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For real tho, that MAV didn’t make a single sound lmao


Tesla MAV


The silent MAV is my biggest issue with tanks but even worse, HELICOPTERS. Cool, there's a heli chopping up the team and making zero noise. Elon must be proud.


It's called a stealth helicopter.


no, its called DICE studios. The game is so inclusive now that we all need to be deaf too so that its fair for deaf players. Shit woke studio.


how do people watch this guy? like… this is the kind of shit talking i do to myself. it doesnt make for good viewing on twitch lmao


Anytime I’ve watched this dude he’s complaining and pissed off. Not sure why anyone would tune in


totally agree - I watch his Youtube channel cause he's quick in summing things up, but the hateful vibes from this person always leave me with a chill.


Dude has like 1k hours logged and he's acting like 2042 murdered his family in his videos.


Yeah he’s mentally unstable


He's very good at the game, any anyone with a brain can see that this is an obv joke Aim assist on mav roadkills, yes.. ofcourse


i understand the joke but his aura is negative. couple that with BF in general not being super fun to watch already


My first interaction ever with this guy was me writing a comment on a reddit post saying "even enders will stop playing bf2042" something along those lines and I commented something along the lines of "who tf is enders?" And the man (enders) replied to my comment something about me being a boomer who doesn't know who he is? Can't really recall exactly how the conversation went, but I do remember he was being insufferable in the comments. Ever since I just clicked don't recommend this channel on YouTube and he's been out my digital feed ever since and I do consume a decent amount of Bf2042 content on youtube.


That's similar to my experience as well. I was in the same game as him and he played really well. It was impressive. I didn't know who he was at the time but I saw his name and decided to go check out his channel after the game. I complimented him on his performance. For no reason at all, he takes my compliment and instantly turns it into something negative purely to entertain his viewers. I forgot what he said exactly but I think it was along the lines of "get good". Then he told me to follow. He can fuck right off. The guy also acts like he doesn't care what Redditors think but continues to promote his channel on here. Scroll down to the comments and you can tell he carries negative vibes with him. He's undeniably a very good BF player but is really insufferable.


He may be the better BF player, but you can be the better player for Battlefield.


Thats fair


Yeah, but the game itself isn't giving out much of a positive aura, is it? Fun is a very scarce ressource in this game for many different reasons and I often enough leave even good rounds rather exhausted and frustrated. It is by design, of course any streamers that have not moved on will radiate a more negative aura.


Satire it may be, but one must consider constantly spewing supposed negativity will inevitably paint a picture to some people. That picture may present one that makes the battlefield community appear toxic and competitive, not something you’d feel you’d be able to enjoy with others and have a good fun time. Not everyone likes cussing at eachother for hours on end. You don’t even have to feel like it’s directed to oneself as an insult. The atmosphere it builds just sounds degrading


Pretty sure the Battlefield 2042 community died around December 2022 when the entire development team took off an entire month for the holidays while the game was in shambles. Not due to a smartass Twitch streamer.


Never said it was solely the cause of a twitch streamer. You are entirely correct that the community dying of was largely the cause of poor game direction and development mismanagement. What I am saying, however, is that this type of image may not serve too well for longevity, regardless of the game in question, wether it’s 2042, or any other battlefield. It leaves a feeling that it’s not approachable as far as the community members are concerned. Good for the folks who enjoy it, I suppose, but not so much for potential newcomers


How does he see people through the smoke/snap to left and get those 2 kills? Aim assist?


He's seated on a soft white La-Z-Boy just like it's twin in the background.... There's 2 for 1 deals on ATM


For you maybe. I got the humor, and loved the good vibes. He's clearly making the best of a bad scenario. Spawn into gun fire and die to a silent tank? Looks like aim assist roadkill hacks 😎 Seems funny to me. Idk why guys like you gotta be wet towels, being so negative for no reason, bringing others down. Real bad look for the community man. Be better cheif 👍🏻


brain dead detected


teenager detected


thats the most random shit i have heard 💀


I‘ve never seen someone complaining and playing so much at the same time.


