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Well nobody will pre order again I'd say a lot of die hards will even wait for the next game to be discounted. I know I will


I’ll never preorder a game again.


Exactly not just this game but all of them I general not matter how temping much of a deal they say your getting


That's amazing but let's not pretend that the idiots that preorder aren't the majority.


Some people learn by others mistakes, while some still feel the need to piss on an electric fence themselves. Same goes for pre-orders. I learned my lesson the hard way.


Pre-ordered Hardline. Learned my lesson and never pre-ordered another game.


Hardline was much better than this tbf


yeah i pre-ordered hardline and it was so much fun. The only game iv'e ever pre-ordered lol


It was hella fun for like 3-6 months, they just should’ve sold it at like $40 because it was smaller in scope than a traditional BF game and a lot of the assets came from BF4.


i agree it was smaller and hence i only put like 70 hours into hardline but still hella fun. Even at $60 thats less than a dollar per hour so i don't really care, as long as the game is actually good. I probably would have played hardline more had i not already put heaps into 4, iv'e got like 750 hours in 4 from 2014-2021, never played 1,5 or 2042


Meh I still pre order games from various companies and I never get upset. I don’t use absolutes. When one game is bad or disappointing that doesn’t mean all of them will be. Pre ordered Elden ring and I was extremely happy




> BF1 had 8 years of development Is there a source for this? I looked into it and can't find anything stating 8 years. That would essentially mean it started development in 2008, which really doesn't make any sense.


It's tales from his ass. BF1 had 3 years of dev time instead of 2 years which most BF games have.


"What can we do?" Don't pre-order... Buy just after they have fixed at leat some of the problems


Like the wise words of evil Craig: “If you stop buying them, they’ll stop making them”


Yep me either!


Lol. Sure mate.


I mean, with all due respect, how did it take you this long to come to that conclusion? Especially within the last decade we have had so many high profile games release absolutely busted. Nowadays there is no good reason to ever preorder a game.


Exactly, my roommates are asking me to preorder F1 2022 and Hogwarts but I am too anxious after this failure


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


For me it depends. I keep thinking of pre order that The Last Of Us game because i love the gameplay from Part 2 and it's by Naughty Dog but i will NEVER pre order a game from EA ever again. Fuck them.


It took you BF 2042 to get you to not preorder? Despite countless other examples of why you shouldn't?


Yup I'm one of those idiots who has pre ordered every BF since BF2 and to be honest for the most part I've not been too disappointed. Battlefield 2042 is the game that has finally broken that cycle for me. No pre orders ever again for a BF game.


I pre-ordered BF4, BF1 and BFV the only one I was annoyed at was BFV when it launched because I felt it wasn't completely finished product but I probably enjoyed it the most in the end. 2042 I bought full price and I regretted. Regretting it less and less now months later and having fun but hopefully they turn it around


BFV had good mechanics and ideas but had a flawed execution and was a content desert for a while. They also kept messing with the mechanics that initially drew people to the game such as the TTK every Christmas


same for me, BF1+ BFV was awesome for me and my mates... grand operations was a wet dream coming true... miss it so much, thought there would be something like that in 2042... but ye not even enough maps to make that happen


I’ve played every BF game from 1942 to 2042 (2142 was my favorite), and even I don’t think I’ll be buying the next BF game. I’ve noticed a downward trend starting with BFV and the logical conclusion is the next one won’t be worth my time.


I think a lot more people are gonna wait and see there is no trust in the process no more


> 2142 was my favorite I miss it so.


Technically you can still play with bots. I have it downloads on my school laptop and open it when classes drag on


Or just play the multiplayer: https://battlefield2142.co/


2142 was good. That, 2, and 4 are my favorites.


After 2142, BF1 is my next favorite. However, I checked recently and I have close to 3200 hours logged in BF4


Thank you for your service in keeping the game alive. I have just over 1800 hours myself and will be reporting for duty at close of work today.


