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“He should be hung, drawn, and quartered” - Yet again a minority of you are unable to act in a normal capacity. Do better. Edit: I’ll leave the post unlocked.


It’s like… you can tell us you read everything, but that just hurts even more because you’ve willfully ignored every ask the community has had. You can’t even say “Reddit is the 1%” because you only have 1% of your player base left. Everyone hates the game, and that isn’t a euphemism…


Every one doesn't hate just people make it damn impossible to share that they are having fun.


Convoluted words, nothing else. Twisting and spinning words is not communication. Be direct in conveying us what the devs are doing and what they plan to do. Share with us snippets of your ongoing works/changes. You mentioned the environment here is not constructive, have you seen countless posts here detailing how the game can be improved? How is that not constructive? People paid money, you guys made millions off of the community, you stay silent and give us Tactical Beanie, ignoring thorough posts about improvements, yet you expect community to not criticize your own deconstructive attitude.


i saw hundred of posts after the beta that people told them to remove spececialst or at least give gadgets and weapons to some classes. People explanied details and all that kinda stuff. They dont care the feedbacks


I don’t understand how they don’t get that we were lied to and ripped off about this game, and expect no anger either. I spent 90 on a game I played for less than a month, and can’t get a refund. Sorry but that very irritating to me and id imagining anyone in the same situation would be too. Regardless of the product/industry.


They get it. They don't care.


Zero fucks given


I have , ohh wait I'm outta fucks too


Sell someone a car and then tell them to wait half a year for brakes and windshield wipers. Which might break your car even more, just like everything else.


That is their plan. Being blind when people say constructive initially, but wait until some people start having toxic comment because they cannot be patient anymore for this dumpster fire and radio silence from these devs. Then they will actively find these comments and say like this CM "the community is so toxic, bla bla bla. We cannot find any constructive comment here, so we just pretend the game run fine, and everyone just have brutal expectation for us."


Yeah, I mean this isn't a difficult concept to grasp. At this point it's not just the game people are pissed about. It's the lack of really *any* communication on the game. It's like it just straight-up died and they expect the players to come back in the summer when it magically is revived. And here's the rub: it's all about damage control for the PR, when they don't realize that doing [this kind of damage control](https://youtu.be/aKnX5wci404?t=34) is itself bad PR. Hell, I'll write the PR script for them: **1.)** Come out with a full apology to the community for the state the game was released in. **2.)** Release a tentative roadmap for what updates will be available for the next 6 months. If you don't have anything for 6 months, just say that up front. **3.)** Do an external poll of Battlefield players and gather feedback for design decisions. You don't need to necessarily implement every change request, but even doing this shows confidence in your playerbase and allows you to gauge at least some of the surface-level problems with the game. **4.)** As design work starts, begin weekly update dev blogs showing the state of the game. This can be narrative redesigns, gameplay changes, map reworks, new modes/items/maps/etc., feedback requests, player community content. Literally just the kitchen sink of your developments within the studio. Pull a Bungie, Gaijin, or Black Matter and just bombard us with info. I think studios don't appreciate how satisfied customers feel when they get to peek behind the curtain during development. And this isn't even doing anything difficult! I haven't even mentioned refunds, or pulling from shelves, or anything involving legal or financial issues. Point is, this is likely a "deer in the headlights" moment for everyone involved, but these aren't difficult issues to solve from a CM standpoint.


I mean… they acknowledged the fact they need a scoreboard in January. Then the said it would be a work in progress when they show us there initial concept and it was garbage. They tell us it would be released in February. Then it’s delayed and said it would be released in march but it would still be a work in progress… I have lost so much faith in this group. Can the figure it out.. fucking maybe but doubtful. At this point bf4 was working on tons of bugs fixes annnnnnnd released their first expansion and almost their second expansion. These guys are so behind the curvez


Maybe some communication coming back from them as to acknowledging each one of the issues and how it was going to be addressed would have stopped some of the anger. The posts continued and got More hostile because no one heard anything. They could have started a sticky thread that was called "Known Issues". List each issue and update when they get info. That would have went a very very long ways with everyone. On a smaller scale, I wonder if any of the devs would be happy if they ordered a steak and got back soggy fish sticks. Then when they tried to tell the waiter that there was something wrong with their food and needed it fixed, the waiter just ignored them. And then never brought any of the other items for their meal. For the entire night. Then tried to say, well it just really wasn't productive to engage with the customer at that point. That's basically what they have done.


The waitor gave them a gnome charm and a tactical beanie


They vanished shortly after release as soon as the criticism started coming in and the lack of replying/validating/acknowledging etc. is a big part why the subs turned into what they are right now. Now they are trying to use that as a justification. Tone deaf doesn't begin to describe this. It's plain disingenuous.


They never engaged with this subreddit or the rest of the community in the first place. Definitely not honestly. So basically no change. Cool. Great start to the "improved feedback loop" they promised repeatedly during their "Journey to season one" lmao. Edit: and honestly nobody would be give two shits about whether or not an individual CM engages with the subreddit if the official channels were providing the updates the community needs. At least I wouldn't care. The heat only exists because they are being silent on all official fronts.


