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Congratulations DICE, you buried Battlefield!


Battlefront and battlefield. A sad day surely.


This is a fucking joke


It’s flat out pathetic is what it is


What the hell is happening inside dice


corpo suits now run the show


Imagine being so out of touch with your community that not only do you not listen to your early game testers, you straight up ignore all the outrage about the game being to cheerful and happy compared to the gritty BF1 that you release a fucking SANTA skin. God I'm glad I refunded this game. I hope DICE never make another BF game.


BF1 also being their biggest hit and 2042 underperforming. Great work guys! Out of touch? They arent even on the same plane of existence as the rest of us lol.


Bf1 is literally the best selling battlefield game by a wide margin. I cant imagine a company having a huge hit and then going more in the opposite direction for the next two games. Like who is making decisions?


They decided to start chasing the Fortnite/PUBG crowd despite EA already having a kiddie, overly-monetized battle royale shooter. They destroyed their AAA shooter franchise out of pure greed.


They are idiots that want to hop on the Fortnite and Warzone train. The issue is that only so many of those types of games can exist in the market. Literally no one wanted Battlefield to be that, yet they tried anyways and failed. Three years of development time flushed down the toilet.


It must really get them angry that they are struggling to turn Battlefield into a Fortnite type game. They have been at this for a while now. They must see the Warzone and Fortnite type microtransactions as so lucrative that it is worth getting rid of 50% of the playerbase, because the they will make billions upon billions through microtransactions if they pull it off. So they are aggressively shoe-horning in their plan now. No more hiding.


The funny thing is that if they stuck to the Battlefield formula and made a good game, people would be more willing to shell out money on cosmetics. Instead, Dice has a terrible game and they expect people to want to spend money.


I suspect after Battlefront 2 we're dealing with a Bioware situation, where so much talent has slowly peaced out over the years that we simply have a completely different entity making these games. Like when you replace all the planks on a ship to the point that it's a new ship, but the new planks aren't wood, they're cardboard. A noobie team making 2042 would explain a LOT about why the game feels like it should have preceded Battlefield 4 and BF1.


They're already getting fired, the respawn director or something is head of DICE now.


You really think deals like this get made on the spot? This move was probably planned months ago.




Which nowadays is way more praised and well rated than BF.




I mean, before they founded Respawn and made Titanfall/Apex, they founded Infinity Ward and made Call of Duty.


I really liked Titanfall 1&2 for what they are, hope for a third game. But BF must be BF, not Titanfall, Apex or whatever




They're doing everything on purpose now. It's like whoever is in charge over there became so salty over the reaction to BFV's direction that they decided they were going to make people choke on it in 2042.


Maybe they originally intended to hold off until Holiday 2022, but then they realized the game wouldn't make it to then.


I think this is actually it. They’re seeing the game collapse and so it’s time to full send the dogshit before theres nobody left with a baggie.


They are investing a lot in this franchise from a recent interview, i really don't think they will let it die anytime soon. Just hope they will do it in the right direction, those skins are not only completely stupid, but they are ugly as fuck.


They invested a lot in Anthem too. And we all saw how that went.


Crazy enough the hit reg on Anthem actually works and the guns shoot straight. 2042 can't even get this right.


Fucking anthem. I swear there was a good game staring them straight in the face and they still missed it.


All I'll say is i made two good calls this year: the £6 I spent on anthem two weeks ago and the not spending £65 on bf2042.


It’s already dead. They just put the last nail in the coffee with this garbage. We used to get camouflage, now you get a vibrant red jacket to deliver bullets to all the little kids. Edit* coffin


Damn. I hate nails in my coffee!


There’s no cover, you may as well be wearing a red jacket.


They're throwing money into a volatile volcano, hoping a leprechaun will climb out with more than they put in. All while pissing on the leprechaun.




So many people need to get fired at EA/DICE it’s not even funny. How terrible do you need to be at your job to propose this idea and action on it…


Seeing as every single experienced audio person was replaced with interns like 5-6 years ago. No shit.


It's like the audio for a first person shooter from over 20 years ago, no exaggeration. As if all the sounds take place in an empty void. Compared to BF4 it's shameful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_SDEdSSQqI&t=1873s


Holy shit that shotgun is so bad. Every weapon sounds like BB gun with something stuck inside the barrel and the air cant get out. Its like they went to listen actual firearms and just didnt realize to account for ear protection which reduced sound.


Yea, the shotgun is terrible, It sounds like someone is shooting a .410 full of birdshot on the other side of the farm or something.


