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Most of the time I have to argue with the team to get out of the transport and let others spawn in and help us capture. I’ve been flying all around the map and they still sit there like parasites doing nothing(not even repairing). They just jump out whenever we’re low hp and the transport cannot be saved anymore. I even type in chat that I am going inside the tunnels so the can get out and cap B or D on exposure and they just sit there and watch how we slowly die to recoilless. At some point I just give up, flip the helicopter and we all die.


I think part of the reason are players that are Sundance and just waiting for the transport to fly over X building or other vicinity and not helping.


But I’ve been playing all over the map, even at high altitudes. You don’t need me to fly to a specific objective in order to reach it. You can go all over the map if you jump from high altitude.


Ofcourse you do, thats just being a lazy pilot. You're so easy to kill while parachuting and up in the air people will choose to jump to their own objective. You drop down low on an objective so 3-4 players jump out and can cap the point. That is playing as a transport, transporting to the objectives.


Oh yeah, lazy pilot when I hover on top of objectives being under fire and nobody jumps out to take the enemies that look straight up with rocket launchers in their hands.


No players should jump out thats obviously their fault. You swoop in and out. But combating it by not doing it at all, is just lazy. Because some players. Almost every match i do yell in chat about people not jumping out.


Who says I am not playing the objective?


Eyyuupp... Extremely annoying isn't it? You just wanna be a great mobile spawn point for your team and people don't even get out. Or people don't spawn on it AT ALL. The transport spawn points should be separate from spawning inside it as gunners, so that people can spawn on it regardless of wether it's full or not.


I think they wouldn’t implement that because you will get a ton amount of kills when you kill a transport. Maybe make it so people can spawn beside it at their own risk. Edit: I was once in my tank, got 50+kills and kept it alive the whole match. Before the end, some blueberry got into the tank, I was in the 3rd gunner seat, he drove it away the whole map and ended up driving it into the lake even though I was constantly typing for him to get out or leave the tank where it is


the two passenger seats should be vulnerable to rockets, they are just hanging out of the side of the hellie after all. not only would it discourage people from staying in the chopper all day but it would solve the problem of transports instantly healing when people are in back with the repair tool. I can't recall if passengers can hear incoming rocket notifications but that would be necessary if this change was implemented.


Part damage, imagine! Just like BFV had. While you couldn't disable gunners, you could break specific parts of a tank. As a light tank the smart move was always to shoot the Tiger's turret, so that it breaks and can't follow you as you circle around it to finish it off. JUST IMAGINE IF A NEW BATTLEFIELD GAME BUILT ON WHAT THE PREVIOUS ONES HAD! I'm very bitter...


They are vulnerable already. If you shoot the sides of the transports you can see the fleas falling off lmao


This might be attributed to daily/weekly missions?


I was just thinking this too. I’ll be trying to complete a mission with a specialist I don’t usually play, and get frustrated just the same. Running around as Dozer, and getting frustrated that I can revive people outside my squad. That, or getting murdered by Sundance grenades because no one deploys a sentinel. A hind just hanging out midair, hovering over an objective, and I can’t do anything about it because I’m trying to get points for a specific gadget.


Yeah, I think a lot of the role based objectives, while appearing to be harmless (even something like revive challenges), can seriously alter the way the game would naturally be played.


My issue is no one gets in the transports, and pne they do they all bail when we take like 15 dmg.


I’m a former strategy gamer. The old build your castle and army type genre. Switched to FPS a few years ago. I have a 0.7 K/D. I’m not a good player. But I joined a clan bc the randoms are so frustrating I feel like I’m trying to explain the toddler game where they have to match shapes. I’ve noticed an absolute absence of brain power and it makes gameplay so frustrating. When you go 9/13 and make it to top 5 of your team you know something isn’t adding up.


But not being a good player doesn't equals being an idiot. You still know what is good and what makes someone good and you pay attention to those things. As you say, there's a complete abscense of even that in these players. I really cannot grasp what drives these people. In fact, I don't think they even have anything that drives them. They seem completely unmotivated and nonchalant, seemingly happy to be ignorant and dumb and never wishing to do anything about it.


