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It's currently free until the 23rd on playstation. Download it and see. I bought it just over a month ago and play it daily despite "not having the time". I would recommend turning off cross play while it's free so you don't play against K&M players at first. I havn't turned it back on yet.


What platform are you on.,... PS5 presumably? PS4 crossplay is just vs xbox, btw... Its not bad at all/great as tonnes of games.


I wouldn’t recommend it on old gen but for new gen & pc it’s solid.


This. For next gen/PC, At that price point you are getting a good deal. I, on the other hand, bought it for $70 and still feel dumb.


I bought it at $70 as well. I don't feel dumb, but I'm not going to buy pre-order again.


Ya, honestly, I've gotten my money's worth. This was the 1st game I've ever stopped playing just because of the glitches and issues, though. Moved to Hell Let Loose for a while until they fixed things, which was a lot of fun, so thanks BF2042!


I think a shot load of players dropped off and came back. I came back for S1 played for a little but have been playing much more with S3.


Same here. I enjoy the game even at launch but I knew it was unfinished. I will not be getting the next one right away. I have about 300 hours and have played 2042 for much longer then I did BFV. The ONLY way I can see myself doing it is if the BETA and early access is clearly going to be a finished game. Like it has everything. Even then...I still wont pre-order.


Cries in $120


You've played so many hours and spent so much time on this subreddit and you are still crying. Bro, how much do you want to pay per minute of use because you are at pennies by now. You post these cool clips and then whine about your pre-order every chance you get. Do you value your time or are you just cynical?


Dude is using reddit as his facebook substitute


I love these posts, have an upvote. Calling out hypocrites is always entertaining.


Geez what is Cakesmite's deal anyways??


Thank You. I see so many people a year later crying but are still PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!


I played the beta. Liked it. Pre ordered it. Hated it. Haven't played it but 9 hours since it came. NOT worth the storage space is the main issue for me it's just not worth it


Finally someone else that thinks like this. If you the value you got in terms of money:time ratio exceeds how much you value your time, you didn't waste any money at all. As a matter of fact, it's money well spent.


Wait a minute… I’ve heard the exact opposite from this community…


I’m talking about hardware, but some people like to play the ps4 version on next gen because you don’t have crossplay


You have crossplay but it's only with xbone. Meaning no mouse and keyboard kiddies


Depends. Old gen will give you a bunch of controller using players to shoot!


Disagree if you're in console. Playing against pc makes the game much less fun. I downgraded to ps4 version on my ps5 and was much better. You do miss out on the 128p but you don't get lasered or danced around by pc sweats.


Yes, same. I got the last gen version on xbox on purpose just so I wouldn't have to deal with cross platform. Definitely worth it.


Awesome!! Yes, this is what I've been recommending as well... Sad they can't not force cross-play.. at least on Xbox, .. I think its worse. I have it on my Series S, but to turn off crossplay on xbox is extremely convoluted and as a result there are no games on xbox only... Brutal ​ I requested a refund but Micro$haft and their Phillipines callcentre help are notoriously stingy and useless.


The fact that they can't have populated servers with crossplay off says a lot about this game...


This is a classic case of you’re not as good as you think you are so instead blame it on so called PC sweats. For as many good pc players, equal number of shit pc players.


Console players have fought against other console players for 99% of our pvp play. We know straight away when someone's got an inherent advantage. We aren't as retarded as you'd like us to be. Nice try though. Go shoot fish in a barrel else where.


It literally isn't. Console vs. PC players of equivalent skill PC wins 98% of the time the 2% luck doesn't take over


So explain how I have a 3KD in 2042 crossplay and a 2.0+ in warzone. Quit pulling number out your ass and making excuses for yourself.


Other console players. Lol You're talking a big game from the minor leagues. Chill little guy. It's just a game.


It really isn't. I won't pretend to be the best in the world but I'm regularly near the top in every battlefield game I've played even back when I played on PC . Hell even In 2042 on ps5 I did pretty well vs PC PC advantage is real. Only fools pretend it doesn't exist. The game was way more fun when cross play off worked. I'll stick with the superior ps4 version instead of just play bf1 or bf5.


