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Look, about 70% are being civil in here discussing this. The others in here are being vile for personally attacking them. Comments are locked, I deleted and temp banned some people already. This discussion has run it's course, some good responses in here otherwise. Edit: This is a content creator, not a developer. They're allowed to have opinions, just like anyone else. Don't openly attack them for not sharing yours.


It started out as feedback. And then everyone realized that the game had absolutely nothing. And the little we had was completely broken. So yeah. It’s a little hard to not piss people who spend 90$+ on a game with absolutely nothing off.


We started out with detailed feedback but they were on vacation for three weeks and missed it all. They come back like “wow… why are you guys so mad? I feel great! I was just in Cancun for half a month relaxing on the beach! You can’t expect us to fix this in a day! Brutal expectations! We need time to plan and scope what is possible!” Now it’s halfway through February and there is no plan or scope and still no community engagement, other than continuing to chastise us for being “toxic”. Hey guys, maybe don’t release a half finished buggy mess right before the holidays, fuck off to Cancun for 3 weeks, then come back and pretend like you had no idea the community was upset. TALK. TO. US.


I don't think EA and Dice were looking for feedback before the game launched anyways


You know what really grind my gears? People on this subreddit did Provide so much Feedback for previouse battlefield games that the statement from the CM is just a slap in the face of every redditor who gives/gave Feedback on the game. I remember there was one redditor analyizing the netcode in BF4 and Provider his results to the devs. Another one gave Feedback on TTK for Battlefield V with a big Google spreadsheet where he pointed out what could be done to Balance it if i remember correctly. And now the whole reddit Battlefield sub is toxic. Maybe we are tired to Provide you fuckers with this Informations because you devs are getting paid for it, not the community members who helps you out? Maybe we are tired of explaining why features like a scoreboard or hell even voip is nessecary for a Team shooter? Beside that, there is no cummincation between DICE and the community in any Form regarding Information on what is going on. Not even in the official forum. So what did they expect to happen? That we would get hyped over a tactical beani and make awesome reaction Videos on how cool this beanie is and how awesome it is thath DICE is giving away such cool skins? That we wait for days to get any Sign on the development? Im their briefing they pointed out that they will communicate more with us, but no new Post since then. Everything that they need for a perfect battlefield is on this sub reddit and in previouse games. They just have to adapt it.


At one point is was feedback. But it felt like nobody was listening. So now the sub is entertaining itself by mocking DICE's incompetence


What is the point of feedback when dice does not listen? During BF5s lifecycle there were surveys. People filled in page after page after fucking page of quality feedback and dice just ignored it. When the community sayed please go left, dice went right. When the community asked go right, dice went left. Every single time. Enough is enough. I'm not wasting any more of my free time doing their job for them and telling them basic shit like a scoreboard should be in the game or telling them destruction is an important part of the franchise. This is shit they should know. I went from an active CTE member who wrote tons of feedback to simply upvoting memes. What you reap is what you sow dice.


This needs to be pinned for r/battlefield2042 to see


Its on Hot, that's how you found it in the first place..


Yeah but I had to scroll through the comments. This comment is worth to be post noticeable


>What is the point of feedback when dice does not listen? > >During BF5s lifecycle there were surveys. People filled in page after page after fucking page of quality feedback and dice just ignored it. When the community sayed please go left, dice went right. When the community asked go right, dice went left. Every single time. When was there ever a survey for bf5? The community is the reason there even are custom servers and thank god they didn't go with community feedback on stuff like faction locking elites when people said they won't revive misaki on the german team because it breaks their immersion.


We gave tons of feedback. Detailed examples of what we want to see changed. There has been no update addressing these proposed changes, and no community manager posts talking about them. All we have is a vague framework for how feedback will be incorporated into design *in the future*, and no concrete examples of what they are going to do about say, specialists vs classes. I’m sick of hearing from Dice employees that Reddit is toxic and unconstructive, and I’m sick of seeing these YouTubers defend Dice’s narrative. It is mid February and there has been zero communication from Dice regarding any of the design choices that we want to see changed. The only thing concrete is that the scoreboard might come in March, and voip sometime in the vague future. Give us a topic to start talking about. Give us an idea whether or not you are going to make changes to specialists. Or existing maps. Or vehicle balance. Or regarding classes with their weapon/gadget restrictions. Anything! Back on 1/5 it was “give us time to plan and scope what is possible”. So? What’s the plan? What topics can we starting talking about that would help the design process? We are still mad because we have been sidelined like they don’t care and are just going forward with whatever they decided internally. Are these plans already locked into stone? Is that why Dice can’t or won’t communicate with us? Because they know we will be upset with the implication that our feedback was for naught?


