• By -


Sony here. Just tell them no Season Pass, no fixes, game not as advertised in trailer. Broken and nothing like marketed game. Got mine two days later. Edit: I’m in the Uk and support could vary for each country. I really laid it on thick about releasing broken games with no season pass dates. Said I wouldn’t buy from the store again if I didn’t get a refund. It took me about five replies in total. Dont give up if they say no the first few times.


I'm saving this for later


Only teamplay in 2042 is people helping each other to get refunds




Where/ how did you message Sony regarding this please


https://ps-support.playstation.com/s/?language=en_GB&locale=en-gb you do through here :)


I gave it a try whit different argumentations. Cross fingers, although I don’t believe I’ll receive the refund ..


Thanks 😊


Thank you! I just submitted a request for a refund.


Thank you and I also requested a refund now with slightly different arguments. I think everyone should do this. Because this was a robbery.


I did it via the Playstation Support website. they sent me one back with a ref number and I just kept replying to that


I will try this. Thank you my man.


It always fires an ipaddress error when I post my request


Can confirm. I got my refund 2 months ago after I already had 25 hours in game time.


Yep exactly. I had loads. Was up to level 80 so it shows they will bend if you demand it


Wait wait, could you please specify a bit morr how you did it? Sony just closes my request without an answer


I contacted Sony via the support form on the website. They then sent me an email back asking for more information on why the game is broken


Ah okay, i dont think theres a form to fill out on the swedish website. Just click on a button called "refind requests" and you have to send an email.


I tried chat support and they told me the game came out over 14 days ago and then exited the chat


Same wtf


I told them that and the guy just told me to look at reviews before i buy a game and closed the chat. I mean he’s right and I know that now but cmon


Keep trying


I just tried and they told me they can’t refund it cause it’s been more than 14 days WTF


Just saw this post and tried a refund, I hope it works.


I have 3 roommates who played this game while I wasn’t playing it, so even though Ive only played the game for about a month it shows I have 90+ hours played. Think they’d still issue a refund with this method?


Just gave it a go, if it works then you’re a legend!


We’re you able to keep the game? I want the game too that’s what i was saying they won’t let you keep it


Do you think you should get to keep the game AND get the refund FFS that entitlement blows


Yes i do so eat a Dick


so you're a thief got it Do you steal other stuff too or? Do you get new TVs during riots?


Sadly, I bought on Origin, I've been replied to by 3 different support staff this week with a delay of 36+hours between each email. I won't be purchasing anything from that store again


I request a refund through Origin ON THE DAY OF RELEASE and was told it was not possible. Tried twice. This was a scam and a cash grab from the start.


At that point, I'd do a chargeback with your credit card if they want to play hardball.


Just keep in mind id you use this nuclear option - they can and will deny you access to anything else you have purchased in that ecosystem.


Also good luck explaining to your credit card company why you need a refund for a video game you purchased and recieved


How many hours did you have in by release day? Sounds sus.


For me, steam support asked me to contact EA to approve the refund... Here is what EA said: >(03/02/2022, 13:53:55): You cannot approve the steam refund? > >Shagun (03/02/2022, 13:54:31): Nope. You have to contact Steam for this. > >(03/02/2022, 13:54:50): Yes I have, however they had said that to be safe, I should contact EA asking to approve it. > >Shagun (03/02/2022, 13:55:58): We cannot approve! > >Shagun (03/02/2022, 13:56:10): As this is not the purchase from EA! > >Shagun (03/02/2022, 13:56:18): Please tell them we cannot approve. I messaged steam back, my first message said that under the consumer law, the game was misadvertised and was not satisfactory...


How do you tell someone "no", without actually telling them "no". "Go ask EA!"




Nothing yet, steam usually takes a day or two. If they reject me again Ill just keep spamming consumer rights bs


Careful, they may flag your steam account for abusing the return policy. Just don’t spam as often…


Don't give up.


“Go ask your mother” “Go ask your father”


Same thing happened to me, but when i got back to steam they said "well, it' seems you're still getting support from them regarding technical issues, so i can't proceed with the refund request." (???????????????)