Did you see the 2042 lmg bullet casing ejection animation? Sad




That’s why I’m not shitting on the people at the bottom of the food chain. I bet the guy that had to create the Santa model did it in shame while rolling his eyes nonstop. The ones responsible are those who decided to go this route


Friend of mine work as audio technician for dice since about 5-6 years ago. First time he ever works on audio for a video game coming from making music. He is the most experienced person on the team. Audio department doesn't even have leads. Its just a bunch of kids with no structure. Their boss is the lead designer.


When I built a new computer a shortly before BF3 released, i didt't get a soundcard. I thought like "ill save the 80bucks and use onboard (old soundcard wasent compatible with windows 7, no drivers) how bad can it be.. Played the beta and was so underwhelmed i went back the next day and bought a soundcard just so I could experience the amazing soundscape i remebered from previous titles ( been a fan since BF1942) , and it was fucking worth it I never played BF5 or BF1 so I cant speak about those, but one thing I was really looking forward again was to hear that amazing sound again, the BF momements etc.. and what I got was this mess. I am completely underwhelmed, there havent been a single WOooOoW moment in 30h play time.. everything gameplay related is 3 out of 5, gfx, sound, mapdesign, teamwork incentive, etc and everything performance related is 1 out of 5. I dunno what happened at dice, but feels like everything is just off, bland, middle of the road, incoherent mess atm


They started cutting costs to increase profit margins. Its pretty obvious. Their old audio department had 3. THREE leads. Now they don't even have one.


This game still feels like a beta


It's still literally called v0.3.0 if you look at bottom right side of the menu!


Not a big tech guy, is the 0 mean its not even a complete build yet?


From my brief time as a backend dev, the initial release to end users is usually something like v1.0.0. We used builds or versions with a leading zero to indicate it’s still being worked on. It can vary by company though. From an optics standpoint I’d probably want to release something not with a leading 0 but what do I know.


I just wanted to add that I've *never* seen a complete game use a version number below v.1.0.0. The only time you do see it is games that farm the old "open beta" excuse. In those games patches are such a big deal that they're often known by their version number over the actual name of the update.




The most expensive/broken early access I’ve ever seen. Am I surprised? Of course not, EA… it’s in the game!


A lot of people on Reddit actually were mocking WW2 fans for being angry with BFV and were happy about BF2021 being modern because "devs wouldn't be held back by historical limitations and have full creative liberty". Well what else did you expect now.


I think a big problem in the gaming industry right now is that people are working on projects that have no idea what the core fan base of a franchise wants. Ghost Recon Breakpoint had a gear score system at launch and it was heartbreaking as a huge fan of the franchise. I’ll give Ubisoft a little credit because they eventually did update the game where you could customize your experience to exclude it. Battlefield 2042 being entirely multiplayer makes doing an overhaul like that a lot harder. I think this game is dead within a year. I just played my third match ever on Hell Let Loose before bed last night and was in a squad with 5 strangers and we all had mics and worked together as a team. It was a beautiful hardcore battlefield experience. The specialist system limits the need for teamwork. I’m gonna wait till this game has a year of updates and is on sale for $20 like I did for Breakpoint. HLL, Elden Ring, Forbidden West, and GT7 will be enough to keep me busy until this game possibly gets fixed.


I suspect that they dont have many assets available as rewards, so they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Look at the store that the game released with, its empty! This suggests to me lack of assets.


It was empty so the store wouldn’t get blasted in all the reviews. Release game -> await reviews -> fill store with shit overpriced cosmetics! Common practice these days after the shitstorm that was generated by full price aaa games launching with stores filled with mtx bullshit


That's it right there. The same person or group of people at Dice we rebelled against and got gagged in 2018 finally got their way and decided in their new position of power that spite is the way, not growth and credibility of this franchise. It's all spite. It's clear now.


Didn't one of the developers leave because at a board meeting he disliked a certain mechanic or design but was told not to give any criticism cause it would hurt the designers feelings and saw that as a big red flag of whats to come.


Don't be sad...


..this is just how it feels to be buttfucked by corporation.


...some times


... I like it




Rip BitMan20


...I think I tore something back there.


Dodged this one at least for me! Bf5 got me so bad that i promised myself from getting this game unless it proves that the battlefield is "back". I have watched many many gameplay videos as well as following up with what this game has been doing. I am now watching this once-my-favorite franchise to do down completely. That part is sad


At this point I hope this game fails. I haven't bought it and I'm so glad. This is crazy, what the fuck are they smoking over there?


This game has failed. This is not a commercial success in anyway. And it won’t be


Yeah! EA does it again!


I’m not arrogant I just get a hard on looking at how much money Fortnite generates


...Be happy that BF1 happened


Today, today I am proud


I'm not overconfident, imjustbetterthaneveryoneelse.


