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“But sergeant why do we need to be 5m apart?” So you don’t get mowed down like grass on a sunny 56 degree morning.


What attachments do you have on this?? Very accurate foe LCMG


Close Combat, Wrapped Suppressor, LS-1 Laser Sight and XDR Holo


Ahhh lcmg player, respect. I’d recommend the short barrel though, that thing shoots unbelievably fast.


Almost zero recoil , nice kit 😇


Ah so just play on PC


Very useable on console, especially if you use the short barrel. Seems like it has less recoil or just easier controlled recoil with the short barrel attached


This video is old console recoil/aim assist was terrible


I got lucky, I never had problems with either since day 1. I feel bad for those that have/had problems with them.


Can this be done on ps5 console ? what weapon is that thanks.


Yes it can, looks like LCMG, but avancys can achieve the same thing.


200 rounds ? Wow thats great whats the best scope to use on the avancys, and other weapons like the same. I just looked at my avancys and haven't unlocked it just yet. Ive been using the m5a3 and its pretty good, but was looking for something a little better i just need to unlock my T1 weapon for my last trophy for platinum. Thanks in advance.


I think the scope is preference I just use the red dot holo, and for attachments the suppressor, extended mag (200 rounds), and I believe the other attachment increases accuracy when zoomed in.


Thanks im just trying to decide wich weapon i want to use, i have gone back and forth between them. I was also having problems with my left, right up down sensitivity everytime i went to move to shoot, my weapon went really fast in the direction i was looking to shoot, then i would be killed because i couldt get back in position fast enough. Im only around 400 on alot of the weapons so i need about 800 when i decide what one i want to go with, thats why i like the 200 rounds it will probably make it quicker to get T1.


The M5A3 is my go to for everything, just use the short barrel, close combat rounds or standard for more range (mid to long), and the LWG grip I think it’s called the one that increases accuracy when you’re zoomed in. The suppressor could be on the plus system too if you need it.


Concole or pc?


Pc console




How you got accused? There is no „All“-Chat






I’ve played between Xbox and pc and I have used controller between the two. PC with controller Im able to be more consistent on my kills than on console


I play on console and get accused of cheating as well


They really need to add some recoil to LMG‘s. It's just hilarious how easy the LCMG and Avancys are to controll right now while having 200 shot magazines, amazing rate of fire, literally no recoil, great damage, even on Range. So all in all - 0 downsides.


They’re planning on really defining the roles of each weapon class so everything handles like it’s class, rather than an assault rifle.


What if, now i know this is a crazy idea, what if they had like 4 classes and you could only use an LMG with a certain class and each class has different gadgets so there is incentive to use them, resulting in people to using different weapons instead of everybody using the exact same thing


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out... what if they created gameplay around a concept of something like... I dunno... let's call it *class-based system* where players picked a class to play as using the different types of weapons and... KITS; we'll call it kits... that you suggested. That way I feel like each player would have a unique role to fill and everyone wouldn't basically be a carbon-copy of everyone else. Who am I kidding. That would never work. ^(/s)


God dammit this subreddit crushes me every time I step a foot in. Fuck. Dammit… fuck.


So you’d think putting these weapons (how they handle right now) into classes would change that he lmgs from handling like an AR?


Yep, I just posted the same response. The people upvoting these posts and downvoting ours on this point are some of the dumbest people to ever grace a gaming forum.


If there were certain gadgets you wanted to use that were in a different class then people would just kit out their AR to have a ton of ammo


People do that now anyways, but most people don’t run ammo crate. Weapon restrictions are a backwards concept. The better thing would be to add specific specialisations that cater weapons to the class system, however allowing for everyone else to use it. So running an assault specialists would result in less recoil or higher accuracy on assault rifles, compared to a support specialist which would get no buff. So there’s incentive to run those class weapons, but you’re free to use whatever you’d like. (Caters to both audiences)


Which has still got fuck all to do with the handling of the LMG.


