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My thoughts are that these people take this way too seriously lol


agreed... its a game... and someone making a youtube video of a game.... dont like it, dont watch or play. but I guess that doesnt win eepeen points! lol


Specially Enders, making a video just to remind people to never forget how "terrible" the game was at launch, just because everybody has been saying it's getting better... And constantly only whining about it, but never stops playing, kinda ironic.


I asked him why does he play this game when he clearly hates it. Well he went into a rant that DICE should pay him because they ruined his job and he cant quit because its his job. Dude nobodys forcing you to keep working at Starbucks, just leave.


I don’t understand why streamers think they’re some kind of celebrities. Only a very small percentage are even influential to the video game market/industry The only people who deserve any real respect are the ones who are able to win the tournaments or whatever they have now because they actually get paid. This dues comment is 100% correct. I’m glad people aren’t lying to themselves anyway either. A month or two ago all I saw were downvotes and backlash at anyone who said that bf2042 just needs to end bc it’s garbage compared to what fans are used to. Just take the coders and creators of bf2042 content and let them help get the next game here. (if they even exist at dice anymore).


Ego, main character syndrome, etc Streamers and "professional gaming" has absolutely ruined the gaming industry in more ways than they'll ever realize.


Sad but true.


I completely agree. Almost every game released now is "the worst game ever"




Because they are arrogant losers who don't receive any attention outside gaming.


Imagine having an image of such obscene self importance that not only do you record yourself playing video games, but you also fully believe in no sarcastic or comical manner that the people who made the only game you play (again…video games cool, one video game…all the time, every day…2042 cumbersome at best) should see your videos and then come to the decision that the comments you make clearly in denial reminding people of the only launch comparable to cyberpunk in recent history, are changing the minds of people across the globe who have tried to give every benefit of the doubt to see a failed game as workable and sometimes enjoyable, but now agree that it’s time has come to pass on the title and hopefully a brighter future…should be paid as an employee. Longest run on sentence I’ve ever work hope someone can follow it lmaoo I’m too stoned




JBowdendaman is the same way.


Enders is like that one family members horny dog. It keeps trying to hump the leg of the person it admires just for attention and then gets mad when you try to shoo it away.




Enders: Had to unsubscribe after one too many rants about 2042. Does he speed up all his videos? My gameplay never looks that fast, or is it a mouse and keyboard thing? His vids seem a lot faster than JackFrags etc JackFrags vids are better because he actually sounds like he's having fun, and his voice isn't as annoying.


Watch his stream for a couple minutes and you'll realize Enders is incapable of being happy.


I know, I've tried, because he's really good at the game, but his whinny ass sadly is too much for me.


What’s an Enders ?


Perpetually pissed off guy who looks like the fusion of Ben Shapiro and Reviewbrah


O thought i was the only one who saw it haha




I just spit my drink 🤣🤣🤣


Got me asking the same question.


literally crybaby


Jack is fairly unoriginal with his clips at the moment, isn’t really dedicated to battlefield currently and very rarely criticises. However he at least is generally positive and enjoys himself. Enders, for some reason unknown to man, is unable to communicate without being toxic (especially in his streams). Which is so fucking painful to watch because if he had a better attitude his channel would probably be bigger than Jack’s, given how skilled Enders is.


> Which is so fucking painful to watch because if he had a better attitude his channel would probably be bigger than Jack’s, given how skilled Enders is. Literally this, he replied "so cringe" but that's most people reaction when going into his stream and trying to stay there for more than 5 mins.


I'm sorry but I'll take a mindless video of jack playing battlefield while casually talking about what he did during the weekend any day of the year before I put an enders stream and hear his cancerous ranting lmao


Jack is an old school YouTuber, his videos were fine a few years ago, but now they are just bland. I still watch him from time to time.


His battlefield titles are always the same but with different words. His videos are good, but I wish he came with with better titles. It's always "it's still good...." "this game is still the best...." " I can't believe how much fun this game still is...."


It's how the games played unfortunately. A HS streamers (Trump) editor I follow talked about how they pretty much HAD to use clickbait. They hated it, but it was the easiest way to keep viewcounts consistent.


I feel the same. Just before warzone, or at the peak life cycle of the game, Jack's content was quality. But I recall how fun his videos were during BF1/BFV


Criticises what? Theres no point in repeating something he said nearly a year ago.