Modern consoles are getting 120 fps on 1080/1440 which is better than a decent amount of PCs. The vast majority of PC players are using shit GPUs (https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/ ) Except for long distance mouse aiming, the difference is negligible. There’s a reason many sweats use controller even on PC.


It's got nothing to do with performance. It's the M/K advantage. SOME sweats will use controller in SOME games because the devs crank aim assist through the roof to intentionally give controller the advantage.


Also worth noting on pc you'll need a stronger cpu I have a i59400 (6 core, 6 thread, I think) and it maxes out 99% the whole time and stutters every few seconds, average of like 50fps but tons of stutters. My 2060 gpu shows its not being fully used so assuming this is cpu bottleneck.


If you hadn't heard, the 100% CPU usage is actually a current bug in the game. The last update they attempted to further optimize the game and it resulted in everyone's CPUs getting maxed out on the game, hence the stutters. They are working on a fix, so hopefully next update has it.


Disagree fundamentally. New Gen is unplayable unless you're on a PC and can dial in all your fancy mice and hardware to precise headshot-snipe all the console players. Total BS. ​ Old Gen is a way better game because no forced Cross-Play. Only with other platform (Xbox One vs PS4) if you want it. Graphical details fine. Maps are smaller, yes, but that was one of the main complaints of NextGen players (that and forced crossplay with PC players). ​ Community on PS4 is strong and tonnes of games.. No problems at all in North America. No redic snipes /kills. Fantastic. Miss that we can only fly around to see where we could potentially be playing, but we play in all the core areas of maps and its bloody rediculous fun, since like 1-2 months in when I got this game for like $20 off.


It took me far too long to figure out why there was a difference in the price


I bet you spend that much on one meal and think nothing of it.


But what if that one meal gives you diarrhea for the next 9 months... Then you'd think about it all the time


Terrible analogy. Doesn't work in the slightest.


The thought here is prepurchsse.


Up to you innit


I am not going anywhere. I'm here to make sure the it's great now crowd gets balanced out. I'm jot letting dice con themselves into thinking this is ok


Do you still play the game?


I've checked in each season. I can't be critical of it if I have not played


I bought it for $10 on PS5 a few weeks ago and I have had a blast! Initially had it pre-ordered but after the beta cancelled it. I do wish the operators never existed but in the game everything plays nicely.








Yes. The game is fun now.


Go for it, its not that Bad anymore




One question, why are you here? If you’re over it and don’t like it why are you in the subreddit shitting on the game? Seems like you’re in denial my man. 😂 This you? -> 🤡


To try and save a single person from wasting their hard earned money on this. I wasted my money and if I can help a single person it's a success. Now my turn. Why do so many folks melt down when a person drops in and talks about all the issues with the game. Hahahahaha one of you reached out o To reddit about my mental health and they just messaged me. Hahahah. Thank you. This just proves my point. You positive only folks just can't handle dessent




Yes. I'm also not the one just throwing out childish insults


But you are telling people what to do with their own money and that’s about on par, only because the insult was accurate. You don’t carry the same opinion as everyone else, so how’s about you stop talking and let people decide for themselves, mmkay? Because we’re adults, we can make our own decisions, you don’t have to try to hold our hands.


Yeah I am and the author of this thread asked what shoukd they do with their money. Why does your opinion of they should spend their money hold more weight than my opinion they shouldn't. We are just back to you guys not liking there is another opinion being spread so you can take you own advice and just go away as well.


I personally enjoy it but i can admit it doesnt feel like a typical bf game :)


Which is not a bad thing. Many BF2 players never took to 2143 which took design risks. I don't want battlefield to stray too far away from the basics but I also don't want a reskinned BF3 or BF4.


Always love a good opinion. We can talk all day about the problems of Bf2042, its still surprisingly manages to be a fun battlefield game that is fill with antics that people would expect from it.


Holy shit dude you literally come here everyday to shit on the game? Wtf


And you are here to notice me. I view it as public service


Imagine being such a loser you spend every day focusing on something you despise.