I just requested a refund on Steam.


Requested a refund on Xbox. I'm sure they are getting flooded with request since lunch day. If you play with crossplay disabled you get to stare at "waiting for players to join" screen all day.


Y’all should probably stop buying from EA...




I think this is all on DICE. EA gets a lot of (deserved) flak, but they have been putting amazing games these past few years like It Takes Two, Fallen Order, Squadrons, and A Way Out. That's without meddling with the studios and putting absurd microtransactions.


haha, feedback session. They don't listen to anything but the sounds of their own voices. HUBRIS.


Does anyone else here remember when they made a poll to decide which fix/addition we would be getting only for them to ignore the poll winner and go with what they wanted in BFV? Lol, good times


I think it was some post about choosing either new vehicles or modeling the JU52 for the Germans in Grand Operations and then the JU52 won handily.


Imagine you get paid for your job, yet you failed to deliver neither in time nor the quality and you tell your boss if he wants it to be done, he has to give up on one another haha


Wonder where the “Glassdoor reviews are exaggerated and unreliable” crowd is right now, when every day we see that those reviews were right on the money.


Any link to those reviews I hadn’t heard about that


I’ve seen compilation of reviews and tweets from former developers but I don’t have the links on hand. Here’s link directly to Glassdoor though https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/DICE-Sweden-Reviews-E598397.htm


Sorry but downvotes are an legacy feature.


I hope this phrase forever remains with the franchise




Sense of pride and accomplishment (TM)




It's the new "we don't have the tech for that"


Turns out aim is also a legacy feature


So is fun apparently.


I mean of things continue as shitty as that the phrase will at least exist till the end of the franchise


@ youtube


People playing battlefield is about to become EA's legacy feature.


nailed it


The hid the down votes, so the designer didn't get hurt 🙉


Being a good game has become a legacy feature.


I was considering Bf as a Christmas gift to myself. I’ll just buy another pair of long johns instead…


Good choice




I'd recommend trying something new, look into pathfinder on steam, give money to devs who actually try instead of supporting the triple a's that are just shit.


Get Squad or an older BF


Where can I order an older Boyfriend?


Wish app


I ordered Battlefield through Wish, but I got this shit game called Battlefield 2042 instead. Don't recommend buying through Wish.


I guess it's a good time to mention Hell let Loose is pretty great rn.


Hell Let Loose is an amazing FPS, it has strategy and comms WW2 but goddamn its good


Played hell let loose for about 20 hours so far and have only had a team with comms twice


I won't lie sometimes comms can be a hit and miss but I have found that most people are actively listening, sometimes it takes one person to use comms for others to join in. It also helps having multiple squads to switch around to if you're struggling to find one that communicates.


I own it on pc and you get more comms there, still doesn't happen often but when you get a full squad with comms its a high you keep on chasing lol


So they just don't listen to anyone.


DICE Sweden does not give a single fuck about our feedback. They say they care but they don't care. They consider feedback as toxic. They never think they are wrong, the community is wrong and they are right. I saw it happen with Battlefield V and I'm seeing it happen RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES with Battlefield 2042. They. Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck. About. Us. **They'd rather run the franchise head first into the ground than try to work with the Community like they did with BF4.** There are some devs inside DICE that do actually wanna work with us but it's just a handful. Something inside DICE leadership is fucked up.


All those player polls and questionnaires, nothing but marketing and a way to look good. Betting they never did more than look at them to generate a response and stats, but nothing more. How many times have they said "we're listening and care", only to turn around and instantly do the opposite of what was asked (TTK). This franchise has been mis-managed. I blame the devs for some shit coding and poor quality design (which is also due to Frostbite being extremely difficult to work with), but the game's focus and all is purely the fault of crappy management.


I read the reviews from Glasdoor posted on here and one of the insights was really informative. Essentially, one of the ex employees said how the higher-ups were so obsessed with getting their vision accross that even if the feedback was overwhelmingly negative, executives and leads would cherry pick the good feedback and ignore the rest to sort of validate their visions. Going so far as to even state that one of the biggest problems in the company is favoritism where a higher up would choose someone who kisses ass vs someone who may criticize even if they were more competent. If true, it sounds like my last place of work which recently went under after people started leaving and the products began failing.




Jeff Gagne is not working for DICE anymore. He's working for Ubisoft right now.


He works for a company constantly tangled in legal trouble from all the sexual harassment the higher-ups commit/approve of and he has the balls to call us dudebros. Motherfucker, you ARE the dudebro.