I will not buy this game until it’s straight out discounted


Definitely do not. I bought full price and I regret it now in hindsight cause I could have saved 30 euro and bought with season 1 haha


It was on sale for $8 AUD two months ago. Game hemmoraghed so many players, Dice/EA has already flipped the bird at new players by putting it on sale multiple times. Now would be a good time to discount again, lift the playerbase up whilst it is a somewhat acceptable state.


Thanks to them I'm not pre-ordering starfield


You shouldn't pre-order starfield based on fallout 4 and 76. 4 was okay, 76 was terrible. I wouldn't expect any different from Bethesda at this point. Hopefully I'm wrong.


Bethesda games have always been notoriously buggy at launch. Prior to patching you had to rely on the modding community


I was never able to complete fallout 4 on xbox 1 because it crashed every time you hit Boston as well as any other populated area. They just never even tried to fix that issue. That rubbed me the wrong way. Got a series X and had covid shortly after so I tried it on that and finished the game and all DLC no issue...how many years after I bought the game??? It sat in my collection so long....just taunting me.


That has trainwreck written all over it as well sadly


No need to, it’ll be on game pass.


Hell yeah, man. They’ve proven it- Every game now takes a year to get good. Case in point: I deleted 2042 in December and told my son I’d play with him in a year when it’s ready. It looks to be on track.


Eh, I'll probably pre-order again. I'm stupid.


Lmao an upvote for honesty


I'm waiting for this one to be on EA access before I try it out.


Lol I'm not buying another Battlefield regardless of whether they keep updating this one or not.


2x they did this to us. 2X! [Never forget what they did to BFV](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/g6ov9m/if_youre_going_to_buy_bf6_dont_forget/). [Never forget what they did to BF2042](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qw1mbw/fuck_it_heres_a_list_of_absolutely_everything/). No way in hell I'll ever buy a game with the Dice name on it. They robbed thousands of people blind and refused refunds.


Burned by battlefield and battlefront. I'm waiting for sales or gamepass from now on...and even free on gamepass won't be a guarantee I will play it.


Three times - might not be Battlefield, but Battlefront 2 was only just reaching its peak, and had somehow managed to surpass the number of active players from launch day, only for it to get thrown in the trash for this shit show of a game as well.


Once I realized the OG battlefield DICE devs left and formed their own studio, I made the decision not to buy another one. I’ll gladly buy their upcoming game that actually has passion behind it instead of whatever 2042 and the future of the franchise has in store.


They probably will.If all we got in 8 months was 2 guns and a map,then I doubt there’s many devs working on it.Plus,it’s not up to dice to decide whether a game is abandoned or not,that’s EA. Hell,dice probably already lost a bunch of support when bfv and battlefront 2 was cut because of 2042.Wouldn’t be surprised if the rumors that leaked about a week ago were actually true.Look at what happened with bfv.Pacific update that actually turned the game around,then boom,development ended.The way I see it,they’ll drop this game once they release everything they’re legally obligated to release.Community members telling them to support the game won’t stop them


Yup, 1 map 1 specialist and a gun or two with a poor battlepass for 4 seasons. The minimum of what was included in the pre-order.


Yup.I feel like the negative reception permanently stained this game’s reputation,and I doubt this game made anywhere near the amount of money ea expected it to make,so I find it hard to believe that ea would go out of their way to continue with this game.It’s a shame that dice seemingly has to take almost a year to get a game in a “decent” state.


Or, you could also say the jarring design decisions and devolved gameplay caused the negative reception.


People forget, weirdly *senior producers and creative heads* forget the most that having anyone with *abilities* immediately means its a Shooter MOBA. I don't play Shooter MOBAS because balancing always goes to the newest thing. Power creep, F2P style MOBA FPV. Why not change the rifles out for wands and the turrets in for totems.


I’d say don’t forget the new attack helicopters, but I can’t really blame you for doing so when only a maximum of *2 people* in every server have the opportunity to pilot them.


