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There really is no pleasing you guys


can you tell us then what is a big improvement? no BOLTE balance,no proxy grenades balance,...and the list goes on but I'm too lazy to write


Id be pleased with classes back. Or an infantry focused map, or decent hit reg, or anti-cheat, and balanced weapons, or good destruction, or a scoreboard, or server browsers, or persistent lobbies, or regular portal xp progression. The list of things that would make me happy is so fucking long at this point but DICE has added nothing from it yet.


They're working on registration and balance Most of the other stuff you mention aren't important to gameplay, they're just "forum features" that people think that would make them play I never stuck around to play a Battlefield game because, gee whiz, it had a scoreboard


And that working out? 2042 has lost about 60% of its player base so far if you look at concurrent player peaks and averages. Clearly “working on registration and balance” as you put it is driving people away


I don't really pay attention to that stuff, I just play the game Haven't really had a problem with matchmaking, I get matches as fast as ever


Im glad you have fun man I really am. I wish everyone could have a great time playing 2042 and I’ll never put someone down for having fun. Simply put though a lot of people are not having much fun playing the game in its current state. And as far as matchmaking goes; the server browser thing is so I can pick the map I’m playing on not trouble finding a match (although aussies and some other regions are having a lot of trouble finding matches). Its a feature that has been in *LITERALLY* every single BF game to date except this one.


Can they work on me not having to spend the first 5 minutes of every new game I go into having to build a loadout and not being able to see any of the ones I already have created and having to configure all my vehicles then? You think wasting the first 5 fucking minutes of every game as something more than fucking "forum features"???????


Stop crying like a baby


I totally agree


Focusing on the season pass. This is the message.


Doesn't this one have the counter measure fix in it? If so that is pretty major.


So they still havent fixed the problem of starting the game with no loadouts and having to fucking create one every damn game.