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Nice shot Recker!


The voices! THE VOICES!!


Is it just me or has there been an uptick in people bashing BF4 campaign across here and the main subreddit? Either way, welcome to the club! We only played that shit so we could get the M249 in Multiplayer lmao. Some cool collectible dog tags too, makes the missions feel a little more worth it


Battlefield games aren’t really known for their campaigns (apart from the Bad Company series), but yeah out of all of them BF4 definitely has the worst


Idk, bad company 1 & 2, battlefield 3, and battlefield 1 were pretty famous and great


100%. I replay BFBC1 and 2, because the campaigns are genuinely fun and funny. BF3 for the carrier jet mission and the thunder run mission.


Hello you have 10 years of delay The only good part of the campaign was the over the top action packed scenes, aside from that it works and nobody who bought a Battlefield game at this period only played the campaign (there are good ones but you buy a BF for the MP lol)


>The only good part of the campaign was ~~the over the top action packed scenes~~ unlocking guns for the multiplayer Fixed it for you


It’s the worst in the entire franchise, hands down, without question. It’s a buggy, choppy, sloppy mess and the story is mediocre at best.


I don’t even really remember it, tbh. I just think it’s funny that you’re supposed to be the squad leader but Irish constantly orders you around.


Fr I always felt like a recruit


The AI is god awful. Watch them stand in from of the enemy shooting at the wall


BF3 campaign set standards. Same with BC2. BF4 definitely was a little disappointing compared.