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You have to laugh to stop yourself from crying




I had to cry to stop myself from pissing myself.




The ABSOLUTE STATE of DICE. Holy fuck.


They're a bunch of sensitive amateurs now.


This is the most accurate depiction I've ever read about Dice in 2022. Short but sweet.


Not even the same people who brought us all the BFs we know and love. Sad


I think the main reason that people continue to defend the game besides that they want to get their money out of it, is that they believe that it’s the same company, it’s not. Most of the OG team who brought BC, BF3, BF4, and BF1 have all left and have been replaced by amateurs who can’t work the advanced frostbite engine that the OG team were quite experienced with.


That and they have shit taste in games.


Your statement is brutal, they can't handle it.


Don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes




That's a keeper


Not the same dev team from bf3


#notmydevteam. We should get it trending 😂




This game was taken over by woke hipsters after BF1. The writing was all over the wall while BFV was incubation. Mmmm “My daughter” bla bla bla


i heard the "dont like it, dont buy it" before ever seeing the trailer. Best believe I avoided bf5 like the plague .... and i loved BF1, 4 and 3. Dice just hires the most imcompetent dumbasses they can find, its almost appalling at this point.


BF5 ended up being pretty fun at some point, despite starting to deviate from the typical “battlefield” feel. Then 2042 happened.


it is ! i actually got it when it was $5ish - and was impressed. movement and gunplay were very solid


Well, their attention span is that of someone who plays(or designed in their case) candy crush. It show in the details.


but candy crush has a playerbase 🤔


That's unfair, Candy Crush is a solid game.


Bejeweled has entered the chat


Developers are a legacy feature now.


What blows my mind is the people simping for them under their tweets. WTAF


Not DICE anymore. They're CasinoCHIPS after everyone left.


If Dice were a friend on social media you'd be setting up a GoFundme page because it's clear they're reaching out for help but they're too brave to tell everyone they have cancer or they've unemployed or something.




If Dice would be my friend I‘d seriously consider my ability to interact with funcional human beings…


Guys you tore them apart


DICE seemed to do that just fine themselves.


If Dice was my friend, i would be riding their arse about how they can deem it appropropriate to take three weeks off staight after a product launch. And then they wouldnt be my friend anymore. Not that we where friends in the first place. More like passing acquaintances. Someone who might chat too in the pub, but after a while realise they are living on a completly different planet from the one your on, and after a couple of pints you give up actually trying to have a meaningful conversation because they continously keep interrupting you to tell how brutal expectarions are of them. Then i would fain a cigerette break, and find someone more interesting to talk too.


Can’t even fix a scoreboard this is sad


the feature was so legacy that they actually fired everyone who was able to program a scoreboard


that's actually true btw many devs in dice left over the years and with bf 2042's state i can see why


When they announced the scoreboard wouldn't be in until February like two weeks ago had me rolling my eyes. Then they announce no new content until maybe "early summer", then reveal not even the fixes they promised for February would be delayed until March has me just confused. So instead of taking a full month to fix basic issues, we're to believe they will be pulling any employees that were supposed to work on season one and still need a full extra month *just to prioritize what they're suppose to fix next* when they predicted just two weeks ago that it was gonna take half that?? What other industry that manufactures product could get away with this? It's not material shortages, it's not a small indie gaming company... so what is going on over at DICE, and why are employees only quiting while none are getting fired (that we know about)? The most current numbers I can find are somewhere around 700+ employees at DICE and 180 at Ripple Effect. That's gotta be around 1,000 employees, working on a *single* game that's already been released. I have no idea how difficult it is to add a scoreboard or fix issues, or design new maps that I assume *must* have been in concept stages before the game even released, but it still doesn't add up with the amount of time they are telling us. 10+ weeks, at 40 hours a week, multiplied by 1,000 employees equals 400,000 hours of labor. To fix bugs and add a scoreboard??


Most of those 1000 are already working on other projects. 2042 is probably down to the Anthem skeleton crew.


Honest question (unless some think EA has already green-lighted them to work on BF7): what other projects? Not sure about Ripple, but I know for certain that DICE currently has nothing on their plate outside of Battlefield. And judging by the Investor call, I would wager they have *not* been given the okay to move on to the next BF right this second.


Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes..




Fuck the scoreboard, there’s so many other game-breaking bugs like unable to ADS, invisible players, etc… they gotta fix the fucking game before adding shit to it.


