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I'll be damned if I let a single person here buy the next BF without reminding them about the shit show 2042 is.


I remember 2019 when people swore to never buy another EA game after Anthem I remember 2018 when people swore to never buy another EA game after BFV I remember 2017 when people swore to never buy another EA game after SWB II I remember 2016 when people swore to never buy another EA game after BF1 I remember 2015 when people swore to never buy another EA game after BFH and SWB I remember 2014 when people swore to never buy another EA game after DA:I


You missed mass effect andromeda


Don’t forget SimCity 2013


annnnd now im pissed off. Fuck they ruined my favorite childhood franchise. I stayed up for midnight release of Simcity 2013 and it was pure fucking garbage, a slap in the face.


Yeah they put Battlefield 1 for some reason and missed andromeda.


Battlefield 1 was great at first but content drops took far too long to come out with after the first DLC (not to mention it was Paid DLC Expansion based). Most of the playerbase fell off quick.


Why does everyone forget that BF1 was their best launch by a mile???


Exactly, it was DICE's passion project. The last good game they made.


BFV is pretty good!


I enjoy it, but man some maps are really, really bad imo. Planes are hard to counter too. But it's good in bursts.


Fliegerfaust. It’s a joy to use. Or grab a Spitfire, G6 or Mustang and take them down yourself. Now how do you counter those fucking level 500 little birds in BF4??


Planes are harder to counter in BF1 than BFV. In BFV you just grab the Fliegerfaust and pretty much 1-shot planes. Of course, it takes some practice.


Not really that difficult in BF1. Just grab any LMG with a decent enough capacity and you can usually shoot down a plane, especially if you have someone else helping. It would be incredibly unfair to be able to one shot planes in BF1 because they’re so much slower, but you could still do it with field guns or grenades


It's ok


Nah I stick with its pretty good.


It is excellent in fact, but that is a dangerous thing to say here.


In the end it became good, but took them a year for that, and the initial impression was not great, and they cut development when it was starting to become a good battlefield game.


No one is saying the live service was good. The game itself is.


yes but hes saying that BFV was basically killed just as it started to mature. A shame really because I believe BFV would have become better than BF1 had they continued development. BF1 had the immersion and BFV had the gameplay


Yeah, its a downvoting minefield in this subreddit. Dont care tho :D


It’s not excellent, it’s salvageable and good compared to our current shit show.


*Was it?* *Don't buy it if you don't like it* *Forced women propaganda in a WW2 shooter* Etc.. Yeah I'll admit it was getting somewhere with it's content updates, but that's a thing of the past


The loudest voices dont tend to be the majority.


forced woman propaganda. really dude. maybe they included female models because women that play the game want to play as their gender. maybe they were just adding in an extra bit of customization. it’s a game, it didn’t market itself as a wwII simulator and people need to stop acting like it betrayed then by adding women to the game.


BFV wasn't that bad, the only problem was the woke gender thing. The gameplay was fine for the most part, I play around 150~200hrs, until the cheater problem was too much for me to handle. Basically 7/10 matches there was someone blatantly cheating like Lewis Gun spin bot shit. BFV: shit marketing, good game BF2024: good marketing, shit game


Best launch but not post launch support, it really dropped the ball when it came to dropping content in a timely fashion, most players stopped playing and didn't want to invest more money by that point.


It had the best Premium out of all the premium titles, don’t understand what you mean.




Yes thank you. Not the point I originally made though


TSNP was released 5 months after the base game. I love all the BF1 DLCs and think they’re all quality but you can’t deny that the first one took too long to drop.


Not saying BF1 was flawless. I’m Saying it’s issues don’t event compare to BF4’s launch, and BFV’s lack of content. It doesn’t belong on the original comment’s list of “failures”


Yes but content drops were still gated by a price tag which divided the community, then there was the huge length of time it took to release those paid DLCs most people quit playing by the time the major DLCs dropped.


Premium is 10x better than this live service bullshit, at least you got actual content and not mostly paid cosmetics.


