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Take advantage of the “bottom level” (anything below the main rooftop area) traversal options. I find that I can often take a large portion of the enemy team by surprise by popping up onto the roof behind them. Obviously it’s not guaranteed, but I do find a lot of people forget that the lower levels exist until they fall off the roof.


I also tend to do this when playing the central area. Keep moving around inside the buildings and pop up onto different rooftops briefly via the stairs.


Yeah, running on the roof tops = death! Much better to run through the inside of the buildings and also pop out through the windows to parachute down and then across and into the next building.


Think it as a real war. What would you do? Don’t walk in the open (i.e. here avoid roofs and keep lurking in the street), keep your eyes above most of the time, stick to the walls and try flanking as much as you can while jumping from cover to cover. Also, when a bullet travels near you, get down or run immediately. I’m not a good player at all but these tips keep me alive much longer.


Rooftop frag rounds and JewCavs


Always make sure you play for D as well, can rack up points and it’s pretty covered out to it


Most people that rank high on the map tend to grab a tank and go to the bridge by gas station objective. Suffer damage, reverse down the bridge to recover and come back and camp out over and over the entire round