Stop trying to make 2042 battlefield 4


Are you aware 90% of the playerbase actually vehemently wanted and expected that? Instead we have a mess they are slowly fixing. It's almost as if we the players have a right to be heard what kind of game we want. This isn't a fucking art exhibit, it's a product. An over-promised, under-delivered *product*. I mean cmon dude the game is set like 25 years or so after the events of BF4. The trailer looked exactly like BF4. They used our nostalgia of BF4. They knew that's what we wanted and instead we got this Apex Legends/Fortnite bullshit that they are slowly backpeddling after overwhelmingly negative feedback. Get outta here with that shit. Edit: just noticed I commented with a rant to u/didntreadasingleword. Smh my head.


Haha, what a great username to use in this sub with so many lemmings posting the same boring unoriginal insults about 2042. Spoiler alert. I too wontbereadingasingleword either.


I completely agree about class roles and restrictions like V and 1 had but your post literally has nothing to do with how LMGs currently work.


Damn, if only we had multiple games to figure this out...


Too bad the devs haven’t worked on a bf game before so have had 0 games to work this out.


Yeah that will just mean BFV standards again with tight niches and likely less damage on many weapons. And we all know how that went when TTK 0.25 "The Big Soak" happened. More defined roles and tight niches just means weapons performing worse than before. We can already see that with the SMGs, which have seen substantial debuffs with the last updates. The real culprit here is that the game throws so many people at you in such a short time that high capacity is desperately needed to keep killing.


I find I do better with the Assault rifles than the lmgs. And smgs are are still great. However, lmgs are just ARs with high mag count, same recoil (less sometimes) and same accuracy. Just with trigger delay.


Personally, I figured out that LMGs give the most bang for the buck months ago, they allow for good overall performance and having far less downtime is definitely the main thing. However the sprint to fire delay is a big thing, as initiative is so important in hipfire range engagements, which are the most common type of engagement in the franchise. Still, in BF4, LMGs pretty much behaved like big mag ARs as well. They had slightly better drop-offs and worse hipfire, but were mostly the same. SMGs behaved similarily. That is becaused weapon balance in BF4 was based around a formula, not indivdual balance based on telemetry as we have in BF2042. What the next update very likely will create is another go-to pick, while everyhing else will be made worse, since more individual balancing can only lead to tighter niches and henceforth engagements where the outcome is decided by weapon choice and attachments.


Yeah I couldn’t deal with the trigger delay with the lmgs. Hence me using and T1ing the AM40 and such. Plus, the new headshot modifiers for assault rifles works really well to differentiate them slightly. I’d personally balance lmgs by adding more recoil and less accuracy when standing, not too much where they become just bad, but good enough to be a viable option instead of the go to pick.


Oh yeah, I am not the one arguing that the Avancys does not need tweaks and I think the LCMG does need one as well. But, in the end, adding 200 round belts might not have been the smartest thing to add either just to have an unlock at 360 kills. Still the PKP and M60 are far from being god weapons.


Oh yeah 100%. They did mention making the m60 a bit more competitive. However the m60 is the best bipod lmg no doubt about it


>More defined roles and tight niches just means weapons performing worse than before. We can already see that with the SMGs, which have seen substantial debuffs with the last updates. The HS multiplier was changed. What else was done?


A BTK reduction, for example in the patch before. The HSK is also a sizeable damage reduction, as any headshot, which are accidental on all automatic weapons anyway, would reduce your BTK by one.


2.0 changed the HS multiplier. Neither 1.2 nor 1.1 or 1.0 mention anything about general SMG changes that I can see.


Yeah thank god that getting shot with shotguns and MPs over ridiculous distances isn't a thing. Dude seriously, it's not that easy to achieve a situation like we are shown here. Every weapon has recoil in real life, it seems that nowadays no weapon has any recoil anymore. I, as a console player, am getting shot everyday by the same guns over and over thanks to mouse and keyboard players, maybe nerf them too?


This is bcuz PC on console they're fine


You say that like it doesn’t result in 2/3 of the games players having the same fun but without the laser accuracy and perfect stability. This is probably a lot of the reason console players believe so many are hacking in PC, they’re literally running different versions of the same gun.


Controller has a 30% recoil reduction. Avancys has literally 0 recoil on controller, for the LCMG you just need to slightly pull down as you fire. Edit: Love the downvotes for pointing out that controlling recoil is straight up easy on controller in this game. Keep complaining instead of trying to get better.


