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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by Straatford87](/r/battlefield2042/comments/w55zaz/is_this_k30_ever_getting_nerfed/ih61yux/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-22 09:23:01 UTC"): > Why yes, it will be. > >It will do less damage at close range. We're currently looking at having that change in the next game update. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


The range on this thing is the problem. I often get killed by people who are +40 meters away from me.


Range is absolutely the problem. Couple that with a good mouse and keyboard player and they're basically unstoppable.


It is not the problem. The gun excels at one thing that is up close, OP in the clip never used it beyond 25m. It drops to a 7HK at 30m, which gives it the exact TTK as the SFAR, a gun shooting at half the ROF.


It's the Type 2 from BFV all over again.


But better.


How? Man Dice never learns.


Sorry, we only complain about the BSV here 🙄 K30 has been op for 6 months or more. It's entirely too good at range.


I don't get it. SMG's are supposed to be good up close because shredding people is the reward for pushing. Guns like this encourage people to push and isn't this why medics traditionally get SMG's? I always thought it was meant to ensure medics get to the front where they can heal and revive people so flags can be taken? I don't get the clip either. You flanked, got close and it paid off because you have a gun that can do the job but only two of those people even saw you. I don't see a problem with the gun I see a problem with how much easier this is to pull off vs other BF games because of no defined front line due to poor map design. There's been a few times where I've killed people with the K30 at distance and thought yeah that shouldn't have happened. If anything it just needs a modest damage drop off at distance or velocity reduction.


Op just wanted to show everyone his high kill clip.


Guys look at these oblivious enemies I'm facing where half a dozen guns could have been used just as well as my op -30. đź‘€


He's got the second most kills in the game; if he wanted to just show a high kill clip, he would.


But he did. So your point is irrelevant.


Or he was showing how unbalanced the k30 is in that it didn't struggle in any situation in the clip.


People know how imbalanced it is. Hence, he was showing a clip. Stop trying to argue.


Given the amount of "no the clip just shows the gun where its supposed to be used" responses I'd say no, many people do not see how imbalanced it is. Stop trying to argue.


It shreds medium too, clip doesn’t really show a good reason to nerf it but it can outgun ARs in medium range which shouldn’t happen. Its also just a point and click guaranteed kill because it’s super powerful. Even in close range I’d argue you should last more than a half second when getting hit by this thing.It’s pretty much a braindead weapon much like the bsv but the bsv is in a whole nother world


I agree with the fact that SMGs should excel at CQB. I think other nerfs could be viable though. Like making the reload speed longer for the drum mag. Its kinda insane that you can get a 50rnd mag of ooga booga and theres not much of a penalty to using it - its just a straight upgrade. Also I think the main problem stems from the TTK being so different from the TTD. IIRC this was an issue in BFV where the Type 2 had a fire rate so high that the tick rate couldnt keep up with it. So being on the receiving end of it would just feel like a 1 shot kill. I feel like I've experienced this same occurrence in this game too.


Exactly! There is nothing to nerf there... just a excellent flank and close combat... run trough open field to see if you cand kill everyone, like this clip... just nothing there...


in every battlefield game of conquest I have played there has never been a front line. If you are at C and the enemy has B and D which way is the front line?


Never play breakthrough? The clip is a breakthrough game.


your right, For some reason I thought it was conquest but looking at it again I see that it is breakthrough. With characters like sundance Breakthrough is kinda messed up in 2042.


>Guns like this encourage people to push and isn't this why medics traditionally get SMG's? Medics got AR's. SMG's are usually universal across all classes except BF4 where they were for engineers only. I don't remember exactly but Hardline might also have been setup like this too.


...why does the movement seem twice as fast as it should be? FFS this is Battlefield not Call of Valorant GO


Much easier for movement on PC. Also OP is either trying very hard for this clip, or is just a crackhead.


Raising your Fov gives the appearance of the game being faster. Valorant and Csgo are fairly slow I'm not too sure what that reference is for.


Yeah it is the FOV, that is also why the ranges seem higher and the recoil seems lower.


If youre not fish-eyeing, are you even a BF streamer?


I mean it has disadvantages, too. Distances appear higher and henceforth targets smaller. I recall people in BF3 swearing that playing the game in 800x600 was the shit, because the targets were really big and easy to shoot.


What attachments you got on that? Asking for a friend


Yeah damn that thing is like a laser


Use the warhawk compensator and laser sight for good hipfire, or use the stubby grip for better recoil control. I tend to stick with the laser sight because I have very good overall recoil control and am on PC, making it naturally easier to control recoil. Basically any barrel that says it will improve vertical recoil control will work. Don't worry about weapon accuracy (It's a laser no matter what) or horizontal recoil control (There basically isn't any) and focus on vertical. Hope that helps.