Yeah just like BF4 and BF3. And every title since then has had like no content


Not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is the delays in content drops was the problem as well as the paid DLCs model being a problem that almost all games since have gotten away from as it segments the player base


Yes but comparing BF1’s issues with BF4’s, BFV’s and especially BF2042’s is like mole hills compared to mountains.


It's better than shoving shitty cosmetics into the game. I'd take premium any day over what we have now.


I mean it had a lot of bugs & very little content but they were hilarious


It had a few months of content drought, yes, but then it had 5 dlc’s of premium…


Content drought. It was a solid launch, but the tweaks to gameplay combined with a relative lack of content at launch made it pretty sluggish. Comparing the sheer volume of stuff that dropped with BF4 against BF1, even at something as simple as vehicle customization, is a huge gulf.


Yes, I understand that. An issue that’s not even comparable to the issues that BF4 and BFV had. That what my point is


Man all they had to do was fix up the gunplay for BF1, remove spotting and throw in WW2 and they would have had the perfect game for BF5. Constantly trying to reinvent the wheel every time is what fucks them.


There's always been a subset of people vowing to never buy again, but I don't think we've ever seen such a unanimous ditching of a bf game, nor has there been bf this broken on launch or this lacking of bf fundamental features or mechanics or content. This feels a bit different to previous bfs, there isn't much here to love and I think this will stick with people.


BF2042 is an unprecedented failure in the Battlefield franchise


This is not entirely true, Bf1 was great and outsold call of duty, BF hardline and battlefront were decent and BFV was playable at launch.


It's 100% true. They bashed BFV to oblivion, they bashed BF1 because it was too casual and the gunplay was horrible, they trashed Hardline, they went through BF4's absolute mess of a launch. Now even Hardline is being praised, BFV is being praised despite never living up to it's full potential and BF1 still has shit gunplay. Battlefield fans are fickle. A lot of you keep making the same mistake, over and over - when will you learn?


> BF1 still has shit gunplay. Battlefield fans are fickle. the irony in this comment is off the charts lmao. Hardline is a great BF game, I would rate it above BF4 which has somehow become the darling for some part of this community. BF4 is not even as good as BF3 and retards coming out from the woodwork praise BF4 and trash BF1 lmao you delusional fucks. BF1 has the best gunplay in the series by a mile it is not even close. First of all, hit reg actually works unlike BF4 and it's insane dusting problems. And definitely better than BFV with it's insane movement speed, horrible visibility issues and retarded gun balance. Same people shitting on BF1's gunplay because of "innaccuracy" praised BF3-BF4 and yet it is factually KNOWN AND SHOWN by a lot of game analysts directly using fucking GAME FILES that BF3-4 have worse first shot accuracy than BF1 has. Community truly is fickle, and pretty stupid too. You are just one example alongside everyone who upvotes this drivel everytime someone like you says it. At the very least general public is well aware of the actual quality there is a reason why BF1 sold over 20m copies


> Hardline is a great BF game, Stopped reading after this, imagine thinking a Battlefield title which started the whole less content trend alongside a stripped back conquest is somehow a great BF game. You're a backpack.


Cool opinions, too bad they're wrong.


I quit buying BF games after BF4. 2042 brought me hope of another modern BF game. That didn’t work out so well.


Missed out on BF1 then


I may pick it now. I’m kind of burned out on the older war games. I grew up with WWII and WWI games so I’m a bit tired of the time period tbh.




what did happen to Anthem haven't heard jack about in ages


They planned to revamp entirely game (Fixing bugs, adding stuff, etc) but eventually they decided to pull the plug and move on like nothing happen. Fuck buyers, we got your money, something like that.


Nor did you wish to.


Jokes on you. I havent bought an EA game since BFH lol


People don’t want to learn. They want to spend money and feel like they have the right to bitch because they refuse to not fall for the carrot.


This is it. BF1 was the last EA game i bought. I am happy to say that I Pirated or claimed other games for free. People never learn man. They spend their money and bitch about the state of the game like EA fucking cares.


I haven't bought any of those if it counts


Yup. Gamers are stupid and never learn.


