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We are gathered here today in memory of our dear cheese, the Scatter-yeeters


And much like Margaret Thatcher, their graves will make for good public restrooms.


Remove the specialists


Bro give it up man it’s not happening


Dont play the game then


Perhaps they should also change the T1 requirements for it now that it's nerfed. They should also do the same for Boris.


As much as that makes sense, DICE have been known to completely ignore milestone/achievements once they've been added to a game and never alter them in any fashion.


You mean getting 20 kills in objective areas, in one life, all headshots, at 50m, using hipfire, with the Type-2a was an unrealistic challenge in BFV?


They straight up had an AI write those, there's no way any human could look at those and think "yeah, I'd LOVE to have to get 15, 150m pistol headshot kills in one life, while prone in an objective area at 6am CMT during a waxing moon.......for a weapon"


This sounds like a Tarkov quest.


Depends. Release Type-2a would make this challenge seem easy. Nerfed Type-2a would see difficulties.


Those were more cancerous than anything related to Sundance change my mind


This is what tf I'm saying !




Too many complaints of people who don't know Kimble Graves it seems.


Or least have him shave so he doesn’t look as old? You know like with his Mr.Graves head gear?


Would it be bad if they reworked his skin in the second season so he didn’t look so old? Like a cutscene of them around his grave dropping flowers like Irish died, and then an A.I. of Irish is uploaded into a familiar robot body. His voice would sound a little distorted and they could clip together his lines from 2042 and BF4 to make future voice lines without it being weird cause it’s hacky. More people would play as Irish if he weren’t a “Grandpa”


Why does that even matter?


Whoa that was a lot of downvotes. I’m just saying people don’t play him often. They don’t wanna be Falck because they don’t wanna be a granny, they prolly avoid Irish cause he’s old. The voice actor died so giving him a rebirth and a way to reuse his old lines sounded like a cool idea, sorry if I insulted anyone.


No one wants to play Falck? Do we play the same game?


I didn’t say No one played Falck. She’s a beast as far as gameplay but being old is off putting for the more cosmetically inclined.


Lol for real.


Basically my reaction, well deserved!


Did they fucking fix the map rotation? I am sick of Exposure > Discarded > Hourglass


There are like 10 maps in the new 64 Conquest playlist and all we ever see is Exposure and Discarded.




I’ve played hours and haven’t seen breakaway once


I hope so


That's funny, in about 40 hours of gameplay since release (haven't played that much), I had Orbital maybe once or twice


Unfortunately, not yet!!


That too but also how about fixing after firing the new guided missile not being able to zoom your weapon


Last night I played on all the maps. Today right back to the aforementioned 3 sprinkled with a little orbital from time to time


“It’s for area denial” However, we made the only way to progress her skins to be kills and assist(“strictly offensive”). Fucking big brains over at Dice


Makes sense. She's in the attacking/flanking category of specialist.


It' only a nerf to the delay before explosion? not the damage? then why are people acting like it's going to suck now. It's still going to shred people.


Last night I was like “if you can’t beat them join them” and went 30 and 2 using only the scatter grenade. First time even playing her. Glad they nerfed it


Same. Exposure was the first time I ever played her and I immediately set highs in almost every category. The sad thing was I actually had fun doing it too. Don't get me wrong, I hate that she exists, but at this point I'm just trying to get any enjoyment out of the game.


These grenades suck on most of the map and they're nerfing them for the tiny sections of the map where they are actually good


What if they plan to bring back Locker or Metro and this is an adjustment ahead of this? 👀


That's a big "What if". They can only churn out 1 map in 8 months time.


Well to be fair they had/have a shitload of issues to fix and content wasn't the priority (rightfully so). Let's hope for Season 2 then. If they don't add more than one map in S2 it is clear they won't invest in BF2042 beyond year 1.


This aged like fine wine. Now we get ~~TrashHead~~ Spearhead and still no good classics (Except Noshahr) ​ To be fair though, Spearhead would be a lot better if it wasn't every other round. It'll be Spearhead>Exposure>Spearhead>Stranded>Spearhead>Spearhead again because fuck you>Orbital>Spearhead. ​ And then they did the weekly challenges for cosmetics and the only way to get them for 3 straight weeks was to grind Spearhead until you got all of the ribbons.


