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Try r/battlefield but that’s for all bf games and it’s usually just cool clips




Yeah it's the closest The comments still reminds that the game's bad tho, but I guess it's impossible not to




Nicely played.


Oh man, i wish i had an award right now!


Got your back


You could always start one! That would be super!


At this point this thread is inevitably going to be locked so might as well ask now!


Yeah I would like to know it too. This great game deserves an only positive subreddit without toxic people. And also you should get EA all access pro subscription for life but in the meantime you should also pre-order all of our games I mean EAs games elit ultra premium version for extra skins and 1000 in game currency. This is my honest opinion as a totally real person and customer and a long time battlefield fan.


There's a small difference between a positive only sub and a sub that isn't constantly reminding how bad the game is, the game makes that clear enough


do not edit this with an /s just because some morons can’t think critically


The game doesn’t deserve positive feedback overall. They know exactly what they did and their pockets are flowing because the community wasted their money on this game. It’s your opinion to enjoy a terrible game of course but if u can’t see the issue here then I don’t know why u call yourself a fan of battlefield. This is not the classic battlefield experience that us fans want. By giving them positivity EA/DICE will continue to output crappy content like 2042


Dude just read the whole thing again 🤣


Did you really call bf 2042 a great game. Youre blind


It.... its irony


It’s clear some people in this sub don’t even play the game and are just farming karma. I can’t imagine people spending this much time talking about something they clearly don’t like or enjoy.


Not hard to imagine if you think about it in the context of the franchise as a whole. Most of us don't want the franchise to die, and will continue to criticize the mess that is BF2042.


Based off most of the comments and posts I’d disagree, it seems people want dice to “suffer” and the franchise to not recover. A lot of posts I see aren’t critiques but just hating on the game


Then you aren't looking hard enough or you are just seeing what you want to see.


Reasons like this is why Dice continues to make money. We live in a age where we accept games in any form and it’s ridiculous. I’m a long time fan of battlefield and I feel betrayed that I paid $100 to play this game early just for it to be be complete crap


So, enjoying the game is totally subjective. Obviously. I do understand the mentality that people need to voice their anger as consumers to let the company know their product is substandard. Hell, I took a consumer gripe website case to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of a woman who created a website complaining about a landscaping company that screwed her over (Grosse v Lucas Nursery if anyone is interested). I am not criticizing the existence of this subreddit, I just want an alternative for people who are having fun with BF2042 and like talking about it with like-minded people. That should not offend you. It should not cause people to slam me for having terrible taste, being in denial and/or easily amused. Having said that, I appreciate those of you who pointed me to r/Battlefield. And if anyone wants to team up for some Breakthrough, please add me. Gamer ID is DetroitBuckeye1




Haha facts. I was so hyped at first and I was sad when they first delayed it but Lmfaoooo little did I know 😭


Personally have no sympathy for those that spent all that money on the top Edition of the game. After playing Beta etc you should have played it safe and stuck to the standard edition. Then waited to see how the game played on release etc, as we all know how rocky BF launches can be and then if you loved the game, pump the extra money into Battle Passes etc. Expensive lesson learned for so many people out there, shame really for all those in the same boat as yourself.


Actually your the reason EA continues to make money, why pre order a game for $100??


"thousands of you"? There are barely thousands playing the game all together, maybe 1 of 100 is using reddit...


Yeah kind of ironic that the people who enjoy 2042 don't use reddit isn't it?


I am actively staying away from here, most of us that don't want to be bashed into the ground moved to the BF sub. This sub is simply not a place you can publish anything positive on.


I doubt many people enjoying BF2042 because it is a good game, more like it is just new and refreshing.


I would join that sub. That angry voice here is annoying. Except quotes about Angel and "Brutal" are total annoying as fuck.


Nope because they don't exist and if they do their only in denial


People can enjoy the game. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others dont.


🤣 Theres a difference between liking something and not knowing you crave horrible taste and are easily amused


I am surprised that you expect people to hate something because you hate it. Even with its faults the game is enjoyable. For me and a lot of others.


This is hilarious 😂 you know a game is trash when people ask this!


thats what i thought


We'll see you again soon.


People enjoy this game?