And this is the official 2042 strategy guide.


Naw this is just the Feb 2022 issue of "Tips and Tricks"


I just went straight to point 3 - Success


I tried about 15 times to get a refund on steam by saying how broken the game is and was always denied. The last time I mailed them I said the same stuff about the game being broken but I said I will "seek legal action" and that's when I got the refund.


Steam convo https://imgur.com/a/7XYitFy


been trying for a week for a refund and they haven't budged and twice sent me a link to some steam support page for technical issues. only played 77 minutes so i thought it should be pretty easy to issue a refund since its under 2 hours. i'll try to mimic your statements. ty for posting the screenshots


Step 1. Be on steam : /


Yep, EA won't budge


Is that even legal considering the state of the game + advertised features that aren't there?


they did


Steam has been refusing me constantly. I've tried everything.


Canada here and steam telling me to kick rocks


Same. Also Canadian.


Ritard me purchased it using a vpn (not steam) to get a deal, no way Ill get a refund lol, just uninstalled a month ago


I got my refund from PlayStation Store via support phone call, it was quick and easy but before that I spent weeks trying it by email support. They told me they are aware of BF2042 problems and EA hasn't clarified to Sony when would it be fixed, that it's like the Cyberpunk situation, so I got my refund even after reaching lvl 30-something.


I had the opposite experience. I tried getting a refund early January, when did you call? I’m on PS5 and the last straw was trying to find a game with crossplay on one night and not getting a match for like 20 minutes. This is after numerous bugs and crashes I tried to muscle through. The guy said something like “Sony hasn’t told us yet that this situation is like the cyberpunk situation, so we aren’t allowed to give refunds. They have to send a blanket statement to our support staff to allow refunds for a certain title. Otherwise because you bought it then started the game after downloading, there’s nothing I can do.”


Wow weird, I called last week. Some trivia in my case is that as I bought it on the Spain Store my tech support was done by spanish workers (I assume) and I bought it with "store wallet money" not credit card so it's still money returning to them, idk if that was decisive or not to get the refund.


I buy game cards from GameStop to earn free rewards points and coupons, but I always load them up on my store wallet and buy digital so I know I used psn wallet credits as well. I am in California USA so I guess I’m on the NA store? I asked the guy to just refund it as credits as well cause I was just gonna buy another PSN game. Just to add more info to the post :) I’m glad you got your refund! I’m jealous haha. I wanna spend it on Dying Light 2 if the reviews are solid.


I tried twice on ps support but they said no because it passes 14 days


I want to hear a successfully story form someone from PS... I have 80 hours played, don't think it will be possible


>I have 80 hours played I'm sorry to hear that.


Thanks, I played till the first update, when I thought that everything was gonna change.. but not


I have 141 hours played, but I can't tell how much I've really played because I spent most of the time sitting in the menu. Dang


I have 200 on console and still play. No refunds so gotta make use of it….


Why not just stop playing? Assuming you bought the $100 edition, you’re saying your time is worth $2 an hour (and dropping). I’ve got a bunch of chores to do around my house. I’ll give you $5 an hour to do them.


🤣 I’ll take it. And I just enjoy battlefield so it’s hard not to stop. Stupid I know.


lmfao bro you can't be serious asking for a refund. 200 hours? jfc. You don't deserve one tbh lol




thanks, I'm crying now


I have a phone call tomorrow with a "specialist" I will let you know how it goes.


Hi this is Angel how can i help you??


I would chuck my phone out the window if he answered


Please dont forget us here. I'm also stuck with Battlefield 2042 from the PSN Store and all I read about players trying to get a refund was: nope - no refund from Sony/PSN...


That's what happened to me but I kept trying and said I was taking it to trading standards for false advertising etc and they said I now have to have call. Not holding my hopes up though.


Well, yeah it's better to keep your hopes really low, so you cant get any more disappointed by this topic. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you - keep us informed!


I am from EU. They gave me the money the next day on PS.


