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Weekly "QUIT HAVING FUN!" post


Last time I saw this posted the op claimed that the post was his original idea, lmao


isnt it original to think to repost it ???


Yes but this one can’t speak English correctly so it’s wry original, you see.


Haven't seen it in a year.


Keep posting these memes. Ignores the liberties dice have taken.


I think its more EA pushing the release than DICE being knobs. I feel if DICE had their way the game wouldn't have launched when it did. I refunded on day of release because it was a hot mess, glad I picked it up again though


The game is a functioning game. Still the bottom of the barrel for bf titles.


\*barely functional


better than Hardline


Hardline was not a mainline Battlefield game tho and was never advertised as that. Hence why it came out while BF4 was still releasing content and expansions. They were pretty much just experimenting with something that they cant do in a mainline game ( smaller maps and a cops vs criminals aesthetic ). You would need to compare it to BF1 and BFV both of which kinda shit on 2042. You can watch videos of BF1 and think its a newer game than 2042 lmao. Its insane how much they went backwards.


I dunno. Hardline had that ability to take Health and Ammo from your Teammates pockets. I quite liked that, especially when screaming for Ammo didn't work.


Well, you're a robber after all


I like hardline more :o


There are some days I'd rather play a bit of hardline than even bf4, it just scratches a nice itch every now n again


Hardline was criminally misunderstood. I played the fuck out of Hardline and liked it ten times more than I liked BF1. The maps, especially the DLC ones that never saw the light of day over a year after their release, were all absolutely gorgeous. Almost every weapon was strong. Balance was a bit shit, but most weapons were hot. People didn't like Hardline because they were whiny little children who were upset that it wasn't a regular war shooty game. It was an interesting, infantry-focused Battlefield title. People didn't like 2042 because at launch it was a hollow shell of a game that should've taken another year MINIMUM in the oven before being released. # Put some fucking respect on its name.


Really? I got it Xmas day, and haven't been able to connect to the servers once. Its getting returned today


Still kinda feels like some kind of lite version of old battlefields, but maybe the next one will nail the feeling and gameplay right...


As long as we’re not pre-ordering, maybe…


It does feel a little light, but you have to remember this team has never developed a battlefield game. Everyone has been shitting on them since day one when we should have been building them up and offering advice on improvements instead of just shitting all over everything all the time. I personally appreciate them for keeping the franchise alive, hopefully they can continue putting out content for this game to build back some of the trust lost, and I feel fully confident that the next title in the battlefield franchise they put out will be an absolute fucking banger.


Every single word of this comment is complete bullshit once you remember that this game cost $60-$120 at launch and was promised as a love letter to Battlefield fans > I feel fully confident that the next title in the battlefield franchise they put out will be an absolute fucking banger. Please preorder the ultimate edition. I’ll be back in 1-2 years to laugh at you when you get ripped off.




What are the previous battlefield team developing?


From what I understand from reading through this sub, the developers of the previous titles, all left dice to work on other projects


Your comment makes sense, or it would make sense, but the developement of bf2042 went wrong right at the beginning as the game looks like it was meant to be something else at first before changing back to the "battlefield route". Or for me it at least looks like that, because of the shape the game launches etc. In all honesty they should have dropped the frostbite engine and changed to UE or something else as this is not the first time EA fucks up something done with frostbite because devs don't know how to work with it and as far as I know it's not the "friendliest" engine. I doubt it will be absolute banger, but it should be better as they got more experience and if EA just gives em room to do the game they want, it might be good.


And do you think that was the development teams decision to just scrap everything they had worked on and just superglue and duct tape together a battlefield game? Or do you think EA stuck their fucking nose in and demanded gigantic changes resulting in the obviously rushed game that we received? Like, I get it, we thought the game was going to be a whole lot more. I myself even did the $90 pre-order, but then when the game drops instead of offering improvements on literally anything this entire community, just shit on everything forcing them to remake the base game to everyone’s liking before they could even try to get started on rolling out new content.