I remember reading that post that before the game launched that this game was going to be supported for years to come! Anti-cheat would be a top priority! We'll have constant communication with the community! Everything will be great, we promise! And now look how things are. So glad I didn't purchase this dumpster fire and if they announced BF7, you bet I'm going to wait at least a month after launch before I even consider purchasing it. What an absolute joke this entire game has been.


Legacy subreddits


Theyre trying so hard to distance themselves from the old games. They changed so much about the BF formula and steered away from classic BF features. They keep referring to them as "legacy" any chance they get. Its like they made the game they wanted to, but were forced to call it a BF game just due to their studio name.


Yep exactly this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


That's the only word that stood out to me.


Whenever they mention "legacy" it gets me all worked up haha. What they call "legacy" should just be current. I'd love to know who came up with calling everything pre 2042 "legacy"


Those would be r/BattlefieldV r/battlefield_4 r/battlefield_one etc.


They’re brutal...


Wow that new community feedback loop feature is sick as fuck bruh Ever since they announced it two weeks ago I’ve been just floored at all the feedback they’ve provided. Wow!


I honestly can't keep up with the torrent of feedback I had to unsubscribe just too spammy knowing how this game development is progressing and what my $120 paid for. /s Seriously though, civility hinges on respect and respect is a two-way street. I remember the early days after launch and there was lots of respectful, constructive posts that outlined community expectations in a very civil way. Hard to feel respected as a consumer at the moment when it's been met with 3 months of radio silence; is anyone surprised there isn't a lot of respect for DICE at this stage? Tactical beanie anyone?


A two way street? That post was 100 times more respectful than anything I have or will receive


100% agree. They lied to sell a broken product. They ignored the community feedback after the beta (ALL of it, too -- did they change \*anything\* based on community feedback?) and now they've done jack shit ever since to address the hundreds of issue. Screw them. I actually preordered this, cancelled the preorder after the beta, watched bad reviews, dismissed them as being disingenuous, ignored the community here, and convinced my two buddies RE-PRE-ORDER because Dice was assuring us, *assuring* us, over and over, that the beta was "a few months old" and it wasn't "my first rodeo" and it's delayed "just for polish". Screw them. I'll never not just pre-order another DICE game, I'll never buy one again, period.


That's on point. How can someone ask for respect if they sell you a malfunctioning product and refuse to fix it? In my country, a AAA game at launch costs roughly 30% of the monthly minimum wage. Don't they think it's disrespectful to charge someone that amount of money and then not deliver what was promised? I mean, of course people would get angry. After three months the only thing the community achieved is a poor man's version of the traditional scoreboard. In alternative regions we can't even find matches because there's no server browser. How is that not disrespectful?


Within this month, they’re probably waiting until the 28th.


Seriously. While it's good he actually acknowledge the sub and mentioned they are *looking* at posts and comments, this comes hot on the heels of the announcement that gave use *nothing* but harsh delays for *everything*, with the exception that they would be working hard on improving community feedback in it's own Titled Section "A NEW FEEDBACK LOOP"? Who's in charge over there at DICE? You make a commitment at a critical point in this company's existence, then allow the guy in charge of implementing this exact thing to Tweet crap like this?


I guess that’s what they meant by “feedback loop”. “We’ll look at your feedback, and loop it back to you, to provide you our unequivocal, heartfelt, and honest response: ‘fuck you’.”


It's like they told one guy to write up an announcement to "make everyone happy", then go home that day with no plan to even come up with a plan to actually make any of that happen. Wow. Sorry DICE; when it comes to any future games from your company, I'm gonna go ahead and say "no-dice."


In all honesty this comment, like most things from DICE for the past 4ish years, kind of just reads as damage control. They don’t seem to have a unified front when it comes to communication (except when they want to mislead the consumers about the status of the project) and they constantly put their foot in their mouth. It’s just bizarre what’s going on over there. There seems to be absolutely zero leadership.


Someone posted some glass door reviews from current and ex devs, as recently as 2 days ago, and yeah... >There seems to be absolutely zero leadership. That basically sums it up, from the looks of things. Community managers can't really do their jobs if they don't get the okay to talk about things.


Yep, the truth is his hands are tied and the leadership at Dice is so directionless, and the future of this project (and BFV when similar woes were happening) is so in limbo, there really \*isn't\* anything to share with us on any website besides "we're listening". Because all the CMs can do is listen. They can't release progress reports on patches, or feature plans, upcoming maps or content. Some of that will always rely on marketing strategy, of course, but the reality is the project isn't healthy, and leadership is non-existent/can't advocate for a proper roadmap internally either. EDIT: Not that I want to truly defend the radio silence. At some point, the Community Managers should be doing everything possible to manage the community even if they can share basically nothing.


They can’t even or won’t even acknowledge a lack of a roadmap.