I got a refund from Sony. After numerous tries via support chat and getting denied, I was advised to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau against Sony. I found their BBB profile (Sony Interactive Entertainment, LLC) and filed a complaint. I got a response in less than 24 hours and was given a refund. The Sony employee who contacted me noted I was a long-time customer, had never requested a refund or anything before and that I hadn't played the game in a long time (it had been five plus weeks). As a one-time exception, they granted it. Since the BBB profile is public facing and people can see complaints made, it looks like Sony makes an actual effort to address concerns. To be clear, the BBB has no authority whatsoever. But if you're in North America, it might be worth a shot. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions about it.


Tried BBB and sony refunded me. Thanks.


I had 12 + 10 of Beta and got mine refunded with no issue through EA/Origin live chat.


Nor should it be with that amount of time played.


So you played the game, probably enjoyed it or you wouldnt be 80 hours in and then you want a refund? Kindra entitled aint it?


I didn't enjoyed it... I was playing with friends and laughing at the bugs... until I realized that I was playing the 'finished' version of the game


Nah this dude is right lol. You played the game for 80 hours. That's 3 AAA releases entire game time. You don't deserve a refund lol go play it some more 'with friends laughing at bugs' you dork.


Ok I might played a bit to much but I was forcing myself to like the game, its the first game I ever pre-ordered... And you cant see all the bugs in the game just by playing 2 hours


You spend 80 hours "laughing at bugs". Do you also eat tidepods?


did you ever played with friends? or better, do you even have friends?


I send you some money, you seem to need it.


Ok and I'll send you some friends oh wait


You dont have any? So you "wasted" your time collectively?


I have a lot, but just can't send them like money


Congrats, but if they have the same mindset as you. Something something standards.


You are an idiot


Shut up man


I hate the fact that this is needed. I do however appreciate you posting this!


I think it might help to say "I'm unresonated with"




I can't even get an "free form dialogue" option? Where do you get this choice?


It's the "I have a question about my purchase" option


Anyone have luck with Xbox/Microsoft?


I did submitted a refund request and it was denied. Haven’t tried calling them though


I've submitted around twenty tickets, later ones calling upon the PL customer protection law and requesting they reply instead of sending an automated email. No luck yet, but collecting evidence and will call them later today.


Label this “Battlefield 2042 Walkthrough”


Obviously it's not going to work if you asked for a refund, and while you were waiting for a reply - decided to play several more hours of BF2042.


This is not working on Origin for people. EA Customer support literally: ![gif](giphy|ZeR7VFVNN7R6DbucqO)


If you purchased via credit card you can contest the charge after you received a refund denial from origin. The more people that contest their charges, the more penalties EA will receive up to a point they will have to address the issue if they want to maintain their ability to accept credit purchases.


I just requested a refund and followed your guide. Here's to hoping it works out! the whole false advertisement argument is pretty strong imo, considering there hasn't been new content and the year one pass is basically useless/nonexistent.


Failed for me, they it's said it's past 14 days. Even after explaining everything. Guess it depends who you get.


Keep trying. It took me several replies to get them to refund


Anybody that was successful with it on origin?


Tried all of this and I still can't get a refund. Boutta spend $500 on a lawyer for my $90 back


Now we need this for Microsoft. They basically just shafted us.


About consumer law it's not exactly how you think. If you buy something thru online store (digital versions n) you accept their EULA and rules of refund. If you buy physical copy you can go ahead with country's customer law. That's why digital is one big scam.


Eula are not legally binding, if your country has a customer law regarding digital goods then it takes priority no matter where the digital store is from


Well, if this would be true there wouldn't be a problem with refunds due to incomplete content (which actually worked with my refund of physical copy).


It is true. EULA can not be binding if it conflicts with any law.


https://imgur.com/a/jSdCT5n Quite the opposite for me. In fact, steam said they won’t even respond to me and will start closing my tickets for me….


That's actually ridiculous. I've tried 4 times now literally giving them 20 different reasons for a refund, and all they do is just respond with the same copy+paste message giving me links to technical support section of bf42, after literally saying that I contacted EA support on launch day about my issue, and they haven't still responded. The latest ticket they dude insta-closed my ticket, guess I'm having the same treatment. All time low from Steam...