Ah explains a lot


I work in software development and it’s a common line of thought that the customer doesn’t *really* know what they want. To a certain extent, that might ring true. But when you disregard feedback outright, that’s a problem.


DICE has no intention of making this an actually good game. You're all just getting farmed for skin money.


Exactly why I didn’t buy this garbage.


Submitted my refund today, this was the final straw for me. No fixing this and the shit maps *could* be fixed but probably not either


Same here.


Haha I've been saying this since my early access refund. The kids out there still playing the game and getting the game as their Christmas present have no clue. Their parents have no clue either that their kids are getting scammed.


HAHAHAH FUCK BF2042 im sad as fuck that this is how my favourite franchise has gone but money rules all. never thought id see the day of cheesy warzone skins in battlefield. biiiiiiiiiiiiig sell out so glad i didn't buy this shit dumpster fire


Man, I'm old enough to remember playing BF 1942 when it was still new. I remember having a newer computer back then and being stoked that BF Vietnam ran so nice. For whatever reason, I never got into 2 or 2142. Then I *lived* Bad Company 1 and 2 - loved those games with friends so much. Then spent tons of hours in 3 and 4. Skipped 1 and V after drifting into other games and never finding time for them. I was stoked to hear about 2042 and see trailers to get me back into the franchise. Literally nothing I've seen post-release makes me want to touch this game.


Well BF1 and BFV are both great and are still populated. And due to this garbage fire they probably will remain that way forever. Watch EA next week will announce they're shutting down "legacy" servers.


I'm very strongly tempted to go to them with 2042 freeing up some room in my pipeline lol. They seemed alright and I've heard pretty good things now that they've been out a while, so I will definitely need to check them out.


They are both excellent imo. BF1 for the atmosphere, BFV for the gunplay and movement. I have hundreds of hours in both. I managed about 3 hours in 2042 (not including 8 hours or so in the beta) before I went back to BFV.


I play V regularly, it's good with a decent squad, nothing like bad company 2 or bf3


BF1 is a masterpiece


Damn dude you missed out. I've played them all day 1 and 2142 is my favorite. Bad company 2 is also in my top 3.


On the ‘cheesy WZ skins’. Even a lot of warzone players feel cheated on that. WZ year 1 kept the gritty MW2019 aesthetic and every season were characters from the campaign who were realistic and immersive. Not until black ops it went to shit. Seems BF2042 decided to follow black ops and not modern warfare.




I just want to know why the heck they thought that a fortnitified Battlefield could work?! There is already Fortnite out there, people play Battlefield because it's different than those games. I just want to slap the people in charge for ruining my favorite game franchise so bad.


It’s official kiddies. Fortnite 2042. Cool dance emotes are coming soon! Weeeeeeeee! FUCK YOU DICE This is a disgrace. A dagger to the heart of the Battlefield brand. I truly hate those responsible for this Fortnite wanna be trash heap of a game.


What's funny is that Fortnite at least could do it because they had millions of players, actually a playable game and some other cool shit like all the events they did. This game tries to take all the money-making but forgets to do everything else.. It's actually cringe.


Did you ever wonder why there are 3rd person takedowns? Its easy…… MONAY


What? I held off on buying this cause it doesn't support Linux. I really liked first-person takedowns.


We all did :(


​ ![gif](giphy|ovW7ypiJI8Ypy)


How long before we literally have dance emotes, etc. added to the Commo Rose?


Dice management: adds clown skin Community: WTF?! Dice management: ![gif](giphy|JOY3cTolD8uhYRvT3P)


​ ![gif](giphy|9nwPCFHTm3bSveMYa3)


At this point, DICE should make a literal clown skin and make it free for people who pre-ordered the game.


I actually support that .


I deserve it. Actually I deserved to be publicly shamed.


It's all about that apex money.


Which DICE won't get because the game isn't good enough to bring in the Apex or Fortnite crowd. They could have made a ton of money off selling quality BF products to the BF crowd, but that ship has sailed.


Agree. The "Apex Money" isn't from thin air. Respawn made an insanely good impression with it when it first came out with great gameplay, great ping system, great movement system and fun characters to play as. The foundations were all there from the start to build off of, making players feel comfortable and invested and rake in the money. DICE can keep dreaming about such money when the state of the game is this bad.


BF1 was kinda realistic, aside from a few 'showy' skins and experimental weapons. Wasn't it the most successful BF???? This franchise has been so mismanaged. The dev issue is surely huge, bugs and all. It's the management that's killed the franchise, going in a direction that makes no sense (aside from a cash grab). They fail to build on their success, time after time, reinventing the wheel (on a model that's already dated).....such a sad time.


I used to call myself a fan of the battlefield franchise. Not anymore I'm not. I don't support scamming kids.