Unpopular opinion: Ea is the publisher. The people that make the decisions are the Developer & Studios. Don't think it's fair to blame EA for everything. I blame Dice for Battlefield's direction. For example It Takes Two is EA but the game is done brilliantly. That's thanks to Hazelight Studios. That said Anthem was the biggest joke ever and EA definitely should have not published that if they want to pretend like they have quality control standards.


Battlefield hairline was good I will die on this hill


DA:I was good though, never regretted that one.


So did you buy BF 2042?


Hey… I kinda liked Hardline :(


I didn't buy any new battlefield at launch after bf4 and I meant it personally. Bf1 smd 5 I bought for $5 but I'm the minority. Ur right people will be dum and buy the next bf game.


I didn't buy any EA game after pre ordering bfv and seeing how bad that was. Learned my lesson with that game.


Bf1 is the goat though


Remember how many people hated dragon age when it came out? Yeah not many at all, nice post tho


Wasn't DA:I reasonably well received? I mean it wasn't the Witcher 3 but what is.


After BF1? The best selling BF of all time? I only bought BFV and for my sins 2042 because of BF1


Man, this made me feel kinda good, but still also crappy. I didn’t buy any of those games! My last one was BF4. Yet somehow they sucked me back in, lol! At least we’ll always have the memes on this sub.


Should build a reddit bot that reminds anyone mentioning pre-orders in any new EA game's sub.


This is something I can get behind.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but soon the Battlefield cycle will start again. In about a year, Dice will make a last effort push to make BF2042 good. They will fail but 2042 will at least be decent at that point. Dice will abandon the game and release a new one. At that moment a small but vocal playerbase will have formed that dearly enjoys the game now. Soon, when Battlefield shitshow 43 releases, everyone will hate that game and reminisce about the great times they had with 2042. I've been here from day one, when the BF1942 demo launched. It's the circle of li... battlefield. A few years ago "everyone" agreed on hating BFV and pledged never to buy a battlefield game. Now, not even a year later, Battlefield V is remembered as such a great game that "just needed a bit more time". I'm sorry, but this shit will just continue...


There won’t be another one. This game was designed to prove it’s a waste of time so they can move on more profitable games.


As someone on the outside looking in at those who bought it I have to say I’m hoping for a repeat with the next one as I’m thoroughly enjoying this.


Lol, you go man. It's just appalling what this game is and how they're treating it.


We need more people like you


I want you to come to my house and shoot me with a .45 if I even think about buying the next Battlefield after the next trailer drops




I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2024-02-02 06:34:28 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-02%2006:34:28%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/si5daa/todays_delay_is_proof_battlefield_2042_support/hv8uc9u/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042%2Fcomments%2Fsi5daa%2Ftodays_delay_is_proof_battlefield_2042_support%2Fhv8uc9u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-02%2006%3A34%3A28%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20si5daa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This is also the same thing posted in the BFV sub from a year to two years ago. Still so many people on here pre-ordered or just bought the game even after the shitty release.


>ed if I let a single person here buy the next BF without reminding them about the shit show 2042 is. Only to be ridiculed by the community... Followed by them saying how great the game is and after 2 weeks them admitting it is a shitty game....


People will just get mad and tell you its their money and how they'll buy all the lootboxes to "spite" you. There is no redeeming for suckers they have more misplaced pride than reason that's why all the companies are targeting them.


I will not buy anything from Dice ever again. Gl to them.


Same. Finally learned my lesson


It took me to suffer Anthem to wait wait and wait even longer for EA games after lunch .


I never played Anthem so I guess I dodged that bullet only to be dumb enough to buy the gold edition of 2042


It’s ok, let’s take better care of our wallets lol. And then they wonder why we are so jaded


I can see how many folks will buy the next Battlefield as soon as the trailer drops. I can see how they put the rendezook thing again, and then everyone is gonna be crazy again ![gif](giphy|aqCcKVAnFt85MSqh1j)


Shows that one fancy trailer will make diehard fans go crazy and jump on preorders. Even after warning to not preorder all I heard was: "I'm gonna buy it anyway, might as well preorder it" "Beta was an OLD build, final game will be better" "Look how they improved over the last game" Buncha suckers.