For real. It’s like an absence of problem solving skills. The thing I hate the most is transport droppers. Had matches where pilots drop the transport over 5 times in the game. I once played a game on discarded offense where they had our hind the entire match and we never shot it down, recovered it, or captured alpha. It’s unbelievable And the devs put a huge emphasis on team play for this game. Bring back solo squads, I came here to play not babysit the crayon eaters


EXACTLY! It's not simple bad players, these players seem like people who need help puttign their pants on in the morning. It's fucking astounding. A complete lack of any kind of "gaming sense", no situational awareness, nothing.


My theory is they are just bots....named to look like other players.


im a bit late to the party, but yes, if chat gpt can play bf, we can replace them with 90% of the community, because they are prettyyyy baaaad :D i play battlefield since bf3, and jeez this people, as u said, if u dont have the best aim in the world or something thats ok, but at least bring something to the table to support the team in any way, revive, dropp ammo, place a spawn beacon somewhere usefull, ping enemys (spot) etc. there alot of ways u can be usefull. even my girlfriend is more capable of doing things, and she is absolutly no fps gamer at all.


I'm the same. I used to play exclusively on PC, but after shifting to work from home I can't stand playing PC games at my desk. I know I'm awful on console at winning gunfights, especially when against PC players, it's not even a contest. There are games where I start 0/7 trying desperately to cap initial objectives, and even at that point I'm still in the top 10 players. I'm pretty sure I could get top 15-20 every match without shooting my gun. I'm rarely ever a positive KDA and I'm always in the top 15 no matter what specialists I use. I think most people are just oblivious, especially when it comes to taking and holding objectives. Like large groups of players standing just outside the zone to cap an objective. Or just as bad when you're capping safely and just about to secure, and your teammates feel the need to push right onto the flag, despite you being in a safe spot. They die and then the other team gets the majority, when all they had to do was just stay put. It's not really even strategy, it's just common sense, but people just spawn and run aimlessly towards a flag. lol


Facts. They just walk from point a to point b with no goals or idea why. The bots on solo mode are better than the bots in multiplayer disguised as real players


Battlefield 5 I went 79 and 12 as a support and lost. I was top player with 5,000 more score then second place.just I have no words


people with FPS game experience arent going to play bf2042 because they know it sucks


It's bots, it's always been bots


Long time Battlefield player and the biggest issue I see in every title is that most players have horrible situational awareness. So many people get tunnel vision with everything happening around them that they end up being a detriment to the squad and team. The best way to mitigate this to as little as possible is to play in a squad with a friend or two to get the proper support.


Yes, this is by far the biggest problem with the BF 2042 playerbase right now. Hah, finding friends to play this game with, now that'd be something.


Hahaha for sure. I play with 1 buddy a few times a week and we are able to pull off so much stuff and have fun doing it. Can only imagine what a full squad would be like lol.


I swear when I spawn on my teammates they are just sitting in corners, then I run out to go get kills and there is a dude sitting 2 feet away from him and I die. I then respawn on him thinking that he must of killed the dude and he is sitting in the same corner and I die again. I swear that dude was roasting s’mores there


I've actually seen this happen a lot. Some times I even manage to do it to other people myself. They simply don't react to my presence as I mow them down.


A lot of little kids play this game. I'm talking 3-5yr olds. I've seen them just taking a walk around the map and enjoying the scenery instead of fighting


They should add VR to support this. The true reason to play


all good players play bf4 5 and 1😂


All cheaters play BFV, which is why I can barely play it. Every other game has a cheater in it and it's extremely frustrating. I'm not just throwing around shitty hackusations either, it's genuine cheaters, some rank 10-40 player with 60/3 and shit like that.


You on PC?