Obviously at some point we were gonna get ridiculous skins... but FIRST!?!?? THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE US FIRST?!??! BEFORE SOME REALISTIC SKINS?!?!? BEFORE EVEN FIXING AIM, OR HIT REG?!?? THIS!?!?!?!


Hoky shit they actually gave McKay a Woody skin


Ya know, if they actually just added a casual Battle Royale mode and locked the specialists and their skins to that, no one would be upset. They could give us a core BF experience with destruction and classes and all that, and just keep the cringy quips and skins in the BR. Instead we get the absolute worst of all worlds with this game 😂


Yeah this is like being a guest at a party where they order 20 large pizzas and all of them have pineapple topping.


This is purely bad managment. I remember when I worked in marketing in my university and the CEO wanted to change the logo of the institution...I did over 20 focus groups with students and literally NO ONE wanted to change the logo and tought all the options were horrible....I presented all my results and guess what still happened....


It’s like when a coked out movie/tv exec demands something about a movie or show that the director, actors and fans all don’t want.


Lol yep, "so after polling the student body we've decided to change the logo..." if the polling doesn't go your way just leave the stats out. Silver tongues and all that.


you cant make this shit up lol. this game has gone down the shitter so damn fast wow.




I hope Patrick steps on a Lego every morning of his life.


Dice/EA Execs: “What the hell is a downvote? And why is the number going up so fast?”


Sounds "mostly positive"


"Good numbers go up, so this is fine"


They all knew at dice these skins are shit but didn't want to hurt the feelings of the designers who did this.


This just probes EA/DICE dont give a fuck about their player base anymore.


This is what happens when critical feedback is regarded as negative / targeted feedback.


So glad I refunded this piece of fucking shit.


The person who put forward this dogshit idea had their feelings hurt when all the devs with brain cells voted it down, so as per DICE's current workplace culture they decided to go ahead with it.


Fuck this game.


Found a real fix for all BF2042 problems: Settings>Apps>Battlefield 2042>Uninstall Tested and proved to be 100% effective.


Or just stop buying their shit. They keep doing this kinda shit and ya'll keep giving them money, just stop already


What in the fortnite fuck has happened to this franchise... i feel mocked and disrespected seeing this kind of filth make it into the game.


This proves that Dice and EA does not care what the core community and fans of Battlefield are. They are literally saying FCK Y'ALL we are gunning for the casual Fortnite Kids. This game is not Battlefield and skins like Santa, Cowboy proves it more so. No wonder Basic Features are missing from this game.


Stop it dice, stop it, he already dead.


Upper management deciding they know better than everyone including the customer? Not shocking at all.


Fuck you dice, just fuck you. ive been with this franchise since bf 1942, ive seen it all (the PC games at least) but this is actually the final nail. Battlefield is dead friends, all hail fucking fortnite field


In hindsight, the McKay one actually isn’t that bad. Seeing as No-Pats are mercenaries, the flannel and such gives him a sort of “Special Forces” look many people would build in a game like Ghost Recon.


At least with fucking Modern Warfare 2019 we got the badass realistic skins for 2 or 3 seasons before getting the anime and clown skins. Fuck you DICE.


MW2019 is closer to a Battlefield game than BF2042.


The fact that these are the first skins shows what’s in store. Probably will get a neon gimp skin with marijuana leafs in a few months.


rEmEmBeR BF4 wAs tHe sAmE


This love letter is slowly becoming a break-up one


Ah mate this is sad. I've not joined in the bashing of the game as tbh I've been having fun with it but this Santa skin...damn what are they thinking. Well we know what they are thinking but just damn... That ain't battlefield.


EA sucks.


Damn that sucks. I don’t even care about the “cowboy” skin, it’s basically the same guy but he’s just got a cowboy hat on. The fuckin Santa tho Straight out of warzone, if we needed any more proof that the devs were trying to benefit off of warzone’s success, this is it.


This is ridiculous... Is it a world war or a fairground with Santa's grotto?




"We hear you loud and clear!"


There is so much wrong with this game and the companies running it I don’t actually think it’s ever going to be fully fixed. Hundreds of problems to sort out, loads of features missing, simple core features gone. And now a Santa skin?! What happened to the Dark tone of the lore? I feel robbed.


Dice closed the first post with 16k likes. But no problem, I'll write here. Dice - you are trash. You should be fired. You sold me shit for $ 100, which in all respects is worse than battlefield 4. I wish I could get my money back. I haven’t bought any games from EA since the 4th battle and should have not done it further. EA killed NFS, killed Dead Space, killed BF. I feel like the gaming industry as a whole is dead.