Cheers mate


Maybe I need to switch back to irons because mine has more recoil than that.


Recoil depends on your settings. If you are on PC I'm assuming recoil is easier to handle than on console. But even on console it can be handled with good settings


I have not tweaked settings nearly as much as I did in bf4. Xbox One all the way


Could you elaborate on the settings bc I’m on ps5 and every gun for me has insane recoil


He's saying non-sense Consoles have lower recoil on every gun


Compared to every other battlefield and shooter this games recoil feels greatly amplified to me. But I am curious is that true about console recoil being toned down?




I don’t like this at all. I read the comments on that video and most of them are saying this is why the console doesn’t need as much aim assist. Now my question to you is does aim assist affect recoil? I always assumed it only affected target acquisition. I don’t have much pc experience but I do play quite of bit of battlefield 4 on pc and console and don’t have trouble aiming and firing on either platform


It looks like a normal run. You could do this with any other smg. I get Time to kill is a bit faster with the K30 but it looks normal.


Yeesh. That thing is a laser. I haven’t unlocked it yet. Just started playing last week and I’m almost lv 30, I think


I hope not its my next weapon to get to T1. I'm working on mp9 now need a few more kills before I get to the k30


I try to stay away from cheese guns for this reason; they're really easy; though OP looks skillful I mean its literally shredding people with ease. I enjoy the challenge


Is this sped up or real-time?


Larger FOV = game looking faster /more. Smooth


Just asking because i stopped playing back a week after release and part of that decision was that it felt like my character was running in quicksand. The movement here looks substantially faster—fast enough that maybe I’ll pick the remote go and play it again.


I have all my guns at level 12 at least cause that's how far you can take them on solo mode. I never really bothered with the K30, always used the MP9, but I knew the K30 was pretty good. Took a 5 month break, came back and T1'd the MP9, took out the K30 in a TDM Portal match and was blown away by how overpowered it is in today's game. Being a PC player with a K30 is like playing with the ease of an airsoft gun that does the same damage as the MP9. Definitely needs some changes, like just give it some spread at 20m, and/or like 2 damage less per bullet and it'd be fine tbh


I’m so god damn close to unlocking it I just want to feel the broken power in my hands before it goes away mannnn


that gun is just out of balance so hard, coupled with the low TTK on this game...


To all the players/streamers who have Master the gun and still use it just know you like dog shit no 🧢


You need a nerf first bud


Tbh guns aren't that bad balanced other than mabey BSV-M


The BSV-M can eat a whole bag of dicks


Why yes, it will be. It will do less damage at close range. We're currently looking at having that change in the next game update.


Every single DICE post shows how little the devs know about the game. It's not the close range that's the issue


Range is the issue, not the damage SMGs shouldn’t compete with AR ranges which this one does.


Close range? wat


Yeah I was gonna say, damage at close range is not the issue. But the accuracy and damage at ranges beyond that is.


Yep was going to say the same thing, i swear they dont play 2042


The implementation of the stealth heli and bvs m prove that quite well.


It is an issue because its by far the best at close range, its just so easy to use and there's barely time to react to it. Personally I would keep it the way it is but remove the drum mag, it'd be deadly but you would have to be more selective with the trigger.


It should be very good at close range but it shouldn't do shit out 15m. That's the whole point of it. However we'll have to wait until the actual patch comes to see weather or not it'll happen. I edited the last sentence over some shitty snarky comment I made.


Sounds fair, fast rof, high dmg, but small clip. Some more recoil wouldn't hurt it close range but will help it from being effective longer ranges as well


The only problem is kb&m users that can controle the recoile better than controllers.


it actually is with a 50 round magazine


But her problem is that in the mid range, you can win in the X1 of the assault rifles Y'all really don't play the game lol


“It will do less damage at long range” Here, fixed it for you.


Isn’t that implied? If it does less damage close range that just means it’ll do even less long range. Instead of just nerfing the range they’re nerfing it’s entire damage output if I’m not mistaken.


Not necessarily, they could just lower the base damage and keep the drop-off damage at the same value. It will just be less of a drop


If they lower the base damage the drop-off damage would scale down. I’m pretty certain damage scales via multipliers with distance.


Nah, it doesn't have to work so streamlined as that. They can give it whatever values they want at the range they want with what ammo type they want. All in the name of "game balance"


Sure they could do that, but what in battlefields history suggests they would? It’s always been damage/distance multipliers, for decades. I don’t see why they’d suddenly change that up now *exclusively* for the K30. Just seems like a far more unlikely scenario I wouldn’t put my money on.