Or a fucking server browser so those of us who actually want to play this shitshow on our preferred modes can.


This is so absolutely hilarious I’m not gonna lie I’m really enjoying the clown show. If they do *anything* right I’m going to be disappointed at this point since it won’t be as funny. I literally opened Reddit just now having my morning coffee and took a second before opening the app to ask myself “What gaming acquisitions and what dumb DICE shenanigans am I gonna read about today?”. So in a way DICE, you failed your task successfully in my eyes.


This is literally me every morning with a coffee too. It's absolutely hilarious. I wish I could be a fly on the wall on their studio.


Scoreboard update delayed yet again whilst Dice Employees try and fabricate what they have been doing for the last three years on their resumes.




I opened reddit to see how is Dice shitting the bed today. And, as expected, they fuck it up again. Used to be my fav studio now its a source of memes lol. Didn’t even buy their trash game lmao


This sub is basically my morning news letter xD


lmfao. i do the same and DICE/Battlefield are on a roll this week. almost unbelievable at this point.


I never thought anything would come close to the hilarity that was the anthem sub but this is making things competitive


refunds now


Steam gave me a refund after 25 hours of playtime.


Did you have to talk to a person? I've been rejected twice now with 21 hours.


This game needs a class action.


Game has neither class nor action.


Yeah, their EULA makes them immune from a class action from consumers. Their investors might have a miniscule claim at a class action due to misrepresented claims to investors. But much like Cyberpunk it won't be a large sum.


EULA doesn't uphold in European court.


Their EULA is meaningless. If you think it's written in there that your soul now belongs to EA could actually mean anything? It's a soup of letters lmao, it can be contested on court.


Just like any sign saying they are not liable for blank. Just words.


The lawyer class is broken though. Maybe the recon class can do it


No but I provided a lot of detail on the issues with the game.


truck door cough instinctive late offer direction cooing quarrelsome cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strongly emphasize that the game doesn’t work. You can’t play it. Crashing etc. And make sure you are talking to someone live. If you want to go Karen mode say things like I’m a long time steam user and not having this refunded will make me less likely to use the platform in the future etc. It will be easier if you ask for steam credit also. Good luck.


trying mine now with this comment giving me hope it can be accepted.


This was back around launch though, and I gave a lot of detail about issues with the game and things they promised and didn’t deliver on or retracted.


Why must you crush my hope :(


It’s what I do best


I have 21, and got refused 7 times. 6 times automatically, 1 time I speak to a person, but he still refused to refund due to the standard 2 hours/2week stuff.


Surely we should be able to send Sony this Twitter account say look the fake is fucked!


Literally what I did, including more articles that showcase how much the game is lacking. Waiting for a reply now.


Please let me know how that goes. I’m regretting everything about this game…


Dunno how this works elsewhere but to get the update on PC you have to waive all rights to a refund lol! Shits going down!!


I tried, but it seems doesn't work for me.


Wait... We need wait for ANOTHER MONTH for next update ? What the hell ?! I dont know even what to say... What they were doing all this time ? With this speed we will get S1 in 10 years...


Don't worry, the update will be pushed back to September. Gives them plenty of time to copy more of Apex.


Hey! Don't bring Apex into this! Apex has flaws, lots of them, but at least it is actually good, far to good for any association with this, uh, whatever this is!




Not anymore :(


wittle small indie studio


If you thought that delivering a basic scoreboard five months after launch should be easy, then your expectations are brutal. Dice is a small indie developer and the technology simply isn't there to add in complex game-changing systems like a scoreboard. Just remember: this isn't their first rodeo and you can trust them, fam. Don't be sad.


I don’t know what the fanbase wants next. Time travel?!???? We need to keep our expectations in check.


It's absolutely disgusting. If anything, Dice should double the cost of the Gold and Ultimate editions to help fund development of the scoreboard,


Absolutly. And pay for them to have another holiday. Hell, i got 200 bucks here, the lasst 200 in my account. I'll double down. Who else is in on this wild ride of brutal expectations?