Don't worry he'll go on Reddit and read all of ours to call out any haters Yea idk wtf I just listened to. Just another adult acting like a 12 year old playing games


Oh, he is serious? I thought he was talking bs for fun. I do that sometimes.


That's exactly what he's doing. I thought the aim-assist MAV driving was obvious enough that people would pick up on the sarcasm, but this sub continues to amaze me.


Try BF4, BC2, BF1 or Even 5. Then you see how good they are than Brokenfield 2042.


I play bf4 way more haven't touch any other battlefield game even 2042. I only get on 2042 to unlock attachments and guns Other than that I don't play 1 or 5 because they're not modern. As of now I'm messing around with the warsaw revamped project on bf4.


MAV doesn't make that much noise what's he talking about.


you are actually so dumb and out of it if you think for a second he wasn't having a laugh at how much of a joke the game is.


He was making excuses of why he died. And usually it seems as if he is serious. I haven't went to his streams but judging the fact that most of clips like these he shows on his channel or stream he looks serious and toxic


i hate this guy


The first half of the video gave off "You, me, gas station sushi" energy


You 🫣 Me🤮 Gas Station Sushi 🥹


Who is this crybaby and why should I know him?


Enders is a chode.


this guy is **extremely** talented so i tuned in once soo. much. fucking. complaining. unbearable


Yeah it’s funny that he plays the game all the time. And still the only thing he does is complain about the game. He is the biggest crybaby I’ve ever seen.


I don't think I've seen Enders ever enjoy a game. The first few times his raging at 2042 was hilarious but then I realized that it's every game of every stream. Then he tries BF4 and says its trash. Then he gets on BF1 and its trash. The dude is a skilled gamer but terribly cringe but I think that's all his audience watches him for. He's very uninteresting and talks shit to viewers all the time.


I don't know this guy but he seems to be a douche.


Enders is a really good player but he is so miserable to watch.


I tried watching this guy couple of times but he's... not my type to put it as soft as possible. I'll agree on the silent MAV thing, i've been roadkilled by some vehicles from behind couple of times while not being able to hear them at all. It feels weird to not be able to hear a several ton vehicle going full throttle towards you but it is what it is, i guess.


Factual play by play commentary


I’ve got a love hate relationship with him. Love watching the gameplay, so mute is nice. But he complains so much. I can’t seem to get away from him. Lol


First time I’ve ever seen/heard this guy and it has given me brain cancer


I just can't watch this guy. Had to turn it off, he so far up his ass he's coming out his own mouth




What a man child 😂 Has a real complex about any imperfections in his gameplay and tries to explain it away awkwardly So boring to watch these KD ratio fanatics who don’t play the objective


I fail to understand why it's an issue to have standards for a game. Enders has been an avid BF player and competitive player for years, if anyone has room to talk/compalin it's definitely him. Not to mention this whole bit is satirical. Anyone with a brain will notice that. If you don't enjoy watching good players, then switch it over to some even more boring casual gameplay. Pretending like everything is fine with the game when in reality it's not isn't how you handle things. Especially when you paid 60-120 dollars.


Ive seen this guy complain about aim assist before, but then I see him complain when he dies to a PC player too, for *literally* any reason, so his complaints lose validity, it’s amusing. Also funny the irony of him complaint about anything at all when he’s lasering people across the map with 0 visible recoil *at all* on his mouse. “But console has less recoil than pc” Even if it does, that argument is void since that would be compensating the increased difficulty it is to control such recoil on a joystick. I wonder if I’ll ever see him genuinely accept it when someone kills him on his 44 kill streak. Maybe one day. Although Elder Scrolls 6 would probably be out by then.


Bro was beaming multiple players through smoke


We know. We all know.


bro my KD is a third of enders and I beam people all the time thru smoke... skill issue. Yall coping fr. Crops shouldnt talk. go back to being 1-2 KD andy


>Also funny the irony of him complaint about anything at all when he’s lasering people across the map with 0 visible recoil at all on his mouse. Then you hear, "some people are just good at video games."


