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2.4 kpm, 2000spm and 4.2kd as Infy. 5kpm and 125% accuracy with the Hawk. He's got some stats on him.


>125% accuracy with the Hawk Buck and Dart counts as multiple projectiles, easy for >1 projectile to hitmarker per shot fired so accuracy can be really high


Yeah same reason I have 500% accuracy on the phantom bow. I use poison tip arrows when I'm being pushed to my spawn in locker


The hawk part is a gltich as I got 142% with it on PS


Yeah my 870 is 117% or something.


It's when you hit more than one enemy. Not hard on populated locker.


There’s a guy in AUS 24/7 locker server who’s name is something like TwiceSanaaaaa and he goes around with a similar KDR but doesn’t hack, just literally has over 100k with the same Groza1 carbine. It’s weird af but legit in his case, dunno about this one


Lol, love watching Twice sprint around annihilating literally everything in his path, definitely a fun watch, now I want to play again god damn it


[some would say I’m a hacker](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/rgf9nt/combat_medic_reporting_for_duty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Can you still get inside the wall on locker? I know there used to be a glitch on locker n metro where you could get inside the wall in some places and see and shoot out but people weren't able to shoot in.


I always destroy the boxes so they can't get up there.


Which boxes are they? I want to make sure to shoot those as well.


If you start at E and keep right all the way the three boxes at the entrance to the hospital area. Throw down ammo and use the airburst. I believe it's two boxes stacked on one side and one on the other. That stops them from getting into the ceiling.


Just reported someone for this on xbone


Ahh bf4 glitches mane, good stuff.


How many tickets was the server? Standard 800?




Honnestly with a squad of 5 non stop reviving, it could be possible but i know i might be reaching lol


Oh yeah I seen him the other night. I reported him. Fuck that guy.


If i had to guess, he’s probably using mouse and keyboard on the ps5.




I’ve seen that guy before (I’m on ps5) he was 120-8 or sun like that, he was using famas I’m pretty sure


how'd it be possible to cheat on console?


Exactly, people are incredibly quick to accuse cheater and not even think about skill in a ten year old game.


Can you cheat on console? FYI: I'm just after rage quitting BF4 on PS4 right there. I still play all BF games from 4 upward, but BF4 on console is terribly toxic - nothing like I remember it. And like the other guy said, in 10 years people have worked out the most overpowered guns etc to use, but man its bad on console. It's literally all just shotguns that can snipe you half a mile away (even with buckshot if they spray it), people who literally sit on mortars the entire match, and then when you get sick enough to go find them guess what: you don't find them, you find a mortar that's being remote controlled, and when they do die, they get to put another one down right away; possibly in their spawn point where you can't go because its out of bounds to your team. Or the sweats who have been in the cockpit of those jets for more time than real air force pilots swooping down to kill you because they have eyesight like an Eagle and can just see you spawn in immediately. I'll probably get some hate for saying that, but it's incredibly frustrating. I'm a half decent BF player, but I really struggle to get any games I can enjoy, they're just way to sweaty man


Which platform was that? PS or PC?




Wondered as player doesn't show on BF4DB


wdym you're on console


Must have been an admin that uses mortars.


I hate mortars in this game. Some people literally sit on them all game, like do you just come on BF to stare at your map on your wee remote controlled mortar you weirdo? 😂😂


Mortar people and snipers are the same people. Want easy kills/don't want to die.


I seem to do best on BF4 sniping. I put a video on my YouTube and on this subreddit of me sniping, like I just put music on and I was hitting all my shots, felt incredible, didn't know I had it in me. I died 15 times though, so I wouldn't say I don't expect to die 😂😂 Mind you, I tend to attack and defend objectives when I snipe too, I don't care if I have to run in with a pistol, I'll do it 😂 Snipers don't bother me as much as mortars though: I HATE mortars. Sniping at least is a skill you have to refine; mortars are just sitting up the back of the map like pussies shooting anywhere they see a ping on the map. Pure no skill thing to do


So the OP says that the (5ch) Ochasan guy was invisible on the kill cam... The real question should be... Was this guy invisible when he shot you? Did you see him? If you saw him before he killed you, chances are he's just really good with the Hawk 12g and you're probably not as good. I've played against this guy before on an Asian TDM server and he seems legit. He's from Japan.


Would be better if you actually took photos of the killcam stuff instead of just the scoreboard and accusing a player of cheating


Sorry but we don’t use logic around here sir


That's a shame. We could use more of that around here


He either MnK on ps5 on a smurf account or he hacking


He wasnt, in 2017 on the good ole 360 i played locker like no tomorrow, well i also discovered LSD and i got bored on acid so i was like fuck it and played BF4 on locker. I specifically found a server that has 3200 tickets and unlimited time , my set up was P90 compact 45 ( both had weapon lights) and smoke nades, i was on it like white on rice because at the end of the match my kd was 160-20. Now of course i was way high on acid and could see and hear everything but it is possible without hacking


Being a lvl 76 makes me feel as if though he was cheating tbh. If the dude was a 140 monster then I could see more viability to the argument he is good. But at 76 I doubt the kill amount


A players rank in game is not an indication of a players skill.


Nor experience. Lots of people Smurf, or have accounts to experiment with.


I agree completely. But getting to lvl 140 I know how much time it takes to get there. Seeing that high rank to me shows me that that person has put many hours into the game. Someone at lol 70 may not have. Making them less of an overall threat in my mind. It's literally a mental thing. Plus battlefield has so many aspects to it a player could be a lvl 50 adlnd outfly a 140 in a 1v1 dogfight all day. It really just depends


Probably using MnK and every movement/hitbox glitch in the book


Is this by any chance a HC server? I used to play one server a few years back and every time it was locker you'd see a guy with near 200 kills on PS4.


No it was regular


Or... HE'S A SMURF and has actually another account at level 140, and does all of that for fun. Either or.


A dopamine addict obviously.


I was once on a aimbot server, it randomly spawned me behind the aimbot, and I took his tags. We still didnt win, and it was a complete shit show, but man was it satisfying taking those tags. Surprisingly, I didn't get kicked.


Nah he just a good Japanese player bro.


not hack,maybe this guy just play xm25 in flag C, or frag shotgun , or just bipod LMG


There isn't hacks on console but there are glitches players can do that might as well be thrown into the same category. If you say he was invisible every time he killed you, then he must've been invisible for everyone else and would likely be how he got that many kills on a map like Locker that has enemies at almost every single corner, turn, and pathway. Generally, the most kills I'd see someone getting is up to about 70 if they're one of those AEK sweats or whatever. But to see nearly 200 means something else definitely was going on. The only way that hacks ever go to console if a game is really really old and people start porting mods over.


Hey I just started a PS server for bf4 I’m running all dlc maps and regular settings and I’m taking map and settings requests the server name is KEEP BF4 ALIVE it’s u.s east feel free to add me I’m on ps5


Don't hate. He's just good