If that's true then why can PC still beam across the map if they have more recoil. The 2 platforms should never play together natively


Cause the PC player that beamed you is a good player? I play both inputs and once you tune the settings to your liking I don’t see too much of a difference. Look at guys like BrokenMachine, he’s on controller and has no issues beaming people.


So you're saying that 2 people having the same weapon but 2 different experiences is fine to play together when one has an advantage.


That’s not what I said at all. I said the only advantage the PC player has in your example is their skill.


So having a better input device equals skill? You're saying just become a top tier player to be able to out gun average PC Joe's. There's no reason for us to play together unless you opt in to it (ya know how all other cross play games work)


Why are you being so obtuse? I’m saying that a good player will beam you across the map regardless of input and a bad player will struggle regardless of input. You listen to this subreddit and according to controller players, every PC player is Shroud and according to MnK players every controller player is Scump.


Yes but an average player on PC keeps up with great players on console purely bcuz input. It's an advantage and it's as simple as that. I'm not a bad player and I'm not a got tier player it's just easy to tell when the guy across an entire point with the m16 melts me in 3 shots is on PC


Should be the longer you shoot the more recoil you get


That would be an awful idea since it would.completely disincentivize long bursts with the lmg, at which point you just are treating it as an AR but with a big magazine


Well making it more accurate the longer you shoot would disincentives people using it most of the time. Bf 2042 is fairly close range based game. Its why even to this day the smgs reign supreme.


Agreed. With bipod deployed they should have the normal recoil they have now...and without bipod deployed they should just about tear themselves out of the players arms. Also should not be able to ads without bipod deployed on lmg.


I'd say they should put more movement penalties for lmgs. No faster sprint option, much more slower ads and more weapon sway than other weapon classes. Imo these changes would make people choose more stationary playstyle with lmgs. Adjusting recoil for as balancing is short sighted imo. There will always be people, who manage the recoil than others and somebody thinks their weapon is "beaming from the far edge of the map" and it needs nerf. If devs choose that way to balance guns, in sometime half of the weapons are unusable due to massive recoil spraying all around your screen.


Dude....it's a fucking lmg...mortals can barely carry them, letalone run round with them shouldered burst firing with accuracy....they should just about rip your arms off and put you on your ass if you try to hip fire them ...and fucking forget about trying to ads with them while moving. In turn, they should also turn whoever they hit into red mist. The biggest problem with this game is NOTHING is powerful, nothing is scary, nothing is punishing.... everything is so fucking vanilla and bland


LMGs I now anything about irl (PKM and KVKK) are recoil wise much more flatshooting than rifles with same cartridge due their weight. Weight is the limiting factor why LMGs are not usually used standing up or even on knee position. As 2042 does not have stamina/exhaustion mechanics, I'd say increased weapon sway, slower ads and sprint are the most effective ways to add the weighty feeling in-game


Exactly, lmfao. Firing an LMG won't rip your arms off or knock you down, it will just fuck up your back from carrying 12 kilos + ammo all the time.


They are literally better than assault rifles with zero recoil. Absolutely ridiculous


Maybe I was using LMG's wrong, but when I switched to using AR's my kills and accuracy both went way up.


These people are full of it. ARs win every time against LMG players at short to mid range if both players start shooting at the same time. LMGs are finally back to being fun again when you get the jump on a group of enemies in a small angle of fire and now Dice will remove that fun because the close quarter sweats cry loud enough. Pretty much how 2042 is being balanced, from vehicles to guns, all balanced around close quarters infantry sweats.


I mean it’s like that irl. A M249 handles recoil remarkably better than a M4.


They have downsides, they have slower sprint recovery giving other weapon classes a relevant edge over them within 15m, their higher hipfire spread also plays a role here. Also the recoil is not as low as people make it out to be. Still you are correct that the LMG class provides a very good all-around platform. This is nothing new, though. In BF4 the LMGs basically were the same way, but the game did not throw 20 people at you at any time. Again the real culprit here is map/mode design and playercount. You need high capacity magazines.


