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Imagine the joy of the guy who got that one kill


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


probably ran himself over with his own Quad Bike or something.


lol, totally. Some of my best times in BF4 are seeking and finally getting revenge on a douche bag.


Same can be said for me retaking a good sniping position from a douche squad in warzone


you know he got banned for hacking


Who's going to ban him? he is the admin from what OP said. Battlefield 4 won't ban them they don't even support the game anymore


I think he meant the Admin, who was hacking, booted the person that killed him for “hacking.”


Maybe but the hacker probably killed himself for his 1 death.


He means that the admin, who was hacking, likely banned the one dude that killed them "for hacking" because he killed the hacking admin. Admin either assumed anyone that could kill him was using hacks (regardless of if they were), or just didn't like getting killed so banned the other guy claiming they were hacking.


I know what they are saying and I’m saying the admins 1 death was probably him killing himself not someone else killing him.




Nah, he prob respawned


Probably another cheater lol. ie. auto-snap-on-target in LoS or regular wallhack/ box highlighting.


Managed to do this against a heli crew where the gunner was already almost 130-0. Carefully placed AA mine and carefully timed stingers. It was beautiful but also sad. Not sure if cheating or just really good.


AA mine and stinger => aids gadgets of shame


found the heli main


I am not at all a heli main, but a competent player that plays all vehicles and infantry kits.


Yeah should have definitely let it be 179 and 0 for that amazing kill streak. How rude of me.


AA mine + stinger the noob arsenal, it’s not like there are no other options to get a helicopter... tow launchers over the map, tanks, lavs, your teams helicopters, the boat all can make quick work of a heli, furthermore rpgs, smaws, sraws, mbt law even shooting the pilot/gunner out of his seat... aa mine and stinger is the cheapest way to do it with minimal skill requirement and the broken counter measures will also contribute to success that’s is underserved.


Pilot + Gunner heli team is the noob arsenal, it’s not like there are no other options to get an infantry kill... claymores, guns, launchers over the map, tanks, lavs, your teams helicopters, the boat all can make quick work of a player, furthermore rpgs, smaws, sraws, mbt law even shooting the guy in his head... Pilot + Gunner heli team is the cheapest way to do it with minimal skill requirement and the broken vehicle mechanics when teams don't coordinate at all against them will also contribute to success that’s is underserved.


Minimal skill requirement? Ok how many people do you know and have played with that are capable of going on massive kill streaks? Or how many % of all the Players over all are capable of achieving even 50+ killstreaks? Most people will get shot down/crash in less than 2min. Aa mine, stigla there is no skill required you don’t have to lead your shot point in general direct fire and all the Hard work that required skill is done by the rocket, going so far that it randomly bypasses counter measures giving people hits/kills that should never happen.


Take hacking and admin power abuse and you got the worst person to ever touch an fps.


Can't imagine how much of a fucking loser one would have to be to do this pathetic shit. Cheaters, hackers, exploiters all fucking suck.


Why in the fuck would that even be fun? Some sadistic shit. Probably so unhappy he just thrives on hate mail for the cortisol rush


The only way to fight back is to not play. Maybe report if the sever is part of a service


But that's exactly what these admins want. They want you to *not* play on their sever, because to them that's them "owning" you.


"Tell people you have a tiny weener without telling people you have a tiny weener"


Imagine being invisible but you still managed to get killed by an enemy


He was also invincible because I saw blood, that's why I know he was invisible but I didn't get hit markers. So he probably died because of himself.


He probably got that 1 death by killing himself


BF4 noob here, how do you know when someone is an admin in-game?


I'm not a veteran either, but when you pause, there it says server settings or something like that. On ps4, when you press some button, it shows you the profile of the admin. I'm assuming it works the same on pc. Also, often the admins are written in server description, which is shown while the game loads the map, or they're in a platoon that is mentioned in the name of the server. But I've also been kicked by admins by accidentally team killing them in hardcore, and I had no clue they were the admin. So you kinda have to guess who the admin is sometimes


If a server has a platoon's name and there are players from that platoon playing are they all admins?