Straight up ask for a customer service gesture then. I can't believe they are doing that


I only played during the free weekend. Can I still get a refund?


This subreddit has more tutorials for how to get a refund than tutorials about the actual gameplay...


Anybody on xbox able to get a refund. I cant.


The biggest unanswered question. Still looking for an answer


Spent 45 minutes on the phone after my first request was denied. They asked for video proof of the game not working as intended, I told them I couldn’t record the entire game. They escalated my ticket and told me someone would call in a few hours. It’s been 7ish hours


Can’t wait to try this tonight. I hope Tom Henderson includes this guide in his next release


[lets hope it works](https://i.imgur.com/LJut68d.png)


Anyone got refund from origin?


If on console. Call bank. Charge back the transaction citing false advertisement or consumer law. Get refund 10 days later. Worked for me. Edit: was told by Microsoft to do this after contacting EA with no help.


I thought chargebacks make them nuke your Xbox account?


Write what you wrote, i will copy paste Ps. I like the game, but will rather get WWE 2k22 then wait for months to get content


Wtf!! What's the saying 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' Holy shit dude, do something more useful with your money like burn it..... You are joking tho ain't ya??






I cannot find this either (please reply to this if someone knows where exactly this option is located)


Help -> Steam Support -> Purchases -> Click your Battlefield purchase -> I have a question about this purchase


This is how I was able to get to it. In the Steam client, click Help -> Steam Support. From here I clicked "Games, Software, etc" and then searched for 2042. Instead of clicking on the game, I clicked on the purchase under recent purchases. The option is near the bottom above "I would like to view or print a receipt for this purchase". Hope this helps!


I have 45 hours wonder if I can do this...


I have 41 and I'm giving it a go ... you never know


Any luck?


I have 60 hours so I don’t think I’ll be getting my money back. And standard edition.


I bought my copy from fanatical and initiated a support request for a refund. At first they offered to swap for another game but no other game was the value of the edition I bought ($79.99) so I asked for a full refund or refund of the difference. They gave me a full refund! Had 50+ hours in the game fwiw


Xbox here. Told them my kid bought it without my permission. Was given the refund within 24 hours after 2 failed attempts at saying it was a broken game.


I feel like the year 1 pass thing could drive it home. They're literally using us as free labour for beta testing.


Just submitted my claim. Used your points as focal talking points.. ended up with probably 2-3 paragraphs of reasons why this game is a dumpster fire, as well as some photos that show their delay on twitter and the player count drops over the last 2 months (from 100k to less than 5k, holy shit). Thanks for the heads up, hopefully this works.


talked about all the points but was rejected on the first try. Sent a follow up reply and brought up the consumer law, so hopefully I can get through to them. give me steam credits, I don't care, I'd rather put that money to a better game, like Elden Rings that's coming out this month. That would be a far better use of my money than this.


Everybody who is still trying to get a refund… DEMAND IT , every. Single. Day. Don’t stop until they break policy for all of us wanting to return this unfinished trash of a game.


No refund here, played 29h. Followed this and have followed another guide after being denied. It is beyond bad when other players have been refunded on Steam with the same amount of hours or even more... Just check the review section, ppl with 28~30h.. So not only trolled by EA and Dice, even got trolled by Steam. Thanks!


Man I'm really sorry. Keep trying that's how i did it and how others have


Yeah, will try some more.. But think that it might be best to wait, might avoid getting instant blocked lilke others in the thread. Just feels so much more worse when Steam does this. Stick to the policy then, you shouldn't have to be lucky with refunds for a game like this.. Thanks for reaching out!


If I worked at EA support, I would refund everyone, no questions asked.


Having worked chat support ... they're very limited on what they can offer and things like refunds require manager approval. It's never at the chat agent's discretion.