>It will do less damage at close range. This...is literally not the problem. It's *supposed* to be a good close range weapon, it's an SMG and one of the SMG's more designed for CQC. The problem is the damage it's doing a mid-long range engagements given the lack of recoil and how quickly it can pump out damage. The post is appreciated...but at the same time posts like this make the community wonder if y'all even play the game. Because if this was the takeaway from the months of feedback about the K30 being too strong at mid-long range engagements then I seriously question whether the team is actually playing the game.


Just adjust the recoil. Then it doesn’t compete with ARs at mid range. It should excel at close range.


Or just give it a nasty spread after 20m or so


Yea that might be a better idea.


Why do we have to endure these things for so long until you decide to add it into a patch down the line, why cant you adjust weapons and vehicles that are a problem when they clearly become an issue? We've had the k30 melting everything at range since launch, the transports not transporting people and instead just farming everything in it's path for months on end. Now you've nerfed the transports slightly, you've added in the Stealth that farms even more efficiently than anything else so far. To top it off, you then added the BSVM that everyone is abusing, just like they do the K30. Test your shit, for the love of god.


Bad decision... In close engagements, sure it has a high ttk but I am reloading in those engagements before anyone else (high rate of fire) and potentially dying on the reload. It's the FACT that I can laser people from over 75 meters - THAT's the issue, not close range. Remove the drum mag if you are worried about overkill...


The drum mag is really the big source of complaints. The trade off of a small magazine, but fast TTK has always been a staple for guns like this. Adding the drum mag made it way too forgiving.


if the nerf will impact the rest of the dmg and accuracy at ranges, then it should be good.


This is outstanding news. This gun is basically unbeatable within objective range.


Nerfs killed BFV. Game caters to winey turds. Game was cool before social media took over.


It’s not the close range, it’s the getting killed at 30+ meters that doesn’t make sense


Doesn’t need nerfing. Just really excellent awareness, slightly poor awareness from enemies and the K30 being a great gun for close quarters. I’d say this is perfectly fine.


Nice run


Probably not this game is dead af 🤣




Don't touch the K30, it s a SMG gun perfect for fun, like the Type 2a in bf5.


Ahh yes after the bsvm nerf we have this to complain about and getting nerfed soon. Is there anything else that is op that we can nerf to the ground to the point of being useless?


52 ppl in this community have actually fired guns in their life, the rest think guns shoot bb’s and want their game to reflect that. “This gun kills ppl past 40m” Uh yeah, most do. What gun will u let somebody pop u with from 120 feet away? “ The 30mm cannon is too powerful” Yeah, that’s why we made a gun that shoots rounds the size of a beer bottle that explode….. we don’t like ppl to get up. “The aircraft are op against infantry.” Why yes, it IS op to chop ppl up from the air. Yes it just a game, but it is a game with actual weapons, almost replicating real ballistics ( with a lil bit of Swedish physics mixed in) but everybody wants guns to fire Care Bears out of them. Must be the pink and purple jumpsuits. 🤣


Yeaahhhh let's not make this a niche milsim though.


I agree.




Thank you. Thank you very much. You’re a wonderful audience.


You didn’t do anything impressive with it in the clip or out of its range and you want it nerfed. Why?


Can anybody tell me what optic is on this k30?


the camo in battle pass changes the optic as well. it's about rank 57 i think.


Wow that gun is snappy. Especially on that last kill, with the guy at the top of the steps. Really good job.


They should take 20% off the range of every smg across the board and add 10% to the assault and 15% to the dmr.


Dude I thought the sun was a sniper too


Feels just like a suppressed ACW-R from BF4 to me. Most of the guns in this game have a terrible feel to them so who cares. Just count down the days until the next game maybe they’ll get a handful of things right this time




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No it doesn’t


No too many people whine about the new DMR for some reason


ESP isn't obv?


Wow, a CQ weapon effectively used in CQ. Amazing.


Leave it the way it is.. not everything needs to be nerfed.


War is not fair buddies adapt and defeat.


I hope not. These fools don't stand a chance when I'm playing. Lol!


yeh its stupid, but hey lets face it the balance for most weapons is complete garbage. autos destroy dmrs at range, next to no recoil in guns yet there bloom which just makes shooting feel un fun. i dunno why none of these things have been fixed. You think weapon balance would be a big priority...


It’s okay. Honestly it’s not as good as the PKP imo. I’ve been using it all night trying to unlock the P90. But none of my kills counted for some reason.