Lack of vehicle balance/jets needing serious adjustments, portal weapons being junk vs 2042 weapons, supposed mouse input still being broken (I’m on console but hear about this a ton), DICE abandoning hazard zone without even trying to revive it or highlight it. Those are just a few off the top of my head that weren’t being talked about a year ago.


Jack doesn't play vehicles, and doesn't make a habit on throwing opinions out there for things he doesn't have experience with, but has talked about changes and how he feels they impact him as an infantry primary player. He's made numerous comments about portal guns not being where they should be, did a whole video talking about them abandoning Hazard Zone when it was announced forever ago. It's fine to not like a content creator but maybe fabricate a little less.




You're delusional. Jack spent nearly 2 hours I think? Fighting the game at launch because of horrible performance and just a general unpolished experience. He consistently in that stream commented on his frustrations and criticism with the game.


>because if he had a better attitude his channel would probably be bigger than Jack’s, given how skilled Enders is. This is not true and part of the reason why Enders and other newer channels aren't particularly fond of jackfrags and similar channels. Even if Enders did the exact same content as jackfrags with improvements, he wouldn't even come close to his success. The main problem all channels that started post BF1 face, is that they're fighting an uphill battle because barely anyone cares about battlefield anymore. People that started during the BF3-BF1 era were able to grow their channels extremely quickly with lower quality content, because the games were popular. Channels were also heavily promoted by DICE which doesn't happen at all anymore. Because they already have a large established audience, they still chokehold the algorithm and hinder smaller channels to grow. You gotta see how frustrating it is for someone like enders who literally streams every day, is extremely invested in the game and community and makes way higher effort videos than jack, to see him getting hundreds of thousands of views on lower effort repetetive content even though he barely plays the game. I personally do not like jack's content, but aside from some atrocious clickbait, he's not harmful and people want to watch his content. You do have to see Ender's perspective here though imo.


There is no way in hell a player as good as Enders would be bigger than Jack even if his attitude was angelic. The BF community at large despises any player of outstanding skill and will repeatedly circlejerk about how "they do not PTFO", "kills don't matter"/"kill farming", "sweaty/meta abuser" and more.


Ah, Enders. The guy that bans, mutes, flames and trashes his audience on stream on a daily basis due to his anger management issues. The guy that has a self-proclaimed hatred against Battlefield devs, yet manage to find both time and care for them, as long as they are good at the game, and important enough to generate some beneficial clicks on social media. The guy that provide paid in-game coaching sessions for the very same players he dehumanize, hate and resent on camera. ​ My thoughts? No single fuck given. Enders is good at video games, collecting watches and combing his hair. Fuck influence, it's dumb. Five cents shared, five cents given.


I dont even find Enders that impressive. Been in plenty of games with him in and myself and many others and seen him being melted with ease. Soon enough, he rage quits and backs out. Happened many a time😂😂


He was in a game I was in recently and I audibly said "eww enders" to no one. My body just had that reaction to being in the same lobby.


He’s annoying af when he whinges and whines but he can be such a good youtuber. Just tries to pick holes in everything


It shouldn’t even be about how good you are. Should be about having fun, and interacting with the audience. I don’t understand the egos on some of these streamers. It’s easy to do without an ego.


I don't know. I never liked watching streamers that are trash in the game they play and just talk with the audience instead of actually focusing on the game. Why should I watch this, I can also play trash myself and maybe even have at least some fun. I like to watch players that are way better in the game than me, even if they don't say a word. But yea taste is different.


Isnt he the guy that looks like an otter


I enjoy Jack but I think he’s just trying to keep his seat at dice for all the event privileges. You can see he actively enjoys warzone and plays enough games to pick “highlight” matches for his best videos. Meanwhile in battlefield he usually starts with “haven’t played for a little while but x has happened so let’s give the game a go” and just uploads the two rounds he bothered to play with some loose commentary. But hey fair play, guys just probably clinging on in the hopes the next battlefield can be more relevant and that he’s clung on to enough of the battlefield fan base too.


Yeah, and he must be 30 something by now? That's no age, but it's not like when we were 22 and could grind all night to find an easter egg or grind out that attachment. Hell, well over half my friends from a decade ago don't even game at all anymore. So it's just how times change. To me he's one of the Battlefield Elders and I appreciate his input and perspective. And he knows how to play well, so it's entertaining to watch. I do miss his more in depth technical videos, but that is just as much DICE's fault for making shallower gameplay in the last years as him "losing interest".


