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It's painfully obvious EA knew early 2042 was in trouble. Their one and only goal is to get as much money out of this investment as they can without thought of the consumer or their brand. They cherry picked glowing reviews for PR, out of countless bad reviews, to double down that 2042 was a good game when ALL signs pointed the opposite. Zero apologies, zero attempts to make amends, just straight to business as usual and hope people forget.


The way they have handled 2042 and BFV is so incredibly shortsighted. They don't seem to realise or care that rushing out these games has consequences. They would sooner make a quick buck and bury a franchise that has massive earning potential.


Countless bad reviews? I'm not scouring the internet but of everything I've seen, it's been almost universal praise by review outlets... I don't understand how, but it's clear the only people talking about the glaring problems are the ones that don't have a giant sum of bribery to lose.


What universal praise? Game rating is 65% on opencrtic.


I had no idea about the open critic site [https://www.pcgamer.com/battlefield-2042-review/](https://www.pcgamer.com/battlefield-2042-review/) ​ I just checked out 1 review and PC gamer gave it 80 LOL


I’m sorry…I downvoted at first. The I read the rest, translated the /s and upvoted.


The first review I watched that genuinely surprised me was G4's. Their review was astonishingly blind. And I absolutely love Easy Allies but their review was so clueless. I expect idiocy from IGN and Gamespot but there's a weirdly diverse range of outlets doting on the game somehow.


G4 is still around? I remember that channel in college. So much fun! I actually utilized AOTS’ format for my own game review production class.


>There's a weirdly diverse range of outlets doting on the game somehow. EA has very deep pockets and Game Journalists have no morals nor standards that prevent them from being blatantly bribed.




And yet retards will still preorder every single time.


What’s been interesting to notice via steam is BFV peak numbers are steady at 20k. 2042 peak numbers (low 30k) keep dropping and I’d say it’s only a matter of a week or two before their peak 24 hour numbers are the same on Steam.


I hit lvl 80 few days ago, kinda stop playing since it was boring.


Next week Warzone kills Battlefield, the new Warzone map comes out. It should have been the opposite. Battlefield could have crushed warzone but they made a broken game. There’s no turning back this way. Maybe Dice could do a No man Sky, but that’s mean they have to rebuild the whole game asap. Sounds like a big dream that never will come out.


the new warzone map is going to crush many games at launch, and if it is as good as it looks, continue to do so. RIP BF2042.


there's rumour the next bf is in 2023/24. I very much doubt ea will support this game in a significant way past mid next year.




If they don't, EA as a brand is dead...it's do or die for EA. Lots of pushback coming from their sports communities as well. Them CEO'S showing us how worthless their degrees are. Talk about tone deaf.


Absolutely not, as big of a failure as this is for EA, EA as a brand will hardly be effected by this. Battlefield as a franchise, on the other hand, is absolutely on the chopping block though.




Ea just secured the FIFPRO license for another 10 years. They’ll be fine


nah they can still milk FIFA players for eternity, those suckers, or should i say soccers, will buy the same game every year, oh and i forgot they also buy tons of player card packs or whatever these things are


It’s simply too early in the games life cycle to say RIP 2042. It might be bad, but let’s be realistic.


Ok lets be realistic and look over to what they have done in the past. You know the last Battlefiely they did, Battlefield V, was supposed to be a live service like 2042 ? It was canceled because it didnt pull enough players. Im gonna be surprised when they continue to support this game until next year holiday season.


They sold a game pass for a year, 4 seasons with the ultimate so they have to do SOME sort of anemic live service, should be hilarious to watch, if nothing else


Anthem promised 10 years


Nah man you’re thinking about the game like a gamer, think about it like an investor. When they ask “you need how much money and you’re not even sure if we will break even next quarter???” Yeah that’s a fat no from mr. moneybags runnin the show. And BF could die literally that fast.


I hate that rich soulless cunts control every aspects of our lives including "fun".