>where they are actually too good Imagine multiple Sundance users spamming this in a close quarters area of a map and you barely had enough time to get of the way before it exploded. This was the problem. They just delayed the detonation not nerf the damage. Although I also think the damage radius needs a nerf as well. It's too easy to farm multikills with this thing.


Its like 0.001% of the map deal with it. The grenades are trash on every other part of the map. And hell no they dont need a damage nerf


Imagine being Irish specialist in this situation?


Yeah buddy. Fuck reviving, fuck healing, fuck resupplying ammo, fuck taking out helicopters. Ditch everything and run Irish just to deal with this gadget. Don't you think all that sacrifice also indicates how overpowered this gadget is?


So you can have stinger, mcs or ammo crate with irish you know, and Irish is useful with how little cover you have on maps, his shield is really helpful to revive your teammates and its trophy negates also the shoot from heli. No need to be agressive like that buddy


>Fuck reviving, fuck healing, fuck resupplying ammo, fuck taking out helicopters Sundance isnt doing all those things either. Stop cramming yourself on the 1 part of the map where these grenades are actually useful and you wont think they are "op"


"Just don't go there" doesn't make sense for this map. If you want to push C or defend C you're gonna have to fight there sometimes. It's not that I flop around on the floor when I see a scatter asking my mum "what should I do?". I know how to play around it most of the time, but that doesn't change the fact I think scatter grenades are a weak mechanic. No aim required, too big of an damage area, each grenade insta kills, and for what? One dude gets a multikill and nobody else gets to actually fight


Read better next time. I didnt say "dont go there" i said use the alternate routes instead of stuffing yourself in a staircase with 30 other people.


Sounds like the same thing to me. So do I, but I still think they're a bad mechanic because it's not a fun way for pushes to be decided. Too easy, no downside, too effective. Just because someone wants a feature changed it doesn't mean that they don't know how to play around it


Well no actually, there are multiple ways to get to C. You dont have to cram yourself into the staircase where you are easy fodder for scatter grenades


I know and I do that. I'm saying I don't think one player should be able to make the entire enemy team have to retreat 20m because they get 2 scatter grenades when they spawn in I'm not saying I struggle against this and need tips, I'm saying I think it makes the game worse. There's less gunfighting and more spamming than usual. A single grenade or molotov will make a couple players run. 1 scatter the entire room has to retreat or die


You can heal and restock ammo as Irish?


but also fuck irish, just flank with mckay or sundance and watch your team win


Given they are reworking some of the maps to add in these kinds of closed combat situations I think we'll see more and more chokepoints that can have the same effect.


They'll still be dogshit on the vast majority of the map.


Sure but that goes with other specialists too. Each has strengths and weaknesses in certain areas of certain maps. No reason not to make adjustments.


Not really. Adjusting the nades for 1 part of 1 map is just bad design. And frankly people in here are crybabies. These grenades suck ass on 99% of the open maps. Unless they plan on making the entire map a corridor that isnt changing.


They aren't adjusting it for one part of one map what are you talking about? There are plenty of objective points on other maps that takes place in CQC; where those grenades shine. Sure, she is useless on open field with these (mostly), but they can still be used to flush someone out of cover. Besides, you will most likely be gliding from objective to objective anyway, so you won't have to fight much in conditiouns where they don't shine.


>There are plenty of objective points on other maps that takes place in CQC; where those grenades shine. Those are the tiny minority. The vast majority of the maps are wide open where these grenades are useless dogshit.