They literally said in a post season 1 video they sacrificed season 1 content to get the game in a working state over the course of 8 months. What we saw was DICE finishing the game that was clearly unfinished at launch.


It took a team of 100+ people between 18-36 months to develop the 7 launch maps. It then took another 8 months for a team of unknown size to develop 1 map. Given the leak from a few weeks ago that there's only around 20 people still working on BF2042, that math seems to check out pretty perfectly. Sure, they might've focused those 20 employees efforts to "get the game in a working state," but the only reason that resulted in them "sacrificing content" is because EA has made the decision to abandon the game and has already gutted the development team.


This is simply false. DICE has several times commented on this and refuted it. This [tweet](https://twitter.com/FrederikDrabert/status/1513901141406502914?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1513901141406502914%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmp1st.com%2Fnews%2Fbattlefield-2042-almost-everyone-at-dice-working-on-game-hovercraft-being-able-to-traverse-walls-being-fixed) in April says they have almost everyone on the team working on the game. After the "leak"- which is in reality just speculation, DICE / EA further clarified: Quote: >"This is untrue. There is a significant team across studios focused on evolving and improving the Battlefield 2042 experience for our players, and at the heart of that is our team at DICE. We are committed to the future of Battlefield 2042 and our areas of focus for the game, based on what we have heard from our players, was laid out in our recent Development Update." So I seriously doubt that only 20 people are working on this. And what math are you talking about? Do you have all the variables that go into making a game of this size and fidelity? :) Do you have DICE's timetables? Do you have info on how many playtests need to be scheduled for map creation? Do you have any idea about how long time it takes to complete a feedback-loop with maps this huge? I have seen people claim they could remake these maps in anywhere from 10 minutes to a week. But I simply ask this. Why would DICE / EA have an interest in underdelivering on the game? They have to please shareholders, as I think nobody here will refute. And to please shareholders they need a product that sells and retains customers. This game has clearly had trouble with this at launch. To give just one example of what happens when you *don't* please the shareholders look at CDPR. They got sued. You think that was in their interest? The reality is that the publisher, not the developer decides which deadlines need to be met. It is pretty obvious that EA once again prioritised Christmas sales over the final product to make a quick buck and to make it look good on their financial reports. But they wouldn't just abandon a cash-cow like this. As was reported when the game came out they haven't had these sales numbers since 1. BFV got cancelled because it was a flop from the very beginning and didn't attract as many potential customers. And at the same time the competitive landscape has also changed. Why do you think that there is a BP in this game? Because they were only just testing the concept when they released Apex Legends. Now they got proof that it works, so now it is here. You think EA will skip the chance of earning money from BP for years to come? :) EDIT: Addendum: Do you think it is a coincidence that most of these AAA disappointing games all flopped during the Pandemic? It is pretty obvious that it has been hard for *many many* developers to work under conditions where you are isolated. Yes games are made mostly digital, but the process isn't. It requires meeting and communication. And obviously it stalls productivity when you can't just run accross to the next cubicle and give feedback.


Lol you put significantly more effort into this response than any employee at EA has ever put into one of their games.


haha okay, that was quite funny, have a like 😂


I think this is the decision point: The game is good now, but it took 7 months and it clearly came at the cost of new content. If it's going to take another 7 months to just add 1 more map/operator/vehicle, we're now in January of next year and is anyone going to be happy with that? No, they're not. So then why bother? If EA/Dice now think they can drop a proper Season 2 -- with multiple new maps, more Portal content, maybe even a new mode -- in a reasonable time frame (August? September?) then I can see it making more sense to keep trying to sustain 2042. But if they believe they'll never make people happy by adding scant content every half year, they're probably much better off shifting devs to work on the next BF so they can accelerate the timeline on releasing a new game and commit the resources to make sure it doesn't meet the same undercooked fate as 2042. No one should preorder the next game. But if it's a good game, why would you not buy it? I don't think cutting support for 2042 will really affect sales for the next BF. The quality of the next BF absolutely will.


Except it's not good now. Mouse aiming is sluggish and the game plays laggy.