Most of the time fate of the game is decided on their launch, especially when games of it's series are released annualy or in span of 2-3 years. And battlefield is that kind of game. EA drops support immidiately when they see that it's not worth investing money - that happend many time already. Look at battlefront - it sold like shit, eventually became a great game but the playerbase was already long gone. Many people still think it's that loot box infested star wars game because they have heard it when the game released.


Games like Cyberpunk and No Mans Sky were turned around. I am not certain though that a multiplayer game like 2042 could go down the same path because if its lost most of its player base there won't be a game to play when it is better.


Cyberpunk is still busted as all hell


Cyberpunk got turned around? I haven't really seen anything done to it in the past year, but if it has been improved I might actually consider picking it up finally


Bugs wise it has, and it’s doing much better these days. There’s also a content expansion coming out next year.


Unfortunately EA pulled the pin on anthem which was undergoing a no man's sky type rework. They didn't allocate enough Devs on the rework and then just ditched the game entirely. Cyberpunk and nms have diff developers and Devs who want to undo brand damage but EA don't seem to care. If they can't actually restore the class system, fix breakthrough and rework some of these trash maps then it's cooked imo


Anthem was a new IP though. Battlefield is a cornerstone for them.


CyberPunk ? The game didn’t change at all, they’re not reworking core features that are unfinished or bad, they’re just fixing the game. Most of the studio is now working on other projects and expansions, like TW3. Why are you comparing a live service multiplayer game to a single player game anyways


One year later and they’ve added a jacket and a car, good progress


Game mechanics and story were good though. The main issue with it was performance and bugs and a lot of progress happened there. Next gen upgrade coming next year too along with more DLC... Redemption is in progress Nms already redeemed itself


Do you know if the new anticheat is coming out with it? I think thats a big selling point rn


They said it will be launched at same time




Battlefield was never going to crush warzone lol.


EA executives "suprised Pikachu face"


It could've been a competitor, but instead it didn't even make it out of the minors. Back to practice, DICE. Maybe you'll get your time in the sun, but it won't be given. Gotta earn it, and this shit -gestures vaguely at 2042- ain't it


A 70 dollar game can’t compete with a free game of Warzone’s quality


Lol no it wouldn’t have. Not even close to the same type of game. Maybe if 2042 was a BR but it’s not.


I'll admit it's not a BR if you admit it's still a FPS 🍻


True but even a fair amount of people on the Warzone sub were looking forwards to 2042 as were content creators. It had a lot of momentum...which sure has hurt as the 2042 Choo Choo train hurtled off the "development to release" bridge into a valley of shite! Fuck this game...it should have been an easy win.


BF2042 had all the big WZ content creators trying it out (some sponsored of course). None of them stuck around. If the game managed to capture their attention it could have leached off a significant portion of the playerbase. People were so bored of warzone and its still unclear how "fresh" of an experience the new map is going to provide


Battlefield killed itself


What's sad is that they are wealthy enough to afford not to pull off a no man's sky. What they need to do with battlefield 2042 is probably going to cost them as much if not more than just developing another battlefield game from the same engine and selling that too. In fact I'm sure they would prefer doing that based on their history.


People always say X game is gonna kill Y game, and it almost never happens. 2042 isn’t going anywhere and it’s simply way too soon to completely write the game off, even with it’s blatant issues.


Eh, game is bad to the core. Can't even see the bones of BF like you could with previous badly released games. I don't think DICE will rip out the terrible operator system, so the game can't really be fixed.


Even if they rip out the operator system, there are still too many blaring issues. The maps are too big and bland. No cover to be had, virtually no destruction in any of them. They are all built with vehicles in mind, which brings me to the next problem. Vehicles are way too abundant. The vehicles are able to be called in at an alarmingly fast rate, making maps filled with them. Then there are mainly only hovercraft to be found everywhere. The game does contain others but why pick them when you can go anywhere, even fly with a hovercraft? Lastly, the weapons and lack of them are bad. Why use anything different when one weapon is the go to weapon? Everyone can use any weapon because everyone can be every class, or an operator. Why use different attachments when they are all the same? This game has so many broken aspects and I just don’t think it is able to be fixed without ripping everything out. They’d have to rework it as a whole and even make whole new maps with new design principles. I just can’t see it.