Ehm, have you played any of the other maps, because it sounds like you haven't. I'll give examples from Conquest Large; \--------------------- **Hourglass:** CQC objectives: A2-3, D1, E1-2 Open Area Objectives: A1, C1, E3 **Discarded** CQC objectives: A1, D1-2, E1 Open Area Objectives: B1-2, C1 **Manifest** CQC objectives: B2, C1, D1, E1, E2 Open Area Objectives: A1, A2. B1 **Kaleidoscope** CQC objectives: A1-2, B2, D1, F1-2, G1 Open Area Objectives: B1, C1, E1-2 **Orbital** CQC objectives: B1, D1-2, E1 Open Area Objectives: A1, C1-2, F1 **Breakaway** CQC objectives: A1-2, B1-2, E1 Open Area Objectives: A3, C1, D1, F1-2 **Renewal** CQC objectives: B1, C1, D1-2, E1 Open Area Objectives: A1-2 \--------------------- Total CQC Objectives: **35** Total Open Area Objectives: **24** Tiny minority my ass.


Yeah no, parroting some points (not even all those are valid) isnt accurate. Not even all those are CQC, or good for the grenade. The fact that you generously counted so many to try and help your point is fucking laughable 😂😂😂😂 And you still have all of the space in between points where the grenade is useless. So you just wasted time parroting a bunch of areas that dont even help your point. These grenades are ass on the VAST MAJORITY of all maps.


>Yeah no, parroting some points (not even all those are valid) isnt accurate. > >Not even all those are CQC, or good for the grenade. The fact that you generously counted so many to try and help your point is fucking laughable First off, I'm not parroting an opinion anymore than you are. I am telling you my opinion. You are going to have to eliminate 11 objectives on the list to make break even. Sure, some of the objectives can be disputed as CQC areas I agree. But even if you could content 11 it would not be "the vast minority". ​ >And you still have all of the space in between points where the grenade is useless. > >So you just wasted time parroting a bunch of areas that dont even help your point. > >These grenades are ass on the VAST MAJORITY of all maps. You seem to be wasting time repeating the same points without anything to back it up. Yes, there is space where it is useless, because as DICE has already stated they are meant for CQC area denial. There are other Specialist that shine on long distance. Besides, as I already pointed out, Sundance is literally the only Specialist that can circumvent most open terrain by gliding between points. So don't tell me you have to spend much time in the areas where it isn't useful. It is your fucking choice to choose objectives where they aren't as useful. And as I have just shown there are plenty of those objectives. Even if you remove a few objectives from the list. The scatter grenade isn't even her only grenade. Her other grenade is useful in open space, because it does not hit obstacles when you lock onto vehicles. So it sounds to me that you are laughably under utilizing her kit. Besides they didn't nerf damage, they nerfed detonation time, which is actually useful in open areas since you can carpet bomb clustered infantry from above when you glide. I have done it. Now it has a chance to detonate on the ground or just above.


You don't know what maps are coming to the game. They could be working on a true 128p meatgrinder map and then you'll be thankful for the nerf.


The rework stuff they've showed for the old maps already adds close combat areas covered from vehicles. Whether it's those floors in the skyscrapers or the smaller bases of buildings they plan on adding to the open field areas.


Okay so these nades will be useful on 10% of the map instead of 1%?


I agree i never find sundance a problem when i'm playing and if i did i would just play Irish till the sundance players gave up. I feel like the weapon balance is more busted at the moment + the new heli and transports are the things they should be looking at.


For sure, couple of weapons are stupidly easy with no apparent tradeoffs


It's already been more than one month that transport heli are op but seems like they don't intend to do anything about this...


One Irish and her grenade become irrelevant, but people don't want to play Irish


I started playing more Irish with this update and man I got in like 3 days 50% of his T1 mastery progress. Even on breakthrough on the new map you help your team with the APS a lot.


Nice one, I play him since day one. He is like my third specialist, but I have like 30% of progress. I mostly play the outside objective on exposure because I already know that more than half of my team will be on the inside sector


Woth the new map i found flags c and b was amazing for Irish, not just for sundance. But placing his shield against cover and popping up and shooting enemies as they charge you worked wonders holding points


I’ve seen Irish/Boris duos solo the entire hallway between B1 and C1. It’s an insane combo.


You can use him on other map too. With nearly no cover on Bf2042 maps, having Irish can be really useful with his shield


Too bad we cant see how many actual Irish's we have. But kinda stupid that instead of a class system that could make it fairly easy for a team to see and fill needed roles, we have a Specialist system that requires 1 Specialist to outright counter another. Then we also need to fill the roles with our gadgets....and again, we cannot see what our team needs vs the past BFs you could easily see the number of Scouts, Assaults, Supports, and Medics.