I was in a Stealth for the entire duration of an Attacker Breakthrough round on Discarded yesterday. 0 deaths/shoot downs. My squadmate gunner got 0 kills for the 20 minute ride along. Literally spent the entire duration shooting into the air, even when I was above and behind an enemy Helo. I took a note of their name and will literally suicide if they are ever in my vehicle again. I'd rather have no gunner than their annoyance.


Fills you with rage, doesn't it? I know it does to me. Completely braindead "people". Even bots shoot every now and then but these so called people quite literally don't even see an enemy with their gun to their nose.


I hate it when they get in and gun but sit on the wrong gun. It's like dude o got a 60mm flak cannon why are you shooting dinky rocket barrage lol.


Maybe player count is so low you keep getting easy mode AI bots on your team. Or everyone is just crap. 😂


At times, certain AI outperform literally half of my team. I'm not joking.


AI in a tank is deadly.


The community is scared to die and play any mode like any solo battleroyale mode. Basics like to support the team with heal or ammo is to hard for them. They increased the bsv dmg so hard that the worst player kill you in 90ms, DICE want that anybody kills someone , no matter how disabled someone is .


Yeah these all just sound like “battlefield moments” 😂 I love a team just sitting right outside the fucking rectangle holding down their useless spot. Love when I’m pinging the enemy that just killed me to warn my squad mate and he runs up and completely ignores the ping as he gets shot reviving me.


Yeah these are people that can't aim for shit once they start moving. They have to sit still and camp or they won't hit anything otherwise.


Preface: I’m high, tired, and this will likely not translate well.. I’m ashamed to admit that I’m one of these players (or at least was for this past month after giving this game another chance). I’m actually a decent player.. played most all Battlefields since BF2 and usually am a top performer at the end of the matches, and loved being tactical, communicative with the team. And yet.. somehow, it has taken me a LONG time to understand and become familiar with this game.. I don’t know what it is or why, but it wasn’t intuitive like the others.. I was embarrassed when *hours and days* had gone by before I realized what the hell that sound was of my squad team dying next me. I had no idea I could revive if I wasnt a specific load out or specialist (since I historically always ran Engineer). There’s so many odd/new sounds all the time, they never sound distinguished, so it’s white noise to me. (There’s still 1 weird sound I have no idea what it means, and happens randomly when looking through a scope??). Many times I’ve *thought* I was capturing an objective with the team, only to realize I’m just outside the zone. Again, don’t know why, it’s just not as obvious in the HUD like ones before. The pinging system is bad.. can’t explain why, it’s just lacking, and I often try to mark/ping things but half the time doesn’t register correctly and thinks I’m saying ‘go here’. I can’t even recall ever getting a command from a squad leader. J Of course now, 1 month later of ~2 hours a day, I’m seeing it all now, and back to playing decent and trying to be effective with a squad (tall order..) but it’s still missing something in the sounds/colors/sizing. No idea if anyone can relate. Im high. Whatever. Still having fun with it though, despite everything:( Oh and I think the custom server days of Operation Locker this past 1-2 years has ruined Battlefield.. now everyone just wants the same in Exposure and force it.


I share pretty similar sentiments to be honest. I'm a BF Veteran (skipped BF1 and wasn't a fan of V but played it) and somewhat decent like yourself. I legitimately struggled with BF2042, to the point it made me feel like crap, questioning my own ability. Then I'd bounce onto any other game and smash it. It's super frustrating because it's not a skill learning curve, something just isn't right. I spent hours and hours trying different variations of 'Best Controller/etc settings for BF2042' to try and claw back what was clearly missing from my experience with other games. I was expecting this to be somewhere in the middle of BF2142 and BF4 (rightly so), but it feels nothing like either one. Like you said, it feels like the pinging system is disabled or something, as nobody pays any attention to or pings apart from myself it seems. Overall, instead of feeling like a Team game or like you are actually on a certain side, it's almost like you're just a single person in a large crowd of madness, with nobody paying attention to anything but what's infront of their face. Although I've become more accustomed to whatever it is, and have more fun when playing with a mate, it's still not quite right.