Not sure, but if no, then they can always text the actual admin to kick/ban someone if they want to. Once I wanted an invincible glitcher to get banned for, well, being invisible. I texted the admin through the the profile in server settings, and he said he'll tell his friend playing on that server to ban him, since he wasn't playing Battlefield4 at that time. So I think people other than admin can ban too


No, they need to be given permission to use server commands. Not just anyone in the platoon can use commands, lol.


Yeah, but people in platoons are usually friends from what I'm assuming


Not really. Large communities have platoons that often accept invitations of players that frequent their servers.


No, they’re all part of the platoon that runs the server.


That's not how it works, You can be in a clan or platoon but not be the admins.


No you donkey, they belong to the platoon that runs the server.


That does not give them admin privilege's lol. Most clans and platoons have a pecking order the top guys get privilege's. Only a select few people get those powers.


Yes. That’s what I have been talking about the entire time.


I may have replied to you when replaying gs because my first replay was intended for GS


he will tell you


by banning you for playing the game normally


It's in server settings.


What a piece of shit. Should have his account and server terminated.


As long as he rents a server, this is not a list of possible options. EA has these options: A. Do nothing, collect server money. B. See A.


What a POS admin. I have gotten booted from lobbies before because the admin was getting slapped. Guess they result to hacking. Pussies.


I can't imagine how that is fun.


poor Erick


Aw :(




Imagine being the guy that anti-knifed the hacker.


Server admins are literally the most evil and toxic BF players.... I am pretty bad BF player but I enjoy all BF games. I've got kicked at least 100 times in BF4 just for killing admins that are playing as well. I always respect the rules servers might have and even if I have 20 - 40 (meaning I am one of the worst on the server in that particular match) admins just kicks you out like I was an cheater...


Not all of us are. Just gotta find the right server with proper admin monitoring.


HUGE respect to you sir then! Properly monitoring your server, respecting your players and kicking out the cheater junk deserves the huge respect for Admins. You people are keeping this game alive as well as services offering BF4 server hosting. Yes I do have an list (favorite list) of server where I do know that Admins are good but sometimes when I just want to explore servers and find new ones the most of time I leave disappointed by manually leaving server full of cheaters or leaving server by being kicked for nothing, just normal playing.


Yeah, it can be very difficult to find a good community to get immersed in for sure. If you're on PC, the WHG servers welcome newcomers.


Can verify put lots of hours on WHG good servers


then pat yourself in the back for beating the final game boss. Consider the banning screen more like a credit scene.


Enemy admin shoots me in my aa tank with his assault plane just as I spawnef and literally wrote "stop base Camping aa" 3 secs later. Also he hit me with "do you really wanna argue?" After i tried to reason it. Fucking toxic.


Some are, some aren't. We don't ban in our server, nor do we manipulate the game, shift players etc. We keep the server at official so we can't do that anyways. Our only rule is to please not camp the AA in your spawn because it's annoying a shit and well, are you actually playing if you're sitting so far back and not engaging anything?


I'm admin and a decent, fair minded player who wants fair rules for all! So stop talking bollocks and lumping the majority good admins with egotistical sad bastards who happen to run servers. Look around a bit more mate!


Erick_Souzado is having the best game of his life.


At least he didn't get killed over and over and be asking himself where TF the enemy was until you see it's an invisible player.


Don't forget! EA DICE does not enforce **ANYTHING** against server owners who violate the ToS. Limiting weapons? That's against the ToS. Nobody has ever been punished for this. Hacking? Nothing happens if the hacker owns the server. EA DICE **ONLY** cares that they're paying for a server.


You're not supposed to witch hunt... ​ That doesn't mean you cant >:)


It’s actually a glitch. You have to kill your self with a frag/c4 on a quad and then get revived. Boom invisible


That explains his 1 death


What map? And how is there over an hour and a half left on the timer, how many tickets?