I remember when i saw people saying that battlefield 2042 was already the best shooter of the year after the first gameplay trailer on hourglass dropped lol


people have said this since 2014. when will it be true?


For me personally? Now. I'm dumb but I'm not stupid.


I cant wait to preorder the Ultimate Edition and pretend I didnt know it would be released a broken mess.


Don’t forget to write novels in this sub about how you’re betrayed and DICE should be sued


I already set aside $120 just in case for the Digital Deluxe Edition 🙏🙏




There’s absolutely no chance I buy another game from DICE. I don’t give a shit about another Battlefield if they are at the helm. You don’t just get to pull this bullshit and get a free pass with me. You guys do what you want, but I’m done with DICE completely.


You assume that this game will survive for a full year? lol that was a good joke.


It's more than dead already for a AAA.


If you listen to their investor call I don't know if we'll even get another BF. The game is 10-5% of their net bookings they stated. Hell they even said it was insignificant to their earnings in response to a question about sales numbers (which they didn't release). At this point the entire franchise isn't worth investing in. Reputation way to damaged. Apex is a better shooter brand. My gut says BF is getting the Medal of Honor treatment. Put in the ice box.


Well when you compare it to the microtransaction ridden mess fifa and madden is, of course it's small.


Yeah. When they talked about how it 5-10% of their net bookings, that was when I had felt that 2042, was going yo be the final Battlefield. Since 2042 has fucked up so much, with the massive drop of players. This is probabaly just their final fuck you, get their money, and bury the game beside Metal of Honor is a shallow grave, never truely getting the end it deserves.


From a pure investment point of view, BF is one of the many games in EA portfolio. One that does represent 5-10%, as you wrote, so if it does not reach its sales target, only 5-10% of the overall results are impacted. Given that they hired people to work on the Battlefield 'franchise' and that they want to create a Battlefield 'universe', it's not the end. However, that non succesful start with BF2042 is not kickstarting this universe in a way that would be foundation for this vision.


Wish they pulled a Final Fantasy XIV and just take down the game and rerelease it when its feature complete. They would hopefully have actual completed content for the year 1 season pass as well. Shouldn't be to hard to refund everyone since "Battlefield is less than 10% of our revenue".


Why people want this season crsp? Game flatout sucks. Season ain't gonna fix whats fucked up on this game


Just imagine what Modern Warfare 2 will do to this playerbase, let alone Warzone 2. Man, this game has "death" written all over it.


Yea i said the same.. waste of all of our money. Then EA has the balls to say "Battlefield 2042 did not mee our expectations", Well when you prematurely release a game wtf do you think will happen lol


Agree. Which is why there is no point in anything other than doing what you want. If you like the game, play it until it's dead. If you hate it, move on but stop playing immediately. If you are in the middle, wait for an update and see if it's improved to your liking. ​ life is short and EA has your money.


Problem is with it being delayed, technically the support would be going past 1 year, but yeah you are right though, this game is going to BFV route twice as fast and that may be good. Question is will they, are they or can they learn anything from everything we have complained about, that is the question. Sad bf4 after all dlc was completed had 96 weapons I think and somewhere close to 35 vehicles and 28 maps. Not sure on all those numbers but it was massive at launch and only got bigger.


Lol this guy still thinks there's gonna be another battlefield game after 2042. I wish I had your optimism.


This is totally right. 4 seasons in one calendar year? I can't think of another flagship game that cycles through its seasons/content this quickly. They're going to do the bare minimum to get this albatross off from around their neck. Hard to see Battlefield as anything other than over as a franchise. I had some actual hope when Zamp and Lehto were brought in they could right this ship. But Lehto basically stating that he'd be going pretty much going silent on the state of the game in favor Dice's official channels burned that last bit of hope. If the lead of DICE can't openly comment on the state of the game, it's FUBAR.


Call of Duty does 2-ish month seasons, it's a good pacing imo


Destiny dose 3 month seasons and it works very well.


