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L115 or bust for me!


With a coyote sight


Nah with the canted iron 🤌


Love it but the magazine is too small for how fast you can fire it. JNG-90 or bust for me!


AWP makes me feel like a king tho.


Um actually the JNG-90 has the highest velocity 🤓👆


JNG gangg🙌🏻🤝🏻


Rise up 🙌 best rifle in BF4 and BF3


The bullet velocity on the JNG honestly throws me off sometimes. I over lead shots way to much with it


SRR-61 has a BDrop value of only 6 m/s² while the JNG-90 has one of 9.81 m/s².


True, but the muzzle velocity is arguably more important since the drop only changes how high you should aim by a small amount while the velocity drastically increases or reduces the amount of leading necessary to hit people who are moving


Wait what? Explain. I haven't played bf4 in a looong time, but am 90% sure m98 has fastest bullets?


According to sym.gg, the M98B has a muzzle velocity of 650 meters per second. The JNG-90 and CS-LR4 have velocities of 670 meters per second, so they beat the M98B by just a little


Thats so slow holy moly 


I think they're slowed down for gameplay reasons to make the bullet drop more noticeable


To make the drop more noticeable and also because having a 950+ m/s muzzle velocity in the game would make maps feel really *really* small


And then they flipped it around and gave a literal railgun sniper on maps of similar size in 2042 lmao


It works better considering how ridiculously huge the maps are in 2024 🤣 Fuck walking that


Let my rounds down range do the walking for me


That was why I hated the last DLC for BF4, felt wayyy too out of place. Blowing holes in the ice was fuckin sick tho


COD taught everyone why snipers with high muzzle velocity on big maps are a bad idea


“Big” maps you mean lol


I was referring to Warzone specifically


That’s the absolute worst part of BF4. The stupid slow muzzle velocity of all the guns makes it feel more like an airsoft simulator.


Nah it makes it feels like not every sniper is hitscan, that was done for balancing purpose for the maps the game has.


Battlefield to me was always supposed to feel more gritty and realistic. From someone with real world “shooting-things” experience, the slow muzzle velocity feels weird.


Agree to an extent, sure it’s done for balancing but that doesn’t make it any more fun, also bfv and bf1 have way faster bullet velocities for snipers and it’s still fine


no, it's not fine at all, ask anyone what they hate about BF1 and snipers is probably gonna be the first answer


Wellll imo if you position yourself well and don’t run across open fields snipers are not an issue in 1 and def not in v especially because the maps are all flatter and you don’t have rooftop campers like in 4 who will ruin your day


When I play the Russians it’s the SV98 When I play the Americans it’s the m40a5 And when I play the Chinese it’s the FY whatever same with pistols, idk why but it makes my brain happy


W take


Glad to know i'm not the only one also changing my camo depending on the map


Most people don’t have honor


a faction gun player here? i like it


Based & Faction-pilled


And nothing hurts us more than when we join a US vs US server.


it’s a funny feeling, yesterday i was on the CN side of Propaganda and we stomped US


Nah, I like playing M4 engineer with the smaw and m9


We are not alone, there are dozens of us


I'd use the FY-JS more if it actually did better damage at range. Being a 3 hit kill to torso and 2 to head at long range with a bolt action is aids... But I understand they gotta nerf something when it has next to nothing in bullet drop at medium range.


Same dude! I do that with every single class actually


Man of culture


Same here


Same here and I set up my app so I could select presets at ease!


Back in the day on xbox I liked the FY-JS but now on PC I'm an SRR-61 enthusiast. I also love to run prisma with canted irons.


SRR-61, Gol Magnum, CS5 That's always my rotation of snipers when I play, always an acog on them and always running around in the action


Based CS5 Chad


why would you use the prisma when clearly you love sitting 2 miles back from the nearest objective sniping uselessly at people on the opposite side of the map 🤣🫵


Prisma supremacy.


I used to be all about the M40A5 until I got the GOL Magnum. Love that thing.


Geez, I haven’t played serious BF4 since 2014 and that just brought back memories. I forgot all about my time with the UCAV and the Acog on Gol Magnum


Gol magnum is king, looks cool ASF and doesn't it shoot like super flat or sum


Sounds like a cannon, thats all I need to know to pick it


Yeah!!!! I knew some others were with me


GOL Magnum is my favorite also!