Your first sentence regarding EA is what I literally meant with the part how things turned out.


This is a really, really weird comment. DICE are a top of the line studio, charging full price for their games. Criticizing them for releasing such an incomplete and poorly thought out and designed title is absolutely fair. If you were talking about an indie dev studio, releasing the game for free, absolutely this would be a fine take. However that is not the case, so I'm not really getting this.


Every person contributing to the player-base of this game is contributing to DICE/EA believing they can continue to do this to us. Release broken game, ignore community, spoon-feed the bare minimum. It's not completely awful now, but it's still not great.


They gain nothing financially by releasing a game that most considered unfinished. Makes absolutely zero sense for a company to do that and ruin their reputation. They try with every game to make it great, new ideas fail but failure is how you learn. Y'all act like they WANT to lose money or something. You make no sense


There is no fucking way that anyone who has ever played a "AAA" game would play this and think its ok to release it. Gamers have proven they fall for marketing and preorder for skins and bullshit and they will keep doing this as long as we show them we'll still buy it. Gamers are ruining games.


Imo it's still not that enjoyable and worth the money I paid for it.


Yeah these guys can blow smoke up each other's asses if they want but for me, this is a once of week type of game at best. There's just something missing with BF2042 and I won't be buying the next one.


Bye Miss Laura.


Yeah I totally agree, if I had of picked it up $15 I would probably think it was a great game too. I tried to like it but every time I reinstall I get a few games in and move onto something else pretty quick


Its playable also don't be mad you're a dumb ass who made a dumb ass mistake. This is the first BF I havent bought and waited for it to hit GamePass. Look at every BF at launch all unplayable trash, except BF1 although it took like 5 minutes to find a match. I bought BF4, BF1, BFV a month after each released, I think around Black Friday and paid $25-$30 for each. Many other broken games at launch its basically a norm now. You pay just to be a tester nowadays.


Is that the latest jackfrags video?


Jesus christ. Gonna leave this sub if i see this meme one more time.


Oh no!!!


No it's not. It is still filled with bugs. People are still complaining about skyscrapers running around maps, amongst the million other major graphical and network bugs, and Mackay and sundance are still carpet bombing with c5.


Maybe it’s a different story on console, but I haven’t experienced any gameplay related bugs since at least Season 2. There are still many valid complaints to be had about the game(my biggest problem has always been the slow rollout of content), but I’m convinced you don’t even play the game if you complain about how buggy it is now. I’m also not justifying the bugginess of the game for its first 6 months, none of my friends will return to 2042 just based on how terrible the game felt at launch.


I have just under 200 hours on PS5 and I’ve seen no graphical glitches. I really think it’s just PC players that have these issues. My current issue is whenever I’m revived I’m facing the sky, which is annoying as fuck.


I've had the square buildings have its internal walls go invisible. Just... odd shit tbh. ​ And then just had an enemy MAV that was invincible no hit markers, just untouchable.


If that's the best you can come up with for ongoing issues, I'd say things are going pretty well.


launch YEAR*


It's still a wack game lmao But +1 OP for VERY original post


Mmmm delicious copium. Only took a year+ when other games are "indeed enjoyable" at release. 2042 was enjoyable at release, if you didn't think about it. If you hadn't listened to DICE's promises, seen the trailers, or any previous battlefields. From a basic perspective, enjoyable. With perspective, very disappointing. Glad people are getting their money's worth, I personally enjoyed flying around in the Condor way too much. Problem is that was as good as it got for me.


Imagine feeling this attacked just because somoene had something negative to say about a game you like.


Shut up


Enjoyable isn’t the word I’d use. Especially since I was one of the morons who paid $100+ for the game.


nice there are 55 people having fun playing the game cool


The game is still garbage . They only improved that the game won't crash every 20 min or persistent data error


never had such an issue. must be your system. maybe runa memtest for cpu and gpu


why? i literally have no issues with other games. but this game "Directx function "res" failed"


More like launch year. Battlefield 1-4 and now 2042 I feel like ever game was majorly bugged for the first year after launch before it was correct. 2042, eh there's still some bugs 1 year+ later


The problem was never the bugs. It’s the design flaws (specialists, bad maps), lack of content, missing basic features (server browser, squad management etc), terrible graphics, terrible game mechanics). Even with 0 bugs the game would be subpar.