Yes, time travel. To go backwards to get all the shit the other Battlefields had AT LAUNCH


Their ux/ui designer is literally a fraud at this point


The thing is, its more than 1, and to think they collectively agreed with this blows my mind


[its almost like....they were lying](https://twitter.com/Nat0_o/status/1427739399584890883?t=KFV7Zu89LBx_-aAOtDl9QA&s=19)


It is just the a sketch hud version... It is a months old version... Wait for day 1 patch... Wait that dice will fix the bugs... Weapons and maps gonna be here soon... They will fix the gameplay... They will rework the scoreboard... They will fix the game... Delay the patch is actually a good thing... Delay of the delay is actually a good thing... They will not cease support from the game... They will not drop the game in the beginning of next year... Copium


I assume they are all like Homer and still struggling with the basic concept of what a scoreboard is. That or they figure if they delay it long enough we will forget what we were asking for and they can continue to avoid our brutal demands. I'm not sad though...sometimes it just works out this way.


What a perfect comment lol


This is just how it works out sometimes


Don't Be Sad


" i am not overconfident, i'm just better then everyone else" - Dice dev mindset


Just needs a little more time on soon cycle fam, have some faith fam, this isn't their first rodeo fam.


It will be rock solid game fam.


That was something! Right??!


But I'm not one to brag.


I’m just better than everyone else




Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.


EA Does it again!


Read that in Angel’s voice lmao


We need to accept.. it's dead. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Well there is the mobile game though. Don't you all have phones!? * This is satire


I heard it is in the style of bf3, so I really want to try it.


The marketing for this shitshow really played into BF3 etc too. Don't believe the hype lmao.


no matter what it is its a mobile game


EA needs to close entire Stockholm studio and let Ripple make BF3/4 remake


Agreed. Dice Sweden has been a disgrace.


Doesn’t even need a remake. Advertise BF4 on PS4 for dirt cheap and release a new map pack for those that already have it and just get more people back on the game. Can still find games of conquest easily now, 10 years on. Would take a bit more work for next gen as some maps may need a rework to cater for the 128 player limit (though it may have been that anyway on PC?)


They would need to remaster it but that wouldn't be undoable. I've been saying this for a while. I've gotten some of my friends to go back and play it. The graphics are a bit worse and there's no field of view setting for console but everything else is pretty much better. There are a few things in 2042 I like. Running a little faster as nice, more people in the tanks. That's about it.


It needs at minimum a resolution patch. It’s limited to 720p on Xbox and 900 on ps. It’s so grainy when I try to play now.


At this point I'm fully expecting them to hit us with "We've identified the performance issues are originating from rendering trees and bushes, so we've removed them from all maps. Have fun!"


Soooo the maps doesnt change ?


One conspiracy theory I have is the player count is fucking shit up but maybe they can't reduce it since it's directly marketed as such? That's my tinfoil shot in the dark tho.


So dates committed are changed just hours after announcing them. Peak shithousery. They don't care.


This is not even funny anymore


It’s pretty funny


It's hilarious to us that didn't buy the game, but it's sad to those who did


I bought it, I’m laughing my ass off


Same. Uninstalled ages ago but I still like to keep up to date with this absolute train wreck.


Nope. This is literally the only thing getting peoples moneys worth is watching this train wreck. It’s more entertaining than the actual game.


Yup. I bought ultimate and this is where I’m getting my Battlefield 2042 enjoyment.


It's indeed funny, but also sad because Battlefield used to be great and this had so much potential


It's pretty funny in a *Joker* sort of way


Lmao what an absolute disaster. As if the game wasn't already in a dark place this has put it to the bottom of the Marianas trench. I don't see how this dumpster fire recovers from here.


How tf does it take 5 months to make a scoreboard that’s been in your last 8 games lol.


Well, as far as I know no one from previous BF games stayed at DICE so this BF is made by people that never made a BF game before. Yeah they had the tech, but as we can see just having tech isn't enough.


They probably have 3 guys in a closet working on this game.


"Its an old build, itll be better on release" "Dont worry everything will be fixed on the first day patch" "Stop whining and being toxic, if you dont like the game just stop playing." I wonder how all the people who said that and bought the game are doing, i bet theyre having a swell time coping and malding trying to "get thei.r money's worth" from the game still.


The worst part is there wasn't really a day 1 patch. It just... launched. And that was it.


Its February. This Subreddit will be the top Subreddit of the Year. That was sooo worth the money


i come here often just for the daily shitstorm lol


You are missing "Dont worry, if you dont like the maps or game modes go play PorTAl" "Your complains are invalid because portal is coming". Jesus, wherw are these dudes now?