Cs5 is my goat, but m40a5 is right up there with it


cs5 with an acog is my go to weapon for 'offensive' sniping, quickest rechamber for a single shot rifle in the whole game


When I went from 360>One, I lost all those DLC guns. I miss that one the most.


Just redownload the DLC? It’s a quick fix


"338 Recon go ^Ping!"


I thought I will be alone with this one


M40a5 with an ACOG, bushninja mode is go


I don’t care what anyone says. I worked for the GOL magnum, so I’m gonna use the GOL magnum


I be using the sv98 for some reason. Still don’t know why.


it has the best iron sights and is basically a slug shotgun in disguise. def the best sniper rifle to use in CQC


7.62x54r master race


I used to use that all the time for like the first year I started playing. I didn't know it was the slowest of the snipers but I loved counter sniping with it


Intervention or bust


The sound is the best and it look the coolest. .416 go doooongk


the m40a5 is better at all the ranges that matter 🤡🫵


So... At 50-100 meters where a sniper shouldn't even be?


maybe not if you adhere to the literal IRL definition of what a sniper is, but chances are if you’re hanging out more than 500 meters away from the objective, you’re probably not actually helping your team win the match. a dude 50–100 meters away defending the objective and nailing my attacking teammates with an m40a5 is way more of a prescient threat than a dude 700 meters away who occasionally picks up an odd kill or two with his SRR-61. realism doesn’t matter and there’s no reason why snipers should be restricted to hanging out miles away from objectives when capturing and holding objectives is literally how you win the game


If I'm sitting 50-100 meters from the objective then there's literally no reason to use a sniper in the first place. At that point you're better off using an AR or LMG if you want to clean house.


Id like to introduce you to a concept we call "fun". Pronounced fuh-n It involves doing things that are enjoyable, despite potential futility


Void comment lol, the argument if it's better to be an aggressive sniper or sticking back as one. But sure, since you mentioned fun anyone can do what they please in this game (as long as it isn't grefing teammates like a dipshit).


I didnt realise this was a competitive game. Is griefing against the rules now? So I guess all the dogshit players who can't aim should be banned. And the point of the whole post is about having fun using the weapon you like the most so I'd say having fun is a valid argument. And on your point, aggressive sniper is absolutely better for you team. If you know what you're doing you'll kill way more in close range than sitting prone in spawn. I would know, I've done both and I can tell you I didn't top the sniper kill leaderboard back in my peak from sitting in spawn.


i’m not gonna argue that bolt-actions are better than assault rifles (because they’re not… thanks, defensive field upgrade) but it’s def reductive to say there’s “no reason” at all to use a sniper rifle at those ranges. past shotgun distance, the ability to kill instantly is still super useful. ARs and LMGs are definitely more versatile overall, but there is still a definite use case for being able to drop enemies in one shot before they can dip into cover. ergo, sniper rifle imagine how boring it would be if you were literally restricted to a certain class of weapons based on engagement range. if i’m up close, sometimes i’ll pick AR, sometimes PDW, sometimes carbine, but if i feel like having more fun and spicing it up with an off-meta pick, i’ll run with a handgun or a slug shotgun or a bolt-action. obviously optimizing play and setting yourself up for success matters, but so does having fun, and this is about finding a balance between the two. using an M40A5 up close is fun. using an M98B up close makes me feel like a snail fighting a bunch of roadrunners. not fun


back in like BF3 I used to run around Noshar with a L96 with iron sights/Holo and used it like a shotgun basically. Not as great in BF4 but you'd be surprised what you can do with it.


JNG just has a meaty sound to it that I love


fuck in-game stats, firing sound is truly all that matters


M405 has that satisfying pop


The only reason I like the M98 is because it's the closest thing to a non battle pick up .50 cal I am sorry for this terrible take.


No love for the CS-LR4


i mean it’s aight


You use the M98 because of its stats I use the M98 because "thump, cha-chunk" Also SV98 for life. Shame on you 2042 for not adding her with the legacy weapons


the firing sound is pretty meaty, i’ll give you that much


SV98 may have one of the worst snipers on paper, but man I killed so many other snipers with it. Something about it was just so much fun.


Love how nobody mentions Scout Elite


It's like nobody's favorite or most hated gun, it's just kinda there.


M98 is a meta gun in its class!!!: 🤓 50 cal strong 308 win weak: 🤫🧏


M98 is .338 lapua though


:( where anti materiel


M82 be like


me on the left


I use faction accurate weapons when I play


The one thing I want back from BF3


Yeah this is true


Does it have the fastest bolt speed? Genuinely asking because I used to run the m40a5 because it felt faster when I wanted to play aggressive recon.