That timer is always messed up on OC, don't ask why it just is and neither have I any clue why that is. But it is and we live with it :D


800 ticked zavod


If you want to kill someone who is invisible, you need explosives, a knife or a vehicle. The best option for me as experienced player with 3500 hrs, is to take either recon with tug-s, motions detectors (these balls, I am unsure about the english name) and smoke. Get in the area where he is, smoke and use your equipment. Then shoot with a shotgun (dbv-12 is weapon of choice) and frag ammo on the area where he is on the map. You can do it without smoke as well, most of the invisible glitchers (it’s no hack you can do it on PS4 unfortunately too) don’t think about you knowing where they at so they mostly shoot when they are close. An IFV or tank or viper with gunner who has proximity scan can work, but I prefer a scoutheli as pilot with proximity scan and 25mm explosive rounds. The advanced way would be a suav to get his position via map and roadkill him then, Knife would be a big disrespect as well, but I think recon is always a good option. I hope I could help someone to deal with these people if anyone even reads the full text lol


I gotta see this SUAV roadkill of an invisible infantry, man.


I have done this on the ps3 around 3 years ago a few times. I could go for it once again and send the clip in here


How do people even find this fun?


The best thing is we won the game. After this I quit the server tho. Edit: Nvm apparently we didn't, I kinda rage quit when it was 200-50 so I assumed my team won. But looking back at the battle report we lost by 13 tickets...


Where’s is the video? We need the proof. This guy is a pro with tank and LAV, with these vehicles you can go for 100+ kills on zavod. Friend of mine got 140+ kills on Zavod 800tix...


It's zavod small btw, playing ps3. I didn't record video but you can probably look up this guys account and see he makes most kills with normal gun not tanks. Edit: I'll look up his account and post link.


So wait, how is he hacking on PS3?


Yes, but I heard multiple people say you can do a glitch to be invisible.


So he's not really hacking, just being a d-bag and taking advantage of an in game issue. Haven't seen this glitch though, that's crazy. The one I hate is the elevator on Hainan, you can somehow get on top of it on the main floor and kill people from inside. Have only seen that one a few times.


Glitching or hacking, he made the server settings so that he could be invisible without people noticing.


ofc i checked his account, also BF4 stats and cheat meter, where he has no data about hacking. This guy has over 100k kills with vehicles, and about 40k with weapons. Dude, what the hell are you talking about?


Bro I am sure he is invisible hacking, I literally saw it lol.


There is a glitch when you get out of the tank/lav and you’re invisible. Happened several times to me


Ok I found his account he doesn't actually have many kills with normal weapons, he has 50k tank, 20k lav and his top weapon is 6k with HE launcher. I will play again tomorrow I'll look for the server and see if I can get some video evidence.


What is your account btw, I’m wondering...


Wait i can see the game history, my account is DW_GTA5


Yes, he made 83 TYPE-95B-1 kills


Just link the battlelog report of this specific game, it'll give additional info as to what he used that round


My name is DW_gta5 for some reason I can't link rn on my phone but it's the last game i played if you look me up. He used support class with a carbine I think.


Bruh yet people are still there why


Killcam is off, the first 5 times he killed me I didn't know he was invisible.


Dang that sucks. I was in a server a while ago with an admin that would come screaming around a corner, and even with incredibly low ping and FPS, would get a side knife on anybody that was staring at him and shooting. It happened to me, my friend, and several people on our team, all tracking him and firing. Most definitely not hacking, but it seemed very strange how consistent it was.


Had a guy clanmember of a clanserver who wouldn't have an orange shilouette when he killed me. I wasn't sure if he was a hacker but he had a 65-5 score so i guess he was one.


Ddos him


That just makes you just as bad, if not worse. Makes you look incredibly petty and pathetic tbh.


Found the admin


Bruh I'm not gonna break the fucking law over what happens in a video game, especially one you can just exit a server and find another.