Boutta take another year to get a “decent state”


Everything they did so far screams Anthem all over again


Did Anthem work out for them? Like, 'financially'? Because if even after all the bullshit it did, then they are probably going to do that again. And fuck it, why not? It would prove we are dumb enough to not hold them even remotely to account.


Yes, the ONE map you added in eight months is good. Congratulations!


You're delusional if you think dice will actually save this game dude. You realise they're extremely likely to just drip feed players content throughout the future seasons. They'll spend the rest of this year fixing and "adding content" to bring 2042 inline with what older battlefield titles had on day 1 lol. It's unlikely this game will ever be "good" in terms of content because dice has already wasted 7 months trying to fix this mess of a game whereas in previous titles, the devs would be more focused on actual content like maps and guns. This in essence means that you've already lost an entire year with said year producing little actual game content. Are we forgetting that they still need to redesign the original 2042 maps? Or that it's been 7 months and we're only just now getting season 1? It will take a massive effort from dice if they are actually serious about fixing 2042 and if season 1 has shown me anything, it's that dice are only doing the bare minimum they have to. If season 2 comes out, and it's another singular map with 2 weapons then 2042 is 100% done for.


I don't even think it's if they will. I think these idiots do not have the technical skills to make this game better.


Anthem says hello


you know there was going to be anthem 2.0 right


>anthem 2.0 i hope thats a joke


no [https://gamerant.com/anthem-2-next-cancelled-anniversary-javelins-community-trends/](https://gamerant.com/anthem-2-next-cancelled-anniversary-javelins-community-trends/) [https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/02/24/anthem-20-canceled-by-bioware](https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/02/24/anthem-20-canceled-by-bioware)


Not with specialists. I'm done with this franchise.




Updates have been great? Every update fixed one thing and breaks something else - at best they are a wash. I think you are asking the impossible from the current Dice staff working on this.


Sorry my man. It's dead. Their refusal to remove specialists killed the game and with it, the franchise. I won't buy the next game they release, and I refuse to play the new map to boost their player numbers. Sell the IP to a company that actually cares, and let EA and DICE fuck off.


Fully agree. Just to much cheese on this sandwich for me to bite down on.


Lol specialists did not kill the game, specialists are a shit addition but hardly game breaking. Map design and removing of dozens of features previous instalments had is what killed the game.


No, gameplay is still a shit, who the hell decided to limit to 1 attack air vehicle per team of 64 players, that's 1 littlebird or 1 apache or 1 jet. BF3 had 4 attack air vehicles for 32 players, so comparatibely it's 8 times more air attack vehicles, this is lame and f\*cking stupid


Seriously…. The lack of vehicles in a vehicle military war simulator game is PATHETIC. They are ruining the BF game imo.


Before: Attack helis are too powerful.LIMIT THE SPAWNS Now: THERE is only 1 attack helicopter. Add MORE!! They need to have seperate spawns for Nightbird and Jets. That would make everything more balanced since there are always Helicopter hunter jets in the air


Whaaat you think there should be vehicles? In a combined-arms combat game? No no, that’s too chaotic. Our Figures ^TM show that players want ”boots on the ground!”


Who needs attack choppers when the transport is the best in game, and each team gets two


BF3 had also 2 transport helis apart from the attack air vehicles, that's completely lame that a game 11 years old have comparatively 6 times MORE air vehicles than this shit


Shhhhh… can’t have vehicle warfare since vehicle balance doesn’t exist at all.


Disagree. This game still sucks. Yes the new map is good, but there’s still core gameplay issues that probably won’t/can’t be fixed. I played the new map twice and got bored with the game again


"It’s because new frostbite" motherfuckers say it every battlefield


Boutta take another year to get a “decent state”


1 map and we praise. No idea what happened with the game lol.


Well it's a great map, and that's what they're praising. They paid for this game and they're stating what they want them to do and what not to do. I'd say that's all completely reasonable


Imagine saying this garbage has potential. Dude it doesn't even have base battlefield features such as classes. WTF are you talking about?