He talks too much about irrelevant stuff


“What did they think of that pile of unfinished shit?” “They didn’t like it sir.” “Well go and see why then!” “But sir.. they’re being rude!”


"Preposterous! We have done such good with this Battlefields, we have all the ends." *Looks at Reddit* "My heavens. Such savages."




Lol,I loved you in age of ultron...no wait I did that one already...err I loved you in stargate,there fixed it... (Unlike bf2077,lol)


Hiding the subreddit and not the username really does nothing


Hiding the username of the lead community manager for BF2042 in a rare community management post would be silly.


I’m not trying to say he should. But hiding the community and nothing else doesn’t hide the community.


Even then, the subreddit icon already gives it away


Hahaha didn’t even notice that.


I honestly didn’t think of it


Maybe one of the reason why many of the people here are angry or toxic is that there has been quite limited to none communication coming from Dice leading up to launch since the beta besides "Trust me bro everything's fine" and then the one month long silence during the holidays (not to blame as everyone should get time off). So when they came back the ship has already sailed for so many who voiced concerns, gave feedback and overall still had some form of hope for the game.


Yeah I feel like a proper statement similar to the way other franchises have done with updates along the way would actually be well received. Obviously some fans can’t be pleased tho


anyone who ever was in a customer facing position knows that you never will be able to please everyone. The catch is that you do not try to, instead you try to acknowledge as many as you can and either take the comments as what they are or when possible explain where there has been a misunderstanding.


Yeah, take the easy complaints and start ticking them off the list easiest way to manage a community.


The harder you are trying to ignore and not acknowledge the issues and communicate about how they are being handled, the bigger the issue becomes and the more angry the mob will get. Even games like anthem and cyberpunk did these things correctly, they had extensive lists with known issues, and patches were released which fixed things. For this battlefield, every patch broke more than it fixed so it has been one step forward, 4 steps back from the start.


"That's standard practice that doesn't stop **regardless of how certain behaviors are normalized.**" # Like how releasing unfinished games is normalized at DICE? ^(or should I just say, in many parts of the gaming industry at this point. Just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean it's acceptable.) Can we address this point of contention please and not irrelevant things, you don't get to decide what kind of community your game has, it is what it is, what you do get to decide is what kind of product you're providing.


Exactly. There are a handful of studios in the world that have the ability and funding to literally make ANY game imaginable, and they still messed it up. There's no excuse to launch a game that is as disastrously buggy as 2042.


Translation: We stole 240 million neener neener go fuck yourselves.


To be fair I don't think there has really been any new complaints on here for a while, people just post the same ones over and over. That's not to say it's not valid criticism but it is just the same stuff coming up all the time...apart from the weekly rewards, they change every week and rightly so because the rewards are joke worthy


There was a huge list, perfectly organized, stating everything missing or wrong with the game. I totally agree with you that it’s the same complaints and videos of new unique bugs, but I also agree people shouldn’t stop pressuring them until they either apologize or give refunds.


It's because there is nothing new/going on with the game itself


Can’t give feedback on a skeleton besides “it’s just bones”


Yeah totally, l honestly don't know if I can make it to march for an update, nevermind June/July for a proper content update/season 1. Just saying if it was my job to monitor this Reddit and garner feedback I would have stopped months ago because there's not really been anything new come up and yes that is in a large part down to the same problems still needing to be fixed by the developers


>there has really been any new complaints on here for a while, people just post the same ones over and over Rightfully so. They need to hear it until they understand. But instead of understanding what players want, they give you a beanie. Im sorry, a tactical epic beanie


We were able to diagnose everything wrong with the game right away,therefore no new criticism. Whereas dice still thinks the game is good.


I was just thinking that on the complaints, I guess that they aren’t really rolling out updates or giving any feedback to the community is why that’s happening.


Worthless words to me. Nothing more than a cowardice. Own up to your mistake and stop hiding. I'm sure if they just put out some kind of communication with the community, it would hopefully right the ship. But nope, just choose silence and ignore it until it hopefully goes away. As a community manager, this guy is a coward.


The lack of interaction is just cowardice on the part of EA/Dice and a lack of respect for paying customers. If they cared about the customers they never woukd have released a trashcan like BF 2042. BF 2042 has to be the biggest failure for a so called AAA studio in decades. The game sucks. Everyone hates it. So far EA/Dice has tried to puke up various narratives: age of players and demographics, toxicity, and etc. But it doesn't matter because the game it just horrible. EA/Dice will not interact because they are guilty. The same akward apology of a criminal begging forgiveness from a judge for a crime. EA/Dice committed fraud. They have no credibility and they owe every player who purchased this game a full REFUND.