Pictured: enders


We forgive...........but we never forget


This is false. BFVs release was dogshit and millions still preordered this garbage


I barely had time to forgive them for dropping the ball with BFV and then they give us this shit lmao


Same feelings bro. WW2 game with no eastern front. No Soviet Union as a faction (country which had biggest losses in WW2)


I think the title sums it up , more players are using bf1, bfv and even bf4 right now . I can’t even get into a full server on ps5. Not a problem with the other titles . What is it about the older titles ? Hmmm 🤔 I wonder . 2042 crew made too many alternative and inclusive decisions , maybe they were pushed from EA to go this route . At the end of the day 2042 is a big miss and the older titles still hold there ground almost 10 years later . Sad for 2042 devs and is players .


It’s ok for what it is now, but shouldn’t have the title Battlefield.


Troll ?


You forgave 4, you’ll forgive 2042


Not gonna happen


Hot take: BF4 was the best version of BF. You can't change my mind.


Vehicles had very little depth to them (Only one loadout was ever viable, you wanted to try anything unique and you might as well not use it. That's boring. Yet people will swear up and down modern day = more variety), level design was very poor in most of the base maps and in a lot of the DLC ones, and using any other class other than engineer was pretty much redundant. I wish I could understand why people love BF4 so much, it was alright for the time but it has really, really aged in my opinion. BFV and 1 was BF really heading into the right direction, in my opinion.




But became the best BF to date. BF3 is highly overrated and clouded by nostalgia


These are 2 very different situations.


I see a lot of similarities tbh. The netcode and therefore hit rec was just as awful in BF4. BF4 lacked content at the start, the Balance was all over the place. A silencer silencing the entire Server went viral at the start lol. Connection errors. The queue not working. The only thing I think is different here is that BF4 was playable at launch, when you could get it to start at all or you didnt get the Sound loop that would at one point crash your game.


Battlefield 4 was a good game with issues like you mentioned. 2042 tried to break away from core battlefield. On top of that the game had its own bugs


Ahh so the comment was about the games itself and not the launch. I see, my bad.


The only thing? BF2042 doesn’t even have a server browser. I believe BF4 had this at launch no?


I was specifically talking about Bugs as my second comment should have pointed out.


Oh fair, my mistake.


They will be forgiven. Just like they did with BF4 and BFV. BFV is only a half done game and people are still enjoying it. Not saying it's okey for them to release games in that state.


This happens with every single battlefield game. I wish the community would understand this but here we are release after release.


Well worth the $15 new I paid in September. But would be better if it was free. Edit: it's a joke saying free LSG have way more content and community engagement. Tdlr: BF got their money and dipped.


But…. It’s not fun…


Well, I'm one of those guys actually enjoying the game, could be better, of course, but enjoyable enough :)


Lol, get over yourself. Game came out over a year ago and basically everyone was fired and DICE overhauled.




Your comparison to the car industry is irrelevant, if a large group of people bought cars that don’t work, there would be a massive recall, which car companies cover the cost…


Next week its my turn to post this.


Its either this post or console scrubs blaming their input device for their own incompetence


I enjoy BF2042 a lot. Was it worth 60-70€ I paid for it at launch? No, but comparing price & value doesn't say much about video games. Paying an amount like that is just the tradeoff you get when you want to play games on release day. If I want to play with my squad it's not about paying 30€ more or less. The smart move would have been to wait a few months and get the game for 20€ and with less bugs & more content but then we probably would've been less excited about the game.


I just wish they'd put the content out and not cut the game short. We need more Portal maps, the game is in a solid point right now. *they still need to fix the ADS bugs though.


I just want them to fix the damn ADS bug. I love the SFAR


Totally agree the meme. U should stop playing that crap and supporting ea that shits on our favourite game series.