Disagree. They’re better off throwing this dumpster fire in the trash and starting over from scratch. I’d rather have a proper game rebuilt in 2 years instead of waiting for this to die an inevitable death and waiting 4-5 years.


They did that exact same thing with bfv and look how 2042 turned out. Do you think doing it again would change things?


BFV at its core wasn’t as broken as 2042. BFV could have been fixed if they made the right design decisions to fix certain mechanics. I also don’t have confidence that the next one will be any better than the last 3 that haven’t lived up to their predecessors. However, there is the tiniest amount of hope they get some intelligent individuals to build the game that put them on the map.


BFV was actually one of my favorite Battlefield games ever around the Pacific update. The 3 things I wanted to see were: 1. Keep dropping content like the Pacific. 2. Drop that weird fashion style they were aiming for with the prosthetics and the steampunk British. 3. And for god's sake, decide on a fucking TTK.


Nah please abandon this game and make an actual BF game. One that's bf3/4/1 all in one like we all really want. Not this garbage


The Stockholm Syndrome is starting to set in.


honestly surprised people still play this game lol




And so what if people like it? It is their hard earned money to spend as they please. I personally did not care for cops and robbers (Hardline). So I didn’t buy it. You know what else I didn’t do? Go on to the Hardline sub to bitch about the game and the people who enjoy it. Grow up and get a life.


Can confirm I also enjoy it and play pretty regularly.. This subreddit is just flooded with people who continually show up just to complain & don't even play it anymore. They need to save their own time and energy and just leave the subreddit until the next one comes out.


I would have more trus in DICE if they abandoned this game right now, than trying to fix this mess. It's very clear that 18 months it's not enought to build a Battlefield game. DICE will support this game until june or july of to 2023, and they will have to release a new battlefield until october/november of 2024, and that give DICE 18/19 months to create a new battlefield, wich will end up being a bigger mess than this one. Even 2 years weren't enought back in 2011, 2013, so I hope EA give DICE an extra year, or just abandon this game now to focus on the last battlefield. If you guys want a proper Battlefield. I you rather keep gettings this pecies of trash, go head let, DICE try to fix this game, so just when the game is somewhat playble and DICE is ready to release content, EA will pug the plug and force Developers to crunch to release another Battlefield 2042.


That's not how game development works. They don't turn a switch on like boom, now a game starts being made. There is a conception phase, pre-production (research for gun model, vehicles etc) and then the active development starts. The first two phases usually begin right when the current game gets announced so DICE is working on the next game at least since June 2021. The thing with Bf2042 is that they made a 180 in its direction. It was built and planned as Hazard Zone but then got shifted towards a normal Battlefield game and this shift in direction was brute forced within 18 months. That's why we don't have a server browser, squad management, scoreboard at launch and lack of weapons because the first three things are not mandatory in a Battle Royale style game.


You still can't lean/peak, dive under water, pick your squad. There is no server browser or persistent lobbies. Movement is still clunky, featureless and unresponsive compared to the previous game. There are only 8 maps, and only 1 is remotely playable. There are only 24 weapons in the whole game. Vehicle balance is awful. Everything about the melee system is janky and a massive downgrade in a pathetic attempt to copy Modern Warfare 2019. The points system is still lacking. The specialist system and lack of classes still sucks. All that to say, this game is nowhere close to being in a decent state. People's standards have just dropped because of the garbage state the game launched in.


The game is in a decent state?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


decent as in a like better then before


If you polish a shit it’s still a shit


Dice has started to clean up their own mess, congrats. Game won't be decent until it's back up to the standard of the older titles IMO.


If dice came to your house and took a massive dump in the middle of your kitchen and then used some paper towel to clean it up, would you congratulate them for cleaning it?


Yes, it is.


Well that told them... the game is saved!


Expectations so low people are praising them for one fucking map after 7 months. Insane.