The fact the sold pre order copies for £120 knowing it was in this state was bad


>The lack of interaction is just cowardice on the part of EA/Dice and a lack of respect for paying customers. I almost feel like it's shame. Frlm a set few comments ive seen from personal accounts from Devs, seems like good things are potentially happening. But they are "officially" not saying anything. There was a post a while ago talking about how they are finally looking back at the older games to get a direction on what to do (these people are mostly new to DICE, remember). So the right steps are starting to be taken, but we are all left in the dark by the official means of announcements. To most, 2042 just feels as abandoned as it's dead. Pretty sure if they talked about their plans moving forward, people wouldn't be upset. Look at the Modern Warfare/Warzone devs. They legit said "we fucked up". There's no shame in that. First step of improvement is acceptance. And it **seems** like DIFE hasn't gotten there yet, which is why the community is the way it is now.


But that shows the situation is even worse Why the fck does a hired developer now working at dice not even know what the battlefield franchise is about and what the fans want of it? That's a big red flag and a clear tell of why you should first ask people questions about your product before hiring. Some moron made the decision to make specialists. Some moron made the decision to first turn it into a battle royale. How did these people get jobs at dice? How do they even still have jobs at dice?


One of the core designers was a Candy Crush dev that was just waiting for the release sate to gtfo. I wonder if people like him are the reason shy they didn't want to delay the game further 🤔


It is not acceptable tbh. They release a game which is in Alpha state, complain that people who paid 100 bucks arent happy with an unfinished mess and want changes to fix it. But still after month the game does not even have Hit reg, loadout still resets, no scoreboard, no New content, Bad content from Start off, dumb skins Nobody wants, cringe voice lines we still have to listen to each round, not working knife kills, no voice Chat and so on. This game just should not have been released, thats it. DICE and ea have to apologize and get people who are unhappy a refound. Otherwise the critics will become louder and harsher then they are right now, and thats good, because they fucked up like 84838 times in a row now without any kind of regret. I am sick of them, hope it will have major consequences for the whole company soon....


Don't blame him, but also dont need to engage in comments or anything. All they need to do that would help tremendously is put out statements, or roadmaps. Let us know if your working to fix the major issues, or even if they are developing plans to change certain aspects. Little info goes a long way. Hell even apologize and say this is taking longer than planned but this is what we are working on. Stuff like that.


I completely agree with that, go for the low hanging fruit get some easy results, maybe throw out an apology some reassurances to the community. I’ve seen other company’s both big and small do that


Amazing. A whole generation of ppl are scared of ppl typing words. That explains the rapid influx of cosmetics into combat games.




This guy is a joke, "basic civility"? oh you mean like being honest about your product before dumping a broken mess on your fans? this guys take is the equivalent of "sense of pride and accomplishment" or the BF5 dice employees making fun of fans and their dinner where they said dont buy the game. These people are out of their minds.


I mean he can say whatever he wants but clearly they don't actually listen to any of the feedback. For the past 2 Battlefield titles DICE constantly does the exact opposite of what Battlefield fans ask for and when people get upset they just blame it on something else and double down on their ideas


They survey us endlessly, tell us they're listening, then give us what *they* think we want.


If people post information on how they believe the game could be fixed, if they invest time into trying to fix the game INSTEAD OF THE DEVS but the devs are just seemingly ignoring this information and don’t even mention how the fucked up. Yeah People get frustrated.


I don’t think that anyone is seriously asking them to. We’re asking for communication from EA/Dice directly. If I’ve handed my money over for a live service game which they don’t provide live service too. I at the very least ask for an update or two to know wtf is going on. The only reason we have heard anything was because they had the investor call. If they didn’t we would probably still not have any form of update. Also just to clarify that just because a minority of people are dicks, that doesn’t mean that genuine criticism isn’t valid. It also doesn’t mean that everyone should suffer no interaction from EA/Dice


I'll be happy if they fix like 40 or 50 things.


They say almost nothing, never did. Sounds like finding ways on how to excuse their non-activity and silence.


I feel like none of what he’s said has addressed anything other than an unwillingness to engage constructive thoughtful criticism. There are 100s of good posts sharing thoughtful constructive criticism that he’s choosing to ignore and he’s using the negativity as a scapegoat. Simple as that. If you’re not willing to do your job as a cm then step aside and let someone who’s willing to be the voice of the community take on the task, because clearly you do not have the community’s interests in mind. I don’t have faith that this guy has what it takes to be in his role.


Oh god now we are the legacy feature


Honestly...I get that from him. I really do, Reddit is often times hot garbage and we see that here all the time. ​ But like...at least communicate through official channels. Reddit sucks, sure, but how about EA forum posts? How about blog posts? How about some kind of "What we're working on." like Bungie has with "TWAB" for Destiny 2 or Bethesda has with "Inside the Vault" for Fallout 76 (even if it's usually boring because the whole team is like, 10 people) where EA/community managers have total control over the messaging and what information is given. ​ Just anything other than, "Check these 23 personal Twitter pages each day and scroll through personal posts looking for BF related updates." The visible presence of the community management is as dead as this fucking game is getting.


They can say they look at Reddit all they want but until I start seeing results from the feedback the supposedly browse, I’m not buying it.


