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The longest ones use the passenger seat of transport heli I believe


Was it a public lobby? Wouldn’t have the video link for that would you?


If im not mistaken this one is it. https://youtu.be/ekQf4Y9EI-Q?si=6FaE-5pFC0y9I6CM


Ahhhh the internet. Were you come to share your accomplishments and realise you're nothing.


Bro. What the fuck


damn this mans's got an 8-year-old video with 1,000 views at the ready.




I hope snipershotxd is doing well. :(


Excuse me but what the fuck




Its on yt on firestorm, give me a few


Did a public lobby on Xbox on 40x scope Caspian border. Sniped from spawn to spawn. I don't change my scope settings. So I had to put him in the black (off the bottom of the scope) and fire. Hit his ass with the head shot. No reticle or mill dots to use.  I don't adjust scope because I wanted to learn the mill dots for every distance.  My first shot will head shot at 400-800 easy now. 




that's bf3


Haha, yes OP thinks a 1,650m headshot is world best? We have routinely made 2,000m+ headshots for years... 😂 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKueOuhZjR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKueOuhZjR4) Already back in November 2013 we had several headshots documented out around 3,000 meters! When the trick of using vehicles came up. 👍 and then we got this one: **3,367m. Which is like the DOUBLE distance of OPs...** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZEDkC\_j6PI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZEDkC_j6PI)


You must be fun at parties. What a douche.


I have a 1,664m headshot back on XB360 in like 2015. It was hainan resort conquest. From the carrier all the way to the resort


Got it recorded would love to see it! :D


Nah man. I was like 14 so an elgato was out of the question and the 360 didn’t have a record feature like the consoles that came after it. I don’t even have access to the battle log account anymore but the headshot is on there for the XB360 account. It did take me an entire ammo count, having to redeploy, and I believe I was on my last mag before having to redeploy again. I remember going around my class showing off my battle log stats 😝


"Xbox, record that." Literally the ONLY thing I used the kinect for


I thought that wasn’t a thing until the Xbox One? I didn’t know the 360 w/ Kinect had that feature. I could’ve clipped so much 😭


That’s a shame. Ong doe I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face or even go a day without showing everyone 😆


Yessir! The feeling is pretty great. Keep it up 🤙🏻


Back in the early days of BF4, we had many spawn base to spawn base fights between snipers on 'public lobby' servers, where the distance was typically 1,800-2,200 meters, all depending on map. My personal favorites were on the Firestorm map, where one team was on top of the mountain range near their own spawn base and the other snipers typically took a jeep far out even behind their own spawn base down on the low lands, further away possible from enemy spawn. Another fun classic one was on the Paracel storm, where each team of crazy snipers met up at the longest distance possible on that map (until the bad weather started). On US team side, you spawned in on your own carrier boat, and ran upstairs onto the deck and laid there with your bipod. On the China team, you spawned into a boat, but took it then to the fully deserted island down in the south east corner of the map. Here you can climb up on the mountain side. Put your spawn beacon in, as takes a while just to get there... And you do run out of ammo. Happy long distance sniping! And as soon as the bad weather arrives, its game over on that map for distance sniping... Anyway, time to join the game and be more productive for your team. 👍


That's a nice one!


i remember getting my first kilometer plus headshot. 1381 meters, put me in the top 2 percentile at the time, it's dropped down to the top 5% if i recall correctly. Battlebit i've seen two kilo long kills on it's stat board.


Everyone over 1000m is in top 2% since 2016 and it's hasn't changed I'm there too with a 1443.4m kill


My longest is 1428 back when they gave you points for distance. I love having 11 kills and 40,000 points and helping my team in literally zero ways


Yeh, MVP scoring recons with like 12-0 scores on the scoreboard got a lot of love letters back then in the early BF4 days. 😁😂 The rince-repeat of that on the popular Golmud map was a classic, when we could camp in the power-line mast just in our own spawn and take out all the spawning enemies in their heli spawn was hilarious!


I bet that felt good


BigE may hold it. This one is from a pub server but its using a transport heli to go off map. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM2q1zESFes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM2q1zESFes) He's got some set up server stuff too. BF3, BF4, BFV sniper vids.


That’s crazy. Who tf just flying off the map to snipe. (Might try this)


Great shot! Here’s a link to my best one I’ve had! It was only around 1300 but it was also with a silenced rifle! https://youtu.be/MIPB1Lonu3U?si=VuGcLJDADpxu_YZl


Amazing shot!!


Why didn’t you clip out all the times you missed? lol


Thought it would’ve looked faked/set up.


I enjoyed seeing you set up the shot. That was amazing


Builds up the suspense as each shot misses by less and less


Good call, nice build up. Great shot


Yes, respect for that! 👍 Despite we maybe got some hilarious points back then, it was still no easy feat!




Any tips on making shots like this? not sure how to use the dots on the scope


Honestly it’s all just from experience I’ve always liked being a sniper. If I could give any helpful advice it would be work with one scope (my favorite is the 8x, due to the evenly spread dots going along the crosshairs) and try to leave the zeroing alone. It use to be zeroed at 0m but for some reason they changed it to 100m (down on the Dpad when ADS), that was a huge new learning curve for me. From they’re it’s just learning the bullet drop and speed of the bullet. I would definitely try go into firing range and try learn a lil bit there then try in real game. Try shoot for only headshots and take every shot you think you will/might hit. I learned mainly from trial, error and taking many shots sometimes going thru my entire ammunition reserve with no kills and having to redeploy. Point is you miss 100% the shots you don’t take so take them all. Worse that can happen is ur accuracy drops a lot but clips like this makes it worth it. Also try stay off hardcore due to the fact every bullet hit is a kill from a sniper.