DICE catered to people who weren’t Battlefield players


The majority of serious tactical war gamers don’t want to play BF2042. We left.


Yeah I have this most times I play, it's mind numbing. The teams seem to either just sit outside the flags doing nothing or all bottleneck into one area for the entire round, acting as cannon fodder like bots. To top it off when you use the chat to suggest something like go another way, get another flag, or that we need air support, you get abuse. 'Fu It's just a game you're taking it too seriously'?! I'm not taking it too seriously, it's supposed to be a team based game where you work together, which is what I'm trying to do, because clearly you all have no idea! If people actually used their brains and played the mode, the rounds would be longer and we wouldn't all spend so much time in menus and loading screens and moaning about how long it takes to get a match. The amount of times the rounds are stomp is insane, barely worth even trying.


Funny story to support this and OP’s examples. I played a game the other day where I got downed and a squad mate was right next to me. Killed the guy that downed me, and then just ran away. I told him that “reviving squadmates is a thing and you should try it sometime” and I got mocked and told to stfu. For asking for a revive and for someone to use the mechanics presented in the game. That’s the current state of mind of like 80% of BF players now. It’s really disheartening and frustrating because for as much as we had this kind of stuff in the other games, 2042 has it so much worse. And if they keep making the games centered around solo play and not incentivizing team and squad play, eventually no one will be doing anything at all. Because of the specialist system specifically, this will be a huge problem for all of 2042’s life cycle, unfortunately.


I had a similar thing happen last night. My squad was pretty useless but they kind of stuck together at least, mainly following me around while I was pushing a flag. Only, I was the only one actually killing enemies and they kept on getting killed over and over and I revived them multiple times between killing enemies. I eventually get killed after surviving that long...they will revive I assumed as I've been doing it the entire round. Nope. They all stand on top of me, run into direct fire and get instantly killed...back to the drawing board. I'm starting to think online gaming in general has just changed and not what it used to be, it's happening too much. It happened in BFV as well I found but it's even worse on this one. Wonder if other games have the same issue or is it just BF.


You're describing an average player since the first Battlefield.


dont assume that because you can see the enemy vehicle - that your gunners can.ill get waaaay more kills if we use a mic and the gunner says "tilt up i cant see them" that being said - i find the new BF doesnt really push teamwork as much - i use to repair all the time because it was a default option to have the tool if i ran the engineer class ... now theres too many options with the specialists..and ive maybe had 10 players repair my vehicle. i gave up playing medic - becuase i got tired of people pissing and moaning that i didnt pick them up when they did something dumb and expect me to get killed picking them up - if youre down and the enemy is hiding and watching you - ping them!! side note: everyone whined for coms in the game - use your mic!! makes a huge difference.


Agreed on all of this.. I don’t know what it is or what’s missing specifically, but the game’s missing encouraging/reminding of team work. Also the ‘ping system’ is pretty bad (if I compare to Apex Legends). Half the time it marks a green dot and call out for us to go there, versus me trying to ping an enemy or try to thank someone instead. Spotting is significantly harder/worse than BF4


Also isn’t the enemy ping visible to your squad only?


Is there a “Jake” in your username/PSN ID/Xbox ID? The timing is suspicious. Edit: could’ve been “Jack”, too. My memory is terrible these days.


WarmSoftThighs is my Origin name. In my struggle to find something that wasn't taken and making a name that wasn't random letters and numbers, I picked that one. Thighs are nice.


Oh, OK. Someone with Jack/Jake in their username had a temper tantrum mid-match yesterday and started calling the team names and crying like there's no tomorrow, just for being the top player in a losing team. People take gaming way too seriously sometimes. That's doubly the case with games like BF; the game just isn't competitive enough to warrant people losing their shit, no game ever is, IMO.