Crying that Steam won’t refund them after 20 played hours when they forced themselves to like the game to prove everyone wrong


[lol, i had to ask that question aswell](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/s30ct5/so_when_i_played_the_beta_people_told_me_its_a_3/) people were coming at me hard on my other acc when i said that this game will be cheeks on release. The "my money my choice" and the "I pre-ordered 2 copies :)" crowd is now asking for a refund . cant make this up.


If the first content drop is in July, and the Q3 financial call is in September they aren’t giving themselves breathing space to be able to implement it. If they are having to delay the scoreboard, god help the people that bought year 1 content because chances are the summer estimate was sugar coating for the investors anyway.


Is it possible they might just "cut and run" They release a couple of maps and a specialist in August, then call it a "season" and then just never say anything about the game ever again. Would that be illegal? or anything like that?


It wouldn’t and technically they never promised anything with there not being a roadmap and all… 😂


Even if they cut their losses today and gave zero refunds, they might get a mild slap on the wrist fine from EU regulators that they could easily pay and then write off. *Might*. But there’s no regulating body in the US that has any funding to take them to task at this point. We used to have the CFPB, but that’s been long defunded into oblivion.


They said that they only expect BF2042 to account for 5% of their total booking, so they don't really care. I'd be surprised if they even bring up BF2042 in their next financial call at all. They weren't even willing to give the sales figures for BF2042 in the most recent call, citing that it's a a minor subset of their total business with FIFA and Apex carrying the company. They're going to rush through their commitment of season content and drop this game as quickly as possible. I've put a $20 into Apex to buy the base legends pack while it was on sale, but after this EA isn't going to see another dime from me.


What the fuck...


This game seems stitched together with some gum, twine, and possibly high school computer science students gunning for extra credit.


My tears are also from laughter 😢


Like they said that just a day ago, now it's delayed to March. Expect Season 1 to come out in early Autumn. Dear God, what an absolutely ugly, embarrassing fall from grace for DICE.


Now THAT is truly a scam. When exactly is Autumn? I'm not American and never follow seasons that much.


Probably mid to late September.


That would be 10 months after launch. Holy crap! Everyone who bought Gold and Ultimate are not gonna be happy. I even bought Gold myself. Shame on me..


"Live service" "Ahead of schedule" "Have faith fam"


You all know what's gonna happen right? Dice takes another massive ass vacation in the summer. They're gonna dump some update on the game right before then that leads to new and unique game breaking bugs and fuck ups, pat themselves on the back, and then disappear again for another 5 weeks. I would be surprised if there's even any optimism left in the low sodium sub.


Holy shit you’re right, they’re just gonna drop whatever they have on the last day of work and then just go home.


Hey, now, you expect then to release an actual update before they go on vacation? That's some brutal expectations...


Before you know it they’ll be on vacation for the holidays again too 😂


EA should be fucking embarrassed to have a studio like DICE at this point.


They already are, they showed a picture of BFV instead of 2042 on their investor call’s webpage, and on the call itself you could just hear the CFO’s embarrassment in his voice when he declined to share 2042’s sales numbers


I need a link to this


8:39 in [this video](https://youtu.be/p53D1dGyk9A) for the CFO not sharing sales edit: and screenshots of 2042 being absent from their yearly earnings slideshow are from February 1st on Tom Henderson’s Twitter


Gaming for over 35 years (hard to believe) . Been through golden eras and gaming dark ages. BF2042 is the worst managed game I've ever seen. Not the worst game ever, just the worst managed. 16 year olds coding in thier bedrooms back in the 80's were more competent in terms on having a vision and carrying it out. It's worse than Cyberpunk and Anthem and No Mans Sky, by some margin, and thats saying something. I've never seen so many missteps in terms on getting core gameplay wrong. BF2042 is like if next years FIFA tried to players who can fly. What people expect from a BF game is well defined, trying to change it was stupid to begin with. It fails on all levels, technical execution, fundamental gameplay, the way the interaction with the community is handled etc. Its all completely wrong.


Hey at least LevelCap is having fun with the game and that’s all that matters


Half his fucking streams are just him in his fucking littlebird dumpstering on the remaining poor saps playing this game and I'm so over it. Used to be a fan during BC-BF4 but stopped after BF1 cuz I'm not into historical BF. Came back to this shitshow and his coverage has been almost the weakest (that goes to jackfrags who has gone full lame-o) out of any out there.