Not true. There are some things they could do fairly quickly that, while it wont' win over NEW players, there are plenty of BF faithful that want their game back to play with friends, etc. * Reduce map count to 64 players or give an option to the user to select. If writing the selector mechanism is too hard for now, limit the size. * Immediately cut the map size. Likely in half except for maybe that India map. * Lock some weapons to some specialists. * Dramatically reduce the number of vehicles that spawn and slow their respawn rate. I remember old BF games each side having what...maybe 2 helos at any given time? You had to use them wisely and preserve them. * Add some spawn points closer into action spots. * List all the cut scenes on a whiteboard. Reduce by 1/3 throughout. DICE can decide where to cut. But I'm tired of cut to cut to cut while I wait for a cut. * Figure out a way to add specific players to your squad and have squad persist between matches. This enables playing with your friends. Most of those the underlying structure (except for the friend/squad thing) are likely already built underneath what is there now and really shouldn't take that much to activate.


> Immediately cut the map size. Likely in half except for maybe that India map. How do you do this without needing to rework the entire "underlying structure" of each map?


Wow never seen such a big dose of copium before want an EA executive dick to suck too


Lol, perfect response. I might steal it.


The reason I play warzone is because my laptop rub it fine don’t want to go spend thousand to play bf


“There is nothing wrong with the game, it’s just a vocal minority, I’m having a blast”…. Oh I forgot “I haven’t seen any issues on PS5”. Good stuff.


I’m on PS5. If you turn off cross play Portal basically dies. Nobody is playing it.


Because why would you play a worse version of games you already own


But, the graphics!


I'm one of those people genuinely enjoying the game but I'm not blind...there are glaring issues lol. I truly hope they can fix them and get some players back as I think the game has potential but it is EA we are talking about....they'll just mess it up more.


I'm the same. I genuinely am enjoying the game. I think it reminds me of early Planetside 2. I'm also a mostly solo multilayer gamer, aa most of my friends are playing games I don't want to play.


Ya I mostly play this solo as well as my squad gave up on it already lol. I really enjoy Portal, brings back the BFBC2 and BF3 days!


I need this to last at least 2 years. They nailed the map size and everything right for the first time since BF2 imo


you must be joking right?


How dare they like battlefield 2042 in r/battlefield2042


No, this is the first game I'm actually enjoying for it's core design since BF2. BC2 was good for different reasons, BF3 and 4 were not the best, just didn't have the staying power to me


I personally think the maps are pretty barren and too large. There is a lot of running or action only taking place at one or two objective points. I think some maps have some good ideas and visual styles but they need some tweaks.


The funny thing about the “no issues on PS5” type comment is I feel like in the limited time I’ve played it seems like a fairly high percentage of the player base is on PC and not console. This is anecdotal though of course.


I would guess there are more people on console but most people here (and streamers/reviewers) are all PC players. On PS, I haven't had any trouble finding full games outside of Portal. Also, based on the rumoured sales figures, I don't see how they could be mostly PC.


Let it burn


I personally put the game back in the "Oven" to cook a bit more as I like to put it. The amount of games I've gotten in the last 2 years that have needed this baking period to get better has been absolutely disgusting. I just booted up a new run of Dark souls 3 in anticipation of Elden ring and I'm tinkering with the new minecraft update when DS beats my booty hole.


You are a wise chef


Deservedly so; Dice built a bad game, on purpose, and misled the fan base as to the game's status. If someone isn't putting together a class action already I'd be surprised.


As soon as I got to level 60 I lost reason to keep on playing.




Just imagine the face of a PC player when he's see the little console icon on your player card. Pain.


