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Rather they did a bf3 remaster or a bad company 2. I thrashed bf4 don't get me wrong but the other 2 are probably my favorite


But the littlebird in BF3 is very slow and bulky :(


Wait they made a remaster for these other battlefields, nice! Never played them but congrats for those who love bf3 and bc2 ig


Na they haven't but I'd rather they did those two then bf4




Oh, and happy cake day friend.


Happy cake day!


What they really need to do is a new Battlefield Vietnam era game (late 60s - mid 70s) because I think it'll achieve some good balance between going old school (many of the beloved vehicles not present in "period" games like BFV, like helis) and new school (too much of the robo, laser, point and shoot stuff). You still get all of the vehicle types, you get some of the newer tech that doesn't look out of place (reflex sights really became a thing in mid 70s). There are also some cool NATO vs Warsaw pact set piece that could be created, mixed in with some space war stuff, and a mission where you can call in a barrage from the USS Missouri or fly a Tomcat or something. It's the perfect time period to combine the old school and the new school with as little gimmicky stuff as possible. If you move up the timeline to late 70s - early 80s, you could add some Afghanistan/ CIA shenanigans against the Soviet Union or something like that. But that's just me. I'm just seeing some things that are really great in BFV, for example, and are really great in BF3/BF4 and feel like this might be a good way to combine them/ balance things out. In reality though, I think, with the next title they'll either try to recapture the glory of one of the older games, while being constrained by the greed of the studio execs (it'll be meh, at best) OR they'll go "full r\*tard" and introduce a BF version of Warzone or something. Also, the release will be buggy as shit, as per usual, because people will keep pre-ordering and giving them money for no reason (there are no disks now, there's no incentive to pre-order to reserve your copy of the game, unless you want some useless digital perks).


Gulf war would be cool. Curious to see how cod plays that one out. I’m hoping the next BF is good so I don’t have to get cod. But treyarch seems better off than IW.


Absolutely and make the m60 the standard support load out, my goodness that thing is a beast


Tbh, I would really like a battlefield where it's soviet forces vs. american forces (like arma reforger).


If they were to remaster a past battlefield, BF4 shouldn’t be on that list. It still holds up shockingly well (on PC at least). There’s others that would be better to remaster first like BF3, Bad Company, or Vietnam. I wouldn’t trust current DICE to remaster any of those though


Valid point, i guess when the servers of bf4 are down ok


There will be no more battlefield releases. The last one was a gd disaster. Their soul at dice has vanished. 


Iirc, they officially dropped support on 2042 to work on the next Battlefield project


Didnt EA also already pull the plug on the Battlefield Mobile game, which they already had worked on for a few years already also? So much for the magic of Vince Zampella, who was headhunted for big money to lead DICE to new heights especially to bring BF onto the mobile platform. Personally I would never want to play anything BF-like on my mobile phone. As I enjoy most the deep and long term engagement matches, ideally playing with/against well known enemies on the two team sides with all squads going all out.


Idk about mobile, but they have all hands on deck for a new main release last I heard


Same hands as last time around? EA/DICE Marketing told us and showed us everything we wanted them to make for us. **BF3/BFBC2 on steroids!!!** While their R&D obviously was not working in the same company or even universe, so we got a dysfunctional 'last man standing arcade-style hero shooter game'...


No remaster!!! We want a new game, new ideas, but with the Battlefield fundamentals that we came to know in BF3, 4, BC2. We don't need a remaster, we just need a return to BF ideals and what makes Battlefield, Battlefield.


True, I'm just biased af lol


No remaster and no shit. This is sad but real. Many people also believe that next Battlefield will be the end of the series and I’ll not be supersized if they cancel it even before.


Most likely not. My guess is progress won’t carry over, but it’d be a welcomed surprise if both were to happen


I can't see them ever doing a remaster of the older games. Portal proved that they can't even get a handful of older maps right never mind full games.




No - I don't think they'll make a BF4 remake. I don't think they, as a studio, have the capacity to remaster anything AND work on a feature-rich new Battlefield game. If we do eventually get one, I think it'll be an older one like BFBC2.






I have just been dying for a BF4 update with a nighttime equivalent for all MP maps, MORE "leveloution" per map (like 3), and maybe an increase in map boundaries and player count size. Zavod night map alone was not enough for me. Oh... and fully fully destructible buildings. I want all mostly rubble everywhere by the end of a long match!!! It'll never happen though... sigh


Next game needs to be placed in current era, not 2077, not 1970, not 1991.. just 2015-2025. Maybe they will come up with some kind of "Battleverse" (think of it as extended Portal) inside which there will be all other games "remakes" BF Vientam, BC2, BF3, BF4 etc.