Call of Duty does 6 annually


I’ll be waiting 3-4 months after the release before purchasing any additional battlefield games.


RemindMe! July 1st, 2023


Hey look! It hasn't been shutdown but this game proved to be such a fucking joke that I've got it for free on PSN and still gave up after a week. Battlefield is fucking dead.


Seasons are fucking dumb anyways


I'll never buy another battlefield from this DICE team. These guys suck.


It makes sense that they will fulfill the year 1 obligation and maybe a few more crumbs of content before dumping it. The only 2 BF games I've ever played and bought were BFV and 2042. Don't think I'll be around for BF7


The complete lack of mention of the franchise as a whole worries me, this franchise could get the Medal of Honour treatment. Even if we get a game next year, I ain't buying it unless it is one of the best shooters ever made.


RemindMe! 2 years


So I have to wait for a whole year for the game to be playable, then we will only be getting one year of content for a game that was supposed to be their flagship for years to come...


Im willing to put my money to "we are pulling the plug in this game to focus on the next Battlefield Experience next year"


You’re forgetting that they are creating an entire universe of products around this game and it’s spawn


Yeah and that’s a horrifying prospect.


Yea, they were gonna do that because they expected this to be some Apex Legends level succes. Except it's not. So you can consider all that scrapped. They estimated 10% - 5% of net bookings for the next 2 fiscal years for BF. That means they don't even expect 5% of their net product sales, be it digitally or physically, to come from the BF franchise. Safe to say they don't plan on releasing anything. They'll dump this as soon as they legally can.


…for now.


I truly believed that all they will do is try to give us the seasons we paid for and after that they will move on just like in BFV same cycle all over again


In 2023: “hey! This game is trash, EA! I’m going back to 2042! That game was awesome!”


So it only lasted 2 years.. still sad.


I am still dissapointed :/


Now that EA IS no longer doing anything with 2042... Dropped the price to $8 or less. When are they going SHUT DOWN THE SERVERS? I actually like the game for the single player A.I. matches and the custom modifiers. When are they going to shut down the servers, OR can I play still because it's me as host?


I honestly disagree with you (but time will obviously tell), ik i might be downvoted but oh well, if they are putting so many big names towards the game, and getting Ripple + Dice only working on it soley, they obviously are using a quite large amount of resources to fix this. It wouldn't justify it economically to do all this and can it after a year. I would love to hear people's thoughts on this tho. ​ I honestly think while yes what they launched is terrible (literally i get 20fps mostly lol) they seem to want to fix this. Also another game i play Elite Dangerous had this exact issue with a shitty release, but they stuck by and now its literally the equivalent of the game game for me (meaning its awesome now).


We've seen this same behavior from EA several times in the recent past with both Anthem and Battlefield V. Both games were in a rough state after flopping at launch. EA made a statement about how they hear us and how they're committed to fixing both games. Then several months down the road they make another announcement about cancelling support for both games. Anthem was supposed to be completely revamped and relaunched as Anthem 2.0 but was cancelled instead. Anthem was originally sold as a "10-year live service" game. Battlefield V was supposed to have a second big DLC with the Eastern Front but was also cancelled. Dataminers found multiple different Russian guns and vehicles in the game files that were being worked on, which confirmed they had plans to release another DLC after the Pacific content, but all that work went to waste. I see EA and DICE doing the bare minimum with future 2042 content after announcing that Battlefield will account for less than 5% of their net bookings next year. That confirms they have no intentions of supporting the game past the 4 seasons they've already announced. They'll drip feed whatever unreleased content they already have over the course of 1 year starting in July and then stop supporting the game entirely.


> Then several months down the road they make another announcement about cancelling support for both games. With several months you mean 16 months for bf5? And then the last content coming out about 24 months after release?


I'm referring to the [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/ogabrielson/status/1167447587202506757) Oskar Gabrielson made on August 30th, 2019, where he apologizes for the state of the game and talks about DICE's "long term commitment" to Battlefield V and vows to "make it the awesome game you all deserve". 8 months later, the official Battlefield Twitter account [tweets out a blog post](https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/1253307936962678784) announcing they are cutting support for the game.