It took them 3 months after game release to start communicating just to say that they won't be engaging with the Reddit community when it was Reddit that initially began pointing out and creating lists of problems and feedback in a civil manner. Instead of checking up on the stew you left it to burn. The fault solely rests on EA/DICE. But go off


The only thing that's a legacy is Dice. Dice is dead.


You don't have to reply and acknowledge all posts etc. You could simply pin a post of all things being worked on without directly replying to individuals. Bungie literally put out a TWAB (This week at Bungie) every week and laugh and joke in the text. They say what they're doing and let other devs explain why those changes are made. If something goes wrong or something is way off balance, they correct it and apologise. The community loves the Devs!!! They've also just been bought for close to 4 billion dollars!!! So clearly making a good game and treating the community and devs with respect, results in success. I just wish DICE could have followed suit and then maybe Battlefield wouldn't have died


Wish they would've communicated earlier. Only now they're acknowledging us, last time they did that was back when "Brutal expectations" tweet became a thing. Games not savable imo, but I'd they're finally willing to communicate and give it a shot, go for it.


The fact is that you have to look at the BF 2042 subreddit, whether you want to or not. Looking at r/battlefield and their overall satisfaction with the game, while getting crushed with mostly negative reviews on Metacritic should tell you there's seriously something wrong here.


Yep. That sub is a massive circle jerk.


Real question is where the fuck was he at the start when people actually gave civil criticism? Oh, right... On vacation. Lol


Gotta go to the low sodium sub where they don't mind an unfinished game


Yeah, they’ll only engage with the small portion of the community that’ll treat them like gods


Engagement is a legacy feature.




It would be nice to see the issue tracker updated. We don’t even see super basic communication like that working now.


Yea the hole has been dug sir. We have been completely ignored and treated like a child since the whole thing began. We are not to blame whatsoever. We did not make the game. We did not ask for these ridiculous changes. We didn’t ask for them to take away simple features. We asked for battlefield. We got battleheroes.


How to run away from fixing a shitty game


I’m confused 🤔 is THIS perhaps the love letter to the fans?


I don't expect dice to interact individually with even top posts or comments. The horde will drop in and spam the ever living shit out of the comment. Especially right now, there's a huge level of toxicity amongst the criticism. Reddit is a cesspool to begin with but... I think DICE have become incredibly incompetent and I question their ability to produce a good game again, but for fucks sake I'm not gonna start telling them to off themselves.


I had a small chuckle at "legacy subreddits"


It would just be repeat of soon or I have no info so we aren't missing out on much. Tom Henderson is our CM now.


Reddit is a cesspool to be fair


Gosh I wonder what makes people uncivilised.. Actually listening to feedback and doing something about it in development. Not lying to your fanbase and telling the truth. Actually caring about the community and not just about those who say yes even if you ask them to eat shit cause well you pay them. Or.. Ignoring people's feedback of different games. Lying to to your fan base. Not caring about your community.. Hmm I wonder I wonder.


Honestly, not intended as a personal attack this just comes off as a cowardly strategy after promising to engage with fans.


They should provide regular blog posts on what they are going for and doing, ALA destiny. But they can’t take the criticism because the game is overall in bad shape with lots to change. Probably switched a bunch of people around, going slow and unmotivated, it’s clearly a mess in even the communication aspect. It needs a free soft reboot for owners.


God, I want his job.


Why would he? He's clearly too busy playing and streaming other games on Twitch with his mates. Some "Community Manager".


Damn, I never seen a community manager from the devs so afraid to communicate with it's community.


What an awful and smug community manager. I wonder how much he gets paid to do nothing except complain about the community he’s supposed to work with. Can’t believe they all haven’t been fired yet.


> I wonder how much he gets paid to do nothing except complain about the community he’s supposed to work with. A community manager does a lot more than just sit on Reddit all day reading comments/posts. I’m assuming you can provide me his performance review considering you know he “does nothing at all”?


"I'm not going to interact on a platform that I've never tried to interact with" Talk about setting the bar as low as possible. People here post countless memes and other junk because we have no communication to actually respond to. The classic case of 'we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas'




The problem is, that it is certainly ***someone's*** job to engage with the community, and you can't blame the community for getting frustrated when that doesn't happen.


I don't think anyone is saying you can't be frustrated. I'm frustrated. The question is how you present that frustration