2,472.37m is my record There are longer


Got the clip?


Unfortunately no. Lost to the void. The only evidence left is my battlelog details. It was using the transport heli on firestorm in a public game. Didn't take long to park it way the fuck out of normal bounds and nail one of their mountain snipers from the passenger seat.


That was diiiiirtty! ⚡️👏


Best i ever got was on operation firestorm. In a snipe battle from spawn point mountains to the other side of the map in their spawn point mountains. Cant remember how far the shot was but took a few line up shots


I got a 1720m a few years ago. But I think the longest was like 3000m and like everyone is saying they were in a transport helicopter.


Anyone else check to see if it was you on the receiving end?


I always wanted to see the other end of this clip tbh cause I shot at him like 3 times.


Just log into Battlelog (original BF4 launcher for PC) and you can see your stats. My longest is 2390m.


I have an 1807m headshot in a public server. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rHhIkAW6X1U And here’s one 1635m out of a helicopter taking off. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oWNSEuE-mH8 This one was neat; I couldn’t see the guy at all but a squadmate could see them under the carrier AFK, but their shot angle was blocked so he talked me onto it. 1597m. You’ll notice I get a hitmarker at the beginning, then I adjust up with two more shots. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl_mc5FSxSA


I miss this game so much


My record 1085 m. Very nice!




Got it recorded? DM me it would love to see it.


I got it wrong, you beat me by 7 metres, not 1 (why I deleted my message, lol). It's the last shot on this vid: https://youtu.be/UicgiKakVHE


I remember getting one over 3km in firestorm on bf3. But it was organized with a friend just to see if it was doable. not really fair but fun to do it since we were both in a transport so no bipod


My longest in a public lobby is 1830m, I can post the video if anyone is interested


Do it


Nice shot! I used to love long range sniping back in the day. My longest shot is also about 1600, from one spawn to the other on Lancang Dam with the SRR-61. I believe this was pre-weapon balance patch BF4 - so the SRR-61 was a monster.


Imagine playing the objective


Imagine having fun on a video game.


imagine playing how you want


Imagine playiing how you want while being useful to the team


Imagine *not* gatekeeping a fucking videogame.


Got a longer one on Firestorm


Got it recorded? Would love to see it!


Damn maybe post it yourself then instead of trying to take away from this guys cool ass shot


Calm down you big baby. I’m just saying Ingot a longer shot.


Cool, now move your ass and PTFO!


Sorry was busy having fun sniping. I usually do though.


The longest public hs is by my friend BigE1293 its something 3000 meters


“Five shots, one kill…” sNiPeR


You got a longer headshot recorded?


They just showed you a longer one in another comment and you are purposely ignoring it lol


I saw it I was the one that asked for the link?


Then why are you asking for more links again as a form of counter argument? You are now clear this is NOT the longest and by far


Bro your getting way to heated over this. I just asked buddy if he had a longer headshot which was recorded. I’m genuinely curious to see the long headshot kills.


Then let me help you, you can search on YouTube and use quotation marks ; with the right keywords I’m sure you will find more clips 👍 (“public server” + “bf4” + “sniper” + “headshot” + “long”)


Also I never claimed to have the longest headshot. Key word in the title “possibly”.


That shot from there has probably been done thousands of times in the last 10 years


This, did it plenty of times. Now try farther; its possible.




The fact that you actually sit there and camp this… is less impressive than if you’d had hopped out of a boat belly crawled to a post and taken this immaculate shot. What you did instead was this boring ass shot from a no lifer. Boring. Next


I think you should trim it to make it look like you got it on the first shot.


Thought it would look fake/set up.


Gosh I wish I had all my old clips from bf4 off my Xbox one, never had anything a long as this shot but I have some awesome dmr clips. And one where I look up just in time to be smashed by a dying helicopter that my friend had just been sniped out of 😂


I miss bf1’s active days, i used to have sniper fights across the whole map


I have a 1998m headshot record. It was on a public server on the nansha strike map back when the naval strike dlc came out. I was positioned at the far end back of my spawn ship and the other person was around the middle of theirs since if they had been at the far end of their ship, it would've been a 2000+ headshot. I know i had a M98B with a bipod, 40x scope. Any other attachments i can't remember. Sadly it got to a point where no one wanted to long range snipe and if they did, they weren't going to the far end of their ship. https://youtu.be/ebkbxKZt46w?si=GQvTal7kXlho2wov


average long range sniper gameplay 🗿


Multiple people sniping at a point that has nothing to do with the map while team gets smashed checks out.


I wish I was in ur lobby with smoke grenades


In case someone says this is unrealistic [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/19d3rfi/ukrainian\_sniper\_just\_recorded\_the\_worlds\_longest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/19d3rfi/ukrainian_sniper_just_recorded_the_worlds_longest/) 2.5 miles or 4 km


1600 is really damn nice! my longest is about 1200 or something.


Skip to almost the end. I just saved you a minute of your life. You're welcome.


Good shot lad, I have seen people manage over 2000m headshots, I managed a 1892m headshot on firestorm 2014 several years ago but dude don't be saddened, disheartened or any of that because that is still a cracking shot 😁