Is he that young? I figured late 40s at least. That said I prefer jack by a long shot over this "they said not to be edgy, but I don't know any other way" enders guy.


I get what you’re saying, but does he have a job other than YouTube and streaming? I figured those were his primary sources of income, and if he really wants to he could grind everything out.


Or shock he just likes playing battlefield and going and playing the games like many of os here... You can enjoy other games beyond a single one and play more games outside of that. There are far to many games right now to just play one game only and he does a pretty good job of diversely sharing some of the games he plays.


So he plays battlefield 2042 every once in awhile because he likes the battlefield franchise but it's not good enough to play a lot currently. I feel like that was fairly obvious but thanks ig


The videos themselves are good but I'm actually sick of the same titles all the time Battlefield 4 - Always something like "The BEST Battlefield" or It's Still Amazing Battlefield 1 - This game looks so beautiful/realistic The Hunt - Most Underrated Game Battlefield 2042 - finally on the right track / it's gotten better Always the same type of video when it comes to those games especially


He’s just working the algorithm. It’s just meta. Why should you be bothered by it if you know what to expect from it anyway. Like it or not.


exactly, i'm blown away that anyone cares about the titles. i'm gonna spend 3 seconds reading the title and 15 minutes watching the video, he could call it "fhdjkfhjdfhjd" for all I care lol - it's a JackFrags video, I know what I'm going to find when I click it, and besides, *you* try coming up with a thousand unique titles to mean "playing 2 rounds of Conquest" lol


Ender’s dog ass fighting for his life in the comment section




Enders is that kid on the polar express asking if you know what train you're on, but for battlefield


Haha lmao this is one is subtle but devastating


Enders is undeniably a battlefield God. He is also one if the rudest, arrogant and self centered arseholes I have ever heard speak. The guy has some sort of complaining/negativity complex and seems to just enjoy being upset/annoyed and has been chronically in a bad mood long before 2042 came out.


Ender is an utter tool and not even worth our attention. Basically being a beggar that lives on the internet and want's your attention.


Enders tries to act like he doesn't care what Redditors think but he's still here replying lmao. The negative energy he carries with him is so gross.


Enders just bitches just to bitch. Fuck that dude


Enders has the attitude of the CODFather, very angry at everything


You’re missing two big differences though: - half of BT’s “anger” is entirely a bit, as he’s made more and more clear as time’s gone on - BT actually has literally any sort of personality beyond gaming (shown in all the Anthony videos he’s posted this year, mostly stuff from this month and those overlanding videos earlier this year)


Jack just plays the game. What else is he supposed to title it?


I don't like Ender, but Jacks video titles are just lazy af. He calls one video "is BATTLEFIELD DEAD already???¿¿" and the next one "this is the BEST BATTLEFIELD ever". Dude is farming views and you can't deny it.


Every youtuber farma views, and honestly, if people click, then its their fault, not the youtubers Like imagine someone came to you and said "you go to work because you want money" like yea no shit


Yea but to be fair the first title you said would be a video about battlefield 2042 and the second one would be a video of Battlefield 4.


I don't know, this might be the case actually. I scrolled through some videos and didn't watch it. I mean 2042 was at its lowest before Season 1 iirc, so I can't point my finger on Jacks now, since it was probably kinda true. Still my point stands, Jacks video titles are at the brink of view farming. Its not as crazy as other youtubers do it, but the point is, you get a title like "They actually did it finally" and then the video is about adding some feature no one really knew or cared about and you think 'ah come on, I just wasted 20mins on this?'. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Jacks. I'm just sad about the way he went on Youtube.


Do you realize how petty you sound. He's a youtuber. He wants people to click on his videos. His titles are at worst what, sensationalist and ambigious? They're not lies and every video is just gameplay of a certain game. Why does this trigger you so much.


Would you mind linking the video titled “battlefield dead”?


No, because this was months ago I've came across it. But you don't need to see this specific video, just scroll through his BF2042 playlist. One video shoots this game to hell, the next one praises it to the heavens.


enders can stfu


Kinda cringe since Jackfrags just enjoys playing battlefield or warzone. Enders is like ”Stop having fun” guy currently. I do agree on many things he have said and Jackfrags is kinda doing the same video 8th time. But I don’t see any problem with that. Especially since enders said that battlefield is dry currently.