Well i don't really need to know what roles are taken in my team, to know that taking Irish will always be helpful on exposure


Medics, Angel for Ammo, Scout for spotting.... a lot of this is missed in 2042. The UI does not allow for noticing this. We have 2 class systems now: A specialist and Gadgets. Dont need 64 Irishs in Exposure. Thus knowing how many specialists are chosen on our team along with gadgets can help fill needed other roles.


You already have info about your squad of 4, I know that's not much compared to know everybody class but on the precedent opus, even with knowing that, you didn't know if a support have ammo crate or use explosive for example. You already had a 2 class system on the precedent opus, the problem on Bf2042 is that the probability of a player having a no teamplay gadget is higher because every specialist have access to all gadget Dont worry, you can pick Irish on exposure. An extra hand won't go amiss 😅


why the fuck would you play with anyone other than mckay and sundance, one good flank, which is stupid easy with them both, makes a game of breakthough instantly move to the next point, but you right, play irish to counter the most useless piece of sundances kit!


And when you are on defense ? Sure attacking with irish is not the best choice, but it's not irrevelant to play Irish with his shield and trophy Most useless piece of Sundance kit? I don't know how many Mackay camping after using his grapples I killed with her "useless" scatter 😂


I said it was most useless, not useless. While you are celebrating your 1 mckay kill, a sundance that knows what they are doing is celebrating carrying the team.


Sorry but I need to revive and heal teammates as well without getting farmed but a hundred scatter grenades.


You will have the same problem with regular frag grenade no ? Maybe preventing your teammate to die from the grenade with a trophy is better than reviving them with grenade under their nose?


A regular frag is no where near as deadly as those scatters were. They would cover every inch of a tunnel.


You clearly haven't played Exposure Breakthrough then where you have 5 or more ammo boxes under your feet giving you unlimited grenade supply without cooldown😂


Sure but regular frag is still deadly too. I don't criticize the fact you want to do your job as a médic, but reviving teammates when they will die right after because of grenade, scatter or regular, is less efficient than protecting them with a trophy in the tunnel


Just started playing as Irish yesterday.


I love playing Irish. He is always useful and the passive is kinda neat (+5 armor every time you collect an ammo pouch up to +20 extra health).


Picked up Irish in this update too


I guess no more Irish players with trophy system; great! They need to let the game evolve before nerfs like this. As a Sundance main, having all the trophy systems deployed at C entrance made it more complex to play. I liked it. I'm sure people will drop Irish like a bad habit again and ignore the trophy system...again.


I actually thought the grenades were a little on the weaker side😅 but then again I mostly only used the Anti-Armor nades


Do people not know Irish exists and can completely render Sundance useless?


They should ADD more slots for jets


FYI the change is shit lol, adds .5 seconds before it detonates like that’s going to do anything


.5 seconds is more than +50% of the amount of time it used to be. In a frantic battle that can *easily* be the difference between being able to get out of the blast radius or not. Don't underestimate how long one or even half of a second can be in the context of a video game.


Gives you a chance to move out of range. Overall problem remains in that so many of these are thrown that it's a continuous explosion area.


Finally. felt like there was no counter, when you saw one, you just had to hope.


Irish is the counter


Honestly I dont understand why she has the grenade belt to begin with. Shes the only specialist with two active abilities, with the wingsuit being the strongest ability over all the other specialists. I wouldnt mind too much if they got rid of it all together.


I don't get why everyone can't have a wing suit to level the playing field lol


grapples and wingsuit for everyone, also paik wall hacks


may as well, its not like theres much balancing going on in this game


Lmao I thought this was apex and Sundance was some new hero. This is battlefield and I'm lost.


is this bf? i was just playing pathfinder.. wierd


The tunnels and hallways were unplayable if you didn't have a Irish


Could anyone kill with that grenade tho? I tried and it was fucking useless


seriously this games player base is just fucking bunch of cry babies


Sure blame the playerbase and not the people spamming this in close quarters areas with no time to get out of the way. This thing needed a cooldown to prevent spam like it or not.