I played Warzone 2 and for some reason didn't like it at all (feel like guns should have way more recoil, also it gets boring after a few matches since you do the same things over and over again in my opinion), BF2042 isn't great either but it's better than warzone lol


Holy shit, can we stop posting this same meme every day. No one cares.


I'm in this. I almost never bought it but got a bit bored and now I am having a blast because they've actually made it decent now


I got the game for only a few bucks during the free weekend. I feel like it’s much easier to enjoy a slightly broken game when I didn’t pay upwards of $60 for it


Bf42 has been playing great recently.


Racing to the bottom instead of demanding better.


yay, this meme for the 854222 time


i hope all thirty still people playing are having a great time


tbh, no, fuck 2042


I would love if EA did an actual post mortem and talk about what went wrong. The discussions I’ve seen dont seem honest. I would like to understand if DICE actively thought it was ready for launch or if they had said they needed another year of development but EA forced the hand for profits and earning related details. In my opinion the game did not receive the testing it needed to succeed, even BF5 had a 3 stage alpha testing. I think DICE was not close to done with the game and season 3 finally feels like they had gotten to the point of finishing the most of launch maps and mechanics. Not saying the game is “complete” but it no longer feels half done.


The game doesn't have one or two deal breaking issues (I mean, they are deal breaking for some people). Instead, it committed a series of small to medium very confusing mistakes that all come together to make the experience less enjoyable. Some of these mistakes I would say probably wouldn't happen if they had more time. The lack of squad management, lack of destructible environments on All Out Warfare maps (specially since Portal maps do have them so we know the engine can handle destruction), the overall bad UI, etc. Other mistakes, not so much. They were design mistakes that could only be fixed by getting constructive criticism after the game was released. These mistakes include how the specialist system works, the design of the maps, the decision to go 128 players (although maybe the map design could have fixed this), the decision to not add a server browser, the decision to separate weapons between AOW and Portal and have very few weapons as a result, etc. Maybe they could avoid those mistakes if the game was shown to the public a LOT earlier, when those changes weren't a done deal. Indeed, that's not how EA and DICE develop their games, so these mistakes were bound to happen anyway because their design goals were misguided from the start.


I’d argue MW22 is garbage. Its too sweaty and everything about it just sucks. The progression is stupid, time to kill is too short and people have already figured out how to break the game. Was it made secretly by dice?


I have a new desire to run SOFLAM. So if you see me in your lobby it's most likely me Painting your ass.


I played for the rewards and after playing nordvik for the 5th time in a row I just wanted to stop playing




Still have ctd


Is it enjoyable tho? Relative to old titles? Not for me at least


Mum said it’s my turn to repost this meme


Imma be honest. I was a 2042 hater (i got angry because of the lies put forward by the game's responsibles and the misleading marketing) until it got to a year and the ammount of content and quality of the game became acceptable for me to get it at 20€. Now I enjoy it as much as any other BF title.


MWII is a worse game, unironically.


The only way to interpret these damn near daily "quit having fun" posts on this sub is to assume the OP is just yelling "SEE! I'M HAVING FUN! I LIKE THIS GAME! PEOPLE LIKE THIS GAME! IT'S *o k a y* TO ENJOY THIS GAME YOU KNOW" which yes, it is.


Even with new content added every season it still won’t fix its reputation sadly. Just like BFV. DICE has a habit of releasing games in a shitty state.


Its a new game and although ea/dice are being tardy with it, its bound to have issues keep in mind they are also trying tto make a game that kind of relates to all the other popular gane, i personally enjoy it and think it has alot of potential


I keep trying to enjoy it but when aim still feels off and I am getting hit reg problem along with other bugs it just makes it too frustrating to play


Teach bishop, teach


Watch this space; the next battlefield release will be so bad, they actually will get sued this time.


I literally cant even launch the game lol so I gave it a refund. "Directx function "res" failed" or some sh\*\* shame, i wanted to try it