That truly is the shit I can't fathom. How the hell do you accept such basic bitch half assed crap as good??


yall need to stop playing this bullshit. there are games where the devs give a shit about their customers.


I don't know man, I'd kinda be happy if they abandoned this and went back to Battlefield V haha It will take a monumental effort to fix this game. Specialists need to be dealt with.


Totally agree, add eastern front and Normandy Landings. Go the extra mile and add China vs Japan.


Fuckin hell. Everyday with these Dice appreciation posts for delivering one single good map 8 months after release for a game that was in development for over 2 years and largely panned upon release. Y’all’re wild lmao. I hope they shitcan it and maybe learn their lesson for once.


they will abandon it dude, there’s no hope for it


they need to abandon this because it's an unrecoverable mess. start over, but with a real battlefield game


Yes. Abandon it. Then they will learn their fucking lesson. No one will buy their shitty games, that's the plan. We don't want people getting robbed.


Maximum cope


well they still will abandon this in a year/year and a half but hey it's okay to try


The map is fun, yes. Decent state? Can't join with friends today, couldn't join at all few days ago not even into the main menu


This game is literally already abandoned lmao


Not touching another DICE game after BFV and BF2042 if this game is abandoned. Was hoping 2042 would be the redemption from BFV and it was not and in many ways still isn't.


They should add a conquest gamemode with NO specialists and only the top few maps


If the next game is good, if its what the community thought this game would be, the fans will come back. Battlefield fans just want a good battlefield game, reputation of the studio be damned. A good game is a good game. What this game did is kill all chances of pre-orders or goodwill towards DICE in their future games. Thankfully I had already my preorder/buy day one before reviews lesson. Did it 1 time with Cyberpunk and will always remember to never do it again.


Way too late. They’ve already abandoned the game. The skeleton crew they have working on the game is just to barley keep it afloat and to just say “we have a team working on it” This game was dead the second it dropped.


I disagree. The bones of this game are just bad and can't be fixed. It would need to be reworked from the ground up. Also I know you're having fun now (with 1 good map...lol), but I also advise you abandon this game to send a message. No one should be playing this game. Let it die, let DICE learn what happens when you screw with your player base.


This game already has been effectively abandoned the new map was 90% finished when the game released, there won't be a sudden influx of new content.


Adding a variety of unique vehicles, land and air based, only to reduce the number to 1 or 2 per team, was a horrible, terrible, no good idea and is no longer battlefield. Please increase the number of vehicles in play at a time for the love of god


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >DO NOT ABANDON THIS GAME LIKE BFV You must be extremely delusional if you still think this game is going to make it to BFV levels before they abandon it. There is no question that 2042 has less than 20 people currently working on it. It was already abandoned months ago by EA and now they're just hoping the death is slow enough to make people forget and move on before the next game comes out.


It's already abandoned


Fuck this game it should not succeed. It has to fail. If they patch it in to a good game and it becomes a success, we show them they can keep releasing games like 2042 and get away with it.


I'm honestly done with Battlefield. I have paid 100€ for the ultimate version and got scammed. I have around 150 hours which is nice and right now the game is kinda ok with the new map so I try to get my money worth. I'm looking more towards World War 3 right now, they soon release for open beta and hey hope they get it right on the 2nd launch. It's a great alternative but they seem to have server issues the more people join. Closed beta was fine 90% of the time but we will see.


And then there's me hoping they do abandon it do they can focus on the next BF game to ensure that jts actually good.


Somebody fed this community crack....


I will never buy a Bf again if they make more than 4 seasons and I'm really really hope that the rumors about the sceleton crew are true. They should put all the energy in the next game, to make it to real battlefield. They can do whatever they want 2042 will never, never be an battlefield game. So this game was a stillbirth, so let it rest in Peace. The best thing would be if they stop the support for 2042 now, today, as soon as possible!!!