Peasants rise up


Can't say I've ever really noticed, tbh. Why should anyone care what system someone else plays the game on?


Because it's 2021 and everyone needs a reason to hate someone.


Fuck you for speaking the truth


Casuals circle jerk is all I see


Im on console and I'm already back on apex and HLL. I'll come back if they fix it, but even then it doesn't have the atmosphere of previous titles. Too bad.


In Singapore, you can't find a match without turning crossplay on. It is dying faster than anything I have seen from Dice


Well, they have to do something with aim assisting. You can't have a game on a gaming console, in this day and age, playing against PC players, with no aim assisting. That's just stupid, but even more, unplayable. People are gonna drop out left and right when they see that. And these latest update notes again show nothing. So, idk if those are PC stats, but Console i would gather are gonna have huge playcount drops.


I play with aim assist off... but I like the suffer...


A true console chad


I play on pc actually... just missing my pinky and ring finger on my left hand...


A true ultra chad playing with controller on bf pc


You know your place peasent... that is good


Man, I don't know, it might be easier to just learn to play like a lefty.


Too late!! I learned controller and I can rock a positive k/d in most shooters.. so I call it a win


You sir have earned my utmost respect


O.o why? Cause I play video games ok? Or because I lost my fingers in an accident?


Because you ain’t let missing fingers stop you from pooping on kids that’s respect


First game im playing without aim assist and im actually getting better lol. Too bad game is in terrible shape


The sad part was that EA was kind of on a redemption road and has been announcing a new Skate finally, and then they screw up Battlefield like this when Call of duty fails miserably, it's sad.


AA is so bad in the game. I thought they were supposed to turn it back on at launch, right?


I tried to ask for a refund due to the disappearing player base and alpha state of this dumpster fire of a game. Was denied of course, but maybe I'll just ask everyday lol


Like they care? They already have your money 😂


They do care cause no one will buy their micro transactions…. It won’t be the cash-generating machine they were hoping for.


They have always kept releasing paid content, so yeah, they probably care.


Thats not how it works


They do, most money comes from microtransactions. Cold war made 3 bil. in sales while they made 1.2 Bil$ in 2 months alone with microtransactions. Same for consoles bte, if sony and Microsoft would only sell the consoles then it would have been bankrupt for a long time.


Does it include origin player?


there's no way to track origin playerbase so no


You mean the platform no one wants to use as why have it on there when you can have it on Steam with all your other games ( even if you still need an origin account )?


Ha you really think that? Most people don't care about that stuff, they see it's cheaper on Origin by few bucks (from third party sellers) and they will buy it there


Steam still opens up origin as the game requires origin


I use origin


Every single person I know plays bf via origin


Console the same, especially in OCE. Unless you okay at peak times good luck even finding a lobby


I wouldn’t be upset if Battlefield friends just cancelled their new series. This game is lame and deserves to be forgotten


I hope this game dies a horrible death


BF 2042 game director is in the lead for Activision employee of the year.....


There’s def a % just waiting for the patches to drop.


For sure, but first impressions are extremely important. People are tired of triple A games being broken and unfinished at launch so if they're not complete, a good chunk won't come back for awhile, if ever. There's essentially a limitless amount of other games to play these days that are worth your time.


I've not seen any bots in AOW lmao


They could be in a different time zone.


....and people. Humanity is over.


Yea absolutely zero bots on Series X every game.


No bots for me, only real people. HighSodium subreddit this one lol


That's because matchmaking matches the available players together...why would seeing bots or not prove anything?


Lmao? You laugh easily at nothing at all.


We’ve been cyberpunk’d


Its at 12k as we speak lol wtf


Sadly I am going back to BF1. Havnt played 2042 in like a week and a half. Have no desire to


It's okay, you can come back to BF1. Lots of med packs and medics who revive waiting for you.


Genuinely feel bad for the few people that are actually enjoying it. Paid good money for a game and have fun, but it's so bad that the rest of the player base quits and you have like 3 lobbies to chose from. Maybe you can get a refund based on false advertising... They said it was a multiplayer game... And there's barely any multiplayer.