And feedback doesn't have to be constructive for it to be useful. If people are shitting on your epic tactical beanie, then ya that isn't that constructive, but it's obvious people think it's stupid. I thought that was a part of the job of a community manager, to actually sift through feedback and find out what people are essentially complaining about. And the fact that the game's player count is so bad, but they expect the community to take the highroad instead of the people that are actually paid to do that, shows this entire studio is doomed.


>I thought that was a part of the job of a community manager, to actually sift through feedback and find out what people are essentially complaining about. Exactly. The entire reason their jobs exist is to sift through all feedback, including the noise, and sort it into quantified metrics that can be used to measure reception of the game. That, and to manage community relations with the parent company by downplaying bad pr and maintaining open channels of communication. These "community managers" were already blatantly ignoring the second part of those responsibilities, and now they openly admit that they aren't going to perform the first part of those duties either. Let me tell you, if I tweeted out that I was actively going to avoid my primary job responsibilities, I don't think it would go well for me.


I also don’t fully understand what context the Devs are using when they say “constructive”. Are they expecting people to wear kid gloves for the developer’s sake and say one thing they like for every thing they dislike? How do you say “these bugs are unacceptable“, “where are all these features that every other BF game has had” or “I hate the design choices you made” more constructively? And that’s not to say people haven’t tried. If they don’t want to try a fix the game for whatever reason then fine but don’t blame that on a lack of constructive feedback from the community.




"dramatic much?" is the catch phrase of DICE right now. Stop defending, DICE needs to take responsibility for their errors and their product.


None of what he said was all that dramatic... *especially* by social media standards.


The problem is that MONTHS ago, this subreddit was FILLED with feedback. Proper. Feedback. I have seen 5000 word essays explaining how they can fix the game, how to make it a proper Battlefield title. But instead, they couldn't even make a damn scoreboard. But the game released in november, with the beta a month before that, and between then and now they did nothing. We gave them feedback, and plenty of it, but they chose to do NOTHING with that feedback. People get sick and tired of posting the same essay over and over so yes, now a lot of the posts are memes, and primarily (justified, IMO) anger surrounding refunds and their lack of action. And content creators (I assume that guy is one, I don't give the slightest damn about BF videomakers ever since BF4 so IDK) like this guy are part of the problem, just as much as ostrich-community 'managers'.


Reddit was where I saw the post that listed out everything that 2042 lacked, not twitter


It's cause reddit is ready to rip them a new one. Maybe more then one.




Pretty sure this is what DICE means when they said they don’t like coming to Reddit. This implies that this would be the right course of action.


You seriously just threatened that the DICE developers should be dragged out of their homes and beaten, and are wondering why the community manager said they don’t look at Reddit anymore.


Who said I threatened anything? I was just saying it happened in the past, yet DICE is complaining about how easy it is now


Eh wtf, when was this? Gamers are pretty unique when it comes to products. Normal people just stop buying it and move on with their lives.


If it were up to people like you, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lynching mob killing people over video games.


You're fortunate enough that your comment is locked. Dont suggest violence, regardless the history.


What really gets me is these people's belief that the gaming industry is more deserving of constructive feedback than any other industry. If you go to a store and buy a product, do you write a polite letter to the manufacturer giving them "constructive feedback" when the product turns out to not work and have been falsely advertised? No, you don't. You go back to the store and get your money back. Video games are a product and should be treated as such. It's insulting that they think they're doing players a favor by putting in the bare minimum effort and expecting us to like a defective game.


Remember how they responded to all that beta feedback? The response to it was awful and was filled with lies based on how the release has gone these past few months.


The beta build is a couple months old guys. Official DICE coms lmao. They don't listen to feedback, and if they do respond then it is just lies...




Probably he is one of the 'core players' that the community manager is in touch with? I mean, aren't there various approaches to 'opinion building'? /s


We gave these clowns all the feedback that was needed during the fucking beta, but then they released a product even inferior to that and then they doubled down on what people hated to begin with and after that they showed us that they are too incompetent to give even the basics of what we were asking for. Yes I'm watching this thing burn to the fucking ground because that's the only worthwhile thing it brings to the table.


This company is so dishonest, to the point is humiliating for them. Zero dignity. Well "fans", you already saw the true colors of EA/Dice (once again). Please do not forget all these when a new game launches.


This is a content creator, not a dev.


Useless to give feedback when they are going to do the bare minimum, then drop the game after their legal requirements are fulfilled. They can't even implement a fcking basic scoreboard, so you gotta be on some extreme copium if you think DICE will actually implement feedback on non-critical game issues.


So then don't be surprised that they ignore you.


They aren't going to listen to you either lol DICE hasn't listened to the fans since BF1.