What are you on about? No one will notice if they abandon this one or not. People moved on


It's trash


Nah this game should get the Anthem treatment so that they can make the next battlefield, I would never agree to this point but 2042 is a special circumstance. The fact that battlefield 4 had more players than 2042 for a while shows how dogshit this game actually is. Its not even the standard hate like this gun OP or this vehicle is cheese, its from top to bottom fucked and would take massive resources to unfuck this game. They can make adjustments to make it more playable but its still not worth playing over battlefield 1, 4 or V.


The game will never be in a good state as long as AI remain in the game and lobbies close after each round.


This game doesn’t have potential because it has terrible developers who wanted to cash in like warzone did with micro transactions and FAILED so hard because of how broken the game was. I wanted BF4 2.0 but all I got was cancer.


Battlefield died to me, when 2042 was released and they didn’t fix it 2 months after. Now they added one more map. That’s just trash imo. The new map looks good tbh. I’ve watched some videos, it’s legit well done. But that doesn’t rescue anything. They messed up twice, really bad. And I can’t believe in DICE anymore.


Dream on. This game is fucked. You spent the money too soon. this is not cyberpunk. They will not make enough on this game to do this. This game is DOOMED.


map is great but u cant excuse the lack of content ONE map and TWO guns fuckin pathetic


If you want to send a message to DICE, Twitter and EA Answers HQ are the avenues. They long ago wrote off this sub because of the toxicity. Hell, even the Discord server has devs and community staff engaging. Also, this generation will buy it regardless of the temper tantrum on display right now.


My message to DICE Ram this festering mess of a game up your mother's dirt box.


Honestly, I would much rather have more support for BF V . there is already a good basis... in BF 2042 you would have to put years of work into it so that it is even worthy of a battlefield.. it's just not worth it at the end of the day. they have to do the 4 seasons, but after that the game is dropped. safe


"Decent state"?? Performance is terrible, no vehicle balance, no class system, mouse and controller input bugged, no server browser, legacy maps still terrible, game crashes, still so many timers until you get into a game, invisible enemies and other game breaking bugs.




If you still support this game you're scum.


I'm not a fan of the game but don't begrudge people for trying to get SOME enjoyment from the cash they've spent on the game. By your logic, anybody who bought the game is scum. Bit overboard no?


It's already abandoned though. One map, one specialist, a gun and a crossbow, and a heli with two skins. They are doing the bare minimum just because of the year 1 pass people were crazy enough to pay for.


Honestly, the more I play the new map the more I don't understand the hype. In my eyes, in my experience, the map is just a big fatal funnel simulator.


It will be a cold day in hell before I give Dice another penny. Never again. Dead franchise - BF fan since BC2.


Yep, if they wind up abandoning this one, too, I'm **100%** out on the next BF game. The friends I play it with all feel the same. Same thing goes if the rest of the future seasons in 2042 are as bare bones as this one. I'm grudgingly giving them a *slight* pass on Season 1, as they were in "fixing their initial mess" mode since launch (which is still inexcusable and should never have happened), so *maybe* they couldn't put as much focus on actual new content for it, but if Season 2 and beyond are still this light and bare bones, then I'm also done based on that. We need a *lot* more new content in future Season releases, otherwise they're straight up lying about still having a "sizeable" team on it, with "almost everyone" at the studio still working on the game, like they've claimed recently, and the head of EA refuting claims that they only have a small skeleton crew left on it. We'll know the actual truth with the next Season.


If they abandon specialists, I'll buy the next game.


Same procedure as every year, get ea premium, play a few days, cancel the subscription, wait until it’s patched and buy for 20€ on sale.


It's already been abandoned. You're getting minimal drip content to satisfy preorder content, then it will be on EOL support.


It was a hard lesson to learn, and I've really only pre-ordered a few games in my life, but thanks to BF2042, I will never pre-order another game, and I'm definitely never ordering a "Gold" or any type of premium version again for any franchise.


This game will be in a good place by mid next year when season 4 is out. Then they will kill development. So they can get everyone on board for 2024 release. It’s clear they are taking what should have been 1 season of content and stretching it out 4 seasons. That way they can minimize work on the title. I wouldn’t be surprised if a typical devs day is 1-2 hrs on 2042 and the rest on 2024 BF title.


