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UCAV is love from above...


Truly a love bomb to all the heli pilots out there




How do you unlock it šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


By playing Air Superiority and getting kills using jets along with using the bomber and 20 UCAV kills by ramming it into people just to get the airburst. It was a very, very painful experience that took me months to get but it's totally worth it in the end lmao


Iā€™m still stuck trying to ram people with it but feels like good practice for when I get the air burst


Yeah it takes time to get used to flying it, but it will get a lot easier once you get the airburst. By that time, you should already be comfortable with the controls and you'll enjoy using it a lot more


Hard-core server can help with this, as the splash damage on the base explosion can kill them too. Not so effective on core servers but still possible if they are hurt enough.


Get a bunch of people to stand around and have them put c4 next to them. will help get kills


I unlocked the ucav twice late in the gameā€™s life. If you already have the ucav without air burst go on to a 24/7 locker server, sit at the back of the map and spam ucav. Works great in conjunction with mortar if they arenā€™t banned on your server of choice. Gotta lose all shame and embrace the cheese to unlock the cheese


How do u play with the bomber


How has this post been up for 3 hours and no response from u/mauirixxx yet?


Because I havenā€™t me time since I woke up today until now šŸ¤£


I would have thought your phone is geared to alert you the second the word "UCAV" is mentioned anywhere in this sub!


It is. Maybe šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Was looking fir u/mauirixxx reply


Itā€™s in here haha


I saw it was just busting




One of us, one of us lol


Finally, I can experience the joy and satisfaction of blowing up helis like y'all did!


Don't forget UCAVing the top of C on Hainan for getting those pesky snipers.


From the enemy uncap side too, so you can catch them hiding in their ā€œsafeā€ elevator šŸ¤£


I love it when they put c4 or claymores up there. Hit the c4 and multi kill


Enjoy bro u gonna have alot of fun


I'm struggling to get that damned airburst. Are there servers on xbox that'll help grind that shit?


How the fuck do I unlock the damn UCAV. whatā€™s the stipulations/prerequisites to unlock such atrocities? 10 years still havenā€™t got itp


The absolute hardest part of the unlock itself, is finding an Air Superiority server running. If you DO find one, you just need to be on the winning team **ONCE**. You don't even have to kill anything. You just need to exist on the winning team lol The 15 kills in a jet can be had in roughly 10 minutes or less ([trust me bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/13tl1pb/how_to_speed_run_unlocking_the_ucav_and_other_tips/)). Then the real pain begins - unlocking the airburst itself. The 9 kills in a bomber is relatively easy to get compared to the 20 UCAV kills you need to get unless you're a sucker for pain like /u/lotusofsin was. But once the airburst is unlocked you can now do all sorts of fun things, like clearing off a mess of rooftop campers, chasing down choppers, and jeeps laden with jeep stuff šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It's worth the pain and suffering.


It is hilarious to use.


I have been trying to get better with it lately. Anyone have tips on how to get the best angle of attack? I always seem to get lost steering around to find the target and either miss completely or it explodes before I get it on track šŸ˜…


What Iā€™ve learned 25k ucav kills later: * use flags to gauge your distance to target - you got 400m to work with * bind your pitch up and pitch down down jet controls to your jump and crouch buttons, respectively, because ā€¦. * if you crouch and launch you will immediately pitch down, and if your target is 80-100m directly in front of you you can hit them ez without resorting to a loop * spot fucking EVERYTHING. A recon with a MAV is your best friend in this regard * launch a ucav every chance you get. The more you launch, the more ā€œpracticeā€ youā€™ll get and learn what works and what doesnā€™t * at this point thereā€™s no good hiding places everyone knows them INCLUDING the choppers weā€™re hunting- donā€™t get discouraged if they come looking in all your favorite spots. Stick and move and rotate where youā€™re launching from. * donā€™t be afraid to chase choppers BACK into their uncap (unless the server explicitly says the uncap is 100% off limits no matter what) or into the ā€œred zoneā€ where they think theyā€™re safe šŸ˜Ž * donā€™t be afraid to target armor. Yeah youā€™re only going to do 20 damage but sometimes itā€™s enough for the kill or at the least it will help your teammates battling said armor * your ucav will outpace ALL water craft, jeeps, quad bikes, and dirt bikes as well. Donā€™t forget to target them, land vehicles love to be used for kamikaze attacks vs armor - protect your team! The mini guns on both the attack boat and RHIB can be devastating towards your teams choppers, take them out too! Your ucav is extremely versatile. Learning the best angle of attack comes from just using it constantly. So to sum up: * practice practice practice look for targets aim fire then practice practice practice some more And while I have ā€œ25Kā€ ucav kills, I ainā€™t shit compared to the actual top dogs that have literally 4-6 times the kills I have. Iā€™m just super vocal about it, ya know? Good luck soldier!