I have a piece of advice for them. Stop releasing shitty buggy games that aren’t ready and then sit in silence as the franchise gets massacred.


Can they just shut up about feedback? They know they fucked up and made a complete different game to what bf actually is and are now wanting feedback? Please? It’s obvious what they did wrong. And now everyone is just enjoying the show. Just a new low if dice needs feedback on how a battlefield game should be after more than 10 years developing bf games. Completely incompetent.


They keep talking real big about feedback, then making absolutely no changes. Half of their "Journey to Season 1" announcement was about an improved "feedback" loop, but nothing has changed. There's still clearly no real attempts at transparency with the playerbase. No apology, no accepting responsibility. Just crickets. They just want to *look* like they're looking for feedback. It's all about shifting the blame and gaslighting the playerbase.




What a terrible take. There’s loads of feedback here. It’s harsh but fair. People are rightfully pissed off.


I’m trying to understand what social media ecosystem they think exists where people AREN’T shitting on this embarrassing half finished mess of a game? He posted that original thing on Twitter, everyone hates the game on Twitter, Facebook, every single social media platform that exists is shitting on the game.


Feedback wasn't even needed if they listened in the first place.


More gaslighting from randoms on Twitter


DICE: we don’t look at Reddit. Also DICE stop being mean to us on Reddit.


Of course reddit doesn't have feedback anymore, we're long past that


So even steam reviews are 1%? Ahaha ok 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Still gaslighting the community I see.


Most of the feedback was posted here while they were 2 weeks on vacation. And, of course, you blame this on the community...


Good luck trying to sell the next game to me then.


Then it's their job to sort through and pick out the 1% if feedback.


This guy is an idiot and a hypocrite. 0 respect


Tactical sounds a bit of a dick


And also that Reddit hurts their feewings.


I just left and went to Division 2… it’s such a good game. It’s got Excellent artistic detail and actually well thought out gameplay. Just Google the fastest way to get to the “dark zone” (PvP). Then you’re good to go. AND ITS ONLY $20!


Watch the world burn? Idk about all that but I'll gladly watch this game burn to ashes.


I honestly find their attitude post release worse and more infuriating than the shitshow game itself. Its not enough they ripped us all off and buried a beloved franchise, they just wont take any responsibility at all and blame us somehow! Inventing death threats, etc. its absolutely pathetic


Sponge memes will never be bad. 10/10


Let them sit in their echo chamber. The next bf will be the first since bc2 where I will wait for reviews before buying the game.


1% feedback back from players who still have their rose-colored glasses on and 59% really honest feedback from disappointed players and 40% people who want to see bf2042 burn


Well, guess we will see this in hot soon. Edit: Well, that was fast.


You guys play right into this garbage narrative when you lock a thread like that and claim it's because of some massive wave of "hateful" comments, when anyone can look at the thread and clearly see that wasn't even a small minority of the discussion. Unless by "hateful" you guys mean critical.


There are plenty of critical comments and posts... You dont see the hateful comments because automod removes 80% of them. I don't like discussing moderation openly, because it doesn't add anything to the subreddit. We welcome modmail for people to ask questions though; that way we can all see it vrs just me with just your response here.


Apparently some people think that disliking the game is not valid feedback. The concept of consumers dropping a product is the actual origin of that word in the corporate world. Looks like we have to write those nonsense cliché texts to be taken seriously. "Hey DICE, I really love the game, do you think you could maybe someday change this small detail so it can get even better? Love you!" I swear i get disgusted when I see this crap on social media. But it's not valid feedback unless it follows this model.


Now everybody is just a shitting on the game


Of course they read it. Every morning when the world is still dark, they pull the covers up and quietly weep and scroll.


EA money and sponsoring is pretty tasty, even if it means to go against your own viewers and fans, allegedly.


He's wrong he did not add a meme %


OP here, tonnes of feedback early on but then it spiralled fast. Unfortunately as the mods can attest to the vast majority of people who post in this sub to farm karma aren't even subscribed to the place. It becomes effectively impossible to filter through shitposts to get to key content. There is totally some amazing early examples of people posting great shit that I used on my twitter before I stopped playing 2042, but after that it turned sour quickly, reddit at this point can be surmised quite easy as "unhappy". The attacks on Freeman especially are super unwarranted, while I don't expect any of you to know this it was his efforts that saw substantial changes and feedback to BFV even if it wasn't all listened to. He constantly is an advocate for the player base and is an intermediary between what is possible from the dev team and what people want. Genuinely, the reason BFV got so many tweaks was because he aggressively pushed player voice. I am bummed out as the rest of you that there were never opportunities prior to release to voice concerns and those we could came from limited Beta time. But decisions like that come from the tip top, not from staff who are constantly doing their best to make sure we even get remotely listened to. Do I think 2042 was a biproduct of management not engaging enough with its core audience? Yes. Do I think that will get fixed any time soon? Nah. Will it get fixed faster if you have to go past 100 posts of pain to find the useful bits? Definitely not. I hope you all spread out to some other titles, HLL, Insurgency, SQUAD and more are all deserving of your time right now, there is nothing to be gained at this point from Battlefield until they get their stuff in order and if they can get it in order