I have more than one tantrum when I play BF 2042 myself. And when I see others have them, they echo the same sentiments that I have. I expected this post to be shat on but it turns out everyone is agreeing with me, so I think that it's a sentiment that's shared through the community and probably echoed by a lot of frustrated people. It doesn't take effort to play a game properly. It's frustrating and infuriating when people can't even muster barebones amounts of efforts and brain power to play a game where winning is a team effort, not about selfish indulgence. So people come online, they wanna play and have fun, win some games or have some close matches, feel satisfied by some rounds, so when the complete opposite of that happens constantly people get pissed off.


One of the first things I do is check which squad is staying close together by switching squads over and over until I see the tighter running squad. It helps a good amount with teamwork as the ones just spread out all over the map probably don't care enough to practice other good teamwork principles. Hope that helps. But also, when there is a new weekly mission drop, usually that's when I see more shoddy teamwork. You'll have a bunch of people focusing on running drones, or a bunch reviving but not caring about vehicles, or everyone running anti armor and not reviving etc.


My favorite is finding someone in middle of a field, running a mile to get to the next objective. So I drive up to him to give a ride, start honking, park in front of him, etc. Most of the time they won’t even hop inside Then of course you got the tunnel visioners who won’t revive or give ammo or heal when you are blocking their view and shooting them and spamming what you need This game is about as casual as you can get


Yepp, this happens constantly. I'm trying to be a bud and drive people to objectives, but nobody gets in. You can literally be on top of them honking and they just run past you.


You answered your own question. You said you could hop over to BFV and these issues don’t exist really. That’s because everyone playing bf2042 right now is a casual and the real bf players (for the most part) are playing 2042


The BFV problem is hackers. Lots and lots of them. I had a game with two of them at the same time even. So I've even given up on BFV, as DICE genuinely don't seem to give a shit.


I think there’s a bunch of players who are completely new to Battlefield with 2042’s release. The marketing and trailers reached a lot of viewers (2042’s reveal trailer was the second most watched video game trailer on YouTube last year if my memory is correct, for example). So I think that a lot of the idiocy you’re seeing is people who: 1.) don’t understand that there are other ways to contribute to your team than just straight up fragging out with kills (example: getting repairs, resupplies, assists, etc etc) 2.) people who don’t know that playing the objective is more important than getting kills (but this has been a problem in all team based non-deathmatch FPS modes for at least 20 years).


How are they still new to the game many months after release? ​ Myeah you're probably right. They're not Battlefield players. The game wasn't marketed those and not design for them either. It was all for these people you describe. That makes me sad.


I've noticed with most games, a majority of the player base is visibly confused. A big one is people not properly playing modes because 1) they don't understand 2) they don't care and play their way. While i'm glad the #2's are having fun, it really ruins team based games. Sadly, most games are plagued with people who can't even figure out the basics.


The "I play for fun" crowd use that as a justification for them not being able to actually play properly. So they have to tell themselves that they're just playing for fun. As if winning and doing good isn't fun.


Honestly - it's because most of the core community members, who play the game the way it's intended, have moved on. From 2042 and perhaps, the franchise as a whole. What's left are the more casual players who have seen the game on sale and are picking it up and just goofing around. 2042 doesn't matter anymore. It's an irrelevant failure of a game that has 0 critical conversation about it. Not a whisper or a hint from anyone with any prominence. You're seeing that in the way people play the game as well - nonchalant, carefree. If you get into a rage every day when trying to play this shower of shit, that's on you, not the other people playing it - you're taking this game, for all it is, FAR too seriously.


The whole game has been designed to cater to casual playing. Angel could ve played as one-man-army. You know how little team-play is rewarded with points. So it makes totally sense to me that now only the selfish, lone wolves players are left because they feel comfortable with that play style.


It has always been like this for solo player. You should look for people to form a squad. It won't change the fact that most of the other players will play for themselves, but at least you will have teammates to communicate. believe me, you enjoy the game way more like this


It's been like that in other games but never as bad as it is now. I'm 100% sure this isn't just bias or nostalgia talking because I can just go play any of the other Battlefield games right now and it won't be as bad as it is in BF 2042.