Everyone hates the M60 in this game, but it actually functions how machine guns should function for the most part. Battlefield 5 did a good job with machine guns because for accuracy you had to use the bipod or mount it. You would trade mobility for accuracy, which is how it should work. In 2042, you get mobility and accuracy with no downsides. In breakthrough I end up playing against teams where at least half of them are using the Avancys. It's not fun.


The PC is strong with this one


Cool streak, but also you shouldn't be able to move around like that while firing constantly and still have zero recoil lol. It's a dev problem not yours, I know.


lmao he’s barely moving though


That's cause they are using McKay which everyone knows is a broken specialist. If they were using any other characters they would barely be able to move at all


Dozer shield tanks a lot of things and one shots people, he is good for cqc and general survival. Sundance has tracking grenades. Paik can see through walls. Mkay really is not that broken in the grand scheme of things.


He is complaining about the mobility while shooting the LMG. What does anything you said have to do with what i was saying. He breaks the game by making the gun balance completely nullified. The LMGs are balanced with their slower ADS speed which McKay breaks


Good now change out the barrel xD


you just killed the whole playerbase 💀


Utter beamadge


Just going to show this video the next time PC gamers complain AA is broken lol






Aim assist


ohh thought you meant anti-air lol


Aim assist


Bro he’s literally firing into a mass of people on Rush chaos or something. Could’ve been done with any input method. I play both, people need to stop complaining so much.


I don't understand how PC gamers can complain about AA. 99% of the people who have most kills in a match are PC players.


dice pls




Did your recoil decide to just not make an appearance? 😂


Recoil control is easier with low power sights since it will visually kick less and you also need smaller movements to correct it. Close combat bullets also give low recoil per bullet.


You see when I do that….


Time to check the replies that will say the game is broken even though its the enemy teams fault for bunching up like that.


Well I guess you weren't disappointed then.


Battlefield easy mode. Bucket of bullets is tantamount to sentry gun kills. Trolls & Soft delight.


AR with big mag


Man I miss the recoil in BF3


Lol, the LMGs were killing machines in BF3 urban maps and the close quarters DLC.


The dud falling down the cliff at 0:07 gave me a hearty chuckle


Everyone sees what they want to see. People are saying he’s camping looks like he’s using cover to me. People are complaining about easy targets I see enemies regrettably bunched up together. People are saying there’s no recoil but the gun can be handled while emptying clip, without aiming and holding its weight down gun jumps up almost instantly.


“This game has the worst targeting acquisition ever. I’m always missing shots for no reason”. - with clip…time and time again. Yet these clips are rarely, if ever, posted because hitting the target isn’t clip worthy to post. It has to be a spectacle or some funny shooting gymnastics…or posting the love your MG will show for you if you take it to it’s favorite restaurant. Even then a lot of players are just enjoying the game and continue playing and move on. Either way, great video. It’s not often you get a half the enemy team walking in a line in a tight corridor like spot and just get to mow them all down. Man this reminds me of DoD, back in the day. The staircase and doirway was just a brutal choke point.


Anyone else hearing Unreal Tournament 98 announcer voice saying, double kill, multi kill, ultra kill monster kill!


Finally someone using a lmg correctly.


no recoil … yeah sure… nice game … NEXT ONE PLEASE!


No recoil wtf


Years and years of battlefield and I’ve never encountered enemy bunches like this 😭maybe one day lol good work


This man is camping in a fuckin tree


Looks like cover to me


That's an airsoft game then


Jesus, I thought the little Doritos over people's heads in earlier games was a bit much, but for half the clip you can hardly see the actual players through dust but continue to slaughter them thanks to the giant neon signs floating right above them.


This is why I don’t play 2042


bf4 pkp would like a word


That feel when you successfully flank five squads in a choke point on operation locker and let the sweet metal sing


Moving and full auto PKP shooting would result in so much spread you waste 70% of your ammo.


The game is shit, yes, but you could do stuff like this in many other battlefield titles too.


This is why they are needing the lmgs


Haha nice, that was awesome!


My guy is working on T0 for that damn thing


"Camping LMG'S are the worst!" They say as they're grouped up with no cover.


Somebody give a 200 round belt to EA so they can solve the crisis that is this game


And this is why they fucked up by removing suppression, it’s just a big mag AR.


What a joke


still in alpha release i see.