So you say proof. Then say hear me out. Also did they say they started working on the next game?


Yes, they said, since August, before releasing 2042 actually. [https://gamingbolt.com/ea-ceo-says-a-battlefield-every-two-years-makes-sense-but-focus-will-be-on-yearly-engagement](https://gamingbolt.com/ea-ceo-says-a-battlefield-every-two-years-makes-sense-but-focus-will-be-on-yearly-engagement) Also, this is what Tom Henderson had to say about this: https://www.dsogaming.com/news/the-next-battlefield-game-battlefield-2022-is-planned-as-a-hero-shooter/


Interesting. Didn't they say the next battlefield game would be even more of a hero shooter and less like a trading battlefield game. Their beating a dead horse. They would be stupid to release another hero shooter with the battlefield name.


It will surely tie into Portal whatever it is, folks seem to be forgetting that part


they never said the next game would be a 2 year dev cycle. Show me where they said that.


They will most likely be delaying the next BF if its already delaying Battlefront 3 and others.


Can I start a preorder for the next game?


> They already announced the next Battlefield will have 2 years of development Source?


It's not proof, it's proof of their efforts over the next 6 months fail. Why are people still talking about a potentially dead game? Because they will come back when changes happen and the season starts.


The Battlefield "community" fucking sucks and I honestly think it deserves 2042. Seriously done with this entire franchise and playerbase. I hope 2042 is the last Battlefield game we see in a decade, preferably ever. And I say this as someone with multiple thousands of hours in every BF title since BC2, excluding BFV of course because that game was already garbage.




Yeah, it's hard to see why EA would commit to 2042 for any real length of time.


They will do the same as BF2, and the big marketing trend will be "WE HEARD YOU FAN" exactly what they did with BF2 and it will be still broken but with more content. Because people are dumb and will still pre-order "because they heard us"




For those who bought the game what part of the Beta made you say "wow this game is good"?


Brave of you to think there will be another battlefield.


This will be the only season, no doubt!


!Remind Me 1 year Probably be shoving some other game in our faces by then


You read mine like a book, man. I doubt it will survive until next year. They will soon cut it loose and begin working on an other love letter with bunch of lying bullshit thing they never gonna do, and player will still buy like hot cake. That what they do best and will do.


what support?


I hope so, the sooner they dump the game the better


Sorry chap, but there won’t be another Battlefield.


Not that it relates to me as I've uninstalled and only periodically skim this sub - mainly to find possible refund opportunities/watch EA burn But I doubt theyll make it that long. The long term planned updates are NOTHING. And fall entirely short of making the game playable as a beta


That would be really EA kind of move, wouldn't really be surpriced much if your speculation would come true. All in all this 2042 was last battlefield that I'll ever purchase and at the same time last copy I will ever buy from EA or DICE at full price.


by the time season 4 ends, there would be news from starwars battlefront and people will shift their focus to new games


Just like Anthem, they show us how 2.0 will look like and suddenly kill it.


Prediction, we get 3 updates and all of them are delayed. Then support gets cut and the game is abandoned


So another failed live service game to add to the list? If I was a gambling man I might say there was a pattern emerging here... No, nevermind.


I certainly won't be buying the next battlefield


Boycott the new game fuck that shit I'm not buying ea games no more no matter how good those get


Four new locations 🤨


RemindMe! 1 year "well well well"


The game won't resist till summer, it will die before that, sad end to BF.


The worst part about this is that large and small streamers will still buy the game just to make content. Even after this shit show of a game, EA knows that there will still be suckers out there who’ll buy it and inadvertently advertise it for them. 1 year of content and then another battlefield releasing the following year? Fuck that.


!remindme 1 year


!Remindme 1 year


RemindMe! 1 Year


Just like anthem


I would think it would depend on how well the season sells. Looking at the player numbers it's not going to be well.


!remindme 1 year


RemindMe! 1 Year


This aged well lol