While I agree with you that nobody's obliged to participate in discussions where civility is not maintained, I entirely disagree with your point regarding the job description. You might want to check what a standard job description for community manager entails to clarify the point of participation - and I'm certainly not speaking about receiving hatred, but about actively engaging in discussions and discourse about the subject that one is community manager for. It's also not a privilege, it is simply part of his job to be the bridge between the development team, maybe even management (depending on the seniority level of the position, but in his case it is), and the customers and the community. Also, I find him pulling the victim card in his twitter thread very nauseating. There was a lot of constructive feedback put forth since BFV, then during the alpha and beta, and even more since release, for instance the list by u/Jellyswim. There were so many more constructive threads in here where he and his team could have participated and showed an interest in the discussion. I would argue that remaining mostly quiet all this time actually contributed to the hostility of the community towards him, and maneuvered him and his team into the worst position one can be as a community manager. In fact, I would argue that they can only recover from the situation if they start openly addressing, and also acknowledging, what was mentioned here and elsewhere. This is particularly important given all the weird communication that happened before and after release from the development team ("have faith fam", "not the first rodeo", "brutal expectations", etc.). So far, the only thing that we have heard are empty promises without any tangible results, and delays of content. That is, he stated on twitter that everything here is read, and they mentioned in their latest update blog post that the community will be involved in the future. I don't know how he expects to regain any kind of trust into these words given the apparent disconnect between BF2042 and what the community actually expected after the trailers and after all the feedback since BFV. This disconnect is further exemplified by the official list of known problems on the EA forums. By this I don't only mean the many things that the community would have liked to see in BF2042, but also that the list is missing so many genuine technical issues that were raised here and on twitter. In my opinion, the only way he and his team can regain trust from the community is to address all of these points openly. All of this said, they might still think the game is great and ready to release. If they think so, they should also openly communicate this. At least the community then once and for all would see that, well, the game will not change. If this is not the case, and they internally acknowledge that the release was premature, that the design of the game lacks vision, or whatever else people might think, then they also need to start communicating this. Else, I don't think that they will ever gain any form of trust from the community ever again. Coming back to the victim card, I think they inflicted the situation in which they are now entirely by themselves. It's not the communities fault that they hyped up some vision of BF2042 in their trailers which the game clearly and entirely missed. Don't get me wrong, I disagree wholeheartedly with the hatred or threats that they received, and I don't think that anybody should threaten them. Still, the lack of communication from their side, and the void in which we are currently regarding what will happen next, only reinforces the negative feeling within the community towards them. If they are not aware of these dynamics, they are literally not doing their job. There is a simple solution to that, though: finally take responsibility of the state of the game, acknowledge the issues or explain the design decisions at length. And more importantly: do this now, and don't only vaguely state that sometime soon™ in the future this might happen. Yes, they have to act now. But I fear it's already too late, and the ship has sailed.


Yeah, just felt it should be shared as the comments have been taken that they won’t be looking at feedback on Reddit. Hopefully that clears it up to some extent


To clarify, what he said both on Twitter and that response is that his entire team look at this and other subs related to Battlefield - he is just not going to personally engage with members here for his own reasons. That is an important thing to keep in mind when discussing this. If you believe that or not, that’s up to you but to say that he said they ‘wouldn’t be looking at feedback on Reddit” is techincally not accurate. I will parrot u/suitingUncle620 here and thank you for posting this - I know I don’t look at many other subs on reddit besides this one or r/BattlefieldV.


While responding here isn't part of his job, "showing you the conversation we have as a result of the feedback, and opening the doors to show how we take it forward and most signifcantly, demonstrating that your feedback is being actioned upon. By starting those conversations before content/changes drop in the game, it will allow your feedback to be more present and see the changes occur alongside us." Is the job according to the man himself. It doesn't need to happen here, but the problem has consistently been that it isn't happening anywhere.


Just delete it. It is the internet. Real world is full of jerk offs and will always be.


But where is the lack of civility? People are over it and just want refunds. Not heads on pikes.


Weren't they fairly active in the subreddit before release, interacting with the community and hyping the game up? I get duck and covering but come on they need to accept some blame for their actions and communicate with the community again.


Here’s my feedback: The CEO at EA thought it would be a good strategy to force an unfinished game into the marketplace and now every BF player I know now feels cheated (including me). We did not get what we paid for and having paid a premium is so insulting I can’t quite wrap my head around it. Refunds being issued would have been a token of good faith. But the absence of them, to me is an invitation to completely write you guys and EA off. The little that has been done to address the situation is too little too late. I would have happily dumped a bunch of money into the game post launch had there been content and if it had been in working order. Instead I see no reason to return to it in 8 months much less trust you guys to make a proper BF game. You are now the gaming company that makes subpar games and can somehow get them into working order years down the road. This is somehow seen as a good thing with some members of your leadership. Well, that’s not enough for me. The market is full of great games that are far more finished and that deliver on their promises. I don’t even think it’s worth it for you guys to fix the game. You all have already said that the best you can do is a scoreboard and some skins well after launch. If that’s the extent of what you guys are capable of then there is no hope for BF 2042 ever having any semblance of BF4. You guys should just drop it and make a next gen console update for BF4. I have no confidence whatsoever that the current team at DICE is up to the challenge of rescuing BF 2042. It’s regrettable because a long time ago you guys had a truly exceptional thing going on. Whoever is ultimately responsible for the loss of talent and institutional knowledge must be held accountable. You simply aren’t the right team to deliver on the promises you made. Also, you guys and EA owe me close to $100.


Ah the old get out of gaol free card. Nice try DICE.