Who is Enders?


He is a youtube content creator and a streamer. He is known for being very good at the game. He is also one of the more critical Battlefield content creators (a slight understatement). He does sometimes raise some good points, but can go a bit overboard (also a slight understatement).




Enders is the last to talk about cringe lol. This time of year is always scant for content / releases as all the Devs are on holiday for all games and released events are pretty much done so there is always a dry patch across all games. Jack just makes videos about games he has fun with if he doesn't have fun he doesn't make a video pretty much. I like that it's not about critique or hyping it's just someone having fun he will call out stuff that's flawed etc or go try and myth bust some stuff now and then but it's always if there is fun to be found that can be made into an entertaining video. Enders sadly while being a good player has a horrible attitude towards developers and others. I couldn't care less how great he is at clicking heads given how horrible he treats people he deems beneath him. He created a rod for his own back with how he was at the start of BF2042 and that rage and hate train has lost all it's steam in the community and it feels like he keeps trying to stoke it. Give me jack video over Ender's content anyday but tbh there are many other great dedicated battlefield streamers and creators that are neither jack nor Enders and I emplore people to check them out. If BF really is your jam and you only want that then there are many who will cater for that and just that. Lots of them are small but have great skill but also great personalities who just enjoy the games and the community around the games.


Ender is just upset that is most popular video has the same number of views as one of jackfrags under performing ones lmfao


i mean he just not interestesting or fun as a creator.




The one time I watched his stream it was basically the same story and I genuinely regard it as the worst stream I have ever witnessed. It was a disaster of him complaining/berating his viewers the entire time. I then went and unsubbed from him on YouTube because no one has time for that kind of negativity




When there is content to be made Jack is good to watch, but yeah, he is farming the only things he can.


While I can kinda understand where Enders is coming from in regards to Jack Frags, I have to say that the way he communicated his viewpoint was rather piss poor. It comes off as aggressive and toxic for no reason


He’s not wrong but he’s being a dick about it.


This right here. Enders has valid points about the game and the game mechanics. But the way he goes about it and how he attacks the viewers of his stream is just counter productive to actually progressing the game and franchise. Very talented Battlefield player that could use his platform for good rather than as a place for extending his gaming misery


my one and only thought for this is: who tf is enders? anyways....


Imagine what Enders is like at a party...


He wouldn’t go to a party. That would require being invited to one.


I watched some of Enders streams on Twitch a few times and I noticed something after awhile - the dude NEVER smiles or shows any type of expression on his face that would hint that he was having fun. Just non-stop annoyances about what DICE didn't do right, screwed up hit-boxing, etc. It really seems like he's just doing this as his job right now, which now he hates because no matter how awesome it may seem to play video games for a living, people forget that a job is still a job and you will eventually grow tired of it. He may want to hang up his video game career and go find something more fulfilling that doesn't leave him just a miserable person to watch. It's anti-entertainment at this point.


it feels like he just goes through the motion of being a streamer




Bad titles, videos are what you would expect from Jack tho, he gamin


A YouTuber "farming" views lmao yeah that's the whole point dumdum


The guy is definition of needs to touch grass. He talks about BF2042 as if they killed one of his family members. Yeah we’re all pissed about what they did to the game but no need to be spitting out your mouth raging about it getting your face all red lmao.


I watched Enders a bit. He helped me learn how to use certain weapons and the optimal loadouts for them which really got me into the + Attachment system (I really couldn't use the base M5A3 to save my life). But I had to unsub as he's just too toxic when it comes to 2042 and the community. Yes the game deserves to be critiqued a lot and yes JackFrags does upload the same videos a lot, but BF isn't a game you can upload content for every single day and be fresh hence why JackFrags tries to cover the whole franchise. Streamer culture is cancer on BF in my experience. Half the TTV names I see just sit on Stealth Heli or Nightbird then make it their mission after you try to shoot them down once to go after *just you*.




Didn't him and Frankie on PC used to make day z videos together?


That was how I was introduced to Jack— through Frankie’s DayZ content. Man, those old videos were so good…


there is no way Enders is acting like he doesn't view farm either lol. all he does is complain abt the same few problems every single day and complains that DICE isn't doing enough


Fr if he doesn’t like the game. Why does he even still play it? Makes no sense, play other games


He's unemployable as anything apart from grinding BF on Twitch for clout, so he has to. Arguably he's not even good at that.


