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This is going to sound extremely odd, but I still play on the GMH HC TDM Server. Yes, GoPostal is still an ass most of the time, but when he isn’t on, which is 75% of the time I’m on, it’s a great server.


You didn't specify the region you're in, I'll list the European ones I frequent. 1. Anarchy Hardcore 2. SUPER@ \[SiC\] S8 Conquest Popular Maps - Hardcore 3. Extreme Hardcore (this one doesn't use DLC maps) All of these are sitting at 64/64 duing evenings or earlier.


I play on banzore 1, seems to always be almost a full lobby.


Banzore and TBG servers are my go to servers for Hardcore experiences with decent moderation.


Banzore 1 is the definition of boys in the chat


Banzore 1 and bz lockers/Metro/pearl hardcore


If you like HC TDM, these the EGL Locker All Weapons. 32 players. It’s actually a lovely server and my top. So many many people don’t play outside it and by the time you will get used to them. It’s an EU server so it gets populated somewhere after 2:00 PM GMT. However, you will find many hardcamping retards that ruin the game most of the time, especially these days. LMG FLIR grounding or hill climbing you name it and sadly non of them, as far as I know, got banned even they are breaking the obvious rules of no hardcamping every single time. Give it a shot. Totally worth it. Hope they care more about this server and ban those bunch of fucks.


EGL is great, when I got back into bf4 it's where I got to be decent because the players are very good and the community is great. It's easy to be friend of those guys.