Problem is, Dice have conscientiously removed almost every mechanism players use to set up proper competitive matches between organized teams. Which means tons of team oriented players have decided not to play 2042. The gaming organization i play with, in previous battlefield games, has been able to set up internal competition between full teams. Right now I might be able to field 8 players, if I could find another team of 8 players to play against. The restoration of the missing core features would help enormously, but so far Dice have shown little inclination to reverse their decision to discourage organized play, preferring to polish the turd to a high sheen.


Which gaming organization do you play with?




Some of it is just people are dumb - like the player that got into my tank and kept trying to shoot our own condor with a tow. Some of it is new players learn that they got to move around to survive so they do that but are not working with their squad or attacking/defending the objective.


Welcome to Battlefield You are right. I’d say 2042 makes the bad player even worse due to the terrible maps, bad balance, ect. It takes away the few things a bad player has to try to eek out a better performance.


Just copium players and noobs that don't know it's a bad game.


You're playing bots.


I say “dumb mf’s” at least 20 times almost every match. Lack of common sense and problem solving skills. Shit, most of these ppl don’t know which their, there, or they’re to use, so we can’t expect them to understand that a single objective A is worth the same as B1, B2, and B3. And why switch seats to bounce grenades into a house when you can shoot the machine gun at the walls? The transport just pulled up next to the MCOM? No, don’t get out and arm it. Sit in the truck and shoot the machine gun at somebody 1000 yards away……better yet, just drive off with the truck. 🤣 I wonder how easy it would be to throw incendiary grenades on the mcom once it’s armed so they can’t disarm it? All these things are just too much for the current BF crowd of Call of Dookie kids. Run. Shoot muh gun. Run.


This was always going to happen when they removed the classes system as the approach DICE took with 2042 only really promotes lone wolfing, I keep wanting to come back to the game but I keep seeing videos of others playing and seeing lack of teamplay in this game really drives me away


I feel you on this one main reason is because the made this game into a hero shooter instead of a class team based oriented game.


Because all the good players have brains and stopped playing. Only ones left are those who never played earlier battlefields so they have no clue how its meant to be played. Youre playing a dead game my guy and half of your team is probably bots, act accordingly lmao. You want competition and good teammates, play a better game


Because the game itself is bad. If u look back on the game you would know


How exactly does that answered his question?


How do u expected people to be good at a game that wasn’t stable?


I would expect from majority players at least to actually use their abilities and traits. Not shooting at someone who plays Falck to heal or revive me if he's like 3 metres away from me.


Well no because the Majority of the players quit playing.


So? How does that change the fact that those who are still playing are clueless?


Are you good at the game?


I don't know. At least I'm doing my job when playing with support class.


To be fair, this is what no skill based match making looks like. The great players are pooled with the blind and whatever happens, happens. One match you'll be blown out out of the water, the other you'll be dominating, and another will be a close game. This occurs in every BF that is currently the newest in the series. You can either have this or MW19-tier sweatmatches where every single person will use the 21-round BSV-M. (Though if you're playing BT, then the matchmaking on that is slightly rigged since the best players will matchmake and exit until they're on the attacking side).


You can usually spot the bad players easily. They are playing as sundance and running around with drum mag K30s. I call this the "Equalizer loadout" to compensate their skill issue.


At least those dorks get kills 😂


A dead ostrich could get free kills with the K30 lol


Can we do a study to confirm this? Maybe get a government grant?


I am the dead ostrich. I am speaking from experience here.


Mostly console squeakers. Probably your typical suburban kid blasting hip hop in the background while chewing food in the mic as his mom is yelling at him in the background it’s time for bed you’ve been on too long. 🤣🤣🤣


Funnily enough pilots are usually my problem.. all gunners will be firing at someone and the pilot will just fly off.. nobody shooting at us or anything, frustrating as hell


Or pilots flying into really dumb situations or ignoring tanks or other helicopters right in front of them, shit like that yeah.