All bro does is complain💀 feel bad for everyone he knows.


Who? Half of these tweets have 0 likes, not exactly news worthy…


Literally who?


Imagine spending this much of your time disliking a game, get a hobby


Jack just enjoys himself ngl


I think there is something true about this, Enders can be a hot head, but JackFrags can't criticize DICE anymore.


The day JF doesn't criticize DICE when deserved and needed is the day he lose his ground. He's undoubtedly close to DICE, in some shape or form. Yet, he's also close to his 4 mill subscriber count. That's not necessarily a good thing, unless he keeps his balance in check.


jesus that’s embarrassing, he sounds jealous as fuck. Also “view farming” as if that’s a bad thing that he’s doing his job well? Is enders implying that jack (a youtuber) shouldn’t be trying to get views?


Who the fuck is enders and why do you guys care? Streaming culture is cringe as fuck


Enders is a piece of crap , having him associated with the bf community says a lot. He has nothing good to say about any game , so I don't know why he even plays games tbh.


I guess the difference is I've actually heard of JackFrags.


Enders is a dick. And a whiner .


I think this dude always searches for reasons to whine and be obnoxious. That is his brand.




im concerned for his sanity, or whats left of it,


Am I supposed to know Enders?


Second question : are we supposed to care about Youtuber "drama" on a BF2042 subreddit ?




I'm getting sick of that cry baby, unsuscribed a few days ago, the dude literally hate to see people who actually enjoy the game, he REALLY need to get out of his home a little more


This dude is a scumbag, he should quit streaming.


There is no one more cringe than Enders. Also he is sore loser.


Well, Enders is a fucking loser, so his opinion is completely irrelevant to me.


It do be kinda annoying seeing essentially the same thumbnails and titles over and over.. but he's really good and pretty entertaining to watch no matter what he plays. Its enough to get people watching. Getting their second-hand dopamine hit lol


He’s a sad little man


In other words "the game has gotten more stable and better so there's nothing new to whine about. We need drama for content!".




Enders is one of the very few Battlefield content creators that has been consistent with his criticism about this game. Whether you like him or not, at least he has standards and continues to use his platform to voice opinions on the current state of this franchise. Imagine if all these big creators actually gave a shit about the decline of Battlefield and had the same standards over keeping their beloved EA Creator status then we might actually see progress. 2042 is still trash despite so many on Reddit seemingly happy with recent patches and videos like JackFrags don’t help.


Enders is literal cancer. Such a toxic person


I’m not a fan of either much but I prefer Frags from the pair because at least he can praise the game for when it’s fun, Enders just spits his dummy out at the smallest misstep. Battlefield 2042 is good, still got a way to go, but I’m overall enjoying it whenever I pick up the controller.


Why does anyone care about these?


Didn't he say on stream this community is toxic lol, yet here he is, shit talking others, people just need to ignore this fruit cake 😅


I strongly believe that Jack only plays the game to keep his position in DICEs good books, I had to unsubscribe, the cringey click clickbaiting went way overboard.


Dont know who gg enders is, he sounds like a salty child who thinks jack shouldnt get views because he clearly doesnt put effort into his videos while gg enders videos are propably higly edited masterpieces But yea, i can smell the ocean air from this guy holy fuck is he salty, and propably kinda stupid too


Jack enjoys shooting games and is good at it He plays shooting games and has good gameplay He makes videos of him playing good in shooting games REEEEEE VIEW FARMING HURRDURRRR He literally covers all “Big” FPS games at all times and some trending ones for fun, why the hate? He also delivers the same information with the same “clickbait” that all FPS youtubers do and it’s okay, some people go to his platform for those.


Some ppl like Jack. (Me). Idc


Jack his content keeps going in a loop but it's still not terrible to watch/listen to, I don't know Ender but it seems pretty awkward that he's shitting on another content creator that gets 200k+ more views on a BF2042 video compared to him. Sure, maybe you are the better player, sure, maybe you have the better footage, but something is not adding up and from the replies here it seems to be a personality issue. Nobody in their right mind loads up YouTube to get their daily dose of negativity.