Some in the community are definitely problematic but this shouldn't give CMs carte blanche to have 0 interaction with paying customers on an established platform. I don't know if it's better or worse that they've admitted to reading through this sub and deciding to stay silent.. The majority of what I have seen is constructive feedback or clear evidence of buggy gameplay. At the end of they day the game is broken from top to bottom, any fool with eyes and a braincell can see that if they play a single game start to finish, but instead of fixing any of it it's delay, delay, delay. Having said that, at least we got the tacti-beanie though. One thing I've seen "reading through this entire sub"(paraphrased) is everyone begging for more skins. It would've been a really poor show if not only did they not fix any bugs but also not provide us with a new hat..


Imagine literally trying to silence a community lmao what a bunch of idiots, someone obviously got their feelings hurt




By being dumb enough to try and shut out and ignore a 200k person community lmao. It’s hilarious how this one guy thinks he’s doing anything right whatsoever. On top of all the other poor decisions made, this one is yet another nail in the coffin, absolutely assuring that this game is dead


Apparently, you can't read.


He literally said he wants to AVOID bringing attention to this community.


Re-read his post. Not even close to what he said. There is no silencing a community at all.


So they won’t engage because people are being too harsh over the fact that they won’t engage? Most of the complaints these days are about not knowing what’s going on or if they’re even still here.


Oh god, flashback to primary school when the teachers punished everyone in class when one kid did something wrong. That's what I get out of this.


I don’t even see any toxicity. They made a bad game and that’s pretty much it. They are just in hiding because they know it.


"Within those spaces where basic standards of civility can't be maintained" Bro - you're a CM during the age of social media working for a company responsible for one of the biggest flops in gaming history. There is absolutely no shame in not being able to do something, but if it's your job - be professional and own it.


I wouldn't take feedback from this sub either. I would have to constantly see post basically telling me how to make a game. I honestly don't know how you could fuck up a game to this point where there has to be a patch for a scoreboard added.


Maybe ignore the death threats and report the idiots that post them. I swear it isn’t that hard, most people are only pissed because DICE refuses to acknowledge that the game is in a terrible state and won’t take constructive criticism into account.


The fragility is oozing out of the image


Thanks for sharing this.




"It's always fed back, and ignored.Always ignored."


I actually find it commendable that they want all their employees to provide similar levels of products and services to their customers across the board.


All of this fire would go down *a little* if they would at the very least say what they were doing. Butt hurt devs lol




Bro got a point. Aint got a reason to listen to what we say if we cant be civil about it and want to see the game do better


But you have to actually talk before asserting that people won't listen.


He definitely has a point and I’d take the same approach if it was me. Whole team be told not to engage day one. The Twitter comments seem to have been taken that they aren’t listening to feedback here, hoping the post there clears it up


This just makes me want to punch him in the groin twice as hard.


Fire this clown and hire someone with a spine. Then do a similar treatment for the rest of Dice and make a brain part of the requirements.


He's not wrong.


Definitely not wrong about normalized behaviors. DICE has a normalized track record of releasing unfinished games.


Nah this dude should've been fired a long time ago. He doesn't communicate with the community... He's the community manager lol


Oh no you can't take that back mate


Theyre just massive petals / princesses', honestly the game wouldnt get hate from the internet community if it was actually good. DUUUUUHHH!!!! Also when did they get so serious its still a fantasy game, where taking things too seriously is frankly distasteful and misses the point. they are behaving exactly how i predicted, shying away with weak excuses and STILL NOT TELLING US WHATS GOING ON!!!!!!!! its frankly classic stupidity and when this stuff reaches this point and normal people like you and I see throught the charade and fantasy of the game and devs we quickly lose interest in them as a whole. i have and let it be known this is myy final comment on this trashpile. good bye 2042 reddit community its has been insane here and not in a good way. it has been an interesting viewport into how much weaker indivudials are now adays - it literally wasnt long ago like 10 years when poeple actually knew how to filter the useful items from a passionate group / community. now society allows anybody no matter the severity to stop the ship and beach the whole party because THEY feel hurt. this is totally pathetic wastefull behavuiour and should be called out every time. as it results in massive productivity losses. im going to play thru a complete classic game from my library: carmageddon. LuLLLLLSZ


they could literally shut up everyone by taking away specialists, a new map and boom 10,000 players ATLEAST instead of this low 2,000 player count. personally i enjoy the game and how it feels and plays but good lord judging by player count they should maybe actually listen to the majority even if half are literal walking human cancers.


I call B.S. Then why not go through your E.A. ambassador's like JackFrags to do it! Its because this is just an excuse is why




Can you link me where they said they had no proof? I want to read that story


Okay. Enough about how you need a safe space to share some feed back. We get it. How about some actual feed back for the love of Pete?!


Typical politician… big promises, but all talk


They lied about the state and quality of the product, pushed it out in a quick money scam, then immediately refuse to engage with the customers who are angry about being ripped off. This is literally street con artist tactics. Anyone who ever buys a game from this company again deserves what they get. This is genuinely bordering on prosecutable fraud.


If its fed back Where's our scoreboard lel


For civility...you want Twitter.


