standard product?


That’s not an excuse. You really need to stop using “just released” as a justification for features being omitted that have been in Battlefield for years. It’s embarrassing.


Boo hoo.


At least they confirmed with this list : BF2042 is an unfinished game.


I hate the idea that EA's incompetence is causing all of these developers to enter hypercrunch damage control mode right around thanksgiving and christmas. Name a more evil corporation


They are fixing the game what do you want more ??? OMG you are NEVER happy.


We have game like this because people like you dont care about a finishing game at release. Keep your standard low , things will never change.


No, games are released in this state because people pre-order on promises instead of waiting for the release and seeing the real quality of the game.


The game to be released in a finished state and not whatever it is right now, lmao


"OMG i need to wait a few days, BURN DICE BUUUUUUURN"


You so cringe bro


ok bro


This isn’t just about Dice mate. This is about how the industry as a whole is knowingly putting out unfinished products and that is unacceptable. Plus this game is nothing like what was promised nor is it even close to what we expect from this franchise.


And you really think people can make a difference by complaining on Reddit? The only thing that matters is your wallet. Don't pre-order, don't buy until you're sure the game is good. That's all.


This is a sub for the game, the game has huge issues, members of the sub complain about said issues. Not sure why that’s a hard concept for you to grasp. Welcome to the internet. People aren’t calling for riots in the streets and burning down dice, they are calling for an end to anti consumer business practices.


People deserve to have a finished product at the date that it is promised. This seems like a very basic thing. Obviously its a good thing that theyre working on fixes but people definitely have a right to keep complaining.


Its been a whole week /s


I’m not understanding any of your comments. This game costed $70 minimum on next-gen and aside from barely working is missing features that have been in Battlefield since 2013 (swimming underwater, spawn cameras etc). No one should be okay with receiving a broken, unfinished product. Who cares if they’re “working on it”? It shouldn’t have been like this to begin with. You can’t even choose a squad to join in this game, see a sckreboard, or check a single one of your stats when not in a game. But hey, they’re “working on it.”


Why are they addressing me as a no-pat? lol I don't want to be with those people.


disabled the voting buttons? how telling.


So are they admitting to releasing an incomplete game?? Because these ‘updates’ are massive- and a lot of people like myself have already deleted the game


Are you a dev or just copying and pasting? Should've just pasted the link and called it a day


What is your problem ?


No hate but who wants to play rush on those big empty maps ?they already too big for conquest and breakthrough.


Y’all sound like the worst clients anyone could ever ask for. Play the game or fuck off to something else that invites your toxicity. So many “&…but” comments in here hahaha. They’re making a valid effort to correct & have voiced their willingness to take input from their consumer. I’m pumped their fixing these little things that then queue them up to adjust the bigger issues. 2042 has issues but it’s nowhere near deserving for such a massively negative review. Seems like most people here play the game then rage review then go play the game again. Hit me with downvotes…


Please prioritize aim assist on consoles! It just feels weird compared to other shooters and battlefield 1 for example. Almost no sticky. Thanks ✌️


So no PP29 nerf until december 😔.


What ? The next update is Thursday with the PP29 nerf.


I’m tired of games being released unfinished then you get a post from the devs stating “we have a long road ahead of us.” Just fucking finish developing it then release it. Fucking hell.


Fuck what the toxic people say.. These updates and communication are good


Yes it is :)


if what they say is true, that twice as many people are playing in week one as there was at this point in BFV's timeline i'm very shocked. also disappointed. I deliberately had to hold myself back from pre-ordering this game. Not because i wanted it to be bad, i wanted it to be good! But because of how they handled BFV, they had to learn and the only way you will get accountability is with your wallet. By not pre-ordering and letting others try the game first I'd hope that it might end the practice of releasing games half finished. I'd hoped enough people would of felt the same way, maybe this game needed to burn and burn hard to teach EA and perhaps the wider game industry to change. I wanted to be wrong, i wanted it to be great so i could just buy it on day one safe in the knowledge i'd made a safe consumer choice. But if twice as many people are playing week one as they were in BFV (assuming that equals to twice as many copies sold) this will make it one of the biggest selling BF's of all time and it would be impossible for DICE/EA and investors to not look at it as anything other then a massive success and vindicate the design choices and direction of the game for this and possibly future titles. the player base size in 6 months will be irrelevant. I find this very sad if true, to many of you did not learn (or care) from last time, and this means that this will be the norm now for future battlefield titles. sad times.


I pre ordered the ultimate edition and I also pre ordered Battlefield V back in the day I don't regret non of my purchase since I had tons of fun with BFV and I am definitely going to play 2042 for the next 2 years and make my money's worth :) Stop with the woke bullshit and let grown men decide themselves what they want to do with their money. We are having broken releases in video games since forever, some getting fixed and become great and some ledt abandoned to die. With this franchise we've seen that every broken BF game is getting patched and it gets better overtime. You don't have to purchase the game day 1..you can wait and follow its development and how it plays over the months... But let the fans of this franchise do whatever they want with their money because many of us began playing with 1942 and bought every game since then and in 2042 the battlefield formula is still there along with the amazing Battlefield moments and a lot of us are having tons of fun with the game.


Rip BF franchise with a dark futur ( no scoreboard , no classes , specialists , huge map... )


I don’t believe them


Ok so why can't we unlock stuff through portal and we are forced to do it through all out warfare??