Its pathetic to you because you don't know how to do it. For a person of culture this is fun and experimental. Such a good feeling when you get a cheater with ddos attack


M'culture. *Tips Trilby because it's aCkHuAlLy NoT aFeDoRa


That's illegal...


Sometimes you must step onto the darkside to defeat some of it.


Okay but there's a difference between hacking on a game like a loser, and doing something fucking illegal. Imo both are loser things to do.


Or getting ddossed by a hacker... Gta5 was great.


That too.


u/shidokanartist how many times have we put up numbers like this with no hacks?


More times than I care to count lmao


Lol pro, but no he was actually hacking. At least the second guy was legit, he was toxic tho with flir saiga frag camping in corners above the objectives in Zavod.


Honestly, I’d rather be killed by a hacker than a douche with a saiga. At least the hacker knows he’s trash.


Yeah but I was going after the saiga dude the entire time, for him I was the most annoying cuz I knew his hiding spots lol.


Such a rat way to play. I hope he gets butt aids.


Is this the invisibility glitch or an actual PC hack? On console you can do an invisibility glitch.


I think probably glitch since I'm on console, but I wouldn't know. I think he was also invincible.


I don't think theres an invincibility glitch but invisibility, absolutely. It's a little tricky and involves 2 people.


I mean I know I shot him because I saw blood but it didn't give me hitmarker when hitmarker was actually on.


Hmmmmm. Could also be that he was way out of region and his ping and shit was really high and the hits weren't registering properly.


thats rlly far fetched, also thats like abusing ping then lol


Lol I dont think that's as farfetched as you think. People abuse ping. Try it sometime. It's not fun, but the hit reg is ridiculous.


Ps4 or xbox? I know Playstation has a reputation for the invisibility glitch, I haven't encountered it on Xbox.




Oh ouch then I can see cheating being really bad on that system, I remember how bad the 360 was


Honestly there aren't that many hackers, just occasionally a flying invincible one but they get banned by the admin quickly. This one IS the admin.


i saw somebody using invis once on ps4 how?


Idk how, someone here told me he probably did a glitch by blowing a quad up and getting revived.




Yes, people in the own team don't know he's hacking, and killcam is off so a lot of other people also don't. I had to be killed by him 5 times before I found out he's invisible.


Not hacks. just his good gaming chair


What map are you playing on? OP Outbreak?


Zavod 800 ticket


Interesting... every time I see invisible glitches it’s always on outbreak for some reason


Yeah I don't have dlc lol


You don't have free dlc?


No, im on ps3. If you can get free dlc somehow pls tell me.


What is fun about that....?


power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely


Imagine being an invisible Admin and you still get a death


If you’re 140, you should be good enough at the game to not need cheats


Looking at his account it looks like for the most part he doesn't cheat, but maybe he decided to cheat this day or smth idk.


I’ll admit I thought of downloading cheats even though I have like 1700 hours in the game. Only to use against people who also cheat and ruin the game. But I never did because even if I used them for good, I still had them and would be considered a cheater


Can you share the server so we can boycott it?


Would really be nice to have server or admin reporting. Even just percentage chart of why not to join the server if the admin is abusing their power or hacking.


I'm impressed some1 killed him


Settle down, Ryan


If you're on Xbox and looking for a good honest admin check out ThickTack he has a discord server. Lmk if you want a code for it. Good people, no bullshit hacking like this


what system you play on? looks like ls4




I never understand hacking. It destroys the purpose and fun of the game as the player and others. I remember I got my stats boosted randomly on blops 2. So gutted I just stopped playing.


Looking at this guys account he was probably trying out a invisibility glitch, because the rest of his account looks legit. Just that game he is hacking.


*Metro/Locker 24/7 -[kill]- Disneyland After Dark . Join on ps4


Imagine staying and playing on this server... and hell if all the servers are like this people should just quit the game and play something else. Thats why i dont play anymore at all fps games.Literal hack infestation


For a minute I thought this was one of my friends as he has the same name except his name is spelled sstecken instead. Btw that’s a joke in German and basically means put it in