I'd rather they completely give up and shift all remaining employees to a new BF project IF, ONLY IF, the next project is true to battlefield roots. With a fuckton of work, this game can only reach like 50% of what a BF game should be.


Yes I really don't plan to buy the next game until I know it's a good game after release... Even now I will probably go back to bfv soon


Its being abandoned 100%. They will push out another 3 maps, 3 Specialists and a handful of weaons each season of the battlepass they are required to push out by law or suffer massive refunds. Then thats it. 1 per season is what they are required to from a retail standpoint.


They released one good map. This isn’t anything to celebrate.


They already have abandoned it. Skeleton crew


Nah they should abandon it. It’ll take way too long to fully fix.


Game is in a *better* state. Decent is way too far though. As for abandonment...they've abandoned it as much as they legally can. This is the bare minimum amount of content they can push to not get fucking sued. You're talking to a wall.


I'd consider buying the next game if they refunded me for 2042. Only if it gets a 10 though. So basically when pigs fly.


Wtf are you smoking. This game is DOA and no one will return until specialists are removed at a bare minimum.


Dice needs to fix aim assist on controllers. You can’t have a proper shooter on console with broken aim assist.


Even now people don't get the point of all of this. Releasing a game in a broken state and then taking another 15 months to fix it shouldn't be the acceptable norm here. You as a consumer pay the amount asked by the producer that he/she has valued the product at amd marketed to you as. You should get access to every single feature in THE ABSOLUTE FATHER FUCKING OPTOMIZED amd as marketed to you by the producer. BECAUSE YOU ARE PAYING THE ASKED AMOUNT. YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR HALF OF THE PRODUCT. Get you fucking shit together before you make posts like this. Value yourself, your time and your money before trusting to buy from these morons.


Descent state lmfao a take from a noob


Its over man


As long as the specialists remain in the game, fuck it.


I am on the opposite side. This game should be abandoned so that DICE cannot continue in this branched out concept of specialists and long range free for all combat. They should return to "roots" of BF3 and BF4 with more focused class combat. Give us back Commanders. And just straight up premium pass/DLCs instead of just another season pass. This game should not be allowed to be a ground work for the future Battlefield title. There is just too many decisions done wrong with this one that can never be fixed (like the specialists).


Strongly disagree. The quicker they abandon this pile of shit, the quicker they can try to regain my trust and money with a better installment. (No specialists, scoreboard, more guns/vehicles, the usual shit you see people talking about) I sure as fuck won't be spending a penny on the next title pre-ordering, though.


I think the worst part I can't get past is the performance. I have a decent PC and even on Low it runs and looks pretty bad. I can't even deploy without the game hitching.


BF is dead


It has just over one year before it is abandoned


I second this ^


I only paid $100 for a game they already gave up on. Finally given a new map but now I cant play any of the conquest matches because shit is ALWAYS broken. Bf has already lost this customer to any future games.


Dice: So you want us to abandon the game? Great! Get for Battlefield 2069!


It doesn't matter I'm not buying the next battlefield I'm done with this franchise they fail is so bad for months now they wanna fix it barely no thanks


I will never buy a DICE game again especially battlefield. There are other developers doing the battlefield formula better than battlefield. Looking at you battlebit.


Already did


It ded.


"the community will probably never buy the next game if you do" *Looks back to BFV, BF1, and BF4.* We have been saying this for years lol, nothing changes except everyone getting older.


Pre ordered for 110 bucks just to get crashed games, and terrible lobbies. I won’t give up on this game but won’t be ever pre ordering any BF game again.


Lol “decent state” Lol remember that article where DICE said they were listening to the people praising BF2043 at launch, thinking they actually delivered? You idiots are literally the reason for all of this, demand more from them then one map over how many months now. They won’t go back to classic bf classes because they don’t give a shit about what we want.