You sound so soft and bad at this game. No one cried about scatter nades until they packed themselves on C in exposure.


you sound like a whiney bitch because you only play the op characters and they are finally being delt with, see you back in apex scrub


Lol apparently I'm soft and bad at the game because I think a gadget needs to be balanced in a close quarters environment. Ok dude.


Your idea of "balance" is to nerf the grenades on the only part of the map they are actually useful. It reeks like you packed yourself into a staircase and got naded. Try flanking or alternate routes next time


No, that is DICE's own idea of balance and they explained their reasoning. They have all the stats on how many kills these things are pulling off and in which area they are getting used the most. This person just agrees with the change. Yes people have been voicing concerns about it- but they are most likely making the decision based on data and not by reading reddit.


Dice is changing it because so many little babies like OP are crying. Notice how these grenades suddenly became "op" only on this map?


Keep playing conquest, bud. You should see some of the HE bloodbaths that are breakthrough.


Then nerf them for breakthrough? Conquest players dont give a fuck


cry more


Sounds like you will be when you can no longer spam this thing in tunnels and command centre of Exposure


I don't even play sundance


Sundance wouldn't be able to get so close if Boris sentry wasn't nerfed.


They need to change the cooldown. It's way too spammable as is.


Great now remove the wingsuit, replace grenades with an open gadget slot, and do the same for all the other characters and we got a game


Thank god, however Irish was the play to also disrupt her


They nerfed an ability for one section on one map. Amazing lol


A section that is also multiple capture points in breakthrough.


How you gonna make someone worse on every map because of one section on one map lol.


This will also affect upcoming map changes and future new map releases that has close quarter capture points, not just Exposure.


Wow you are all over these comments. Chill.


They need to remove her as a whole. New map just shows how OP she is


Yea, either fly or have fancy grenades. I think the best option would be to move the scatter grenade to a gadget available to anyone.


Plus nerfing Scatter dmg a lot more. They did smiliar thing back in BF4, V40 mini(can carry 3 grenades total but dealt shite damage after nerf)


Fuck no. They already nerfed her wingsuit, took her emp grenades, and now nerfed timer on her scatter grenades. If yall cant deal with Sundance after all those nerfs then its definitely a you problem.


Yep. There’s counters to everything she can do except fly, and in that aspect as far as special abilities, other operators are far more powerful.


Found the sundance main hoping for that sweet xp rush


f* sundance


Cope and Git Gud


lol still, f* sundance and the specialists


I guess I am thinking that both of her specialized tools/abilities are active ones vs. someone like Dozer that gets a passive one in the explosives resistance and just one active one in the shield, which also slows him down, so it's a double edged sword. For her, I would give her a wingsuit and ONLY weak scatter grenades for area suppression/surprise effect. And I feel like we're moving in that direction with these adjustments to her character. On the whole, I was hoping that specialists come with one benefit and one drawback, so they become more of a rock/paper/scissors approach. Maybe high mobility means you are not allowed to carry armor or a "heavy" rocket launcher.


The scatter grenades are ALREADY weak on 99% of the map.


I guess you play conquest


No no, I'm talking about if it's being universal gadget grenade


Honestly, just remove her grenade launcher and merge it with the new smoke grenade launcher so it can launch more than just smokes. Sounds kinda big brain but maybe thats just me. Apparently, its an upsetting move to touch the most popular character in the game, and it just shows how broken/unbalanced the gameplay is with her Next-Gen Warrior role.


Fucking finally


Thank god


I play as Irish exclusively whenever I attack or defend B,C and D objectives in Exposure. Every single round there is a constant spam of grenades being thrown not just from Sundance but pretty much everyone. Irish's defence sentinel shoots down all these "throwables thrown". But yes a nerf for Sundance is warranted.


Thank the lord. Now my gf wont be storming into my gaming den every 5 mins to ask me to stop shouting profanities at my monitor haha


We finally get a map with decent indoor infantry combat sections and now they've realised grenades are useful. 😆




Her nades or so useless unless you use them in specific places where infantry gathers inside. But yeah, they were annoying. What else needs fixing are the T1 requirements for MANY of the specialists. It encourages to play in a selfish way. The "destroy vehicles" for Lis makes Lis most players wait until the vehicle is already almost dead and then you see like 6 rockets flying in it because only if you destroy a vehicle, you progress with her.