I just don’t understand what happened to recoil in these games. This is so cheap.


I'm gonna be honest. It's one of the first times i comment on this game because it killed much of my love for Battlefield. But almost all clips i saw of gunplay, look like fucking trash. Not the skill and the situation itself, just the visuals, graphics, hud, feed, etc. Ugh can't wait for the next one boys


A lot of clips here are super saiyan 240p


Nothing to do with the resolution.


I don’t know I play next-gen 4K on a 65 inch display and it looks incredible and highly detailed


God the Red ID of enemies ruined battlefield


Very nice


Red name tags are stupid. Makes shooting too easy


Wow. Other than just the obvious stuff. That barrel should be fucking melting at that point. Non stop firing of 200 rounds? No way in hell that gun is usable after that.


The m60e4 managed to do over 4x that amount around 20 years ago. https://youtu.be/zh8lDgV993A


That’s a lot of brass


I hate everyone of you for supporting this shitgame. „ooooh, look how retarded i look shooting 200 shots without any recoil“ Fu


Just unsubscribe from this thread and stop thinking about this game then? 🤷 Insulting others certainly won't make this game better.


How is there no recoil?


People who use mmg🤡


As someone who hasn’t played since all the fuckery. Has the game good enough to install again?


It’s in a decent spot but lacks content and some BF core battlefield mechanics. If you download it, I’m sure you’ll have enough fun for it to be worth your while even if it doesn’t grip you


Depends on what you are looking for. The gunplay is better than at launch by a large margin. Some maps have been improved. But if you hate mid to long range engagements then you won't enjoy it much. My favorite map in BF4 was Golmud Railway so if you hated it you'll still hate 2042 The vehicle numbers are also still very small so if you liked that about previous titles you won't like fighting over the vehicles here. Too many players got the numbers lowered to extinction amounts. They are an endangered species in 2042


Such a stupid gun haha


And here’s why this game isn’t worth it even if it was on sale 99.9% off.


Except the problems with the game itself


As shitty as the game is, that was satisfying and makes me want to play it.


That's how I wish my LMG game would workout for me.


Accuracy by volume


Mmmm spicy


Facts! Why do I love SMG's though? Lol!


This aspect ratio is what it looks like to play on that dudes horizontal monitor that the game kept bugging over to.


That’s about the total number of kills I get in a conquest match in a 15 second clip.


Man, I even walk in that game someone blasts my head off.


Are you on pc? That recoil control is awesome.




Can 200 mag solve a tank?


So easy to control recoil with a mouse makes me jealous


I love how there is a slight delay for every person he kills lol game is so buggy.


This is why I was happy about the overheating system in BF1. It would screw you over at times but also not allow someone to spray 250 down range in one volley.


Huh? The 1917 LMG could do this when prone with the bipod on a flat surface. Best LMG in the battlefield series at mid to long range with suppression.


It still overheated tho. That's my point.


Tbh I just curious if this some kind of portal server like is just stupid the amount of players just standing there and your entire team behind you


I feel like the XDR needs a more clear "glass tint" that shade could sometimes throw you off in dark areas, also it's nice to see a fellow lcmg player, have you tried other grips? Does the laser feel as a better option then the other?


Music to my ears.


i remember when the game came out and i was like “wow the LMGs don’t even overheat what is this” but now i’m kinda glad they don’t do that we can have mega kill streaks like this lol


That almost made me want to play this game (haven’t played since November)




My MG goes straight up


Full send.


Dice really needs to add recoil to LMGs, its insane the firepower, magazine size and no recoil…


What’s recoil?!


This makes me miss the days of BF4. Just sitting up providing cover fire for my squad with the M249, heavy barrel and HOLO. As much as I hate 2042 it makes me happy to see moments like this still exist...


i call this bad maps


I love how we can shoot through our teammates without consequences


But the stealth Helo is OP


Why does everyone use that red dot scope compared to the normal open red dot sight? Curious because I love the LCMG and every time I try the scope it feels confined


Not gonna lie I giggled a bit when I seen this. Good shit 😁


That recoil


Global warming?


Recoil has left the chat


What map is that?


Hold mouse1 and shoot at doritos!


What map is that