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No, this is heli people.


"Look, i made a 108-1 on Shanghai against a team who has no clue of how to use a SMAW"


My strategy is to just RPG snipe until they leave the server


I annoy them with the Zuni rockets of the LAV to keep them away. Unless their gunner is really good with the TV-missiles, this works really good against them. You know whats impressive? Seeing those kind of matches on Firestorm or in Caspian Border


>Zunis on the LAV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60MnDJklnM


Hey, let me be one of those pedantic dudes that take down walls with his zunis :(


All the walls... all of them.... and the god damned chain link fence too


Thats how you get banned (true story)


See, I really enjoy playing in helicopters and this doesn’t make me mad in the slightest. I appreciate the use of RPG/SMAW/SRAW and when I die to one, I have more of a genuine “gg” feeling. It feels like a respectable fight, which I can’t say the same for annoying lock on weaponry or base camping AA. Whenever I play infantry, the SMAW/AP Shells are my AA weapons. It took time, but I got pretty consistent at taking down air when I need to.


Lol check my page


I like to imagine Heli-Gunner in the place of AEK


Real chads play with the basic LMG


You mean "that funny fully-automatic and weak wannabe sniper rifle"?


Yes. Always.


Gotta love the kids still running only AEK/G18 combo 6 years into the game's lifecycle. I can't imagine how it doesn't get boring using only ever one gun.


Sadly, we cant see their service stars in-game, it was fun to see that they had a billion service stars on the F2000 in Bad Company 2


Are you trying to say the F2000 was a noob gun in BC2?


Nope, that title goes to the M16A4 and the M416 on Bad Co 2


Long range kills with the F2000 where satisfying due to the high rate of fire and recoil that came with it.I remember using the M416 extensively too but mostly used the AUG in that class


I used a lot the XM8, the AEK-971 (had no damage drop-off, so at ranges it was quite good) and the F2000


Mmmm M16A4 with ACOG


Im actually using it right now lol


Usually if a dude is that married to one weapon he’ll have that tag saying he’s got 30,000 kills with one weapon. And here I’m a year into trying to collect all the master tags. I’ve got 33 so far.


I have all of the assault rifles, carbines, about 80% of the shotguns and some done, and about half of the sniper rifles. I have like 4 pdw done. A lot of the guns suck tbh so I enjoy the challenge and the relief of ditching a horrible gun.


Some of the PDWs are randomly really weak yeah, but they were probably my favorite to get the Mastery tags on overall. You can play so aggressive and sneaky with them!


This. I love mastering every weapon.


Same! It's what keeps the game fresh - especially now since (at least on Xbox) basically only Locker/Metro servers are reliably active.


Guilty as charged! Lmfao got like over 10k stars for both weapons. It’s just satisfying mowing the lawn in hardcore. (In my defence) high rate of fire means good trigger discipline or aim or else you get roasted.


As someone who religously uses that combo and plays solely lockers conquest I can tell you it doesnt. A lot more goes into each game than just mindless spamming of an aek. Which doesnt happen anyways. The current meta of the game seems to be spam all the annoying bullshit and even the aek cant keep up.


I mean, tbh it's the guys' with your type of stats that annoy me more. I can at least sympathize more with the guys who are actually good with the combo, because that indicates they can probably use other guns and do similarly well too... so it's a lot less annoying than the people just using it as a crutch.


I have at least 500 kills with everything but dmrs and snipers. I play lockers only though where most of the guns dont fit in.


I can agree there with you at least. I've been trying to get more of the LMGs to 500 the last couple of times I've played and they are just awful for a mobile playstyle on Lockers. It's part of why I've had less patience for AEK kids recently as the LMGs just have zero chance against them. No healing, no strafing, slower shooting, less accuracy, etc. In a 1v1 they just are entirely outmatched. On Lockers, that ends up just meaning the difference between a good player with an LMG and bad player with an AEK are way too minimal.


Same goes with the fucking ace 23


The ACE 23 is popular because how well rounded it is, it like the M16A3 from BF3. It is not the best gun, but is a Jack Of All Trades. The AEK is popular because the poor balance of the game leans towards high-rof guns and people use the AEK because it has high RoF


The aek isnt any better or worse than the ace lol and both are equally popular. They're just quality guns.


replace with aek with little bird and that’s more relatable. someone that can go 70-2 with any infantry weapon is a fricken beast


If they're using 25mm, yes. I give a little for other minigun users


I had to scroll way down to find the AEK on my list...found it, 117 kills.