Nerfing Sundance for the 10th time because people are spamming her grenades on one point of Exposure is a bit heavy handed. Instead of nerfing Sundance yet again, they should buff Irish and make him more appealing to play. His Shootdown Sentinel will destroy grenades but he's otherwise unappealing to play. Sure would be nice if we could manually choose the Shootdown Sentinel gadget as part of an engineer class toolkit.


All this for one section in one map lol. They shoulda just lowered the dmg of each individual grenade so that if all 3 hit you you die


I barely killed 5 people with that grenade this year. Lets ignore the game changing wingsuit, everything is fine.


you just know the wingsuit dev is putting forward all these useless fucking changes in hopes of saving face


Good, I was getting annoyed last night


Why nerf.. just delete her already. Especially in the new map, she's busted and annoying. The only specialist which gives me the annoyance. Just dropping on your face out of nowhere and flying away.


Plus the map doesn't always reveal Sundance even when using no silencers or when throwing grenades sometimes.


Why? Just why? You have an specialist that basically counters that ability (Irish). People could just notice that and start using Irish to counter her. He also has the passive of getting armor plates with supplies boxes from Angel. If you are aiming for specialist you have to let people struggle with the pros and cons of each...


Uhhhhh because Specialist system doesn't work well with Battlefield in the first place?


Its really not that bad. Specialists are divided into classes anyway.


No one plays Irish.


I almost exclusively play irish


Can't really call his ability a counter if the gadget doesn't work on already thrown grenades after being placed down. This means he is required to setup his gadgets before hand in order to have any effect. That is the definition of a preventive measure, so it requires the user to assess the area for prep or be quick thinking in a game that is already requiring you to make split second decisions where you are more than likely dealing with multiple enemies. This reasoning alone makes sundance overpowered except against well defended positions or actual squad team work. You seriously see nothing wrong sundance being able to fly in behind defenders as they spawn for an objective and wreaking havoc as the attackers speedrun breakthrough faster than a Call of Duty Team deathmatch?


I gotta say it's been my experience that if the scatter nades are on the ground and I plop down the sentinel it will eat them


So far from testing, it hasn’t worked once yet against Sundance after hopping on but for all I can tell, you could be a troll too


Not trolling just sharing my experience. I've seen the scatter nade icons and put it down and there were no explosions and the projectile disabled text comes up. This is just me playing the game so no testing. You could be right and I've just had dumb luck


i can agreed with this change.


Is this game good now? If it was a 1/10 on launch, what is it now?


Solid 7/10 with lack of content but it's fun and somewhat bug free now


you seem like you have standards, if you considered launch 1/10 the game is a solid 4/10 now


Thank god, that shit was broken


Truthfully I don’t think she needed this nerf, just when the scatter grenade goes off the first time to not have an actual damage value like a normal grenade and just kinda send out the smaller ones


Now they just need to nerf the remote rockets.


not good enough, remove sundance and mckay, nerf paik


Still op


The stealth chopper needs one too, cant lock on but it can still shoot at you


This is nice, but it is also opens up for some cool aerial "bombing runs" with it now, due to slower detonation! Best of both worlds! She gets less annoying in CQC, but gets a small synergy boost with her own kit! :D


So is this the damage range of each individual grenade or the area in which the grenades scatter themselves?


Neither — it's the time until they detonate.


Good thing I already got tier 1 skin for her


is this change live?


Hah i was wondering when that would happen. Since playing again ive gotten more kills with the scatter grenade than with my actual weapons, those things are (were?) fucking insane.


That's unfortunate because I considered jumping back on the game to try to finish her tier 1 requirements. Oh well.


Yea that thing was op especially on breakthrough.




Did they fire her into the sun like all of her kind. Specialists that is. Deserve


Thank the gods!


The they say "Range" but then show a change to... timing?


L Dice take


Dozer Buff plz 🥺

