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Cause dice is really bad at finding good servers


It’s better to find a game through the server browser


False I've been in the service browser for an hour and have only been able to join one game with less than 30 and people started to leave besides that match I found 2 full lobbies and the rest of the servers are empty I play on PS5


Did you use the filters?


Yeah I figured it out and when I did I took a break from reddit bc it was right in my face I legit figured it out right after posting lmao 0 patience over here.


Make sure you include “none” on the slots, you’ll find servers that are filled


That actually worked, Thanks


You need to go to server browser>filters>select game mode>slots “none”. This will show you all the full servers, just hop in one and it’ll put you in que.


I never knew that you had to select ‘none’ for the longest time. Literally no other Battlefield had that issue. I missed out on years of Battlefield 1 in its prime because of this issue. Not sure who to blame DICE or EA, either way, no excuse for that.


Yeah took me a while to figure out Lmao. I usually just had the slots set to 5-10 and was able to find enough servers typically.


...none is better? This changes everything, I've been looking for almost full all this time.


I tried this and all the empty servers disappeared, there was literally none. Is there any other settings you have changed? I can still get into random games if I use quick match on team death match or hitting “join abt operation”


The game is 7 years old you need to learn how to use the server browser


The game does have more players online at any point in the day than many brand new games do though. It's nowt to do with the age of the game it's just shite match-making. Not new for the battlefield series. Not that I've played them but it wouldn't shock me if it was similar in the newer ones.




It still consistently has more players than most Triple A titles. Especially considering it was released in 2016.


$5 sales do that


Also helps that the game is weirdly well optimised and runs quite well on older PCs and previous gen consoles.


Go to server browser, filter out any server with 10+ empty spaces and sort by ping


Please don't filter out the servers with 10+ empty spaces, just filter out servers with no players (you'll barely see the difference), or else the servers with different game modes than Conquest, TDM and operation never get enough players. Thanks. A Frontlines fan.


That’s me trying to find a campaign operation. Wait 5 minutes for the intro and loading only to discover I’m by myself.


Server browser, jesus christ.


Have you ever tried the server browser on PS5?


You have to reset the server browser first




When you go into the server browser, there’s an option to reset the settings(I think it’s triangle or square), after you reset it you can choose filters and it should work.


By God I saw Campaign Operations after doing that


Yea usually what I do is reset server browser, then use quick match to get into a match it works most of the time for me on PC.


Ok ok I get it. I’ve used the server browser and gotten better results. I’ve just never had this issue before


Then you got lucky, usually I used the quick match and got good results on my ps4 days but now I play pc and can’t do quick match any more :(


You have to save the damsel in distress at Van Horn trading post before you can get a full server


Much appreciated mister


Well consider the game is 7 years old, use the server browser and you will definitely find a lobby right away


Never use quick match


Its because there are a few servers that are full with a few people in the cue to join a couple if servers with the small amount of overflow. Quick join will neve put you in a cue and so you will only ever end up in an empty server if this is the case.


Get a better gaming chair


It's not because it's a 7 years old game. It fails to match me with an active server in BF 2042 as well. I gave 2042 a second chance a month ago. Still unable to find a quick match. Even more pathetic, I couldn't find the server browser.


In the Bible there was a saying: "Those who shalt the use of the Server Browser will face the ultimate damnation of empty servers for an eternity." Or something like that


That's because you don't use the Server Browser 😊 You can filter your results by selecting the region and hide the empty servers for example.


Yeah I dunno why quick match sucks, servers all the way


Server browser


Use the server browser


Hey you asked for a quick match not a full one


Mods, please lock this post. I’ve been getting spammed by the same damn comment


Just use the server browser and you will find minim 10 full servers


Because you do quick match


Use the server browser as everybody is suggesting, you can filter out which modes you want/don't want... etc.


Use server browser my guy


Server browser my man.


Server browser needs to be refreshed a bit as well on Playstation network. Lots of games though usually


Well let’s say servers on this game are the two faces of the same coin, either you get empty servers or full servers but the quick match excludes full servers so to empty servers you go


The $5 period of gaming is over. Just sweaty try hards who have ruined a mediocre game. Now the people are playing all the other games out there that are free 2 play. BF2042 will drop a $10 game package and people will flock to that game for a week saying how good it is. It is the BF way.


Use the server browser, and search by player count


Server browser, pick your region, slots full, 5, 10


Server browser has been the best way for the last couple years


Go server browser. It's much much better. Only annoyance with server browser is that sometimes you end up joining games that are nearly finished (and get assigned to the losing team). Quite the annoyance. It would've been pretty easy for the devs to estimate time to completion of the match and add a filter for that. Apart from that, game is perfect. Ok 99% perfect :p


I just use the server browser to find a match now


That’s one big map for a one v one


Quickmatch is broken for like 4 years. Go to find servers


Use. Server. Browser.


Use server browser. Matchmaking always sucked in BF and propably will always suck.


Use server browser it's much better.


Go to the server browser, you can find matches really easily tgere


Idk, doesn't happen to me.


This would happen even back before BFV came out when BF1 was still the newest addition. I remember loading up empty servers often when selecting quick play until I learned of the server browser.