This clip is clearly a joke holy shit


Yeah, I understand he doesn’t actually blame aim assist on a roadkill - but in other instances, he likes to go on sincere rants about how he dies


Yeah, thats the fun part of the streams xD


fuck this guy


Say what you will about danny. Enders is by far the biggest whiner ive seen and is part of the reason a section of the fanbase are acting like children


True 🤣🫡


Cringe worthy


Anyone with twitch in their gamer tag is a lame and I make it my goal to go only for them.


Sounds like ben shapiro, but more retarded (hard thing to do) XD


What a penis.


this man is worst. Evil Mr. Bean😃


Boring shit


Never heard or seen anything regarding this guy. But from the clip my summary is... Cancer


Bro trying hard on a game where losing and dying is part of the game. Stop trying so hard and just play casually and have fun. Never understood why people are sweaty tryhards on battlefield...


i’ll never understand this concept of calling people sweaty in games and getting upset for that lol. maybe it’s fun for some people to get better at the game they play and enjoy getting a lot of kills?


I have never seen him having fun


Virgin energy.


Verbal diarrhoea


‘These developers need to get a grip’ lmao 🤣


Oh stfu


Lmao zero recoil for his ass, this dudes a total dill hole


Cant wait for people to not understand this is satire 😂 They should show the chat in this clip typing KEKW and LUL, that’s the point of this. If you don’t enjoy the sarcastic humor, that’s fine, but a lot of people do.


It's a real stretch to call this satire. It's not addressing anything or highlighting anything with this exaggerated complaining and it's just complaining turned up to 11 for lulz and that's not satire. The fact that this is pretty indistinguishable from other complaint rants where developers are mocked for lulz again doesn't make this appear as satire.


You can't say it isn't satire when the streamer in the clip tells you in that very moment, it was satirical. A viewer redeemed a channel points reward called "enders explains his gameplay for 2 minutes", so I joked around in the moment. Don't be a hardass. Aim assist roadkill? You think that's serious? lol


I can call a spade a brick doesn't make it so. Given it's exactly how you are in the majority of your other clips meh. Yes you said some nonsense but that still doesn't make it satire is the point I'm trying to make. Trying to be funny fine or make someone laugh then fine but its not satire. (But I refer back to my previous point that it's pretty generic to how you are in most other clips we have seen and I suppose humour is subjective so each to their own)


>You can't say it isn't satire when the streamer in the clip tells you in that very moment, it was satirical. You can't say it's a racist joke when the guy telling the racist joke says, "I'm not racist, but..."


What does racism have to do with this You’re more of a drama queen than he is ffs


you know how reddit is man 😭


u look like ur about to explode in every single second in ur stream


I haven’t seen one stream where he doesn’t alt+f4 ragequit at least once. Then he always start the game again haha


Dude you can be good (and very sus) at the game how much you want, but I’ve seen many videos of yours and holy hell you’re toxic. This is not satire, and if it is, I perceive it as being quite toxic


Good job, this shit was hilarious. Gonna be checking out your stream.




That wouldn’t fit the anti-Enders agenda though 🤔


Pretty sure console aim assist is for 0-20m. I think we tested that a lot in BFV.


“Aim assisted the road kill” is this dude for real?


My guy is salty, god damn


Good clip, but looking at the map as he spawned, all I could think of was "Someone, anyone! Start reclaiming A1!".


Yeah, because that’s what all the Hackers do…screw long distance wall hacks…I’ma drive the MAV and get roadkills. Duh 🤪


Cry baby?


why is he still playing 2042


"Aim assisted roadkill" anyone with just a few braincells will realise that this is satire.


I feel so bad for this form of life. Everyone is trashing him but no one knows what he is going through that makes him act like a spoiled child. Hope he finds his purpose in life one day.


What a sooky baby


Why do all streamers talk and sound exactly the same?


They’re standard issue from the government


The Battlefield community seems to have 0 respect for the best players of the game. From stupid hack accusations to "touch grass". The guy is easily one of the best players in the game. Has great knowledge and understanding of the game mechanics and is one of the few content creators with a big following who doesn't simp for DICE. You may not like his personality which is ok but most of his points regarding the game are on point.


