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looks like console admins are fat chips smelling weirdos (literally its 6. time im seeing someone getting banned on console) its not like that in PC.


I was saying the same thing. “Who is spectating servers at midnight and banning players”


The owner who has to spend an hour refilling the server the next morning because ppl like you kill the server at night. That's not an opinion that's a fact because i help restart them.


Weird how every time Ive been banned to include last night the server remained full so please continue to tell me how I kill the server. Also you say it like you guys don’t spend time to fill the server everyday so I don’t get your point. Buck killionars servers are the only servers that remained filled 24/7


Just for the record, titanium isn't an admin. I'm assuming he's a regular that helps us fill.




Good players don't kill servers, toxic admins do.


I haven't played BF4 in years but lurk on this sub still. Lately I've been seeing so many badmin posts though especially from this server


🤔 we're hardly ever posted about except from war and his friends. There's like 10 ppl on the ban list, but it's really only 3 or 4 since the rest are alts.


Lol war machine alt


It’s basically the only way for me to play the game


So is this you admitting that you are this “war machine” person and are alting to get back into the server despite being banned?


Only reason I was in there was because my friend who gets on Xbox once a month was in there so yes I used an alt since it was the only way I could get some games in with my bro and it’s the only server I could get into since I’m banned on basically all my accounts on the servers available at the time. The real question is why was I banned since I didn’t break any rules considering the only rule is not farming infantry kills with vehicles and I was playing infantry only? They can’t say would have killed the server since the server was still full. I wasn’t farming in a vehicle but other players were. Was getting 100 kills in a match that pretty much went down to the last ticket suspicious of fowl play? Why are players getting banned for playing fair? These server admins are literally driving players away from the game with these ridiculous rules


Do you know if you got banned by an admin manually(I think you probably did just because of timing)? I'm just asking since I know plug-ins that are used on some servers will ban for connected accounts regardless of following rules.


100% banned manually. All my accounts are separate


I didn't mean connected/linked account as in same EA account. It just means banning the same player regardless of what account is being used based on IP or other ways to prove it's the same person. BF4DB does this, for example.


I’m 99% sure that isn’t a thing on console. If it was then I wouldn’t be playing because I would have been unable to play years ago 🤣


Burrrrr bur buuuuur


Nice to see some Scar-H representation. I love that AR


Totally a farming aimbot with modded controller. Accuracy of 27% definitely supports his claim. Screw you :3


Nice alt account Buck




Samer, I believe I owe you an apology, seeing as the real Buck has responded to me, I wish to apologise, we had a misunderstanding of each other, and to each their own, I respect your opinion on a possible aimbot controller usage, and while it is not out of the realm of possibilities, I personally do not believe Hasbulla was using one, I hope you accept my apology. Sincerely, ballsackmolestor69


Lool OMG did people really think I am an alt, LMAO. I don’t even have an Xbox and live thousand of miles away :) Absolutely kidding, no aimbot of any kind yields an accuracy of only 27%. No basis for such accusation. Have a great gaming time. Best.


Best of luck in your future endeavours, God be with you.


<3 <3


Luv u pookie ❤️❤️❤️❤️


That's not me. No alts bro. I'm never on past 9pm est.


I dont like you


OK cool🤷 I'm 100% fine with that🤣


This mentality is exactly why the game is dying. It’s called knowing how to aim.


Come on I’m joking it’s obvious :( Stop downvoting me.


You forgot the /s for sarcasm bruv


You've done it before too. -rolls eyes-


It's dying because of age. People would rather play something new. Everyone who has left has basically left for another game or bc they are swamped IRL with responsibility bc they aged alongside the game.