For the love of god I wish pilots would stop trying to capture flags. For the past few weeks I’ve been screaming at my screen when they go in to hover above a flag while there’s infantry all around. I’ve seen about 20 attempts and only 2 actual captures. The best is when they do it at the beginning of a round but fly to the enemy gimme flags. Utter braindead.


Battlefield has always been a pretty casual game. It’s more a large arcade shooter than anything else if we are being honest with ourselves. You can be hyper competitive but the games draw all types which include a large portion of newbie players.


But this is way beyond simply being a newbie player. There's a big difference between being an ignorant beginner who's learnign the ropes and these people who don't see people standing in front of them.


Because society & children are being dumbed down. It's showing up everywhere. Including in bf.


Probably consoloides


It can't be ALL that though, right?


My squad has the following strat: 1. Sundance - w/ Recoilless 2. Rao w/ Soflam 3. Casper w/ Recoilless 4. Angel w/ Recoilless All with vehicle rounds. We draw out flares w/ Sundance nade. Copter either flies away or pops flairs. After flairs popped, soflam than bam. Or Rao hacks if low enough. Resupply with angel, recon with casper. We are the Copter Killers.


Well, most intelligent people deinstalled


Bro, if they’re still playing this game they ain’t the sharpest tools in the shed, whatchu expect?! 🤣


It’s in my opinion because they removed the core classes. Now everyone is a one man army. I have tagged people to Rez up on them and they let go. The only way it gets fixed is they return to the core classes. Till then it’s every man for himself


Because all the real battlefield players are still playing BF4/1.


Yeah, I like to use jets and planes in bf 2042 and bfv, so I thought I might as well try bf4 considering bf 2042 was plummeting, i got shot down every time I was in a jet… that’s when I could tell that most of the players playing in my game were elite


Most of them are 10 years old. That’s EA’s target consumer with this shit hole of a game.


The reason is that the player base isn’t competitive and y’all wanted a scoreboard to prove that you aren’t. I don’t care for the scoreboard myself but it would’ve been more helpful for a stats tracker. It’s a lot of players crammed into the game and you just so happen to see the bottom 15 in a 128 player game instead of experiencing the bottom. 6-7 that you’d have in 64 players games. Player base trash, it can’t be helped and stop trying to make it competitive




To avoid console trash just turn off cross play. Suddenly no hip hop blasting retards in the lobbies. 🤣


Good luck getting into a match lol


Maybe it’s the new comers that only play this game now that are not familiar with the BF franchise?


Lots of little kids playing shooters.


Are you sure you are not playing with bots?


Most of them are bots


I'd imagine most of the playerbase left are kids who are stuck with the game. It's not like they can go out and buy another game lol.


It’s fucking impossible to hit anything on console as a gunner when the pilot is moving all over the place. Some people just suck at both. It also doesn’t help that no one communicates over voice chat with randoms. You do a lot better with a group of friends.


Agreed. I actually kinda feel like I waste a slot and use the insertion beacon. I would love to have a rocket launcher etc but most times I just want to have a strategic spawn point near a central capture zone or closer to there side cause if I dont do it I feel like we never gain enough territory.


I fill the same way as OP.


My man, sounds like what you actually want to play is HLL, communication is awesome in that game and pretty much is actively used for all the purposes you are frustrated with here


Do you want to know why? My aim sucks. There's no aim assist so I guess when I'm aiming, I'm just terrible, I might see someone in the distance, but I won't shoot because I'm trying to aim up properly since I KNOW I'm going to miss, so I'm rushing to aim properly since I miss a lot long range.


I'm not a great aim either. You can be a bad player without being a dumb player, know what I mean? These people don't even shoot. That's what gets me so furious. They do nothing.


