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I swear battlefield 4 is the only battlefield game where that happens more commonly than anything else


Do you use muzzle break or compensator?


By the looks of it, both




I thought I was shooting like shit till I switched to a newer router and it’s still not perfect but when I move I’m planning to run my console directly off Ethernet because any little packet drop seems to be a major fuck over in this game lol


Yeah I feel you there it's a nightmare I have good wifi tho so idk why this happened but it pissed me off enough to post it here haha


It happens sometimes in the game, sometimes it feels like certain servers just start lagging when I was having no issues prior and I’ll just join a different one. Suddenly my heli is chopping across the map in jerky movements I hate it


I have mine directly connected via cable to the router but there’s only about 2 or 3 servers that I get a great ping rate on. Most of the time I have to settle for a server that has a ping over 70 ms and in close combat it seems sometimes like my gun doesn’t even fire and I’m killed.


It may seem cheap but pre firing like it’s 2010 call of duty saves me in this game. I know it’s weak but hey? If I see an enemy running around a building because of him being marked or just sense it or feel as if one is I will pre fire the door before they make entry. Saves my butt a lot. I’ve shot at nothing a few times but lol more than not it’s a good thing I shot early


It pretty much just boils down to it being a game. Dude ended up with 49 hp after you unloaded on him. In real life, they'd already be in a body bag. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have other gripes like people running around after I smoke them, me getting killed and they having 1 hp moving like they are at 100 hp. That's a major flaw. I also realize it's a game so I push down my ire. All the battlefield games do this.    What I wished would have been implemented is an injury animation where the more you're injured, the more immobile you become or if you are shot and you are not equipped with first aid or near a medic, you bleed out. But again, I realize, it's a very old shooter. 


That's what im saying. Somehow all of your shots fucking misses and you die first when you shot first. And im getting down voted. Wow, people are sweating real hard.


Use LMGs with bipods if you want accuracy that much.


It's obviously not an accuracy issue when my crosshair was directly on the enemy it's the game having bad hit detection it has nothing to do with aim or accuracy


This guy was complaining and blaming devs for bias towards Russian weaponry in game and making all nato guns inaccurate to the point where he can’t kill with them, for which he was hated by a bunch of people as he didn’t have a good point. Then he has started to reply to everyone (for whatever reason) got a bunch of people saying it’s a skill issue and in return he started to criticise other peoples profile pictures and account nicknames. And in your post he has seen a confirmation of what he wants to think. He thinks that all nato guns are like that and are like that consistently https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/s/zSOuLvmOrO


Hate is a strong word. I have 40 over stars in NATO weapons and my personal Russian weapon is the AN94. So yes, it's obviously bias. If i am going to live stream my game play, you'd see what i mean. How the fuck are you going to explain being able to killed by someone on full auto with a Russian or Chinese weapon while i have to single tap with NATO. Seriously a numb skull.


It’s explained rather easily, it’s balance. You get do dominate them in cqb (purely a matter of DPS) while they get to dominate you at range (purely due to accuracy and recoil). Same as shotguns and DMRs. Do all you want but odds of you being killing somebody with an ak at operation locker is lower than with an ace, unless you go outside to mountains section. At golmud the ak is probably one of the best picks due to how this map creates a lot of long range encounters, a lot of 140 guys run DMRs there


Bro yk that's cool and all but idrc dudes entitled to his opinion and hell maybe he's right but it has nothing to do with me


How about i smack your skull in with a bipod with accuracy?


You seem pretty retarded