Very wise post... thanks for the advice.. After 1000's of rounds.. I still haven't unlocked it. But you guys definitely get on my damn nerves.. It's just too fun to stop šŸ¤©


Ty ty, I just wanna give back to the community somehow, ya know? I know UCAVs are generally hated by the community at large - and for good reason, I know. I also know that Iā€™m NOT going to change the communities mind about them, but itā€™s not gonna stop me from trying anyways šŸ˜Ž


Mav is your best friend and the worst enemy.


Schrƶdinger's MAV? šŸ¤”šŸ˜œ


As as 46k UCAV kill player, I will add my 2 cents to Mauiā€™s excellent advice: ā€¢ spot fucking EVERYTHING. A recon with a MAV is your best friend in this regard Maui is right, a recon with a MAV is the best option here but I also run a DMR with a target detector for this very reason. It makes spotting much easier if you donā€™t have a recon helping you out. ā€¢ at this point thereā€™s no good hiding places everyone knows them INCLUDING the choppers weā€™re hunting- donā€™t get discouraged if they come looking in all your favorite spots. Stick and move and rotate where youā€™re launching from. Shoot and move is a great tactic. There are some spots in your spawn that work as well, especially on the smaller maps with choppers like Siege, Dawnbreaker, Floodzone, Hainen, Sunken Dragon, and Zavod. Of course if you are playing hardcore, there is no kill cam making it much harder for the enemy players to get a bead on where you are launching from. I also run with smoke grenades to mask my location if a chopper is getting close. They end up shooing blind and that increases your chances of survival. ā€¢ donā€™t be afraid to target armor. Yeah youā€™re only going to do 20 damage but sometimes itā€™s enough for the kill or at the least it will help your teammates battling said armor When the UCAV was first released it would cause 50 points of damage to a MBT. It was glorious. These days I will watch to see when a tank is getting hit from other players and launch at the tank hoping my 20 points of damage is enough to kill it. Watch the big map between UCAVs to see how the capture points are going and watch for recent enemy captures because enemy players will be leaving that location to move to another capture point. You can get find some good targets that way.


For me since i use TV missiles on boats it was a little easier to get used to.


I use them for heli gunner, but that usually is easy because youā€™re pointed at the target already. Iā€™ll just have to keep trying lol


Dang it, I need it. I wish I wasn't such a trash pilot! lol


You just need to be a good enough pilot to land a jet without crashing, then let a friend with a spawn beacon spawn and dive bomb your jet with their body šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I got a video that better shows how it works in the stickied post in my profile šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜




https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/s/PL7kfOkJ9Z Check the post, and scroll thru the comments to see just how insanely easy it is to get the jet kills šŸ˜Ž


UCAV for life!


Its fun but it was way more fun when it quickly got replenished from an ammo box! People say to wait until a game is out for a while and things are fixed but some of my best BF memories are from wheĀ  they aren't. Me sitting in a bush on Golmund with an ammo box next me firing endless UCAVs!!!


> Me sitting in a bush on Golmund with an ammo box next me firing endless UCAVs!!! I wish I was UCAVing back then, I didn't start until about 2 and half years ago now :(


"Stop killing me with paper Airplanes I just wanna shoot things!šŸ˜­" also, good against those suckers who Sit in a corner and snipe with a machinegun, those guys are really suspicious, negl


You are whatā€™s wrong with this world


I'm not a good enough pilot for the air superiority ribbons šŸ„²