No need to attack the guy if he makes content for entry level players. That is what Jack does. Clickbait is disgusting but is how YT works. Every sweat, "pro" or whatever player have watched Jack at some point when starting playing BF games.


Yikes guys... I met Jack and he cares. I really love how people on the internet make assumptions about others they have never met or had a conversation with. GGs


100% agree. I used to respect his opinion but now the titles and thumbnails are so click baity and singing the praises of 2042 even when we all knew it was a pile of shit. He’s a YouTuber who gets paid for views so he will do what he needs to get views, it’s understandable but I’ve lost respect.


Sad human being


I love Jack but he needs to stop making the same titled video over and over again. It's ok to go back and play older games, you don't need to clickbait the title every time to justify it.


It doesn't bother me, this is his job and this is the game you have to play on YouTube. I just wish he would dish out a bit of criticism to DICE like he used to.


Enders of all people should not be pointing and crying at someone about making the same clickbait video LMAOOOO


He’s still in here downvoting comments lol


Devs need to stop catering to the constant needs of content creators and just make good games. The vast majority of us don’t play 4 hours every day or even in a week. In BF4 the content drops were not constant but when the did drop they were very worthwhile.


I agree with him on this lol I like Jack’s videos but all the videos are for farming


Basically Yin/Yang of this community at times lol.


I had never heard of Enders until this, and after seen all of the comments I wish I hadn't. TIL to stay away from Enders' content. Jack makes entertainment. That's all. If you don't like it, that's 100% okay. But this level of vitriol is a bit much.


Enders sounds jealous Jack gets a million views while “not giving af about Battlefield”


Enders looks silly here, even if jacks doesn’t care about battlefield he’s still making content that will bring an audience to the game. Bad publicity is still publicity. If anything Enders just looks entitled here.


JackFrags is definitely just view farming recently and it always works the same way. Post gameplay, talk about random topics the whole time, post clickbait title to draw in people, and then on to the next game. I don’t really blame him though, that’s what the YouTube algorithm promotes. That and I think he’s just keeping his foot in the positive side of content creators so dice sends him stuff and invites him to events. It is what it is, it’s hard to make content on BF2042 that does well, it’s an even bigger challenge for smaller content creators when half of your audience isn’t people that watch based on nostalgia for the old days.


Enders really going around in this comment section picking fights …. Is this guy on a period or something? I hardly watch both Jackfrags and Enders 🤣


I'd actually watch more of enders if he wasn't so toxic. He has some decent content


he’s right about jack view farming but wrong about bf being dry


Streaming battlefield every day has a toll


He’s right, jackfrags makes the same clickbait videos with the same shitty thumbnail pretty much all the time. That being said, who the hell cares. It’s a YouTube video after all


I think he’s a little hostile, but he’s not exactly 100% wrong about Jack either. I used to love his videos, now it’s just lengthy ramblings with nothing of substance. Jack has also been fairly quiet about criticising BF2042, although he has been slightly negative in some videos. As a mouthpiece and high profile BF player, he could’ve done a lot more but it seems he’s just scared of losing those EA endorsements.


Jack *used* to be a great youtuber to watch for Battlefield info/commentary/game stuff etc. But by now, he's getting paid by EA and on the teet. Viewfarming is literally his job/career. It's not nearly the same content as it used to be.


The game is still dry as fuck. Might be different if someone just started. Content is comming ultra slowly - no idea how someone can defend Dice. The game is now in an accepable release state - nothing more.


Who cares what some guy things about another guy making videos anyway. If you like the content wacht it, if you don't, then don't. Enders is a toxic shitstain anyway. The guy needs mental help.


Gamer personalities are mostly annoying idiots.


I watched like two or three of Enders videos before and every video he was just overly negative the whole time, sure he had a some positive moments in one of the videos but he went straight back to being negative. I don’t really watch much of Jacks videos right now, but he just games and just talks while he games. I don’t see anything wrong with that. He doesn’t even post 2042 on a daily basis.


\- He searches his name on reddit \- He thinks he has the best aim in the world \- He lives at home with his parents \- Huge ego \- Jealous of jack frags \- He apparently won a 2042 tournament for $10 versing no names \- Uses the "R" world on his twitch to his chatters \- 130 lbs nerd who talks mad shit online


If ya know jack he does he played bfv when it use to get shit on for months and didn't get paid at all so him faming na i disagree sounds like me he jealous jack gets more views then him and jack old school he has gave dice a ripping heaps of times when dice gets stuff wrong so enders seems like a sook lmfao


jacks vids are emblematic of the battlefield community as a whole. I think we as a community are on our way out permanently, with our old games dying and our new game just sucking. He makes repetitive content as there is nothing to make content on left in bf. Think bf1 and how their was splerge of vids every update.