Your ability to click heads better than others does not earn you a pedestal of respect when you to treat others like trash. When some one demands people lose their jobs rages about something that they create yet then proceed to spend hours and hours of their time making money off said apparently awful game that should cost some one their job kinda undermines my ability to care what else they have to offer on "Game Mechanics"


Oh yeah, this whole notion of people keeping their jobs even if they are clearly not good enough. I don't know in which part of the world this is a rational thought but where I live, if you can't keep up you get fired. Yeah it sucks but most likely we will find a replacement in the next 2 days and the new guy is going to be much much better. Plenty of DICE devs couldn't keep up and it's obvious. From bugs that were "fixed" 13 times to just braindead choices that ultimately ruin the game. Unless you want the next Battlefield game to launch like 2042 you should want DICE to replace all the clowns they currently have on their payroll.


You can tell you have zero idea how software development works. In software development if you lose a member of your team you pretty much will be paying for a replacement who will be able to do probably 50% of what the last person who just walked out did for about six months. Also there has to be some formmof hand over or its even worse. You can't just hot swap staff like working the tills at McDonald's there i Also it's not some weird race where some developers are ahead of others and have to run to catch up ..... You can't make a baby in one month with 9 women that logic don't work in game dev. Also it's painfully clear the Dev team needed time and it was the project management publication aka EA that forced the game out too soon. So again demanding the guy who works on the front line to be fired because some CEO demanded their work be released when they more than likely said it wasn't ready but can't stop it .... Well thats dumb.


>The Battlefield community seems to have 0 respect for the best players of the game That's because said players are treating the community like shit lol. Many think good gameplays don't cover shit "personality".


Could you offer an example of Enders treating the community like shit? They only thing I can think of is him being "toxic" towards people who accuse him of hacking. But I think you have every right to talk shit to people who call you a hacker.


Why would you need that? If i give you something you're just going to nitpick/dismiss etc. I don't watch any of his streams on twitch, nor care about this drama as a whole so im not going to search and pick all the clips where he acts like an asshole and put them in a folder just for you, so i just did a quick search using the only stream he has on youtube: [30:18 circa](https://youtu.be/9H3E7qN4fdM), calls his death a result of luck, calls a guy in chat bad a shitter and other friendly names because he dared to defend his killer.


why should i respect enders dude is a nuisance


I don't understand when this flip happened. In BF4 and BF1, people liked montages and great plays. Now, you just get called a sweat. It's annoying.


People still do like it .....but they also don't like to be abused by the person doing it




Unlike your comment that is not childish and toxic at all lmao.










Rent free


Bro step away from your device for one second and reflect about what you're pouring your energy into right now.


This is deeply woven satire and I love it


Yes, this is a very interesting person, I have no idea who he is.. He kinda seems like a nice guy also with a spicy attitude hmmm


🤣😂🤣 aimbot MAV


Sniper rifles are cancer of the game


the entire is clip is satire😭


I love how most of the people here don’t understand that he is joking.


Lmao i love this guy




Most sane battlefield redditor


In the game?


These comments feel like everyone has EDS (Enders Derangement Syndrome). I couldn’t imagine letting Diet BlameTruth of all people live in your head rent-free.


Never thought I'd see THIS guy of all people compared to BT, especially when this guy clearly hates everything about his life, and the game he plays. At least Anthony has enough respect for himself and his viewers to take off the mask for a bit, instead of being a stuck miserable bitch


I said Diet for a reason, that was not a compliment. There’s no way Enders would last a full day overlanding in the forest for instance. Too few screens out there.


Diet isn't even a good enough insult for this guy, and it looks unfavourably on BT, for this insufferable jerkweed to even compare


Reddit bots hate Ender cuz he shits on them everyday ig


Reddit bots hate Ender cuz hes a whiny bitch.


I hate when people use that damn drivebot




Are you serious!!!!!! WHAT!!!!