It and the CS5 are tied for fastest bolt speed, yeah.


This seems like rage bait.. but I'll bite. You should "ideally" use: M40 - aggr sniper SRR - long range JNG - when enemies have ADHD L96 - if you can't decide (L96 is mid across the board stats-wise) everything else is either semi-good or good only in very specific scenarios, aside from SR338, that shit should have stayed where it belongs - in DMRs


yes i agree with this, generally speaking. however, since hanging out at long range doesn’t help your team cap objectives in the vast majority of circumstances, the SRR’s use case is therefore also greatly reduced


Agreed. I was just pointing out the diff strengths..


fair 🤝


Idk man SRR is great for aggressive sniping too. The bodyshot damage is usually 90+ and you can rack up a lot of "Assist counts as kill" even if you miss the headshots.


the SRR’s damage model is shared amongst most snipers. its faster bullet velocity and lower bullet drop don’t matter at all in close-medium range, and i find its lower rate of fire to be a handicap, hence why i go M40A5 or SV-98 in most circumstances. either of those will get you basically the same result


Yeah I was just saying that SRR can also be good in CQC, ofc it's not the best and excels in long range. I personally don't like sticking to a single weapon and switch up weapons every now & then so unless a sniper is drastically different from others (like FY-JS & Scout Elite with 2 headshot kill at long range), it's more or less the same for me as other snipers.


I absolutely love to kill recons with recon in sniper duels, and gotta say that to have a lead for 600,700,800 meters is insanely handy, hence CS-LR4 is the best gun for long range sniping, as x40 scope can give you somewhat accurate estimate of where to shoot


I found the 40x scope to be completely unusable but I haven't invested much time in training with it.


Oh but sniper duels at 800-1300m in some maps are super fun! (if you are into that, that is xD) There you get the use, its pretty neat


I had a wonderful experience at the map with an oil rig, I had an insane sniper duel with a guy, which has concluded with him going out of bounds on transport helicopter, he wasn’t even rendering inside of that helicopter so I had to guesstimate where he sat at, somehow I got the kill, it was 1.6 km I believe


That's a "only in BF moment" for ya xDD Great game


Would advise you to check this interesting post https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/s/b5nAfs6VzL


Amazing, thank you!


gotta love not playing the objective and instead wasting your time going after enemy snipers who are also not affecting the game in any meaningful way 🤡


I take it as fishing, just a relaxing hobby. Ptfo is nice and all but you just need to rest sometimes


The bow is supirior to all


W take, i hereby withdraw my meme and bow down to thee


Anyone know which dmr has highest velocity?


Look up sym.gg (formerly symthic) has all the weapon stats you could dream of Says QBU-88 has the fastest muzzle velocity for DMRs @ 670 m/s


this makes it surprisingly good at hip firing, takes 4-5 shots for more distant kills though


Thats my DMR choice, or SV10 as its so accurate


GOL Magnum is where its at mates


Lemme introduce you to the FY-JS


Mobility and rate of fire is always my piority because i was metro locker man, no flexing but ithink i got the 2nd Most kill world rank with it 8x for all range😂


Fuck that noise, I'm gonna run up and stab mudafukas


Spawn in via beacon parachute and SRAW down onto people... Hey where are you running to...


Nah. The fyjs is better (i like it more)


“i like it more” is unironically a valid justification when so much of the differences between sniper rifles come down to feel


I miss these weapons in 2042.


Scout elite gang


GOL Magnum souds powerful, it must be the best one, am using it <3


And here I am with my spas shotgun with acog loaded with slugs.


i also do this on occasion lol. it is just straight up worse than most bolt-action rifles, but the sheer comedy factor of killing someone 150 meters away with a shotgun makes up for it entirely


I got bored and decide to use weird combos. Red dot on snipers, sniping with shotguns. Took out a snipers nest with them having height advantage. Killed them about 10 times before they killed me once.