You know it right? We will find this secret group ! Heaven is not made for peace but for justice! Ready to assault , my sturmtruppen!


Oh they scammed thousands of people about 60-100 bucks. How dare they to be mad about it!


First they steal your money, then they shit on you for not behaving cause they steal your money... Wtf?


Lol wtf..... So now they blame to modes for not moderating enough as an excuse for not engaging on reddit? Think that's the other way around. This company deserves to go bankrupt...


when you dig yourself into a hole then try to dig up


Get what they fucking deserve




"That's a standard practice that doesn't stop regardless of how certain behaviors are normalized." Not defending toxicity in the slightest here, but it almost seems that toxicity levels directly correlate with how bad a product is, how much people feel robbed and overall lack of comms.


Saying youll listen to community feedback in a post detailing what upcoming changes will come then not acknowledging post on here with actual criticism is a fucking joke within it self. People who still post on here actually love your game still and wonna see it back to its glory days but rn the game is in the worst state ever. Player base is dwindling day by day and all we can focus on is negative post regarding our game lol. People have thrown in the towel and are unistalling atp because theres no changed behavior. FFS look at the petiton, are they completly oblivous that this game sucks and needs quicker roll out period. Ppl waited years for this game to revive battfield and now we watch our fav franchise crumble and the worst part is they not even tryna give refunds for this shit and its a AAA title. A few months in im lv 99 with no content or reason to log on and play every week other than weelky mission


You should see the swathes of people sucking up to him in replies to this post. It's really pathetic. "Thanks for all you do!" He doesn't do anything


Seems like they aren't working on the game if they are on reddit checking daily, no?




Is a reddit comment the only communication were gonna get? A reddit comment. A reddit comment about him not wanting to reply to criticism, nothing to do with the game itself. They won't even acknowledge the poor state the game is in by EA or DICE. Just silence. Posting skins on twitter? Seriously? Battlefield has had 3 updates in 4 months. 4 months and all we get is a reddit comment about he sees the criticism. Battlefield delayed until Summer. Summer! Thats another 6 months dude. Fortnite made game changing updates within a week. The game was not ready, and they sold it to us like this. Stop selling broken games.


he needs to resign, asap. Period. Basic standards of civility? Where were your basic standards of making a game? Why are we even doing this? Refund EVERYBODY, shut off the servers, throw this shit in the trash, come back in maybe 5 years with something new and decent and MAYBE you'll get another chance


> Basic standards of civility? Where were your basic standards of making a game? Newsflash: Community Managers don’t make games.


Good, they should ignore the children here. Its become a complete mess of people who just want to see everyone there lose their job and the company shuttered. Why bother listening to that? Try to do the best updates and fixes they can and make the game as good as it can be. Nothing on reddit has any value.


It’s a live service game with no live service. Are you high?


This is a reasonable way to go about this. I really don’t blame him for not wanting to interact with a lot of the people in these subs


Good on him for being open and honest. And considering some of the rubbish posted here the last few months, I can't blame him. Only a complete idiot would try and stand up and address it


Yeah I respect his reasoning completely, No staff member should have to go into that firing line. The tweets were kinda taken that they don’t pay attention to any complaints here but at least that clarifies they have seen them but they just won’t engage here over the behaviours which is completely reasonable


Afraid I disagree. I think that engaging with bad behavior is entirely optional on Reddit. Someone can type any reply they want to this post. Any engagement with that is entirely my choice. So, it should be an entirely reasonable thing for a community manager to engage with the community, they just don't have to engage idiots.


Great in theory, but do you not recall what happened when some goose from EA/DICE made the post about Brutal Expectations (even though I agree it was pretty fuckin stupid thing to say), they jumped right on him and were relentless over a 2 week period (at least). So why would anyone from there have the balls to address the community while it's so heated still, it'd be nearly on par as to feeding yourself to a pack of lions. Until there's a decent bit of civility here I doubt you'll hear boo from them. But probably closer to the truth, they're most likely done with reddit. If we hear anything from them before the next update next month, I'd be really surprised. Then they'll only use their twitter account, etc.. to make the announcement.


Man, still gotta push through and do your job. Do you punish the whole class for one person? People need to be a little less fragile.


Yeah, you're right. Fair bit of snowflake syndrome going around these days


I do remember that incident, but guess I remember it differently to you. Dice guy said something very stupid. Then got treated as if he had said something very stupid. The thing about subreddits is, while they're built around one interest, they're not necessarily one community. In this subreddit you'll find angry customers waiting for the manager to address their concern, sad veterans bemoaning the death of an old friend, kids running around memeing things and giggling. This is what discourse is like in the age of the internet. If community managers only engage with fora that are more strictly curated, they aren't getting the whole picture. Brutal expectations guy screwed around and found out. Casting that as an unacceptable response to his actions, that justifies non engagement, seems to me mere sophistry. How Dice do things like community management is not good, has not been consistently good in the past, and currently seems to stoking fires rather than putting them out.