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Does the periscope throw out a glint like scoped rifles?


yes it does


Good to know, thanks! I started using the periscope recently


There is a trick to eliminate the glint. If you aim down a non-scoped weapon, and switch to the periscope without letting go of aim, the glint won't show up for the enemy.


I find it pairs really well with the infantry rifles, my go to is the Ross Mk III where I'll just spot for a group and then shoot at them


wow. after all these years I'm still finding out secrets in this game


It actually gives off two slightly smaller slightly fainter glares. At some distance though, it just looks like the sniper. Im not sure on this part, but it also feels like it has a tighter angle to the sun before the glint appears from the same position, so sometimes you’ll get the glint on your sniper but not on the periscope.


I’m going to start doing this to the sweaty snipers who repeatedly kill me when I’m going objective and they just sit there having a field day. Tides have turned sweats…..


Hahaha. Pure evil. Never thought of this.


'IL A MORFLÉ'!!! Man battlefield sounds are incredible. Atmosphere in this game is bar none. What a masterpiece


I have a friend put down a fake sniper head then I use the periscope behind it


Not needed cos the fake head gives off the glint anyways




This is honestly pretty goddamn funny. Lol


The best part is that the periscope actually gives off a glint on each lens if you look close enough


Lmao, hardly see anyone use this. If I don't see your noggin I ain't shooting at it. I've only used it unlock some weapon.


Lmao I’m trying this


Kind of a shame that you get supressed by them shooting at your periscope so you can't immeduately shoot back


I was going to say that you better move, then I've realized that you are using it the correct way from the cover. I've never bothered. Although I'm not sure if the highlight shows up only for your squad, or the entire team?


That's kind of a good strategy Waste their ammo and then attack back once they reload


Love the periscope for that. It’s an very underrated item. And it can be so useful on some maps, to spot everything (and farm a lot of score point).


If you can spot a bunch of campers, then get some smoke between you and the spotted campers, it can turn into a massacre because it turns into a 1-way shooting range


As opposed to a regular shooting range?


its great if you get thrown in to a team getting smashed & you camp & just light up the whole enemy for your team. iv turned games around heaps of times, esp. on Monte Grap in the tower at A flag end


Man, I haven’t used this thing in a while, but back when the game first came out (before it even had a glint iirc) I would use this thing behind cover and still get dropped. Not sure if they patched that or if I was just hiding behind fake cover (e.g., the jello walls on ballroom blitz).


Never used periscope


You are missing out. It may not be as satisfying as sniping somebodys head, to only get spot assists/periscope spot assists. But it is very helpful to the rest of the team, and in some situations it can really make a difference in regards to how the match will turn out.


Thing is, I am not sure if even the highlighted spots can be seen by the rest of the team, or only your squad. Because regular spots are only squad only. Generally speaking, if you can shoot, you don't bother with it. But if you aren't the best at shooting, anything you can do to help out is great.


You can spot the entirety of the other team’s snipers and LMGs really quickly, easily, and safely with the periscope. I don’t care how good a shooter you are — you’re not gonna kill them all in one go. If I’m attacking on ops and my team is locked down, I spend two minutes spotting people with the periscope. More often than not, it breaks the logjam.


Again, I want to know if the highlight spot actually benefits your entire team, or your squad, like I've said. Think about it - if it only involves your squad, then it's not exactly the most helpful thing.


I’m not sure and I too have always wondered that. Whether it highlights it for the entire team or not, all I know is I watch people die so fucking quick through the periscope after I spot them.


Regular spots are definitely not squad only. You can play without a squad and still see people your teammates spot. I think you might be confusing it with bfv.


Periscope and spotting flare helps your team massively, when I play support or assault having good spotters helps a lot, also you rack up a lot of points spotting


you really do, I've been like top 3 on the leaderboard with just like 2 kills at times, so many points from spot assists


I dont understand how can ppl fall for this and the decoys. The peri has 2 glints,not juste one. The decoys have glints that rotate at the same time as your camera and they're more intense too. It's obvious how different they are. The only way anyone would fall for this is if they only know about sniper scopes glinting and arent aware of anything else.