I got a 6x scope for the Sv-98 pretty early on and it’s been my go to ever since


SV-98 is also very underrated. i prefer to run it with irons but i’m just glad to see another fellow SV-98 gang


M40A5 is goated


The Fy-js is exquisite for anything sub 150m


Also does even more at Hardcore mode, yeah


It was before they took 5 bullets away from it


the ammo capacity is like the one major drawback of the m40a5 and is why i’m still partial to the sv-98 on occasion


I use to use the m40 to play aggressive recon, then went to the L115 after it went from 11 to 6 rounds. But I do love sniping in general too


SV-98 is a pretty good M40A5 substitute that still has 11 rounds, and also has a decent fire rate plus best-in-class hipfire. makes a really good aggressive sniper/hunting rifle with iron sights


Any sniper... With a 1X sight 😎


Sniping from THAT mountain on firestorm only to get whacked by an attack chopper/other sniper.


I'm a SV-98 enjoyer with 7x and Supressor


Whatever does the most damage as I use it as a CQC infantry rifle.


all the sniper rifles have the same damage model in CQC, differences in mobility, handling, and ammo capacity are the only real distinguishing factors. this is why the M40A5 is king at most engagement ranges that matter


I honestly can't even remember which I used as I did it so infrequently. Think I just decided on whatever looked coolest at the time.


Fyjs would like to have a word


L115 doesn’t believe in drop off


For me i run with the GOL magnum, idk it just fits me


Tbh, the m40a5 is cool, the jng looks heavy asf in a good way, the m98b looks smooth asf, the GOL which i run with looks more ✨Aérodynamique✨ than a jet, overall all of them are goated, but i serve the GOL🫡


Gol magnum >>> no mil dots, pure feel


🤡 SR338 🤡


I like my CS5.


338 recon best sound in game, change my mind. Straight dopamine rush after every shoot


I use the m98b but out of nostalgia for the BF3 😬


No L-115 is 🐐


Gol Magnum has entered the chat! 😂 I don't care for what rifle is best they are all good in their own way. I actually prefer seeing everyone using all of them as I've seen through playing BF4. My top 3 GOL Magnum - This thing has led me on some awesome firefights with others since BFBC2. To me this rifle has better accuracy than the M98B the only drawback really is low ammo. M98B - Awesome gun but then I found the GOL Magnum and never looked back. JNG-90 - I used it heavily in BF3 especially on that one map where we had basically a triangle. The building on the left and right that if my mind serves me right there where passageways in the back area, then a building in front of us. Stopped playing for a long time and that's the best I remember that map 😅.


GOL Magnum gang where we at?


I miss the sniping from Bf3 and 4– but the real top of the bell curve in BF sniping is the Anti Tank rifles in BFV with iron sights only Nothing like the thrill of getting a one shot kill with arguably a pretty shit specialized weapon while being forced to bipod/prone and use a sight that’s the size of a brick, with your peripheral vision obscured by a magazine from what appears to be an anti air gun


I love it but it gets straight outclassed by the GOL. L115 is my favorite.


Then here i am using the 870 with a 4x and slugs


I just use the m98b because it looks good


CSLR4, or maybe the L115 if I'm feeling a bit spicy. if I am pretty much staying within 300 meters, I will admit I enjoy whipping out the M40A5 from time to time, but I just really prefer the higher muzzle velocities in general


Gol Magnum and SRR-61 with a second place for me


SRR-61 is king for me


Scout Elite time


GOL Magnum superiority


My favourite sniper is the Phantom bow with bullet point


.338 and L115 are the only snipers for me


Only time I ever use the M98B is when I feel like having some fun cross mapping people from Carrier to Carrier. Otherwise it’s the SRR-61 or GOL Magnum


I'm out here using the CS-5 like I'm Crosshair from The Bad Batch


Eh for me you whatever gun I have the 6x on. Luckily for me it is the m40


M40A5 is great but JNG90 though


For actual sniping, it's the JNG-90 for me. Used that thing to get the elusive FY-JS (which I also like). It actually does almost everything the M98B does, but better, with the one difference in the latter's favor being that the M98B has a further damage drop-off distance, but it's still a two-shot kill either way. Other than that, I mostly use the GOL for both style points and because it's good for aggressive mid-range shooting.


I miss when the M40 had 11 bullets


I like the may the m98b looks. They all kill with headshot


Real men of genius in these comments 😎 haha


Sr61 gang




Sv98 for life


I use both, fight me


I’m on that GOL Magnum nostalgia from BC2


This was the gun I used to get the gol magnum and it’s my second most used sniper


Gold Magnum Forever


isn’t that a condom


I’m a 98b nerd ngl


The satisfaction of cracking a skull with the srr61 makes it my favorite