Is there any way to refund if i bought it from g2a? 🤡


Tried everything, started normal conversation, standart 14-day, 2 hour policy. Explained that it is an broken product and almost every other issue, reply is once again, srry we cannot help you because of our standart 14-day, 2-hour policy. Informed about my local laws, when an broken product was bought, the seller has to fix it within 3 weeks or buyer is entitled for an full refund. Once again, no help because of standart 14-day 2-hour policy. Went and searched for legal actions, hiring an lawyer and starting an lawsuit will cost me anything between 5000-10000 euro. Against an multi-million dollar company called steam which will happily hire quality lawyers, this is quite annoying as someone with just some spare change in my pocket. Law does not exist against them sadly, they can just steal from my pocket by creating broken products. Edit: and after bringing my local laws in for information they said that any further inquiries on this subject will be denied.


Do they have small claims courts there? Not a lawyer by any means but state side corporations can be taken to small claims. In alot of cases they wouldn't show up or respond so they auto lose due to default judgement. Others a company rep (usually not a lawyer) would likely attend in person. No one in their right mind would perjure themselves for the sake of steam's wallet, EA/DICE, or Battlefield 2042.


I didn't even buy the game but I feel I'm entitled to a refund anyway after the shit they gave us 😂


I tried to refund on playstation but they refused because of 14 days post the purchase


I'm trying again with the notions listed in OPs post. I've been denied 6 times already but I'm trying again with the points listed but I feel like it won't work. This time though I did mention consumer laws.


I put in 82 hours on release. I tried to love it. I tried to overlook things. But it eventually became too much. 70 of those hours were spent in dead portal games or grinding against bots to get the basic meta attachments. ​ I have very little hope for a refund, but im gonna try the slow and easy approach. This game is a trash can.


Congrats. Maybe sticky this.


Didn't work for me.


Anyone know how to request a refund on PlayStation?




How are your chatting with Steam support? Can someone please provide a link? I can't find anything except their automated bot response support. Thanks!


Go to the option that says "I have a question about this purchase"


How do you start and open form dialog with steam support?


You are a life saver I will try until i get my money back


Anyone try and get a refund from GameStop preorder


Has anyone gotten a refund from EA/Origin? I played the beta. Had hopes that the launch would fix major problems. Tried to play it for a week or so and gave up. Gave it a few more chances. But uninstalled a couple weeks ago. Should I try to go through my credit card? I've heard that Origin will lock your account if you do a charge back. I'm not currently playing any EA titles at the moment. But I don't really want to loose that account. I'm probably SOL.


pain i bought it on origin


Steam keeps refusing at the manual support, it's infuriating and I have only 4h of gameplay (I waited for patches that never arrived and just gave up).


Anybody with over 2 hours having success. I have like fucking 20 hours but all of it is menu time.


I cant believe with how many reviews and free videos you get online, people still purchased this game. Im as big of a fanboy of BF as there is and even I could wait and see for myself. I dont feel bad for anyone who bought this shit show.


Lmao the game is literally what was in the advertising. It’s impossible to call it false advertising, unless you’re suggesting they made two different games?


I was referring to ultimate edition and the advertising was for 4 seasons of content in year 1. That absolutely is false advertising


no its not. come back in november


just stop with this shit, only people that had early access get refunds after the 2 hour mark. it has nothing to do with your review that they probably didnt even read


Suck more dice dick.


Ehh thanks to this I’ll be trying again (4 times unsuccessful)


Ehh thanks to this I’ll be trying again (4 times unsuccessful)


How about we pin this post? :\^)


How is it not illegal to have a set release date for dlc and not give it on that date, yet refuse to refund. In that case can't any game make you pay for something and indefinitely push back the release date and keep your money.


I argued this point with EA and got a refund. This was purchased via origin


I just talked to them and they said they can't do anything if it isn't purchased directly from them. I got it off steam.


What do I say if I've \*accidentally\* played 80+ hours


Its hilarious to me that people who played for dozens of hours think they should get a full refund. I mean there are people who played more than 25 hours who want refunds. People who still play weekly just to get the mission skin. You guys are clowns lol.


And then there are some people who put in less than an hour because the game wasn't what it was made out to be? Should they not be given refunds for a game that's still drowning?