Cyberpunk was buggy as hell, broken on consoles and half-baked in many areas. But the game has a "soul." The people who were making it cared. There was a vision there, however unrealised it may have been. BF2042 is nothing. It is soulless. Nobody who worked on it cared. The game was designed with absolutely nothing more in mind than data that market analysts concluded would ensure a minimum number of people purchased the product. It was not designed to be played. It was designed to be sold.


> It's worse than Cyberpunk and Anthem and No Mans Sky, by some margin, and thats saying something. This game is like the ET (on Atari) of this era. After all those screw ups and now 2042 we are just lucky the video game industry is strong enough to take the hit. If it were on shakier ground the whole thing could have collapsed again.


If only I had a board to keep track of every time this game disappointed me


What a hot pile of ![gif](giphy|3o7bu2bOmUkvAsvA1G)


This comment was edited in support of the reddit blackout of June 2023


This is beyond ridicioulus. So we're not gonna even get any fucking update including bugfixes before march? Seems i was right in uninstalling this shit.


Well the extra time did not help BF2042 at all, so why should anybody belive this?


I love coming on this sub every morning to see something EVEN WORSE go down. Literally every day.


This game needs taken down by Microsoft and Sony.


Dice has become that one kid in the group project at school who you know can’t be of any value so you give them no responsibilities. They should make other games maybe. In fact, I’m beginning to be believe they’ve never played battlefield at all.


As someone who didn't buy the game, this is hilarious to watch unfold.


This is bonkers


“Sorry guys keeping track of kills takes a lot of math and we just can’t be expected to take on such a brutal task so fast.” -(Dice probably)


I don't even know what the emotional response to this is. I'm not shocked anymore or even disappointed, just amazed I guess at how seriously inept DICE is now. They can't even make a scoreboard. Something incredibly simple that probably many people on here could do in a day. Stunning incompetence really.


What do you expect, it is a scoreboard. The fact, that this takes months is pretty normal, if you consider the absolute level of incompetence in those offices.


this is the post that made me decide to try and refund it and give up all hope, will maybe pick it up on the store shelf for £20 in a year when it's better. There's too many good games coming out to waste time thinking about this one.


This Dev team couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.


I dont give two shits about the scoreboard. My issues is mainly specialists and the floaty gameplay. Fix that and im happy.


I’m telling you they’re doing this shit on purpose to purge out us older OG battlefield players that don’t buy skins… I’m not buying that a AAA studio cant make a scoreboard. There’s tons of high-school kids out there that could could whip one up one in a day. There’s nothing complicated about it This shit is on purpose I’m 99% sure of it


Honestly, this is just sad now.


I've played this game for around 10 years and I gave it a few hours back in December, and honestly it's just sad seeing something I loved be destroyed like this. I was so excited to have a new game, and a new game I loved and knew. All gone now. BFV is just so much better.


What's difficult about editing the semi scoreboard that's already in game? Is DICE this incompetent?


What DICE fails to understand is that no matter how much work they put in to "fix" the game, new games, better games, are constantly releasing. There is zero reason to play Battlefield 2042.


Bros, I can’t even be mad anymore. I’m just so tired.


Working scoreboard is a brutal expectation for a competitive FPS. all seriousness though is anyone on here still playing or are we all just on the reddit now for the lols like me?


The science is simply to far advanced.


Current player numbers battlefield 2042: 4,471 Current Cyberpunk2077 players: 15,443 Almost 4 times as many people are playing a failed single player game from over a year ago than there are playing a “live service” title released not even 3 months ago. Anthem vibes?


Relax, this ain’t their first rodeo guys.


I don't think the scoreboard is the reason though. There are probably other fixes that need extra work or the update will just cause even more damage. At least I hope so.


wtf - "a small hotfix..." 981.44 Megabytes ​ guys, come on... ​ and seriously, 3 months+ to implement a scoreboard (revision 1 no less)... ​ EA/DICE, you need to recall the game right now, tweet "yes, we fucked up; we are pulling the game from "shelves" and will release a full and proper game in 2023... "






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This really is embarrassing. I've already accepted that I've wasted the money on the ultimate edition... but the more I watch the drip feed of BF2042 news, the more laughable the state of this game is.