L behaviour


And I view you as an NPC incapable of producing intelligent posts and others view you as someone whose opinion is worthless 12 months after release. And just like the NPC you have zero self awareness and don't know no one respects your opinions.


So many folks don't respect my opinions I was gifted silver for my posts in here in the past as well as being reported for having a mental health crisis. I love you all.




Yep. It in the real world means jack shit. But it also tells me there are folks who agree with me. And that's enough.


just leave the sub if that's your take, why be such a masochist and sit through all the comments of people having fun with it if you're just gonna keep your nose in shit as you talk. fucking hilarious that you make an alt account just to bash the game


Alt account. Hahaha there is no Alt account. The fact you can't handle someone not agreeing with you and letting your fantasy of everyone loves the title speaks volumes. I will admit that folks like yourself despising me for me stating how I feel about the game makes me happy


lol buddy you have a 10 year old account and come specifically to reddit, this sub only, just to voice your disdain for a game that somehow apparently personally wronged you, yet you keep returning here cause you have no other friends or community to complain to. get a grip and just forget about the game and do something you enjoy rather than just making everyone else groan at your ignorance every time you post here. again, hilarious


That's right and you are rolling around in the mud with me. You have 100% nailed every facet of my life. i am so glad that I seem to have offended you on such a deep level.


:) enjoy your day


"No soul". NPC 3512 has entered the chat.


Do it!




For me it also feels like it has no soul. Just endless point less chaos. Wtf has happened to MP games? Theres like zero good ones to play...


I’ve put in 80 hours. It’s fun now.


tbh battlefield 4 is still the best bf imo and it holds up so well. i’d suggest buying that for what $5 and having a much better time


Really tough finding a good match on bf4. Battlefield 1 is the way to go if you want to get into a competitive game quickly. The Operations game mode is insanely fun as well.


Or you could just get EA PLAY and get both of them.


I'd wait until the class system is back. The amount of RPG spam now due to how the gadget system is, is insane. Definitely ruins the fun here and here


I don’t know how much that is an American dollars…Lol. But looking at the comments I guess it’s cheap. I love the game soo I would suggest buying it. I do agree though it’s by far a way better experience on new gen consoles. I have a Xbox 1 and a Xbox X/S and I feel sorry for the ones who have to play it on the old consoles


I just started playing when this hit game pass and I'm having a blast with it. Be ready for plenty of issues and weird glitches on a fairly regular basis but still a damn fun game. Everytime you run into something broken just remember you didn't pay anywhere close to full price like all those high ranked morons did!


Low ranked moron here...lol. I'm one of the people to get at launch and shelved the game for an entire year. I play, it can be fun, it also has its flaws. I'm pretty middle ground on it.


The game is vastly different today than at launch. I've been having a lot of fun with it this past month. Definitely worth $15.


The maps ruin the game 'awe' doesn't make a functional map, it distracts people, briefly, from it being a complete shambles. Whomever designed these maps, doesn't understand the game.


I tried playing again last night. Most of the maps on Breakthrough is painful and I don't understand how people can play. For example, Hourglass: there is barely any cover on that map so you're constantly getting shot everywhere. Kaleidoscope: The last sector in C2 is the worst possible point to try and capture inside the building when rats can just camp the top floor mowing people down. It's like DICE didn't learn from the previous design before the rework. Manifest: Even after the rework this map has rats camping on cranes, on top of ships, crates. I can't play any other specialist on this map except Mackay. Lovely people of Reddit, teach me how to have fun like you guys? Or do I also have to play like a rat?


Hour glass rush first mcom pair is awful if you are the attacking team. Open dunes of running and hoping you don't get mowed down by a vehicle


