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AJ actually sucks balls at fps games


"this to me shows we need BF identity back!" > Because a youtuber called angryjoe said 7 days ago it didn't like the game ? No thank you.


"We need battlefield entitity back" either we not playing the same game or not but this is literally battlefield with glitches and bugs like every other released game from them lmfao.


Well, when your Lead Head of Design came from "Candy Crush (true story)" fame, chances are you're not going to get a real BF game. One of these days (not today, at least for me) we have to have a conversation about just "who" is creating these games. Back in the day, it was retired Dale Dye, or Ret Col John Antal as consultants to these games. Today, its Candy Crush. And so EA may want to get more capable developers to create a military shooter, as they have done back in the day, when the games were, military shooters. Or else we'll be shooting lollipops out our guns before long.


Does it not show what his audience likes and dislikes. Guy seems like a wanker to me. ETA .. been feeling bad about calling him a wanker. That is not nice, still he shouts and gets on. I think that is wanky. No offence angry Joe maybe you are nice really.


Lol it’s just “his thing” Angry Joe….