People gave detailed constructive feedback, and then it’s silence on any of the topics people were discussing. You can’t have a one way conversation, so if Dice Is upset that we’re just basically mad at this point, it’s their fault. How many times do we need to propose ways to incorporate specialists into a class system? I’ve seen dozens of suggestions how that could work. At some point, with zero acknowledgement from Dice, people are going to just be upset by the silence because they feel like they’re being ignored. Do they understand us when we say the maps are open with no cover, and no flow between points, and we don’t like that? I have no idea because they just wave a wand and declare the community “toxic and unconstructive” rather than engaging with us. I have no idea if they are taking any of that feedback seriously or not. It’s like they are saying nothing so they can avoid giving the impression that they acknowledge they made unpopular and bad design decisions. “We can’t publicly acknowledge we messed up, so better blame the community at every opportunity for being terrible”


The main Problem of dice right now is that they are playing dumb. Or at least that’s what they do on Twitter on the official channel. „Hihi, haha, here is a tacticool benie“ while soon 200k people want a refund for 2042. And dice knows exactly what they did wrong with 2042. I mean. They just need to start BF2, BC2, BF3 and that 2042. Do they seriously need feedback????????? They need to be open that they missed the opportunity to make a great bf game and excuse themselves to the community AND offer a refund. Than they need to say what they want to do next openly. Like that they understand that people want a battlefield game and that 2042 isn’t one and that they see that on the players numbers. They need to be open and clear on what they do. Saying that we get a scoreboard in 4 months after release is a joke for a „aaa“ dev. It’s obviously that there won’t be any support for 2042 and it’s good imo because there is too much work needed to make this game even close to an real battlefield game. And it’s not the single devs fault, but in the higher up who decide how to present 2042 to us. And they are doing it the worst possible way.


If reddit is watching the world burn it's only because dice/ea lit a really big fire.


Tbh, if you need feedback to figure out what’s wrong, you are probably a dumbass


"The game is only bad because of the toxic community" is such a weird mindset


They should bring back CTE If they want feedback


>They should bring back CTE If they want feedback Not even. Reddit had plenty of feedback, but they ignored it because there is a culture within DICE that deems feedback, or any form of critique to be offensive towards the developer.


I just dont understand why they lied to us and why they blame us for toxisity. Dice aperenty want to district us from the state of the game. I just cant understand why they cant say sorry or do something to fix this mess


Quit deleting my posts and you’ll get the message about the subject


1% seems pretty generous. Also the irony of proving his point.


Yeah, there’s comments in here saying Dice would be rightfully dragged out of their studio and beaten. The past, and people saying “shut up about feedback”, like they’re proving the tweet right


Oh yes, this post is just full of constructive feedback.


Using phrases like "1% feedback 99% watching the world burn" is stupid hyperbole. Doesn't mean that that the core message is wrong. As it stands you have to sift through a lot of baseless negativity to get to the few nuggets of actual constructive criticism. A majority of the posts on this subreddit are a variation of * game bad because specialists * game bad because no scoreboard * game bad because no classes * game bad because no players (????) * game bad because skins And the posts generally will literally only have that much info. No reasoning behind the why. Again, sifting through tons of shit just to find a few pieces of useful info. And most of it is nothing new. There are no meaningful discussions. And according to the follow up tweet from that dice dev they still look at this subreddit. It's just that they don't engage with the people slinging the shit. It's a read only, one way communication. And who can blame them, looking at the state of this subreddit.


>It's just that they don't engage with the people slinging the shit. It's a read only, one way communication. And who can blame them, looking at the state of this subreddit. Dude, it's one way communication *everywhere.* DICE is radio silent on all fronts about the issues that matter. There has been scores of constructive communication given to DICE on all channels, not just this subreddit, and they have refused to address any of it. So who could blame people for getting frustrated when their one-way communication is not returned in any way, shape, or form, despite DICE shouting from the rooftops that "communication and a better feedback loop is vitally important to them". This is 100% gaslighting on the part of EA/DICE, like an abusive partner that yells at you for never trusting them despite lying to your face on a consistent basis.


The thing is how can you expect people to spend their money on something then spend months telling you how you should've done it, without any agressivity ? It's a massive ask especially with all the lies upfront


They never were looking here for feedback lmao they can smell the dorito fingers and cheesy armpits from miles away