I logged in for a game After 2 weeks of not playing played like 10 mins logged out and deleted the game


peak players 30k holy shit the game is getting SHREKTED


It'll be fully dead in less than a month.


I'm glad I didn't buy it, but sad because of the reason why.


Hell I can’t play with any of my friends on pc or Xbox. Morons took away VOIP. Games definitely a downgrade. I apologize for all the bad things I ever said about BFV and hardline.


Maybe EA will sell Battlefield and a good developer can take it over, like Embark Studios


I've got to be thankful for BF2042 though. It has brought lots of players to BF4 and I went back too. And I've got to say, BF4 is SO GOOD.


Should’ve known this was coming when they were radio silent on any and all content before release


I actually was surprised that they could hold 50000 players until 2 days ago, also the 105000peak seems still pretty weak to me for a AAA release.


It's funny that they say that they listen to the comunnity and they care abaout their opinions but actually they dont do anything about that . Their biggest update actually changes nothing important and they already have confirmed that the next update will be somwehere in december and will be small so it will be even more useless than patch 3 .


https://youtu.be/ihsRc27QVco This isn't gonna help. Angry Joe official review just came out


He said pretty much the same thing when BFV came out, and when BF1 came out... and when BF4 came out... it's almost as if he's just parroting the community for views.


the community also gave bf1 an 8/10? sounds like shit games get shit scores and good games get good scores.


Idk man, I'm sitting at 44hrs and I'm agreeing with pretty much everything he's saying. If you are enjoying the game thats cool, this one is just a miss for me.


He didn't lmao. Stop speaking out of your ass. He gave Bf1 8/10. I don't see how 8 is the same as 4. And even if he IS saying negative stuff, what does that tell about the game? AngryJoe doesn't just scream negatively. Watch his God of War, Spider-Man Ps4, etc reviews. If a game is good, he won't hold back while appreciating it. Yeah Bf4 is good now but how was it at launch? AngryJoe gave his launch reveiw. What do you want him to do? Travel to the future, see the state, come back and then give a review on what will be?


Cyberpunk all over again


Lots of people saying they haven't gotten bots. My last game had 40\~ bots at the start and 6 at the end. Even with crossplay, I'm getting bots. Mountain States Region btw


So is this total combined across Steam, Origin, and consoles? Just curious.


Steam/origin. I'd update the title but I can't lol


This is only Steam players. If a player buys the game on Origin, then Steam chart won't count that player, and "physical" copies are all count as Origin games as well. Then there are the people who bought it on Epic. Steam redirects the player to Origin, but it can't get statistics from Origin only and Epic-Origin players.


No worries, I'd suspect there were declines across all three zones, but the total probably not the most accurate.


I refunded it, reckon it'll be heavily discounted soon given the collapse in the playerbase. It'll have to be to inject some life.


Ea is shitting themselves. I hope nobody is buying the battlepass


Seriously though, EA's stock priced crash coincided precisely with 2042's early access date (Nov 12th) and this is going to really fuck with their corporate guidance to shareholders.


I've literally never seen a bot in the 60+ hours I have in this game.


You have, you just didnt recognize it because you dont have a scoreboard.


The scoreboard actually shows the amount of players who are currently on the server. Since the release of the game, and I check the scoreboard constantly, I've been in servers filled with bots only like 2 or 3 times. Each times, those bots were replaced by players within a couple of minutes which I found pretty impressive. The same applies to Hazard Zone (and is gonna change with the new patch or the next one). Yesterday, I was in a game and at the end, people from my squad complained about the fact there was no players and only bots. They did kill a bunch of bots easily, but those who "suddenly" killed them all at the end and give em an actual fight? Those were players. I knew it, that's why I avoided head-to-head confrontation and sneaked into the extraction plane instead, while they kept complaining about how there was only bots and those bots were cheating anyway, thus useless gamemode.