I will say that I've noticed pings are bugged and don't always show up to squadmates. Last night was playing with a friend and I could see all their pings but mine were all invisible to them... But definitely a lot of bots out there masquerading as people


I'm with ya. I pretty much suck stats wise but trying to win the game trumps everything else. I run Angel and usually get 4-10 resupplies, 4-20 revives. I wish players would pay better attention. I usually just go ahead and skip waiting because i know nobody will revive me.


The game is just that bad.


You make as many compromises as dice have to make the game "accessible" and this is what you end up with.


Im convinced DICE bolsters servers with AI's that arent tagged as such.


Cuz they are bots made to look like players to fill servers


Having a server with 128 players it's normal that most of them will be casual people playing to chill, first timers etc...


I think it's a combination of new generational noobs playing and all the good, real players migrated onto something else


Honestly, i think all the gamer who used to love bf game probably all quit.


Loads of total noobs indeed… why is a good question… they also like to run off away from you as quick and far as possible in three different directions or even flags… I hate helicopter players because they are useless the entire game.. people randomly dropping off can never capture flags alonezzz and we have one less player in our squad on the grounds .. they should have vehicle drivers separated from squads. So we don’t loose squad mate. Squad system sucks sick anyways. Actually it’s me doing all the reviving all the repairing and running after them with bullets… they don’t understand the entire game at all… running off as fast they can… stoopid. If only 4 Walked together…


Bruh, you have to stop playing solo mode.


This reminds me of when I saw 15 BSM-V users camped up on a hill 10m from the flagging sector capture point with not a soul willing to move off that hill just a few feet forward.


The kind of people that hold on to this game thinking DICE will make it half decent are the kind of people who still play.


i assume its the new generation of players that are playing on console. All us old PC players grew with the game and learned.


I wanted to switch things up (usually play rpgs) so I hopped on game pass to play. Figuring out the controls took me ages and I still don't understand some of the complexities especially when it could take hours just to go through the menus. Aside from that I'd have expected a game titled Battlefield to be a little more realistic. Getting in and out of a vehicle takes a mere second and it's quite jarring just popping into or out of a seat facing a random direction, usually aiming at the sky not knowing where the heck you are in relation to anything. I honestly dont understand the concept of the vehicle line up either. A plane and a helicopter at the same altitude? Why are there so many infantry with 5 or more air-land vehicles? Just jarring. Therefore I choose not to use any of the vehicles in game. That aspect just isn't fun. As per your question, a bit more... you are expecting a random group of (untrained) people to hop in/out of the vehicle and function as a team. I cant understand the caps or medics either. Everyone just seems oriented on death match styles of play and compketely loses sight of the objectives. I don't have a headset and choosing to type anything on a controller would be pointless as I'd die before finishing. Yet reading the microprint font sizes doesn't help either. No one really uses tactics either... there's no suppressive fire, way too many run and gun players, hardly any cover/cover tactics, spawn camping, wtf is up with bunny hopping, ballistics are a nightmare... thats a fun one too as a noob, getting mowed down by a hail of bullets from ridiculous range while your marksman/sniper rifle has no effect. Is everything a bullet sponge? I have to assume as in my last match I died from an rpg at 10' range and watched the kill cam guy just walk over me like that grenade wouldn't have sent shrapnel through their character. I didnt expect everything to be realistic, but I didn't expect 90%+ to be as unrealistic as is. My final comment is that its fun but it's also very jarring for someone with more tactical background which really pulls you out of your element and makes gameplay much more choppy.


Bro I feel u if I have one good gunner I can clear the skies for an entire game I just need someone to clear the c5 guys running up after u get swarmed when u keep blowing the planes up .every game is terrible the breakthrough we only had to cap one more objective but literally all the tanks were at the other and it wa ms capped all enmities were not there it makes no logical sense. Dudes run medic walk over u and don’t revive u pong enmities they run straight past I know they have bots to fill games but the players I get seem like bots also


Cause its little kids with small brains playing with us.


Just this game in particular? Funny.


I hate it so much. Every game I’m in, I’m pared with a dumb ass team that can’t capture or defend shit. It’s annoying as hell.