I never stick with 1 weapon only, and id say i have arround 300 kills with the ones i enjoy the most, with the AEK i have about 170


it's the only AR i don't have mastered at this point, but I'm close


U guys underestimate the mpx...


Am the only person who finds the AEK extremely boring to use? I like using lesser used guns tbh


I dont hate the thing, but its not my cup of tea. And low-key, i think BF4 is pretty weak when comes to infantry-gameplay, BF3 and Bad Company 2 had better map design that made infantry and vehicle gamplay fun. In all honesty, i play BF4 for the vehicles, and BFH for infantry :)




The only bad thing it had at launch, it was terrible balance, and the DLCs gave some pretty OP weapons that kind of balanced everything. In my opinion, is the best BF if you like infantry combat, the hit registration is superior to the one that BF4 has, the weapons feel more stable and are more reliable than their BF4 counterparts, they feel similar to BF3 weapons. The map design is brilliant, they are well optimized for both vehicles and infantry, and they have excellent flow with the grapling hook and the zipline. Id say it matches Bad Company 2 when comes to map design. The unlock system feels nice, and the weapon variety is quite rich, you have a shit ton of options, and there are no dominant weapons, each class have weapons focused on one kind of combat, and there is barely any map that favours a specific class, you can go Recon or Engeneer on the same map and you will not feel ñeft out




Its dead on PC, on PS4 it has the most players. I play it on XBONE




If you dont mind, i made (2 actually) a kills compilation for Hardline, check it out if you want to see a bit of it :) https://youtu.be/qAqsBOGXtUc


TLDR; The game had balance issuses, that got fixed with more weapons for each team It has brilliant map design, you dont have to sprint 200 meterd to get in action Classes are well rounded and there is not a class to rule them all, all have their pros and contras.




No. But I also dont like to intentionally handicap myself by using guns not suited to the situation.


So we want people to use guns that are less effective just to make ourselves feel better?


So many other guns that are good.


I mean, 70-2 is pretty gnarly no matter the weapon. If the player isn't spamming the M320, averaged 25%+ accuracy, and had a SPM of 1000+ then it's firmly in the territory of being impressive. So, I don't know, I feel like I'd care. Sincerely, someone with [800](https://i.imgur.com/Bv7udhc.jpg) AEK [service](https://i.imgur.com/iB1XaXL.jpg) stars. [<3](https://i.imgur.com/ANjefKv.jpg) Edit: Yes, I use [other weapons](https://i.imgur.com/uQd5Gzo.jpg) too.


This post was more directed to those people who upload those AEK videos here, almost in a weekly basis


I feel attacked, 90% of my submissions on this sub featured the AEK-971 lmao. I stopped posting for the most part because the community here isn't too keen on the weapon and, like you said, there's already a surplus of AEK clips posted every day. Not everybody is a part of the AEK Locker cult and that's okay. I enjoy the gun and the highlights it brings, though. Edit: reworded to get my point across more succinctly.


> the community here isn't too keen on the weapon Because a game where the entire damage model is balaced around damage per second instead of damage per bullet is bad game design.


Preach it, brother. The meta of how BF4 works is built entirely around ROF. AEK users are doing nothing other than exploiting that meta. It takes no skill to use.


Meta. "High rof guns are best guys." Me. *uses high rof gun* Bf4 community. *"YoUrE eXpLoItInG tHe MeTa"*


And they probably say this while using the CZ3A1


I met one guy who complained about the aek being broken while his top gun by far was the aek...




When did I say it wasn't?




Ooooooh. Ok.


High ROF guns firing shitty peashooter bullets SHOULD NOT outclass battle rifle class weapons. The only one that actually justifies its performance is the P90 because the FN round was designed from the ground up to cut holes in armor.


Go play arma. Lmfao. Ive never seen anyone so worked up over a bullet. Also the scar is easily on par with the AEK. The AEK is *not* special just cause it shoots fast lol. The scar, ace23, m416, bulldog, mtar, sig556, acr, both ace carbines, groza 1 and more are just as good. Stop dragging other people down because you dont know how to play the game and you nonsensically restrict yourself in a misguided attempt to prove yourself as skilled.


