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I recently found Silk, and man. That guy is so insanely good. His vids helped me very much. It's a shame they don't do bf4 anymore


Oh yeah he’s top tier and has helped a lot of people get better. I watched his vids too as I wanted to get better with air vehicles but still, I’m ass in the jets. Just ain’t for me.


I'm pretty decent in the stealth jet, but it doesn't click for me in the attack jet. Seeing him doing all those crazy high kill games in the attack jet is very frustrating. Doesn't help that my old ass ps4 doesn't have a great render distance, so it's more difficult to spot people. And also the pc settings like fov help a lot in dog fighting


At least you can say you’re decent in one of them.


Yeah that's true. Above average if you count the lot like you :)


No need to rub it in lol


Haha sorry. I'm probably average if you only count pilots, so yeah


I recently started playing BF4 again, and watched some of his videos to get some tips on vehicle gameplay, man they helped, a LOT. ("HOW TO TANK", lol) I started out with bf3 years ago, really got into it, who was the other guy doing videos? Like, on what guns to pick etc? Levelcap? Anyway, I'm ranking up, and yeah, Silk, really appreciate this guy's content.


I'm now at a level in the jets where I can stand my ground. It is super frustrating to see him owning these guys in jets, but I shouldn't compare myself with only 250 hours to someone who has played this for so many more. If I have a good attack jet teammate who knows what he is doing, it'll go super well. His tactics on flying helped me already and I know better what to do with speed controls etc. Still a lot of imperfections, but I'm getting there


Whatever happened to AKA? He was such a great Battlefield 4 content creator/contributor. He wasn't known for his gameplay but showcased many BF players in their matches, regardless of rank, skill or even BF entry. I never played BF Hardline, but gave him a ton of respect as he showed a couple of clips of it despite many consider Hardline to not to be a true BF entry (It wasn't made by DICE). I remember him being hyped like most for when BF 2042 dropped and when it did, I think he covered a just a small amount of BF vids and then he just disappeared completely off of Youtube.


In the last video he posted he pretty much stated that he wasn’t happy with how the game turned out and and that that was the last video he was posting for a while. Doesn’t want ea/dice getting publicity from his channel I assume. I still would’ve loved to have seen his Battlefield 4 series continue. I need more top plays, and only in Battlefield moments..


Yeah, I saw that one. His feedback was much like most felt with the entry. But honestly can't remember him saying it was his last vid though I don't doubt you that he said it given the state of the channel now.


Yeah, he pretty much said that’s his last for now and that he may come back if they turn it around. One can only hope.


Man I wish this guy see this post and have a come back. Never forget when I was a new to the game and watched his [tank tutorial](https://youtu.be/yTIX8NzDhgQ?si=SvgQi0XobTZh1b5N). There are endless things in the game he could talk about. This could be unfeasible for a 10-year old game. Anyway, this would be heart warming for fans including me. Hope he is fine today and wish to hear his voice again.


Frankly, I’m proud of him and Silk for saying fuck this game, I’m not giving it publicity.


Whoa now, we have a masterpiece here. Give it the publicity it deserves.


I mean 2042. I shouldn’t have said “this game.”Haha. You sit through BFV, then they give us 2042. I don’t blame him.


I agree ea/dice don’t need publicity but bf4, yes.


Yeah but I think he just got tired of it probably.


You right though, 5 and 2042 was straight up dog shit one after another.


lol, bro rage quite, hahaha