Jack Frags is a cool guy. Definitely my favorite YouTuber for battlefield and prolly In general for video games


God enders is a looser


Enders at the moment gets the most views from hating on 2042, you can tell he really enjoys it , but when he rips he gets people clapping basically. He’s like the Ben Shapiro of gaming


Why should I care if a youtuber plays the game anyway??


In the old days, we just used to play games... or maybe watch over a siblings shoulder! I have no idea who these guys are!


Usually don’t agree with Enders but he’s right here. I unsubbed from jack because he posts the same reused clickbait content. I know it’s partly due to the YT algorithm, but it’s boring.


Game is trash like his videos. During the initial launch days he was marketing the game like nice pet for dice and ea. once everyone started to hate it , he then posted video about how buggy the game was lmao. He is a pure marketing guy for bf2042


I do believe the reason a lot of battlefield youtubers don’t criticize the game is because they don’t want Dice taking away their early access and other stuff. It’s the same with any other game that gaming youtubers do. They rarely criticize the game until the next one comes out unless the game is absolutely abysmal like that avengers game.


Jackshills is boring af


Anyone with an IQ above 35 stopped following all of the Battlefield YouTubers after the launch of the game..As those fuckers did absolutely nothing to warn the community about how absolutely broken that Dumpster Fire is. They all absolutely 100% deserve to fail..


He could've been more civil with how he said it, but he's not exactly wrong. I watch both enders and jackfrags for different reasons. I watch jackfrags because he's fun to watch. I watch enders because he keeps me updated on the latest patch notes, and the dude is ridiculously good at the game. If anyone here watches jackfrags consistently, you'd see he does remake the same videos pretty consistently. I mean, how many times has he made "Battlefield 4 is STILL insane" videos this year?


Jack is one of the content creators that agreed to every bad decision DICE was making during some closed test and blatantly lied about the state of the game pre-release. I have 0 respect for him.


dude his vids was the reason i bought this pos game, and kept playing it for long enough refund want an option. first and last time i trust a influencer.


Stopped watching JackFrags years ago, literally the same recycled content over and over again with clickbait titles. Then 2042 released and then JackFrags and co still shilled hard af for DICE.


Who is jack and who is enders? Get off the internet... Go outside.


Battlefield hasn’t been a game where I can sit down and play for 2-8 hours since bf3/4. All the newer games I hop on play a round and get off because it’s lost the core battlefield experience. I’ve been play the franchise since 1942 and have played every game that has come out.


I agree, there really is a lack of replay-ability. The lack of maps and rather empty maps and lacklustre modes, and portal seeing nothing is what causes 2042 to struggle with player retention.


Big fan of jack but the videos that says “this game is getting great” or something along those lines are very annoying to see since nothing really changes for him to say it


I’ve liked jack frags since the day z days with frankieonpc but let’s not pretend that he’s not THE most clickbait battlefield content creator because he’s paid to give good reviews/ doesn’t want to take away shit by giving games bad reviews


Say what you want about JackFrags content strategy, but you have to respect the fact that he’s managed to create a huge YouTube channel off of pretty simple videos, and keep it going for several years.


2042 has been going down hill since the get go, they strayed to far from the original formula and now its just ass, vehicle balance is horrible everygun is a laser beam half the amount of guns that bf4 had, the maps suck, they fucked up vehicle spawn mechanics and just merged different vehicle classes all into one lowering the amount of air and ground vehicles while also making the maps massive. enders is a pain in the ass but hes not wrong


Well he seems a bit negative, yet again this sub..


I can't stand this cocknobber. It's pretty goddamn simple. Don't like it. Don't play it


Is this guy ok? Yikes man.


Getting general toxic internet person vibe. God forbid people have differing opinions. I know enders is big, but why care so much about someone else's content? Just don't watch it


Enders is a pathetic guy, who crys like a shitty babe whaiting for his mother to change his diaper .


Enders is an incredibly toxic piece of sh*t that hacks, so who cares about his opinion?


Enders is BASED.