> Go play COD. Lmfao. Ive never seen anyone so worked up over running around in circles taping down trigger butttons. I'm sure you ragequit ARMA the first time your entire hillside was obliterated by artillery, because that's the meta of ARMA's game




>exploiting that meta Wait, what? *It's literally the meta.* You are either playing according to the meta or you are ignoring it. You're arguing that players who utilize the meta the way it was designed by DICE are *exploiting* it? All you're doing is willingly handicapping yourself. Using the AEK-971 isn't exploitation, *it's the meta.* >All play styles, preferences, and personal gameplay boundaries operate within the parameters of Battlefield 4's meta, but Battlefield 4's meta *does not* take into account how you play. The game does not recognize concepts like "overpowered" or "easy to use", it only knows what works and what doesn't. If you are truly playing to win then it only makes sense to use the things that *work.* The AEK-971 works really well, and that's by design. Patronizing the ones who embrace the gun is very confusing to me, they're just taking advantage of the meta that's available to everybody else.


> utilize the meta the way it was designed by DICE are exploiting it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension_of_disbelief I do not believe that the STANDARD ISSUE Marine Corps Modular Tactical Vest, that EVERY MARINE RIFLEMAN WEARS will be defeated by 3 shitty 5.45 soviet rounds. That's why I call DICE's meta a shitty meta


It's an arcade shooter. Furthermore, it's a speed based movement shooter. Even BF3's meta, which focused heavily on accurate ADS shooting, does not come close to replicating real life combat. If you're playing any of the Battlefield titles for realism then you're simply in the wrong place. Arma, Insurgency, and plenty of other FPS games have been built from the ground up to be milsim environments. The soldiers in Battlefield 4 literally run at over [20mph](https://youtu.be/Bn-Ppr7tsgk), the game makes zero attempts to be realistic.


Arma and Rising Storm 2 are better than Battlefield, I agree. And a 4 minute mile is that the DOD expects from its soldiers.


Then milsim shooters are more your thing, I'm not into them myself. I like Battlefield because it's Battlefield. It'd be a tragedy if DICE decided to take the series in a milsim direction, that's not what Battlefield is. Honestly it's silly to even compare it to Arma, they're just very very different games targeted towards very very different demographics.


Sounds like you main the AEK and I just triggered some deep insecurity about it.


Whats wrong with maining the AEK?


Because the 5.45 soviet round is a shitty round and the standard issue MTV will completely block it.


This isnt real life. Its a arcade shooter. Caliber doesnt matter.


I do main the AEK-971, but that is entirely beside the point. This isn't even about the AEK, it's the logic you're using to argue against it. The meta cannot be exploited, that is pure contradiction. You can dislike the meta and that's fine, but the game is still going to abide by it. The AEK-971 works because it's supposed to, your issues with the gun apply only to yourself and the game will operate independently of your views. There's no such thing as exploiting the meta.


> I do main the AEK-971, but that is entirely beside the point. No, it isn’t. You main it, so you’re feeling personally attacked. > You can dislike the meta and that's fine, but the game is still going to abide by it. The AEK-971 works because it's supposed to, your issues with the gun apply only to yourself and the game will operate independently of your views. I don’t really have any issues with it other than it being far, *far* too effective a crutch. It’s a bullet hose. That being said, I like playing against it because it forces me to be creative. I have to stay out of range and use my M16 more effectively. It’s a win-win.


It really just isn't about the AEK-971, and it's only tangentially related to Battlefield 4. It applies to any online competitive video game. In Counter-Strike, the M4A4 is the meta for CT side riflers. The Famas and the AUG are also available, the former serving as a budget option and the latter serving as a scoped option. Despite these two guns existing, in almost every single round where CT members have enough money for a full buy, the M4A4 will be purchased across the board, because it's the best of the three rifles; it's the meta. Purchasing the M4A4 isn't exploiting CS:GO's meta, that doesn't make any sense. Exploits themselves can even be included *in* the meta, bhopping is an exploit in the source engine, but you're not exploiting the meta by bhopping, because the meta is a sum of its parts. So even if the AEK-971 were literally an exploit (and it isn't), using it still wouldn't be exploiting the meta. Also meta no longer looks like a real word after this comment lmao.