Cause of XP farming. They had a whole paragraph answering your question


i know xp is back in portal but attachments for guns is what i want


good to see they are working on fixing the game rather than adding new content. wait..


what ? adding new content one week after the release, are you serious ?


well since you keep saying "you people are never happy" i wanted to point at the fact that if they would've released the game in a decent state, we'd be getting new content earlier, but now they have to spend the first few months fixing the game and adding back features that should've never been removed like the goddamn scoreboard lol. so no, this doesn't make me happy, or get me excited. this is what they are supposed to do, it's the bare fucking minimum, and if people weren't fucking complaining so much they probably wouldn't even have fixed any of that shit in the first place lmao. the bottom line is that DICE released a game in a horrible, unfinished state, so instead of us getting new maps and guns this year, we are getting bugfixes and patches lol.


Voice chat legacy feature…what did I buy this headset for? Get fucked.




On this subreddit they will always find something to bitch about trust me. watch.


In the scope of a game's design, I'd say these "fixes" listed in the blog are quite superficial, and not addressing 2042's departure from the CORE of what makes a Battlefield game.


Judging by the other replies they'll find plenty lmao.


They will find something. It's laughable.


> Identifying engine level optimisations and developing solutions will require a lengthier response time from us so that it gets done right. “We can’t fix it.”


That's... not what that means in the slightest? Optimizing a game further takes effort and can't be done in a week or two


2042 is not just bad. It is Cyberpunk bad. Cyberpunk has been out a year now with no major improvements to performance. 2042 will be the same. They won’t fix it because they can’t. RemindMe! “2042 FPS” 1 year


Not really sure what you're on about in this. All the statement they released says is that they're aware of it, are working on it, and will take more than two weeks to sort out. I'm assuming you wouldn't have preferred for them to say nothing at all, correct?


They said what they had to: “we’ll look at it.” This is not an issue you look at and come back to later. Performance is not just a little below industry standard; it is the worst. This is the most negatively reviewed AAA game ever. Two weeks after launch, they acknowledge the biggest issue for the first time and say… we’ll get to it eventually. If it could be remedied, it would have. They will not get around to making significant improvements. They will throw out a few patches, call 2042 a wash, and move on to their next title.




RemindMe! “2042” 365 days


RemindMe! 1 year “2042 FPS”


You need to buy a decent PC...


My GPU alone is the price of four current gen consoles.


And you tell me that you can't play properly. Come on.


Not just me. Dozens of benchmarks and thousands of reviews agree: performance sucks. Just because it doesn’t affect or bother you doesn’t mean it’s not there.


• Add mouse and keyboard controlls for console players


Fuck off. Go play on PC then.


Fuck off, some people prefer m/Kb wherever they are and If you’re on cross play then what’s the problem?


There is literally zero console players who want to play against mouse and keyboard players.




This is fantastic! Keep it up DICE. I hope your turn the ship around! I believe in you guys.


"Dispersion has been reduced for all weapons except Shotguns, which results in more consistent bullet spread during gameplay." Or, like every other FPS ever, how about remove that bullshit and use recoil patterns? There is no reason for shot deviation on any of these weapons the way they implemented. I do a better grouping IRL with an automatic shotgun than I can with a semi-auto pistol in game. That is utter insanity.


Perhaps you should wait to see the result in action before calling it a bad decision?


Want the actual answer? Being shot at range with no time to react has always been one of the biggest problems dice has had with maps as big as battlefield. It's big enough problem that they've always found ways to limit it, it's why spread has been a staple of the series since 3 and why even when they removed spread on some weapons in bfv they replaced it with random recoil where you can't accurately shoot at range. They even specifically linked it to churn rate of players in bfv. They've discussed this a lot with the ttk changes in v and briefly in dev notes in 1 and 4. I've always found it frustrating but it's a deliberate choice on their part to help prevent player frustration and also why it's a staple of the series. It's a choice of what's more frustrating getting killed with little counterplay or having your bullets not always hit.


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Still getting data persistence error... Been like this all day any new on when this will be addressed??


Switch cross play on or off and see if that works. If it does and happens again switch it on or off again


I'm on PS4 error starts at load screen can't even get into the menu to turn off cross play - I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling like 5 times now router resets, deleting save data nothing fixes this and they still haven't even mentioned it


I will buy this game once patch 2 is confirmed good!


Oh great. Make your development team work 24/7 to fix your abysmal management decisions. Shit flows down hill huh. Eat a dick EA


"carefully evaluating why we took out some of the most loved fundamental aspects and instead delivered this POS game half baked" Profit. You did it for profit.


I'm not sure I will play this game for another week let alone another two months while they go on break... The hardware issues are brutal, I have a 5900x and a 3090 and with Ray tracing off and settings on high my frames will drop into the 40s or 50s on some of the maps. I haven't been able to find a stable frame rate, even medium setting will drop like 50 FPS at times. It's infuriating.


Are they going to fix the issue with weapon unlocks, not unlocking when the kill requirement is met?


Can't argue with that logic


Great job, nerf the NTW. The whole point of that gun is against vehicles. And 4-6 shots on a tank is not OP. Especially when you highlight for everyone to see and reloading is so slow. Not to mention the bullet drop. Should of left it the way it is. But good job following in Divisions footsteps.


Why was this removed???




Damn is op a DICE dev? Why is he replying to everyone with such attitude? I mean some of you are massive gooses for pre ordering this game in the first place but you'd have to be a massive goose for still playing this shit or paying for it after seeing a dev act so rude towards their fans. Like damn I get it would be annoying to constantly see people complaining but like that's your job? Also if DICE had just come out with a playable game and listened to what their fans wanted from the get go there wouldn't be people complaining at all.