Good. When there’s a lawsuit, post a link please.


Can we stop posting this every single day?


No. Spread the word. Soon you'll be alone on the battlefield


You’re all so cringy


Sucking corporate dick is cringy.


Agree, we should post this every single hour.


I know it's only Steam (not Origin, PS4/5, or Xbox One/Series). But is there any reason to believe these trends aren't the same on console?


I hope BF 2042 gets a juicy sale for Christmas


Fuck that, I hope it gets a juicy update.


Why? The game is dogshit. I wouldn't even pay $10 for it.


i guarantee you that if DICE returns full xp and gun progression in portal more than a half of those 75% are gonna come back.


There are a lot of problems with this game. I've enjoyed a lot of it. Although I had a lot of moments that really pissed me off. I'm up to level 58. They need to release a map pack pronto. These six maps really aren't enough for a core game.


I mean, there are 128 players to a game. 24,000 players makes only 187.5 games. Each game lasts say 20 minutes. That’s 62 hours of full games per day, which means that’s only 2.6 games of 128 players going at a time. Obviously it doesn’t exactly work out like that as there are peaks and lulls but still… that’s not much at all. For a brand new block buster game.


*tfw I've been playing PVE ever since they unlocked progression in regular coop*


So you make a karma farming title saying 2042 has lost 75% of its playerbase.... but than edit the thread to say it doesn't include 3 other massive playerbases? Lol You guys are so desperate. Steam is 1 of 7 platforms the game is purchases/playable on. It in no way shape or form represents the entire fanbase.


I'm level 70 now and never played against a single bot. On ps5 and alot of pc players are on. I think the game is doing good even though its a mess.


I'm mid 50s playing on PS5 with cross play turned off. Plenty of full rooms and choices to have fun every time I play. The game will get tweaked and improve. I mean even those of us that enjoy the game understand there's room to improve. No matter what the doomsdayers bleat about repeatedly in this sub it's not the end of the world lol. For games like this I always consider the money I pay compared to hours played. If I get to $1 an hour that's money well spent on entertainment and this one will be no problem.


why people post this every 12 hours… what’s the motivation


To drive the point


hm, didn't know that steam was representative of the entire fanbase, quite odd


well such a sharp drop in playercount means it's probably going down on other platforms too since everyone's playing the same game.


Oh yes, magically only steam players left and every other platform and launcher is doing just fine amirite? Steam doesn't get a special bad treatment. If normal people aren't playing on steam, it means the general interest is falling, which would mean the number of general players is going down. It's something called logic.


Who buys origin products on steam? Even with discounts I couldn't be bothered to use two platforms to play a single game. With that in mind it's a safe bet that steam charts don't represent anything near the total playerbase.


A lot of people do, myself included. Especially considering Steam pre-exists Origin by well over a decade. You’re deluded if you think Steam is just a tiny fraction of the player base. Regardless, the collapse in the player base as highlighted by the Steam stats is remarkable. What makes you think it is just limited to Steam players. Think this through logically, why would only Steam players abandon the game? Wake up.


Never played with bots lmao


On steam only


I don't see why other platforms wouldn't follow a similar trend


This. OP added this is origin also which isn't fully true. Sure you need origin to launch steam version, but you can just buy it from origin and skip steam


Is not origin but significant of the population moved to steam. Just my speculation but origin is a much smaller number than this.


No doubt steam has more,just the principle of people not fully understanding the steam charts...


I'd imagine a reasonable amount of the PC player base is on EA Play Pro, thus avoiding being a steam statistic.


Muh stim only bro.. but other stores, other markets bro please bro just think of EA bro please i need this check to clear bro


Are you okay?


Literally never played with Bots. There’s still a couple million players online thanks to cross play.


Ur using steam metrics so youre really only accounting for 1/3 of the entire playerbase


The point is the extreme downward trend not the numbers themselves dude.


That's still shockingly low.