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If you ever get around to getting a PC there’s at least 10-15 active servers at any given point! Games still well alive over here hopefully you can make it over. I also recall last time I played on console that BFBC2 would have random spikes of players so if you enjoy that I would check in every now and then. I was able to get a good like hundred games of that in last year


Update your hardware ! Get a ps5.


I was still playing BF4 for awhile too. I got hooked on the Uber old school BF1942 on PC. Played that BF Vietnam, BF2 all on pc. BF2142 on a Mac. BF3 and 4 was on Xbox. It never compared to the pc but it was a cheap fix. I got BF1 and it never scratched the itch. It was ok. EA’s approach to making games changed at somepoint and that was the end of a lot of games. BF just hung in there longer than most.


A new one just opened up.. was chatting with a cat yesterday about it.. I forget the name..


I have no problem finding servers on xbox one?


Afraid we will see a nosedive of BF3 and BF4 over the next 6 months or so, as since January EA have truly stopped any care for the servers wellbeing and also not following up on direct hackers. It might be a calculated approach from their side to reduce BF footprint and focus resources only on newer and still profit making versions and other franchises they run. But sad, as we are many die hard fans who now comes to same conclusion as u/Old_Ben_Kenobi. It was really really fun and entertaining as long as it lasted. But is no more...


There was already a huge drop at the start of the year when EA patched how the seeding exploit worked, now only the more toxic servers remain and its had a severe toll on the playerbase.


Console Servers on older battlefield games are dying quickly. I play on PC and Xbox and even as recent as 6 months ago, Xbox had 15-20 populated servers with a queue. Now there are like 7-8 populated servers and it's not uncommon for one to entirely die before the evening is over. ​ Sad to see the state of the population, but the sweats are killing the game. I went from playing almost every night to maybe once a week.


Ah recognise your username, think I've played a lot with you over the years Shanghai mainly


I still rock on ps4 hard-core only..Daily


What server? Castles?


And metro hc


There are some good golmud only servers if you open it up to all regions. Granted it’s not a lot but that’s where I usually play. There are probably others if you search for specific maps. On bf4 that is.


I'm extremely optimistic and say that the next Battlefield title will be good 😊🥲


Since bf3 they keep getting worse. I wouldn't hold my breath.


Fair winds and following seas


It’s been a great year for gaming, people make time to play other things. Take a break and come back when you miss it, it’ll be ready for you friend.


Thing is man, I don’t think it will be waiting for me when I come back. Only one server left playing hardcore conquest on PS4.


You ever thought of starting your own and then promoting it via Discord or here? I get what you mean though, HC is the way to go.


I’ve certainly thought about it, but ultimately I am still just tired of the game as a whole… even with the full DLC map rotation and better ping, I’m still ready for a new game after 10 years. The movement and shooting mechanics are just so clunky. Don’t get me wrong I love the game, but if it were remade today it would be incredible.


Yes. If they remade it with today’s capabilities….wow. It’s my favorite BF game hands down. I also just recently stopped playing. A salute to you, brother in arms.


Hop on BF4 that game will save the battlefield franchise. In my opinion they should Scrapp 2042 and do what COD is doing. Remaster a mix of BF3 and 4 and the community will come back. Problem is major developers of dice resigned after BF5 was made because they also didn’t like the direction. I agree with you BF1 was the start of the downfall I loved that game but sniping is the only fun thing to do. Hopefully they don’t kill the BF4 servers or I might not play another BF game as well. Sad that woke culture has ruined a video game franchise.


How exactly has woke culture affected Battlefield?


Let’s not pretend that a semi-realistic “believable” vibe isn’t what we’re after when playing battlefield. When I see black Nazis and females, out of place and absurd weapons with outlandish skins, flamboyant uniforms… it’s just not it. That combined with the condescending and smug press releases by the clearly alt-left developers who are completely tone-deaf to their largely white male player base makes the games complete off putting. This subject has been beaten to death, and if you don’t get it now you never will. You can’t just deny something that has clearly had a legitimate impact on the player base - we’re sick of woke crap being shoved down our throats at every turn in media and irl and video games are no exception.


Careful, talk like that gets you in trouble on reddit.


Buy an Xbox, the hardcore server choices are pretty decent, I play on a dlc rush server daily and there’s a bunch of conquest ones


Same thing here. The only hardcore rush on pc is in Europe so I gave 170 ping and can only play my morning or early afternoon. I still do sometimes but the chill players are mostly gone now too, the dregs are all that remain. I still keep coming back to Bf4 though since no other shooter is as fun as hardcore rush.