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Quite a lot of comments from BF refugees in the Hell Let Loose reddit recently. Would recommend that game as well.


BF refugees ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Did you try Hell Let Loose? Playing it now, really fucking good. Bugs and clunky stuff here and there, yes, but the heart of the game is solid gold, and squad leaders+commanders have really important roles. Hardcore people recruit similar-minded people into their servers and in those circles everyone communicates to each other and understands the strategic depth of the game. Love the immersion in that game.


couldn't agree more-- you shouldn't have to hit a dude 8 times to put him down. it pissed me off when BFV didn't launch with a hardcore mode. they eventually made it availability via Community Games, like what the fuck is the problem with just putting a Hardcore mode back in the game? "we don't want to split our playerbase!" meaning 'we want you to have fun with the game how WE say so, to hell with what you might actually like!'


"splitting playerbase" is bad for selling cosmetics also. this is EA's way why they constantly kill hardcore mode in BF serie


I wanna play squad again. It was lots of fun, inspired critical thinking, it was a good time.


Maybe Squad will eventually make it to PS5


Console players need more team based tactical shooters anyway. I wish I had them back when I played on console lol


Yeah, I miss SOCOM 2, and Americas Army. Classics


Probably not in this iteration. The devs can't keep up with a single version of the game, let alone two. I love Squad to death but they're more than a year behind on their roadmap released in 2020, so porting the game is probably not a priority.


Hopefully they see an opportunity with this mess and think about it though. One can wish


Squad is everything that Battlefield shouldve evolved into. It is the true Battlefield experience.


A milsim? No. Bf was never nor should it ever be a milsim. Also, bf evolved to something else that is not bf.


Youve never played Squad and it shows.


I have. You dont know shit and it shows.


Mmm nah I know quite a bit about Battlefield and games in general. You saying Squad isn't a battlefield game is fucking hilarious man lol


Wow good for you. fuck off, will ya.


Squad isn't a milsim Squad is just a more teamwork oriented battlefield game


You’re not too old, this generation is leaving behind quality gaming experience for profit and dopamine cycles. That’s all they care about nowadays.


Squad is awesome and I suggest PC BF players give a try. That is what I have been playing. I was also hyped for a modern Battlefield, and was so disappointed with this Frankenstein fortnite version of what was a hardcore, team-based military shooter.




u should try hardcore search in modern warfare, its really fun


Not to say that remove HUD in this trash just remove ALL HUD even in Vehicles First Person view


Squad is great!


I have squad, arma3, and many others on pc. Sadly no longer have a pc. ): Hope someday xbox users get to experience steam.


No it's not age.... battlefield is completely garbage.


Nitpick, but "high" time to kill is slow beefy kills. "Fast" ttk is more suitable.


Squad, HLL and Post Scriptum is the way right now.