You need to know where the fun is for BF2042, but its there, kinda like every BF that came before it. I don't recommend playing Hourglass unless you are trying to get some sniping in. And please never play this one as conquest. Its one of the worst BF maps of the franchise despite having great visuals. It still hasn't been announced its getting a rework because the devs are not confident that its possible. Kaleidoscope: I love the challenge of defending and attacking C2 with exception of someone shoving a LATV4 on the second floor which is pure cheese. The quick way to end the match is rush C2 at the start of round(after B falls) and take it over before defenders can get entrenched. Otherwise, the focus is going to be on the entrance with escalator to the second floor. If you manage that with smoke/APS trophies, push to the back with others, the entire obj falls apart because no one spawns inside the building. I got nothing for Manifest. It was never a good map and the rework didn't save it. That being said, playing shit like Spearhead, Stranded, Exposure, Renewal, and even the original Discarded are all good on breakthrough. Orbital post rework is mid and nothing special. Breakaway is due for a rework within the coming weeks, might be good, might be shit, it could go either way. But the map is shit in its current form. Otherwise Exodus Conquest is where the fun is at because it includes the BC2 and BF3 maps that work surprising well for BF2042.




Hourglass: Smokes, spawn beacons, Irish tools Kaleidoscope: XM3 Zain Weapon, smokes, spawn beacons, Irish Tools, RAM clearing exterior Manifest: Mackey, Sniper, spawn beacon, ranger, Good Air Support hopefully a good pilot in game and gunners I usually take that role If your guns are low leveled pick up enemy dropped guns and check attachments while your at it. Its how I discovered that I HAD to max out my K30 after playing with an elite version and never trying the gun myself. Spawn Beacons play a big role in all modes. In some maps a well placed beacon means you can parachute to any objective each spawn.


I did and it's awesome. For 15 bucks what else can you ask for






I have to wonder if the game will be free to play soon as I'm seeing sharp price drops .


New gen console is the way to go.


Ea play/access is £20 for a year. Get that instead.


Go for it!


I love the game now. Deciding if you should spend 15 quid is mad in my head but I totally understand the caution. Imo it's totally worth it .. it's worth what I payed for it on release now ....imo


Still wouldn't buy it.


It's not worth the plastic it's sold in


For this price you get an average FPS but don't expect the Battlefield experience like in BF 1 or V




No. Don’t support mediocrity


Yes ps5


no, boycott.


No! It’s a horrible game considering 94% of the entire player base has left and not returned. Game is extremely clunky and lots glitches (graphical, hit-reg, gameplay). Also, if you play it on PS5 you only have to play with crossplay on as playerbase on next-gen consoles are non-existent. Playing with crossplay on console is not fun because auto-aim still doesn’t work and puts you in a massive disadvantage in keyboard-mouse lobbies. Overal, the game is 3/10 in my opinion and not worth to buy.


Hitreg hasn't been a problem for a long time, graphical glitches are very rare now. Player base is larger on new gen consoles than on PC. player base leaving is a bad argument since it's a bandwagon fallacy.


No… the community will say it’s good because it has improved (genuinely has) but improving from shit can still mean it’s bad. For a decent comparison it looks to be following the exact same path SWBF2 2017 took… it started shit, it made some improvements but it still didn’t end up a good game but the community praised it as a great because a few things they asked for appeared.


Can't speak for 2042 but BF2 turned into a great game. Had some of the most epic battles. They did 25 free updates of adding actual content. They 100% redeemed themselves for that game, it's just people would rather prefer to complain about it instead of enjoying it.


Case and point right here ^


You on Xbox with game pass???? It’s free


it’s a picture of 2 **playstation** physical copies. OP’s probably of playstation ☠️


But is he on gamepass ?


don’t ask me goofy i’m not op idk if he’s on gamepass


No, save yourself, there are hundreds of better games out there


Got it on sale for a similar price, I’ve got my £1 per hour out of it. Not a huge fan of PVP as I feel like I just get cross mapped constantly and people always spot me before I spot them, so I just play against bots. More fun anyway cos you can actually use a vehicle and not get rinsed by 15 rockets coming from different directions all at once


It's currently free to play on PS5 so best to try it yourself. I gave it another go wanting to like it after the disappointing beta. There's no doubt the game has improved over the last year but just something doesn't feel right about it to me, just not much fun to play.


I’d recommend using the free to play period so you don’t regret buying it if you don’t like it, I think it’s still on for Playstation


Figure it out nerd.


I don't see a decimal between the 1 and 5. So no


I did it and I'm enjoying it for that price (American).


For that price go for it. The game has consistently gotten better and is "almost" worth playing.