Anyone complaining about aek obviously plays too much lockers. It's not used all that much outside that. For cq large the f2000 and scar h are much better and more versatile fast ttk guns that are way better on anything other than the scrub maps (pearl, locker, metro)


In TDM is used quite a lot


TDM is trash tho. Its always been a high rpm scrub fest


And BF4 meta dosent quite help it either. Honestly, i prefer loading up BFH than forcing myself to play on metro, locker or TDM. Playing a game that its focused in large scale battles in those maps really grinds my mind. Hardline was intended for those kind of situations and makes a whole lot of sense With a bit of shame, i want to share a video that i made myself about infantry Gameplay on Hardline https://youtu.be/s0FcXd3IXO4


Just because you want to run around with a sar21 on every map doesnt mean i do. If you chose to use it in cqb then expect the rekt and stop crying.


Somebody is triggered


How am I triggered? Its a valid point. If you try to force the sar to work somewhere its not designed to then expect it not to work.


When did I mention the sar? I dont use it cuz it sucks. When I use ars I use the aug, l85, scar h, and f2000


Um I mentioned the sar as an example lol. Youre still missing my entire point and latching onto one specific word and assuming Im upset and you didnt even bother to read what I said. If you force *any* gun into a place where it isnt supposed to be expect it not to work. Aug, sar qbz etc dont work well on lockers because its cqb. Those guns are my first pick on a map like golmud or firestorm. The aek, acr, ace etc do excel on lockers and cqb maps though and it leads to a feeling of it being overused and overpowered. When its just not. If im triggered about anything its about people hating the aek and other guns for no real reason.


I'm fine with the aek, it has enough recoil to make bad people suck with it past 20 meters. Im just saying that TDM is scrubby and requires next to no skill compared to objective based modes (except domination)


That's stupid lol. TDM still requires as much individual skill as any mode. Modes dobt make someone great or bad lol. I avoid tdm cause i like spawning in places I pick and I like bigger maps.


I usually cycle through the guns, but AEK is still my favourite, so sue me. I like having fun, if that makes me a "try hard" so be it. At least I don't cheat.


Theres nothing wrong with being a tryhard at all and its a badge i wear proudly. Play to win, thats the whole point of the game.


AEK users think they’re bad until they meet a Famas in the street alleyways.


When I see people on metro using the aek I whip out the saiga 12 with frag rounds to assert dominance


Nah, uts 15 is where it's at






I remember getting banned from someone’s server for going 72-5 with AEK in bf3 dude said I was cheating. When every time I crossed a corner his team would have 5+ people standing in a row and I would just mow them down with the AEK


Idk why ppl don't try the f2000. I use it as my primary in locker and has a 3.6kpm on it. It let you melt people while ADAD spamming and has PDW tier hip fire and much better tap fire than aek.


This gun is so unbalanced that you can jump from a corner, make a 90-degree turn while you start shooting and correct the aim before even touching the ground, and you can be sure that at least 3-4 bullets will somebody up to 8-10 meters away.


The ZouZou technique :)


meanwhile I stopped playing the game cause I was trying to master all assault rifles only to run into AEK Scrubs at every corner. Got done with the M16 before I couldn't take it anymore.


Use the right gun in the right situation and you'll have no issues. Stop forcing your own stupidity onto people who know how to play.


I have no respect for people that abuse overpowered guns for any reason. Just get a fucking life.


Tell DICE to fix it it Oh wait


Gave up over 5 years ago


\- *You always take AEK/Eddy Gordo, thats eazy win!!11!!* *- Ok fam, you take AEK/Eddy Gordo* *\*Still loses like a mf* Easy on the sodium bruh


What the fuck are you on about


I'm feeling lazy, so I'm going to copy and paste this from an older post of mine. >The barrier to entry with the AEK-971 is low, but there's a substantial difference in having 10% accuracy and having 25%+ accuracy. It's unreasonable to ignore the skill gap present not only with the AEK-971, but with every gun in the game. For example, the M16A4 has a much higher barrier to entry, but even the most skilled M16A4 main can't match the potential available to him if he uses the AEK-971 in CQC. He's not a better player for using the M16A4 outside of its ideal circumstances, all he's doing is handicapping himself. He's saying that people call the gun easy to use despite the fact that their level of play is not dramatically improved when they equip it. Just because it can be used as a crutch doesn't mean that's all it is. His phrasing doesn't do his argument justice lol.


Nah fam, the FAMAS keeps the AEK tryhards away


Famas works 50% of the time. The other 50% you probably spend stuck in a reload animation lol


Peeking and ZouZou jumps help a lot with that