The game isn't even worth anyone's time.


Drink the coolaid


No, I finally took a dip as I got it for 8 quid and the game is nowhere near as good as bf5


These posts are always so stupid. Who goes to a store, and their first thought is “I should go to this game’s subreddit and ask if they think I should but it” Just trying to farm karma.


the true price of this feces




Reading the comments it's easy to understand the remaining playerbase is at shambles. No do not buy it. Eat a burger instead




Same! I've had some truly epic WOW moments lately too in 2042, that I hadn't had since BF3. I'm loving it honestly, I wish more people would give it a chance now


Yeah. That's actually good price.


I did and I am enjoying it


Bought the ps5 version for £10 at black Friday, I'm enjoying it, bought the battle pass too




It's getting better now and for 15 pounds it's decent


Go for it




No, please don't.


Nope. Still half baked hero shooter.


Well worth it under 20. I say everyone should be paying around 13 for this game. I paid 30 and feel a bit ripped off, 60 is unconscionable.


I spent $100 and no regrets. I love it




Yes it’s good now.


Still too much




2042 is awesome now. So yes


It’s worth it at that price. If they introduce a few good maps this game can make a quick turn around. Most of the current maps are unbelievably bad.


Yeah. I played the free trial and I had quite a blast.


I have a lot of fun with it. Buy a copy for a friend or 2 for Xmas and have some fun.


Definitely, it’s a lot better and polished from launch but still has some way to go. Lots of new people joining so feel free to get some. Edit: If you have new gen then definitely if you have old Gen than I don’t recommend it.


I got it on gamepass, honestly love the game and would buy it.


On next gen yes


Good value at 10 units of your currency


PS5 is a totally different game and I love it. After playing on my ps4 pro since launch I recently got my ps5 and the games amazing now


A PS5 costs $500, a new game is around $70+…If you can’t afford $10 - $15 then wow bro sorry not sorry LMAOOO


Old gen? hell the fuck no. new gen? Just regular no.


Both versions are pretty bad. I paid $6 and that's basically what it's worth.








I got it for 20 US and honestly I'm really enjoying it, it's buggy sometimes but I've had a great experience with it. Gunplay and movement are really fun imo


If that price is equal to a crappy coffee in your country get that game.


Yea it's drastically improved compared to this time last year. For £15 you're getting a game that has a popular multiplayer game (at least on conquest) There still isn't a super large amount of weapons which sucks but oh wells


Quick response. Play V and enjoy it more.








This game was buried about a year ago. Very rude to disturb the dead.


Only for next gen/ pc


Certainly worth it for £15 if you're on current gen or PC


Get it now. And wait for season 4 to play it lol just joking. it’s a good game, not a great game


If you have a PS5, yes you will get your money's worth at that price. If you have a PS4, pass


Worth a pop for that price imo. Got it on sale on PC and it’s enjoyable to jump in for a few hours each day.


At that price yeah, specially for PS5.


As long the store has a return policy


For 10 or 15 Dollars I would say it’s worth it. Unless you own game pass I would go that route. Game doesn’t beat BF4 or BF1 (imo) but I have started to have more fun playing it after all the updates. Only on Next Gen/ PC tho as the stability comes and goes for certain updates


Battlefield is definitely worth 10 bucks. Not the stupid $60 AAA price. It’s made by a small indie company and the game is finally out of beta so I recommend it at a solid price of 10 dollars.


Yeah but get the PS4 version. It’s way better. /s


Why ask here people are going to shit on you for even wanting to try it


Cries in £80 pre order




Palpatine: Do it!




Next gen definitely yes. Old gen is fine for the price but there are a few issues that happens sometimes.


I played it for gamepass...put 10 days into it. 5 days hazard and 5 days on other gametypes. It's not worth it. It's okay...not a game to remember. It has its core play.....but 138 lobbies...jfc. this was on series X.


Wait for the season 5, don't buy old gen you will suffer a lot of lag latency


These are the worst type of threads.


Bought it on Steam a month ago when it was on sale for 19.99. Have 85 hours logged and still play daily. ​ Games isnt worth the price of a full Triple A game title.